I Became A Mechanic

Chapter 169: The Blacksmith and the Alchemist

There were no prepared materials, but Junwoo used the blueprints made.

[Do you want to apply ‘Skill: Mobile Suit Crafting' to this blueprint? When applied, the effect of creating the mobile suit will increase dramatically.]

A skill that can maintain up to three generations is applied, and light permeates the blueprint.

The golden paper radiated even more light.

Junwoo used the blueprint again.

The creation process was re-drawn in mind, and all of it was shared with the robots.

But I couldn't start making it.

The materials were not prepared, and there was no capital.

In addition, some ingredients were not known enough to search the world, so I had to make an effort to find them.

Production seems to take a long time in many ways.

Even if you wanted to sell the doll, you could not easily get it even if you paid for it, so it was a legend level, so Junwoo let out a shallow sigh.

‘Let's do it slowly… ….'

He earned a huge amount every day if it was gold, so it wasn't a big deal.

Still, he wanted to make it quickly, so Junwoo jumped back into making the recipe to earn gold.

Hunting could also bring huge profits, but if there were guests, making a unique + grade sword was the best way.

Only a handful of people in the world could create a Unique+ rank, and only two were Japanese Yoroshi and Otoma, who made swords intensively.

Because of that, Yoroshi and Otoma had been delayed for over a year, and if Junwoo had participated, they would have been able to bring some of the pie.

Junwoo thought so and immediately posted a notice.

Even without much publicity, the news of Junwoo's unique + grade sword was spread around the world through the news.

There were evaluations that other equipment of the unique grade was mediocre, but since rumors about making a sword as good as a single sword was spreading around the world, it was Junwoo who did not stop asking for a sword to make.

When he heard that Junwoo would make a unique + grade, inquiries from clients who had been running around the world poured in from all over the world.

In addition, some people directly inquired about Junwoo's personal cell phone.

[Ikegami: This is Ikegami. I heard that you are making swords again. I want to make a reservation, but how long do I have to wait?]

[Junwoo Lee: It is possible to right now. I think you should come prepared quickly.]

[Ikegami: Then I will go right now.]

Junwoo was slightly puzzled by Ikegami's aggressive text message and tapped it.

[Lee Junwoo: I see. I'll wait.]

Ikegami actually flew into Korea a few hours after boarding the plane.

"You seem to have changed your mind, Lewis."

In the tower's last hunt, Ikegami obtained a sword recipe.

Ikegami asked Junwoo a little while, saying it would take a year to leave it to Yoroshi.

However, Junwoo was unprepared and had to do various research, so he did not take charge of the production.

"Yes, I need some gold."

"ha-ha…, a person with a lot of gold… …. They seem to want to buy even a Legendary level."

"It's not like that, but… …."

Ikegami drew a faint smile.

"It's unlikely, but please don't just fail."

It was Junwoo who refused because he was not confident.

"I will not fail."

Ikegami nodded and opened the trading window.

"Then please."

The recipe and materials were transferred to Junwoo's item window.

"How long will it take?"

"I think it will be three days."

At Junwoo's words, Ikegami's eyes widened in surprise.

It took at least a week for one unique+ grade ottoma, which is said to be the best blacksmith in Japan.

"Of course, you have to make it to know."

Junwoo had made countless unique grade swords but had never made a unique+ grade sword.

"Anyway, thank you… …."


But Junwoo was quite confident.

The sword was well made from the first time I made it.

Junwoo made a good sword when making a normal-grade dagger and a successful sword when making a rare epic sword.

"Then I'll do a little tour of Korea."

Ikegami left the building, and Junwoo immediately moved to the workshop with the recipe and materials he received.

As soon as I used the recipe, the method of making it permeated my mind.

Junwoo, a medium-sized sword using a black Orichalkon, puts Trimia charcoal that melts the Orichalkon and sets the fire on fire.

Taking out the properly ripened ore, Junwoo filled the unique+ grade crafting hammer with mana.

And it was directly smashed into the ore.


The difference between iron ore, titanium, adamantium, mithril, and Orichalkon was in the hardness of the ore.

If there is an invisible defense power in the ore, and if there is only an attack power to break the hardness, the ore expands and expands at the user's will.

Junwoo had magical power with destructive power that could sufficiently increase Orichalkon, and he had mana and recovery power to maintain it.


As the level went up, the robots could handle Orichalkon, but the work speed was not as high as that of Junwoo.


The work continued without a break until the next day.

After elaborate quenching, the blade was sharpened with various whetstones.

I made the shape of the handle required by the recipe and inserted it into the blade.

The sword ended with this, and there was no blemish, so Junwoo ended the production.

Intense light permeated the black, sharp sword.

‘great success?'

[Choose a name for the item.]

It was possible to determine the item's name from the unique level.

If not set, the system assigns a name.


Junwoo listened to Ikegami because he said he saw autumn leaves on the way and asked me to name his sword autumn leaves.

[Brilliant autumn leaves]

A modifier meaning great success was also added, and the sword of Ikegami was thus completed.

When Ikegami was called, Ikegami, with a bewildered face, entered Junwoo's master room.

"Is it already finished?"

"Yes, can I put the sword on the website for publicity?"

"Of course, but… Please delete only the optional part."

"of course."

It was polite to hide the effect of Unique+ grade items.

It was enough to go up on the website, whether the sword was a great success or not, and its value.

The sword fell into the hands of the owner, and thanks to its great success, Junwoo generated more than 100 billion won in profits.

