I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 32-1

“Could you give me a one-week time? I would like some time to determine how much effort I should put in, whether it will be in terms of months or otherwise.”

“Well, if you put it that way, I guess I can’t refuse. However…”

Yonggeu flashed a threatening smile.

“You must do your best to satisfy Lord Ventura.”

“If you trust me, I will live up to your expectations.”

“Very well. I will return in a week.”

After Yonggeu left…

“How do you plan to handle them this time?”

Camille asked Otto.

“Well…” Otto gave a cold smile.

“Let’s wait for about three days and then decide.”

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

Three days later, a diplomat from the Vecten country, located about 70 kilometers from the Lota Kingdom, arrived with the same request as the Seoden Territory.

“Lord Fernando is greatly angered by your arrogant attitude. It may be acceptable that you have taken the throne, but why are you continuing to increase your military power? Are you not threatening the security of our territories in the long term?”

“No, absolutely not!”

“How can you prove that? If things continue this way, it will be difficult for Lord Fernando to show you mercy.”

“What can be done to appease Lord Fernando’s anger?”

“Well… if you show some sincerity, Lord Fernando may soften his heart.”

Following Seoden’s country, now the Vecten’s country also demanded tribute to Iota.

“We will provide tribute regularly. Please give us one week.”

“In that case, I will go back to ask for forgiveness from Lord Fernando.”

“Thank you very much!”

After the Vecten’s diplomat had left:

“These people are so shameless. They are like parasites trying to suck us dry.”

Otto smiled coldly.

“What should we do now?”

“We need to show them our true strength.”

Otto replied to Camille’s question.

“We can’t just let them get away with it, right?”

“Of course, I have already planned everything.”

Otto smiled.

“Contact the Seoden tomorrow. Let’s see what they have to say.”

* * *

Two days later.

“Why did you call me? Is there something urgent?”

Yong, the diplomat from Seoden territory, asked Otto when he arrived after receiving the news.

“Yes, it’s not something else… ”

Otto cautiously opened his mouth hesitantly.

“They came from the Beoken territory.”

“What? Those damn b**tards?”

As Seoden territory and Vecten territory were long enemies with each other across the border, it was natural for Yonggeu to be sensitive about it.

“What did they say in the Vecten territory?”

“Well… that’s… ”

“Hurry up and tell me!”

“As we do not need to offer tribute to the Seoden territory, they asked us to offer tribute only to them.”


“I’m being careful to say this, but they said they plan to invade the Seoden territory soon.”

“Is that true?!”

“Would there be any doubt? There is not a single lie in it.”

“These damn dogs!”

Yonggeu, who was taken in by Otto’s blatant lie, could not control his excitement.

“I understand. I will report this fact immediately and come back.”

After Yonggeu left,

“Now contact the Vecten.”

“Are you trying to stir up trouble?”


Otto smiled at Camille’s question.

“they have an uncomfortable relationship with each other. Seoden and Vecten are ready to fight each other if given the opportunity.”

“I agree.”

Seoden and Vecten were geographically close to each other and had similar military power and size.

Moreover, both territories were experiencing rapid growth and were starting to turn their attention towards conquest activities.

However, Seoden and Vecten were in a situation where they were keeping an eye on each other and inhibiting each other, even if they wanted to do something.

“Have you made a decision regarding tribute?”

Steg, the diplomat from the Vecten territory who received the message, asked Otto.

“That’s not it… There’s a problem.”

“A problem? What kind of problem?”

“Seoden territory is telling us not to pay tribute to Vecten.”

“What? How dare they?”

“That…Seoden is planning to launch a surprise attack on Vecten soon.”


“They’re saying there’s no reason to pay tribute to a territory that’s about to be destroyed anyway.”

“These damn b**tards!”

Steg was furious, just like Yonggeu.

“I’ll report this to my lord right away!”

Steg immediately left Lota Kingdom and headed to the Betken territory.

[Fernando, this b**tard is finally showing his true colors!]

[Ventura, how dare this despicable guy dare to invade our land? I will not forgive him!]

Upon receiving the report, Lords Ventura and Fernando were incredibly angry and immediately ordered the mobilization of their armies to prepare for battle.

As a result:

“My lord! There are suspicious movements from the Seoden army!”

“There is news that the Vecten army is gathering!”

Thanks to the almost simultaneous mobilization of their armies, the two forces completely fell for Otto’s lies.

Having been deceived by Otto into mobilizing their armies, and with their opponents preparing for war in sync, the situation had escalated.

“It’s said that a war is about to break out between Vecten and Seoden.”

Camille immediately reported this fact to Otto.

“Yes. They can’t ignore it. Once they confirmed each other’s army movements, they won’t even think about doubting me.”

“That’s right.” Camille smiled.

“Are you planning on waiting for the two countries to fight each other before expanding your territory?”

“Of course.” Otto replied as if it were obvious.

“But it’s boring to just sit around and wait.”

“Excuse me…?”

“Since we’re already in a fight, let’s make it heated. It’s more exciting to watch that way.”

“What kind of scheme are you planning?”

“Scheme? This is just a post-management service for our customers.”


“I contacted Seoden and Vecten to offer them a very valuable information. Then they’ll come running.”

Otto said with a sinister smile.

He knew that because the balance of power between the two forces was so tight that it was difficult to guarantee who would win, it was crucial to have a strategy to exploit each other’s weaknesses.

Therefore, the information provided by Otto was a sweet temptation to both forces.

Rather than suspecting Otto, they were blinded by their greed, making it impossible for them to resist the temptation.

They never imagined that someone like Otto would be able to conquer both forces at the same time.

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