I Became A Mechanic

Chapter 173: Damage 1

Lloyd, who had harvested the ore, was returning to Earth alone.

When he saw a flying car of the same model as Junwoo approaching, Lloyd stopped the flying car.

As they crossed each other, Kim Deok-cheol hurriedly opened the window.

"Lloyd! A crack has arisen in Pyongyang, and I am now on my way to the Earth Plaza under the command of Master to bring everyone along!"

"Okay, I see. Let's go back first."

"Yeah, but I told you to bring the golems too."

Golem listened only to Junwoo and Lloyd.

Lloyd took out a fist-sized sculpture with a special pattern made of mithril from the item window and handed it to Kim Deok-cheol.

"Show me that, and the golems will listen to Deok-cheol. Don't bring friends near the tower. Just bring Kakan, Fther, and Homme."

"Yeah! Let's go then!"

"Yes, be careful."

Lloyd hurriedly stepped on the accelerator.

No matter how far they moved, a group of people with mysterious energy were running in the direction of Lloyd.

Lloyd, who was about to pass by slightly bending the steering wheel, saw the Dark Star's submasters, Oh-ryeong and Bracken, running towards him.

For a moment, Lloyd's brow twitched.

At that moment, Oh-ryeong jumped and slammed his fist into Lloyd's flying car.


All the windows cracked, and Lloyd opened the car door and stepped outside, looking up at Oh-ryeong.

"Where are you guys going?"

Oryun laughed.

"It's been good. I can kill you first, then even Leon and the bitch. They smashed the golems one by one."

They seemed to be checking Lloyd and the people passing through the gate.

Lloyd looked at Oh-ryeong calmly and asked.

"Let me ask you one thing. Did you send someone to the Master too?"

"Chief, Master? Oh, that guy, the Master must have dropped his neck by now?"

Lloyd's silver hair was lifted by the mana that flowed out.

"Oh, you live? Are you worried about your boy's owner? Don't worry, you will also send… …."

In an instant, blue mana gushed out of Lloyd's body and disappeared from Oh-ryeong's sight.

‘Were, no… front… ….'

Lloyd's blazing blue fists pierced Oh-ryeong's face.


Oh-ryeong's face was distorted, and he flew with grain and smashed several thick trees.

The dragon's eyes widened greatly.

‘this… this child? What? What happened?'

As he hurriedly tried to get up, Lloyd's fist slammed into Oh-ryeong's face again.


With an explosion sound, the dragon flew away, and while following the flying dragon, Lloyd slammed the dragon down with his knee.


The mana exploded, and the trees around it exploded as if a bomb had exploded.

Bracken, the tank, hurriedly joined, and about 20 Dark Star guild members rushed in.

However, he could not stop Lloyd from burning with blue mana.


Explosions continued to explode, and the surviving Dark Star's guild members fled in all directions.

A few corpses were scattered here and there, and the super-corpse Oh-ryeong smiled, showing its smashed teeth.

"Heh heh, that's ridiculous. A homunculus is stronger than its owner… That's why I couldn't touch the legend… …."

"It's rude to compare me to you."

"Is that… damn legend… …. Bracken! You, too, will survive."

Bracken, who was approaching with her shield, stopped.

At that moment, blue mana gathered in Lloyd's hand, and it landed on the face of Oh-ryeong, who was holding it by the collar.


With the explosion, Oh-ryeong's body was torn apart and restlessly on the floor.

Lloyd stood up and looked at Bracken with a fat face.

Bracken spoke in Chinese.

"Come on."

"Let's quit. Dealing with your guy is a waste of energy."

Lloyd quickly passed Bracken and boarded a flying car with a broken window.

Bracken approached the corpse of the dragon and put it on his shoulder.

Lloyd glanced at Bracken like that and stepped on the accelerator.

‘Are you okay?'

Bracken alone would not be able to deal with the people remaining in the square of the Earth.

As the blue light wrapped around Lloyd's body disappeared, Lloyd breathed a harsh cough.

[‘Battle Mode' ends.]

[All stats have been reduced by 19 according to the duration of battle mode.]