"Thank you for entrusting me."

"I have to give thanks… …. May I ask you again next time?"


"thank you. I'll have to hunt with this next time. Just call us anytime, and we will participate. Lewis."

"Yeah, I'll go with you next time."

Ikegami left the master room with a satisfied smile.

Junwoo went straight to bed and stretched it out, and from the next day, the work of making the sword continued without a break.

Although there was no great success, most of them achieved more than the value of the recipe, and Junwoo successfully made the sword.

At the request of Kim Seong-han, a blacksmith working next to Junwoo's workshop, Junwoo also made a sword in Kim Seong-han's workshop.

The blacksmiths of several associations, including the president of the Blacksmiths Association and Kim Seong-han, who came to hear the rumors, admired Junwoo's destructive power and ability.

"That's a lot of power… …."

"It's the first time I've seen Orichalkon grow like that… …."

The blacksmith association president drew a satisfied smile.

"As expected, he is an amazing talent, and his sword-making skills are no less than that of Yoroshi."

Kim Seong-han, who watched the production of Yoroshi closely, nodded.

He was a Junwoo who never fell behind in his skills.

In addition, it possessed a destructive power not exhausted by Yoroshi.

‘How do you keep that huge mana? … .'

The onlookers were only curious about it.

It was finished by emitting the light of the created black, and from the next sword, Junwoo quietly proceeded to work in the workshop.

The 15 days went by so quickly.

[Junseong Park: A person with a shining crystal of Otun has been contacted! He is a material dealer in Pakistan and has decided to come tomorrow.]

[Lee Junwoo: Yes, I understand. I'll take it. I would like to ask for other things.]

[Park Jun-Seong: Yes! master.]

Special materials of unknown origin were also being purchased one by one.



Day and night, his arms were swung, and mana was consumed.

Around 3 in the morning, one sword was finished, and Junwoo let out a shallow sigh.

"after… …."

Junwoo, who was quite exhausted, lay down on the bed.

Next day.

After welcoming Automail customers, I came out of the trading room and saw alchemist Jeong Cheol-ho waiting outside.

Jeong Cheol-ho, who had a somewhat excited face, opened his mouth.

"I was waiting! master."

Since today was not the day to come, Junwoo greeted Jeong Cheol-ho with a puzzled face.

"welcome. Let's go in first."


The two entered the master room, and as soon as they sat down, Junwoo opened his mouth.

"What happened today… …."

Jeong Cheol-ho hurriedly took out a potion in a luxurious bottle from the item window.

The blue liquid glistened.

"Look at this, Master."

The first potion was brought by Jeong Cheol-ho.

Junwoo took it, just in case, and looked at it.

[Blue Potion of Mana]

-Class: Unique

-Effect: Permanently increases INT by 1 when drinking. [Up to 10 times]

– Item value: 2,000,000,000

-Producer: Jeong Cheol-ho

Junwoo's eyes widened slightly.

It was the discovery of an object called an elixir, a potion with the effect of permanently raising the stats.

"What is the cost of materials?"

"It's not even worth 500 million."

"Is it just intelligence?"

"No, you can create a total of 3 health and agility. The jewels that go into it are flower language jewels. Here is the recipe."

If you powdered 20 billion jewels, you could make 100.

It was a potion that only the rich could drink, but if it was sold, it was something that could not be sold for a while.

Jeong Cheol-ho drew a satisfied smile.

"Without the help of the Master, we would not have succeeded."

There would be no one other than Junwoo who could powder the jewels in the recipe.

"Will it sell well?"

"Yeah? Oh, yes. I will buy 10 bottles at a time."

"We buy items that go into ingredients slowly. And I'll make the jewelry into powder. I'll ask you to sell it, so we'll split the profits in half."

"Oh, I see, Master."

"If there is something made, can I drink it first?"


Junwoo received 30 bottles of potion on the spot.

As I drank one, I felt the taste of a sweet drink.

It seemed difficult to drink all at once, so Junwoo put the rest in the item window.

"It tastes good. You worked hard."

"It's not hard work. It's my hobby. Thank you for your help as always."

Jeong Cheol-ho smiled lightly.

Junwoo looked at the paper with the recipe and asked.

"But what if I add promotion stone powder to this recipe?"

"to? Certainly… It will have a good effect, but promotion seats are… …."

"Would it be a little pricey?"

"Yeah… do you have one?"

"Yes, I have."

There were two promotion stones in Junwoo's item window.

"Wow…, is it a unique level?"

"No, it's Unique+."

The materials that an alchemist dreamed of were promotion stones, and Jeong Cheol-ho's eyes expanded as they grew bigger.

"Wow…, envy, no…, you are amazing."

"Please take a look at this as well."


Junwoo got up from his seat, took out a flask the size of a human body with a peculiar structure from the item window, and placed it on the tabletop.

Jeong Cheol-ho asked carefully with surprised eyes.

"What is this? master?"

An extraction flask with a very unusual internal structure.

It was an item from where the ‘unstable wise man's stone was obtained.

"The flask used by the creators of the Unstable Philosopher's Stone. Take a picture, if necessary."

"Go, thank you! master."

Jeong Cheol-ho got up from the spot and hurriedly recorded the flask with his smartphone.

The purpose of this flask was an unsolvable task even for Junwoo.

When I met the user, Esopia, it was one of the things I didn't want to ask.

It would be difficult for Jeong Cheol-ho to figure out the purpose of this flask, but he was still an alchemist in chemistry, so he was a little hopeful.

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