I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 130:

The sight of the pirates being dragged on deck was a sight to behold.

That was to be expected.

Otto didn’t treat the pirates like human beings.

There was no way Otto was going to treat them humanely when they had raided villages, killed innocent people, and kidnapped women and children to be sold.

So in the last few days, the pirates had been starving and hadn’t had enough to eat or drink.

Because Otto had given them only the bare minimum of food to survive….

“Who is the most vicious and worst among you?”

Camille asked the pirates who had been called out onto the deck.

“It is I.”

The vice captain of the Battle Hammer Pirates proudly stepped forward.

“I am the most vicious pirate in this crew. Hehehe.”

Despite his captivity, the vice captain was very confident.

He had long since given up on life.

Piracy was a capital offense in any country, and if one was caught, the penalty was death.

He knew that all too well, so instead of begging for his life, he’d rather keep his pride as a pirate.

“Do you all agree?”

Camille asked the pirates.


In an act of good humor, the pirates nodded in unison, validating the vice captain’s heinousness.

“How many evil deeds have you committed that they all agree?”

“If I may be allowed to speak for myself.”

The pirate smiled a twisted grin, proudly recounting his crimes.

“During the ten years I’ve been a pirate, I’ve murdered like it’s nothing, and I can’t count the assaults. Rape was a daily occurrence. I must have killed more than a hundred men and women.”

“… A disgusting bastard.”

Camille glared at the vice-captain with disdain.

A part of him wanted to cut him down right then and there, but he restrained himself.

After all, the judgment was Otto’s, not Camille’s…..

“I’ll give you the number one.”

” Ah, yes, that’s right. Hehehe!”

The vice captain flashed a mean grin of pride as Camille labeled him as number one.

“Who’s next.”


The pirate stepped forward as if he’d been waiting.

“As for me, well, if you are curious enough….”

“I don’t want to hear it, so shut up.”

Camille gave the pirate the number two tag.

“I’m the worst pirate!”

“No, it’s me!”

“You die once, not twice! I am the true evil!”

The venomous pirates, each claiming to be the worse of the lot, took the numbered tags.

“And you?”

Camille asked the cowering pirates.

They were either cowards who feared death, or rookies who had just started pirating.

“Please spare me, I will never pirate again!”

“Please spare my life, I’ve done wrong!”

“I’m begging you, please, please let me live!”

Camille simply tossed the remaining numbered tags to them, telling them to divide them up among themselves.

“That’s it. I’ve roughly ranked them up to number thirty. The rest of them are just dregs.”

“Good work, now let’s get them ashore.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Otto loaded the numbered pirates into the lifeboats and headed for Claw Island.

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“Don’t let anyone down yet. Just wait.”


Otto saw the bow of the lifeboat touch the white sandy shoreline and warned his men.

Then he turned and swept his eyes over the pirates.

“Second most vicious bastard here… you?”


The pirate with the number two license plate replied with a haughty tone of voice.


Otto grinned as he grabbed the back of the pirate number two’s head.

“Let me see how much courage you’ve got.”

“Don’t waste any time, just finish me off.”

“Yeah, I plan to.”

Otto laughed disdainfully, and threw Pirate No. 2 across the white sandy beach with all his might.



With a scream, Pirate #2 flew off and landed in the middle of the white sand.

Immediately, the white sand turned red.

It wasn’t because Pirate #2 was bloodied.

*Scuttle!* *Scuttle!* *Scuttle!* *Scuttle!*

It was because a red crab was hiding in the sand.

The red crabs burst out from their hiding places in the sand, covering the powdery white beach.

*Scurry!* *Scurry! *Scurry!*

With terrifying speed, the red crabs swarm over the downed Pirate #2.

Then they began to mercilessly shred him.

*Clack!* *Clack!* *Click!* Click!* *Clack!*

“Ahhh! Arghh! Arrgghhhhhhhhh!*

A piercing scream erupted from Pirate #2’s throat.

This was the reason why Claw Island remained uninhabited despite its geopolitical importance.

It was a terrifying hellhole inhabited by millions of voracious predatory crabs.




The pirates’ faces grew pale at the sight.

They anticipated being killed.

But not the horrible punishment of being eaten alive by those terrifying carnivorous crabs.

At best, they’d be left to be hanged, and at worst, beheaded.

“They say you’re the most vicious man here.”

Otto said as he approached the vice captain who wore the number one tag.

The vice captain didn’t respond.

His attention was fixed on his subordinate, who was being eaten alive by the voracious crabs.


He was trembling like an aspen tree….

The man who had been boasting proudly about his crimes was nowhere to be seen.

“You, T-This. This is too harsh upon all of us. No?”

The vice captain spoke up, his voice shaking.

“Even when killing, it should be done cleanly. Killing like this is against the principles, isn’t it?”


Otto shook his head.