"Cough! Cough!"

Blue blood gushed out of his mouth.

Wiping it with the back of his hand, Lloyd let out a shallow sigh.

"Argh… master… …."

Lloyd was very worried about Junwoo.

* * *


The fireball blocked by someone's great sword and hit the broadcaster was cut off.


The heat passed behind me, and the camera on my shoulder melted.

‘who? Are you Leon?'

The broadcaster who fell looked up at the man with the big sword who saved him.

190 is likely to be. He wasn't Leon.

It was Kang Seok-Jun, the gate that once drove Daegu into fear.

He was a man who had grown up at the gate from birth and killed more than 80 guild members who managed Daegu because he could not properly adapt to modern civilization.

‘Smash! Kang Seok-Jun!'

He was also a man who was arrested by Choi Jeong-han and Choi Shik-Hyeon of Daehan and received an education program for nearly eight years in prison.

He was released two years later, but because of a big crack, the top officials immediately turned to Kang Seok-Jun for help, and that's why he came here now.

Kang Seok-Jun looked down at the broadcaster and Junwoo, who was fighting as if he was not interested.

‘Lee Junwoo… Dangerous.'

After making a decision, Kang Seok-Jun quickly approached with a sword.

Quickly clinging to it, Seok Jun Kang lowered his sword at Linqiao.



Kang Seok-Jun, who had only hunted at the gate for nearly 20 years after he was born, knew at a glance who the captain of this place was.

"Hey, I know who you are. Korean monster. As I heard, it is quite heavy."

Dark Star secretly sent someone to Kang Seok-Jun to offer him a scout.

But Kang Seok-Jun refused.

At that time, I learned about good and evil in the education program, and Dark Star was a group that represented evil.

"Black Star."

Kang Seok-Jun's sword was loaded with mana, and he shot Lin Qiao down again.


As the sound of a bang and dust spread around it, Junwoo looked down at it.

He did not know who it was, but he was a warrior who felt more than Leon.

Thanks for helping, but it was difficult to turn the situation around with that one person.


With the sound of a wave, Seok-Jun Kang went far away, and Liu Wei, who moved quickly, approached him.

As Liu Wei, who had escaped the sword, cut off Kang Seok-Jun's body and ran around to avoid it, blood spurted on Kang Seok-Jun's forehead.

Kang Seok-Jun, the type of person he doesn't want to deal with, put in his sword and raised his shield and sword.

Then Liu Wei's attack stopped.

A meaningless battle raged between the two, and Lin Qiao's ax touched Junwoo's body again.


Junwoo, who fell to the floor, tries to rise again, but his shoes are too heavy due to Hwang-Jeong's skill, so his feet are fixed on the ground.

Wang Bang, who had been released from bondage to such Junwoo, rushed quickly with his shield in front.


Energy bullets couldn't stop him.

A self-destructed wolf ran and exploded in front of his shield.


Hwang Jung, who was watching from above, united as Wang Bang, who was rushing, was caught up in the explosion and flew away.

"Five? Blowing away that old man's charge skill… That's great. By the way… …."

Hwang Jung-eun looked around.

‘I have to hurry; the little things are gathering.'

Hwangjeong looked at Takane, who was bewildered.

‘It doesn't work… Takane's rigid skill.'

Not only the rigidity, but all the curses did not work.

‘Let's see how many times we can hold out… ….'

– hehehe

The girl's ridicule was now Takane, which sounded like hallucinations.

At that time, the broadcaster who ran away had their eyes widened.

Because people who had never seen one were flocking in a row.

Their expressions looked quite wretched, and some had their arms and legs made of titanium.

When they saw the broadcaster, they pretended to know.

"Oh, is your boy alive?"

"I enjoyed the show."

"Don't be too resentful that we were also gathered to go."

There seemed to be well over a hundred people.

But the broadcaster, who was a wizard, knew.

That these are just moths that leap into a wood fire.

"I can't go… …. At least rare, no more epic… …."

"We also have skills, so we can do about 1 damage."

A man stepped forward with a satisfied smile.

