I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 97:

Chapter 97

After casting their ally to the evil spirits, Otto’s group sprinted into the depths of the forest.

Otto was worried about his allies, but he had no choice.

It was impossible to fight the infinitely respawning evil spirits for a thousand years, after all.

“Pansy! What’s the plan!”

“C’mon! We have to find the armor so we can resolve this situation!”

The key to defeating the Ghostly Forest is to quickly find the <Phantom Armor> and defeat its boss.

That’s why there’s no need to waste time hanging out with a bunch of mobs.

Of course, they needed allies to keep these mobs at bay, so he brought in the elite of the Kuntachi Duchy.

With the assistance of these elite members of the Kuntachi Duchy, Otto’s group was able to quickly penetrate deep into the forest.

‘Eh. We wouldn’t have had to do this if I’d gotten to level 200. What a pain in the ass.’

With the Invincible Emperor’s third power in hand, it would take less than half an hour to clear the Ghost Forest.

Otto regretted entering the Ghost Forest at such a bad time.

But when one has no teeth, one must chew with one’s gums.

‘It can’t be helped.’

Otto brushed aside his regret and continued on his way.

“Release my soul…”

“Come, ye living… into the arms of death….”

As they neared the location of the <Phantom Armor>, more powerful evil spirits appeared, blocking their path.

“We have to fight our way through here!”

Otto shouted.

“I’ll take the left flank.”

“I’ll take the right.”

With Otto at the center, Camille and Kairos spread out to the left and right, forming a triangular formation.

“I hate.. the living… I will not spare them….”

“Let’s go… together… into the mire of death….”

“You will never get out alive….”

These high-level evil spirits were powerful.

Moreover, there were very many of them.

Breaking through was not easy, even for Otto, Camille, and Kairos.

However, Otto’s group defeated the evil spirits one after the other, advancing steadily until they came to a large old tree where the <Phantom Armor> had been lying.

‘There it is.’

Otto’s eyes lit up as he spotted the <Phantom Armor> in the distance.

The <Phantom Armor> was worn by a white skeleton leaning against a large old tree.

When its former owner died leaning against the old tree, the armor was left behind in this forest.

“We’re almost there! Just a little more!”

Otto shouted to Camille and Kairos.

“Die… dIe… diE… DIE… ie… de… DIe… dIE… DIIEE… Die… dIe… diE… dIe… diE… Die… die… DIIIEEEEEE….”

“I’ll kill you… we’ll kill you… kill you… we’ll kill you… death… We’ll kill you… death… we’ll kill you….”

The evil spirits, which must have numbered in the thousands, appeared and attacked Otto’s group.

At which point.

“You will not approach His Majesty.”

“You dare to oppose His Majesty.”

“Those who seek to harm the Emperor will not be spared, living or dead.”

Agatho, Hildegard, and Maximus appeared with hundreds of wraith knights to stand in the way of the evil spirits.

The power contained within the <Phantom Armor> was being distributed not only to the evil spirits, but also to Kairos’ former comrades, creating an unintended team-killing situation.

“Can you handle it here?”

Otto looked back at Kairos.

“You’re not alone.”

“Not alone….”

Kairos looked around at his old comrades-in-arms and smirked.

“Go, Pansy. I’ll take care of things here.”


With that, Otto left Kairos to clean up after himself and moved closer to the <Phantom Armor.>


Because Kairos, along with his old comrades-in-arms, would fend off the swarming evil spirits.

* * *

Kairos and the Wraith Knights fought a fierce battle against the swarming evil spirits.

Though Kairos and the Wraith Knights had the advantage in skill, the battle was tense due to the sheer number of evil spirits.

Kairos, however, did not struggle at all.


Kairos laughed, enjoying himself immensely.

“What are you doing? Wipe them all out! As soon as they resurrect, kill them again! Hehehe!”

A long time ago.

He remembered those days.

Before Kairos had built an empire and taken the throne.

Kairos, still a warlord and leader of a great mercenary group, used to fight alongside his fellow comrades in battle, just like this.

Of course, Kairos wasn’t exactly a force to be reckoned with back then, as he wasn’t even the strongest on the continent.

He was merely one of the many warlords that emerged in those chaotic times.

But those were the most joyous, fun, happy, and idyllic times of Kairos’ life.

He may not have been the most powerful man in the world, but he was most at home when he was with his comrades-in-arms, crying, laughing, and laughing with them across continents.

Of course, he didn’t realize it at the time, but….

“Your Majesty, I’m holding this place back!”

“I’ll kill them all!”

“I’ll crush the skulls of all who dare to cross my majesty!”

And with that, Kairos had a good time facing down the evil spirits with his old comrades from his mercenary days.

“I’ll have to buy Pansy a drink.

Kairos thanked Otto sincerely.

He thought he would never see them again.

And he never imagined they would be together again.

But who knew that hundreds of years later they would meet again and fight together….

For Kairos, it was a very happy time, bringing back old memories.