“You bastards must die a horrible, miserable death. I have a promise to make.”


“To give you the most painful death in the world.”

Otto smiled coldly, remembering what had happened a few days ago.

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A few days ago.

Otto had personally cared for those held by the pirates.

He generously gave them water and food, and went out of his way to make sure they felt safe and secure.

“Sob. Huhuhu. Sniffles”

“Stop crying, Huu… Everything’s okay now.”

Otto walked over to the girl who was crying the most, and comforted her personally.

“You’ll be able to go home soon.”

“Huhuhu. I can’t… I can’t get it out of my head. Sniff.”


“I see… my mom… right in front of me… Sobs. I keep having… dreams… about her. Sobs.”

The girl jerked and shuddered as the nightmare of the previous night came back to life.

The words that came out of her mouth were shocking.

What the pirates had done to her family was too horrific and cruel to even begin to describe.

Beyond anything one could imagine.

Even Otto listening to the story shuddered.


Otto hugged the girl tightly.

“Don’t talk about it. You don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to tell me.”


“It’s okay, it’s all right now.”

Otto stayed by her side for a long time after that, helping her stabilize.

He knew it wouldn’t heal the wounds in her heart that couldn’t be erased.

The girl would be haunted by nightmares for the rest of her life, carrying the horrific memory with her….

“This is so fucked up.”

After tending to the people, Otto stepped out of the cabin for a moment to grind his teeth.

“I’m… pissed… at them for this.”


Otto was uncharacteristically agitated.

He was so angry, the light in his eyes was gone, and he looked cold.

“Why do they have to suffer like this just because they’re powerless? Is it some kind of crime?”

There are many differences between this world and the one that Kim Dojin had inhabited before.

But the biggest difference that Otto noticed was that the weak were not protected at all.

In his world, of course, the poor fell through the cracks of the law and were powerless in the face of money and power.

But it was even worse here.

In this world, being weak meant that you could be trampled on by the strong at any moment.

In this world, the weak were utterly helpless before the strong.

Like the laborers kidnapped by the Argonne.

“I’m not going to kill them lightly, I promise. I’m going to give those inhuman creatures the most painful and miserable end possible, so no matter what they try to do, I won’t stop it.”

“Your Highness….”

“I’ll make them pay.”

Otto gritted his teeth, desperately trying to suppress the urge to kill the pirates right now.

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Otto had kept his word on deck that night.

The pirates were tossed onto the white sandy beach, where they fell prey to hungry crabs.

At the same time.

*Clink!* *Clack!* *Clack!* *Clink!*

While the voracious crabs were distracted by the pirates, Otto made his way across the white sand with his companions.

Normally, Otto would have used a special trick to lure them away, but now there was no such necessity.

The reason?

Because the pirates were providing the perfect bait.



“He… Help me, please, arghhhhhhh!”

Otto walked slowly, the anguished screams on either side of him as background music.

His countenance was stoic.

He wasn’t stiff, nor was he smiling.

He simply strode ahead, with a cold gleam in his eye.

The others followed Otto in silence.

The majesty of Otto’s dignity as he administered this terrible punishment was chilling.

The playful demeanor that was usually present couldn’t be found even if one rubbed their eyes.

Even Kairos had fallen silent.

The group made it safely across the white sandy beach and into the jungle.

“Were those man-eating crabs the reason this island became uninhabited?”


Otto answered Camille’s question with a curt reply.

“As terrifying as those man-eating crabs are, I don’t think it would be too difficult to conquer the island if we had a regular army.”

“Do you think so?”

Otto asked, turning to Camille with a meaningful look.

“How are you going to do it?”

“Shouldn’t we just burn it down with fire-based magic?”

“If that worked, the island wouldn’t still be deserted. People aren’t stupid.”

Otto shrugged.

“Those man-eating crabs… Huh?”

Otto trailed off, his expression hardening.

“Something’s tickling me… Aaah! It hurts!”

“Your Highness!”

“Ouch! It hurts, it hurts!”

“Why are you doing that!”


Apparently, a man-eating crab had managed to sneak inside the hem of Otto’s shirt.


Otto freaked out, pulling the crab out from behind his back and slapping it on the ground.


Kairos snorted in amusement, as if he was asking what the fuss was about.

“You’re carrying such a weight, and now you’re freaking out over a mere crab, that’s….”


Otto screamed as he saw Kairos stomp on the man-eating crab, but it was too late.


Kairos’ steel-toed boot slammed into the man-eating crab.

The result.


There was a small explosion, as if a soybean shell had been detonated, and then the magic unfolded, turning the man-eating crab into two.


Otto rubbed his eyes at the sight and sighed heavily.

“We’re screwed.”

Otto’s words were soon realized.

*Pop!* *Boom!* *Pop!* *Boom!* *Pop!* *Boom!*

The man-eating crab that Kairos had stomped on began to explode and divide.

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