I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 72:

Chapter 72

“No way.”

When Otto saw Ego and the merchants arrive, he thought the worst might have happened.

And he was right.

“And so that happened.”

Ego told Otto that the cargo convoy had been looted.

“Ugh. Ugh!”

Otto exclaimed, clutching his face as if he had a headache upon hearing the report.

‘I knew it.’

Ever since he’d heard the news of the death of Kaisei, the second-in-command of the Kongurat tribe and the one who was supposed to succeed Amukhan as chieftain, he’d known it would happen.


As the leader of the Kerrates tribe, the largest force in the Haver Prairie, he too was one of the 100 Lords.

In the first place, the main scenario of Haver Prairie itself pitted Amukhan, the young chief of the Kongurat tribe, against Togril, the leader of the Kerrates tribe.

“How is it possible for Kaisei to die so quickly?

Warrior Kaisei were Amukhan’s equal in power, a hero unit with enormous potential.

So even if Amukhan was killed or disappeared, they would still be able to fight against Togril.

At the very least, he was hoping they could defend the western trade routes….

‘This just keeps getting worse.’

The butterfly effect of Amukhan’s early arrival had exceeded expectations.

“I know. Who knew that inspiration was lying dormant in Eldologon’s tomb?”

Otto glanced at Quran, who was talking to Camille.

“Who… for what?”


Quran’s dementia had set in again, and he didn’t recognize Camille, who he’d spent the last few days talking to.

“This is another situation I’ve never experienced… I’m so confused.”

This is the world of the game, Territory Wars.

However, it was no longer a question, but a certainty, that the game and reality were not 100 percent aligned.

Although the basic framework and information of the game scenario were the same, it was clear that the flow of the game was deviating slightly.

Since the game and reality are never 100% identical, one small event was triggering a huge butterfly effect.

‘I’ll have to be more careful in the future.’

Otto thought as he kicked Amukhan’s ass again.

“Hey, it’s your fault!”


Amukhan flew off into the distance again, landing on his butt with a thud.

Needless to say, Amukhan was not injured or in pain.

Amukhan is a pretty good fighter, and Otto hadn’t really hit him, just pushed him around.


Otto held back the urge to punch Amukhan.

What good could come of hitting someone he’d accepted as a subordinate?


‘He’s my pal!’


Otto looked back at Ego.

“So you’re saying we’re not the only ones who’ve been hurt?”

“I’d like it to be more than a little, but… we’re pretty much screwed.”

“Of course. Even if we try to make up for it, it’s going to be a lot of money.”

“Your Majesty, what do you suggest we do about it? At this rate….”

“You’ll be screwed, Ego, and I’ll be screwed, and we’ll all be screwed together, hahahahaha, merrily.”

“We have to get revenge. We’ll get screwed if we don’t do anything, but we can’t get revenge on our workers”

“Of course we should.”

Otto’s eyes grew cold.

“Our people, our money, our territory. They’ve touched all three, and you think we’re going to let them get away with it?”

If they had spared the workers and only looted the cargo and trade routes, there was at least some room for negotiation.

But if they’d slaughtered all the workers, there was no room for negotiation.

Even if they made a hundred concessions, it would be impossible to deal with the anger of the bereaved families.

Human life is not worth a few dollars in compensation.

“An eye for an eye. Tooth for tooth. I’ll pay them back tenfold.”

Otto declared his revenge in an eerie, cold tone that was completely uncharacteristic of him.


Because he needed to be ruthless to solve this case.

* * *


The quest window pops up.

[Blood Vengeance].

Description: Recapture the western trade routes and punish those who plunder and slaughtered the merchant group.

Progress : 0% (0/1)

Reward: Goblin Trader Ego’s Gift Box

Note: There are no set conditions for completing this quest, so don’t get too carried away.

“There was a quest like this?

<Blood Vengeance> was a quest that even Otto had never experienced.

[Notification: You have accepted the <Blood Revenge> quest!]

“Well, I’ll just have to rely on you, Your Highness.”

“Of course you will. We are economic partners.”

Since Ego had cut off all his previous business partners and joined forces with Otto, it was no exaggeration to say that they were one and the same.

In fact, most of the Lota Kingdom’s income now came from trade with Ego.

“Let’s go right now.”

The question was time.


Otto asked Targo, a warrior of the Kongurat tribe who had come to Amukhan.

“How long will it take to get to the Haver Prairie?”

“More than a week.”

“That’s right, it’s a long way, so how long do you think Ulaanbaatar will hold out?”

As the home and headquarters of the Kongurat tribe, Ulaanbaatar is of great strategic importance.

If Ulaanbaatar were lost, there would be no way to stop Togril, the chieftain of the Kerrates tribe.

Control of the Khabr Steppes would be completely lost, and revenge would be virtually impossible.

“Do you think you can hold out until we arrive?”

“I think so… but it will be difficult.”


“We’re losing battle after battle… even if we left right now, I don’t think we’d be able to hold on to Ulaanbaatar.”

“And that’s even if we ride the Tatar breed?”



Otto put his head in his hands and winced.

There was no way in hell he was going to make it to the Haver Prairie in one piece.

“How long do you think you’ll last?”

