I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 70:

Chapter 70

The Scripture of Reconciliation was in the coffin of the Great Sage Eldologon.

Otto had no qualms about breaking the seal on Eldologon’s tomb.


The sarcophagus collapsed.


Eldologon’s now skeletal remains glowed brightly, and a vision of a white-bearded dwarf appeared.

– The Promised One.

The vision of Eldologon spoke to Otto.

Problem was, Otto’s expression wasn’t very bright.

Of course, the current Otto was too tired.

He was exhausted from nursing and soothing the demented dragon Quran, and he didn’t have the energy to talk to Eldologon’s vision.

He was covered in blood, spittle, and phlegm from Quran’s rotten gums, and he was covered in feces, so he did not look like a human being.

– Why did you disturb my rest….

“Just give it to me.”

Otto cut off Eldologon’s welcoming words and held out his hand.

“I’m a little tired right now, and I want to get cleaned up and rested, so just give it to me.”

– …….

“You’re asking me to use the Scripture of Reconciliation, which you spent a lifetime studying and perfecting, to bring about world peace.”

– How do you know that?

Eldologon looked puzzled.

“I know because I’ve know everything, how could I not?”

– Well, that’s…

“That’s why you made the Scripture of Reconciliation, because dwarves tear each other down, fight, curse, and turn against each other on every single day.”

Eldologon, a dwarven wizard from the Red Anvil clan, was a very unusual man.

The fact that he was a dwarf and had mastered magic and earned the title of Great Sage left no doubt that he was an anomaly.

He was completely outside the norm of the dwarven race.

It pained Eldológon to see the dwarves living in tribal societies, unable to harmonize with each other due to their unique personalities.

Even within their own tribes, the dwarves fought each other on a daily basis, so they were scattered and unable to form a united force.

So Eldológon created the Scripture of Reconciliation, hoping that it would help the dwarves get along and stop fighting.

“Give me the Scripture of Reconciliation,” he said, “and I will build you a dwarven kingdom.”

– ……!

“A paradise where the dwarves can get along with each other and fulfill their creative desires. Isn’t that what you want, Dwarf Eldologon?”

– Yes, indeed.

“And in the center of the capital of that dwarven kingdom, a statue of Eldologon himself will be erected, venerated as the saint who brought about the great unity of the dwarves.”

– Indeed, the Promised One… you have come to me, knowing all this things.

Eldologon realized that Otto had seen right through him, and he acknowledged that he was the Promised One.

He realized that Otto was the one who would become the owner of the Holy Scripture of Reconciliation, an artifact that Eldologon had spent a lifetime crafting.

– Good. I give thee the scripture I have spent my life perfecting.

“Thank you.”

At the same time, a large book appeared in front of him.

[Notification: You have acquired the item <Holy Relic: Scripture of Reconciliation>!]

Eldologon gave Otto the Holy Scripture of Reconciliation, and smiled kindly.

– Promised One. I hope you will fulfill my wish. I firmly believe that you will not use this scripture for evil purposes.

“Hold on to your worries.”

– Then I will trust in you and rest in peace. May your path be filled with glory. May you bring peace to the world with the power of this scripture.

With those words, Eldologon vanished like a mirage.

“Very well, world peace.”

Otto said to himself in a bitter voice.

“Except that millions of people have to die for it.”

Because he knew all too well that behind peace was the blood of countless millions of people.

* * *

After obtaining the Scripture of Reconciliation, Otto rested while being treated with great hospitality by the dwarves.

He was too exhausted to continue down the mountain.

After two days of rest, Otto was presented with a gift by Edham, the chief of the Red Anvil clan and the village mayor.

“Please accept it. This is a gift for our benefactor.”


Otto was a little taken aback by the unexpected gift.

He hadn’t expected to receive a gift at all.

“We give you a treasure that has been passed down from generation to generation in our Red Anvil clan.”

“This is….”

Edham’s gift was a set of armor, flaming red with golden trim.

[Blazing Fire Armor Set]

The armor was forged from iron mined in the mountains of Kashmir.

Created by a dwarven blacksmith who belonged to the Red Anvil tribe, this item is imbued with fire energy.

Type: Armor (Armor Set)

Class: Unique

durability : 5,000 / 5,000

Level Limit: 80

Effect :

– Physical Defense +3,000

– Physical Attack + 3,000

– Strength +100

– Intelligence +100

– Attack +5%

– Spell Power +5%

– Unleash Flames (60 second cooldown)

“The iron mined here in the mountains of Kashmir contains pyrokinetic energy. This armor was carefully crafted by my ancestors, so please accept it.”

“Thank you very much.”

But that was not the end of the dwarves’ gifts.

“Take this, too.”

Edham handed Otto a large sack.

“What is this?”

“I smelted a dragon’s molar. It’s rotten, so I don’t know how much, but there’s enough to make a sword.”

“Why don’t you forge it yourself?”

“As much as I’d like to, I can’t… but to be honest, my tribe doesn’t have anyone skilled enough to work with dragon’s teeth.”


“We shouldn’t be tampering with such a precious material when we don’t have the skills. If you come across a good blacksmith in the future, ask him to make it for you.”

“That must have been a difficult decision for you. Thank you very much.”

Otto admired Edham’s self-control.