* * *

Finally, Otto and Camille arrive at the location of the <Phantom Armor.>

However, the real master of the forest and his followers, the evil spirits, stood in their way.

[Necromancer Quinon].

Life Force : ■■■■■■■■■■

Necromancer Quinon, the ruler of the forest, was the former owner of the Phantom Armor, and he was a cruel and vicious monster.

During his lifetime, he was a great slayer who used the <Phantom Armor> to absorb and enslave the wandering spirits of the realm, committing countless evil deeds.

But such misdeeds don’t last a millennium.

In his high-flying rampage, Quinon eventually made the mistake of turning against the Arad Empire, which was at the height of its power, and became a fugitive.

He eventually found his way to the Ghost Forest, where he died leaning against a rotting old tree.

It was a lonely death, but not a fitting end for the wicked.

Quinon had only died from wounds sustained in battle with the Knights who had pursued him, not a miserable, gruesome death.

He had even been resurrected as an evil spirit by the power of the <Phantom Armor> he wielded, making him the closest thing to pure evil.

Evil in life.

Evil even in death.

Evil to the bone, it was as if the phrase existed just for him.

“The living.”

Ghostly voice.

Quinon spoke to Otto and Camille in a creepy, guttural, echoing voice.

It was a voice that struck fear and discomfort into the hearts of all who heard it.

“This is the realm of mine, Quinon. Once you enter, you will never return alive.”

“…Too bad we can’t skip.”

Otto wished there was a skip function, no matter how real it was.

He wished there was a way to skip, because what Quinon had just said was no different than a line in a game.

He’d experienced this world thousands of times through the game, and he’d gotten tired of hearing the same lines over and over again.

“A death here will not be a death at all. Live and you die to me, die as my servant….”

“Shut up.”

Otto immediately grabbed his sword and lunged at Quinon.

What if this was real and there was no skip function?

You just don’t talk to him.

Attack first, pressure him, and give him no chance to spout his lines, and that was it.

“Camille, take care of the other evil spirits!”


Otto entrusted Camille with the evil spirits enslaved by Quinon.

Part of him wanted to leave Quinon to Camille and watch from the sidelines, but he couldn’t.

Camille and Quinon were not well matched, and even on the same level, Quinon had an overwhelming advantage.

In other words, leaving Quinon in Camille’s care was practically handing him a death sentence.

Otto, on the other hand, had a very good matchup with Quinon.

It was worth the hassle to deal with Quinon himself.

“You dare!”

Quinon was very angry at Otto for interrupting him and making a preemptive strike.


Quinone’s sword, which was emitting an eerie aura, was pointed at Otto.

‘That’s it. Try to hit me.’

Otto didn’t bother to avoid the clash with Quinon.


*Clang! Bang! Clang!*

Otto’s sword, which emitted intense auras, and Quinon’s sword, which emitted blue demonic energy, clashed and sparked.

*Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!*

A fierce battle ensued between Otto and Quinon.

“It’s definitely worth doing.

Otto didn’t feel overwhelmed by Quinon.

Quinon was definitely a strong man, but that was only when he was fighting alongside his servant spirits.

As a Necromancer, he was only scary in the company of evil spirits, not in a one-on-one confrontation.

Moreover, Otto had learned something from his fight with Togril, making him stronger both mentally and technically.

‘If I focus on the Invincible Sword Technique, I can overwhelm him.’

Otto relied heavily on the Invincible Emperor’s Sword Technique against Quinon.

And it proved to be the right choice.

“Crack! Bastaard!”

Quinon was no match for Otto’s swordsmanship, which was at least a few levels higher.

Even the spirit on Quinon’s sword was outclassed by the aura on Otto’s sword.

Otto possesses the <Divine Body>, a physical form that allows him to use swordsmanship and magic freely and without interference.

The mana he possessed could be used to damage living creatures and spiritual beings alike.

And most importantly, the possessor of a Divine Body is immune to demonic energy.

Normally, exposure to strong auditory abilities would cause one to hear hallucinations, see things, and be constantly reminded of painful and frightening memories.

But even the powerful auras emitted by Quinon had no effect on Otto.

Otto was the natural enemy of spiritual beings who radiated demonic energy.


Quinon screamed in agony as he was finally cut down by Otto’s sword.

Otto’s sword, which radiated with mana, ripped through Quinon’s spirit body like a rag.

‘As expected, the compatibility is good.’

Otto looked at the writhing Quinone and saw that his suspicions were correct.

If he didn’t even feel the need to use the other powers of the Invincible Emperor, they were certainly well-matched.

Otto continued to pressure and viciously attack Quinon, and it didn’t take long for the match to be decided.


Otto’s sword streaked out like an arrow, piercing Quinon right through the center of his chest.


A sound like burning could be heard coming from Quinon’s translucent chest armor.

“T-This absurd….”

“It’s over.”

Otto said in a cold voice to Quinon, who stared in horror.

“Oh, right.”

Otto added, as if remembering something.

“You’re already dead, aren’t you?”


“Then get screwed one more time.”


Otto’s sword slashed Quinon from top to bottom.

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