"One is enough. If you can create a momentary break, that's enough, Master-sama. Aren't you a long-distance dealer?"

"Let's speed up slowly! This puts our hero in danger."

"Let's go!"

They gathered on foot and started running.

A man walked past the broadcaster and said:

"I'll subscribe to you next time. If you survive… …."

Whispering behind his back, he hurriedly ran to avoid falling behind the ranks.

The broadcaster blushed and took out the smartphone hanging from his neck.

The screen was broken, and the camera looked fine.

The broadcast turned on again.

Viewers filled up quickly.

The running people got on the radio, and the broadcaster, who had been silent, opened his closed mouth.

"Do you see it? We can do it too."

Pointing at the camera, the broadcaster changed the title.

The station's title was ‘Damage 1'.

The broadcaster flashed them as they ran, then saw a group of people running at high speed.

The guild members, including Do Jae-woon and Park Bo-Hyun, wore the Aegis mark.

Junwoo was attacked and confused, but he could feel hundreds of people gathering from all directions.

But they are so weak. A voice filled with mana exploded from Junwoo's mouth.

"Don't come! I don't need your help!"

People stopped walking a little at Junwoo's resounding voice, but they didn't stop.

Linqiao said, wielding an ax at Junwoo.

"It looks like your mana is still relaxed."

After dodging the attack, an arrow flew and hit Junwoo's chest.

As he pushed back, Junwoo shouted one more time.

"Do not come! Interfere!"

At that time, a man who had already arrived rushed towards the swordsman Geum Deok with his sword and shield.

"We can do it too!"

Geum Deok threw away his shield, rushing at him lightly, and put a spear in his side.

A man caught on a spear pierced his side and floated in the air.

"normal? Or no accessories?"

Geum Deok pulled out the spear and immediately put the spear pole in his chest.



He fell to the floor, vomiting blood, and Geum Deok ran to Junwoo with a puzzled face.

‘Live and live, the normal is running at you… ….'

This time, the magic flew and hit the golden deok.

Although he deliberately did not avoid it and was hit, Geum Deok's upset head turned to him.

"Come on, if you wish to die."

The golden spear that disappeared in an instant pierced the wizard's heart.

Then, it pierced the side of the warrior who was rushing from the side, and the spear was pierced dozens of times in less than a second in the body of the swordsman who rushed in.


The swordsman, who collapsed with blood spilling all over his body, screamed and looked up at Geum Deok.

"Okay… stop… …."


"Where… dare."

Zhao Ming's gigantic fire whip was swung by dozens of rushing men.


The flames scorched and melted their armor and even scorched their skin.


A scream erupted, a fire whip struck down, and a man fell to his knees in flames.

In addition, several arms and legs were cut off by Liu Wei's sword, and people were pierced through the body like skewers by the sharp stone that rose from the floor and caught on the tip of the stone.

Rain of arrows poured down on their struggling bodies.


Even amid the chaos, their goal was Junwoo, and the attack continued.

"stop… …."

Junwoo's Mana Po headed towards Geum Deok, who was attacking people.


Geum Deok, who had escaped, pierced the person's abdomen, and an ax was pierced into Junwoo's shoulder.


Junwoo's knee slammed into the ground.

When the ax that had been properly inserted was lifted, blood spurted slightly on Junwoo's shoulder.

"Twitter, the bugs are swarming. Let's finish it quickly."


"Run away! master!"

A guild member with a sword rushed at Linqiao using a skill but was simply blocked by a double-edged axe.

And in an instant, an ax filled with intense mana was swung around the nape of his neck.


Huge damage has been done.

Critical attached to items and skills.

The swung ax was accompanied by a strong wind, and the two pieces were blown backward.

"Things that can't work together like this come rushing in without knowing the subject. What do you mean if it's not a bug?"

At that moment, Junwoo's vision stopped.

There were so many people dying, and there were so many dying lives.

His vision was dyed into darkness, and a single gray cog was visible.

One gear turning.

Several meshing gears flew in and fit into the structure at that time.

And a countless number of gears turned together as one.

[The Properties window has been expanded.]

[‘Talent: Limit Release' has been granted.]

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