“Not much longer than a week.”

“No, there’s no way we can get there in a week. If we have a wyvern rider, we could fly.”

Wyverns, also known as flying dragons, were monsters that, if tamed, could provide excellent transportation.

“We’re running out of time, but like you said, maybe if we can fly.”

Camille  chimed in as if he agreed with Otto.

“Hmm. Maybe we should buy some wyverns.”

“Is it possible to tame them if they live?”

“That’s right.”

Taming wyverns was an incredibly difficult task.

There was even a profession called “wyvern tamer” that specialized in raising and taming wyverns.


Otto’s mouth watered.

“It would be nice to fly.”

“I sympathize, but.. we don’t have a flying vehicle.”

“A ride that can fly… that is….”


“Yay! I’m a baby dragon! I’m hungry! Yay!”

Quran, whimpering hungrily in the corner, caught Otto’s attention.

“There you are…?”

Everyone’s eyes snapped to Quran.

“I’m hungry! I’m hungry! I’m hungry! I want food! I want food!”

Quran, who didn’t know any better, was still scrambling for food even though he had just eaten.

“I… think we can… fly…?”

Otto was a little unsure, but he decided to give it a try.

A few hours later.

“What? You want a ride?”

Quran, who had finally come to his senses, frowned at Otto’s out-of-the-blue request.

“What do you mean, you want a ride?”

“Yes, sir. It’s none other than….”

Otto explained the situation to Quran.

“I’m in a hurry, so why not? If you give me a ride, how can I warp to….”

“Warp? You mean the super long distance teleportation magic?”


“It’s not that hard… but I’m sorry.”


“I forgot.”

“Here it is: …….”

“You must be getting old, your memory isn’t what it used to be. Oh well. Old age sucks.”

“Oh, no.”

Otto didn’t blame Quran.

“Funny how a dragon with dementia can remember such high-level magic spells.

Indeed, even when he was lucid, Quran was forgetful due to his deteriorating memory.

There was no way he could perform difficult and complex high-level magic spells like the super long-distance teleportation spell in such a state….

“When your head is stupid, your body suffers. Good. I’ll give you a ride.”

“Is that so, old man?”

“You’re taking care of me, shouldn’t I help you? It’s not that hard.”

“Thank you very much!”

And just like that, Otto became a <Dragon Rider> and went to the Haver Prairie.

* * *

The next afternoon.

– We shall set out then.

“Yes, sir. Take care.”

Otto climbed onto Quran’s back, along with Camille, Kairos, Amukhan, and the other magicians of House Kuntachi.

Quran was an enormous dragon, over two hundred meters long from head to tail, so carrying a dozen people was no small feat.

He even had a large saddle(?) that could hold dozens of people, so the ride wasn’t too bad.

The airfield(?) was set deep into the mountains.

If a giant dragon suddenly appeared, rumors would spread across the entire continent.

– It’s been a long time since I’ve flown! Grunt!

Quran grunted and took off.

But the flight was creaky from the start.

*Flap* *Flap*

Quran flapped his wings as hard as he could, but his wobbly body could hardly lift off.

– Pfft! Pfft!

The wings were torn and punctured, and Quran’s strength wasn’t what it used to be, making it difficult for him to soar.

“Uh, old man! Cheer up! Good! Very Good!! Hey, what are you looking at! Cheer up! Cheer up!”

Otto shouted as his fellow passengers grew restless.

“Go, go, go!”

“Woah, woah, woah!”

His coworkers followed Otto’s orders and cheered him on.

Did it work?


Quran finally soared into the sky and began to fly at a high speed on the air currents.


The speed of his flight was incredibly fast.

“Kyaaa. Nice view.”

Otto marveled as he watched the mountains in the distance quickly recede.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

Camille asked Otto anxiously.


“What if the old man’s condition gets worse? If he falls from here, we won’t be able to find his body.”

“It’s okay, I have a plan.”

“Falling to his death, what’s that plan?”

“There is!”

Otto shouted.

About three hours later.

Camille’s prediction came true.

– Awww, I’m scared, I’m a baby dragon! Really scared of heights!

Quran, who had been flying with Otto and the others, had flipped over again as his dementia set in.

– Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!

Quran, now a baby dragon, screamed in terror.

At the same time, Quran’s massive fuselage began to fall at a rapid pace.

The terrified Quran gave up flapping its wings and closed its eyes tightly.

But Otto didn’t panic.

Instead, he pulled a long metal rod from his subspace inventory.

“Watch this.”

With that, Otto pulled a slaughtered pig from a large sack on his saddle and attached it to the end of the pole.

Then he crawled up Quran’s neck and over his head, draping the porky stick over him.

“Good boy Quran, let’s eat.”

– Hmmm Food~?!


– Yay! Food, Let’s eat Dad!

Quran’s eyes flashed open as if he had been frightened.

He’d been so focused on the food that he’d forgotten his fear of flying.

– Gobble, gobble, sipper, gobble, gobble, where are you going?

Quran continued to flap his wings vigorously to eat the pork dangling in front of him.

Thanks to him, Otto and the others didn’t crash and continued flying toward the Haver Prairie.

With Otto driving the Quran, the demented dragon….

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