“And take this, too. This is a medicine made from dragon dung. Treasure it, for it will save your life, no matter what injuries you suffer. This is a potion of dragon’s tears, which I assure you is a better antidote than this one, and this is an elixir of dragon’s blood, which is good for boosting mana.”

The dwarf.

He did his fair share of carrying the bucket when Quran pooped on the walls and cried.

The dragon’s body had nothing to throw away, and even its poop was worth a fortune.

[Notification: You have acquired the item <Blazing Armor Set>!]

[Notification: You have acquired the item <Dragon’s Fangs>!]

[Notification: You have acquired the item <Dragon’s Scottish Jelly>!]

[Notification: You have obtained a <Dragon Tear Potion> item!]

[Notification: You have acquired the item <Dragon Blood Elixir>!]

“We’ll start mining the new mineral, Liquid Metal, gradually, so give us some time. We don’t have the facilities to start mining right now.”

“Of course I’ll wait, thank you very much.”

“You’re welcome, it’s nothing compared to what you saved us from, Hehehe!”

“I hope you’ll keep up the good work.”

“Of course!”

It was very important to have a good relationship with the dwarves.

They were a technologically advanced race, and there was no harm in getting along with them.

It was also necessary to remain on friendly terms with the Dwarves, if only for the sake of the promise to Eldológon.

“Well, then, I will see you later.”

“Please take care.”

With that, Otto and the others left the caves of Mount Kashmir, being farewelled by the dwarves of the Red Anvil Clan.

“Hmmm~ I’m a baby dragon~ I’m hungry~”

With Quran, the demented dragon….

* * *

After descending from the mountains of Kashmir, Otto and his party stayed another night at the same inn.

The sun had set by the time they reached the bottom of the mountain, so it was better to rest.

They had just finished unpacking.

“Your Highness.”

Camille came up to Otto and reported.

“Amukhan would like to see you.”

“Huh? Is he awake?”

Otto was surprised to hear that Amukhan had woken up.

Even with the treatment he’d received, it was unlikely he’d wake up for at least a few more days since he’d been so beaten up.

“But why is he looking for me?”

“I don’t know.”

“Just tell him to come.”

About five minutes later.


Amukhan, still at half-strength, and the surviving Kongurat warriors, approached Otto.

He dropped to his hands and knees and spoke from a crouched position.

“Amukhan. wishes to see you, master.”


Otto scratched his head at Amukhan’s sudden behavior.

“What’s wrong with him all of a sudden?

But then he remembered something.

“Oh, right. He’s from the Haver Prairie.

For the nomads of the Haver Prairie, there was no middle ground.

You either die.

Or enslaved.

“You didn’t kill us, you spared us, so we have no choice but to become your slaves, that’s the law of the Prairie.”

“Ha- Hahaha”

“I will do my best, to be an unashamed slave to my master in the future.”

Then the warriors of the Kongurat tribe followed Amukhan and shouted.

“We will do our best!”

The people of the Haver Prairie had no great shame in being enslaved.

Of course, being defeated and enslaved by the people who like to use armor would be a disgrace to them as well.


Otto was very puzzled by the fact that he suddenly had a slave.

“What should I do?

Otto didn’t particularly want to have a slave.

Not only because he wasn’t from this world, but also because he was uncomfortable with the idea of people enslaving people.

“You guys aren’t slaves.”

Otto said to Amukhan.

“Subordinate, subordinate.”

“When you say subordinate, are you saying that you will accept me as a member of your tribe?”

“Uh, yes. A member of the tribe, just like you and your men.”

“How can you bestow such a great favor on me?”

In the Haver Prairie, it was a great privilege for the defeated in a duel to become a servant rather than a slave.

It was a sign of great trust to have one’s former enemy by one’s side, to give half of one’s life for the sake of another, in a world of uncompromising weakness.

In fact, it was not uncommon for a subordinate to murder a chief and become the new chief.

Some tribes had as many as 17 chieftains in a single month.

So the meaning of the relationship between a monarch and his subjects was very different from the continent.

“No grace. It’s because I don’t want to be killed by you.”

“My lord. no, my chieftain.”

“Not Chieftain, Your Highness.”

Otto corrected Amukhan.

“You’re my subordinate now, so you’ll have to follow the culture and customs here. It won’t be easy, but you’ll get used to it.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Then I’ll try to be a good lord, too.”


Amukhan was greatly impressed that Otto had accepted him as a subordinate rather than a slave.

He tried to be polite, but he didn’t know the continent’s etiquette, so he fumbled.

“Like this.”

Then Camille stepped in and taught Amukhan the proper way to honor a monarch.

“When bowing to the monarch, kneel on your left knee. Your right hand on your right knee.”

“Right, thank you.”

“Oh, and….”



Camille whispered to Amukhan, very quietly, too quietly for Otto to hear.

“What did you just say, I didn’t hear you.”

“…Screw it.”


“Run away.”

“What, run?”

“Quickly, if you don’t want to ruin your life.”

“Why would you say that….”

Amukhan had no idea why Camille would say such a thing, so for now, he bowed to Otto on one knee.

“Amukhan meets my lord, I will serve you from now on.”

“You do the same for me.”

Otto smiled his best human smile, unaware that Camille had insulted him.

With that, Otto accepted Amukhan as his subordinate and left Mount Kashmir for the capital.


On a horse of the Tatar breed, a specialty of the Haver Prairie.

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