I Became A Mechanic

Chapter 177: D-Day (1)

"We are bringing you the current situation as breaking news. As you can see in the video, Lewis has installed eight missile-launching structures called towers at regular intervals.

A video filmed by a civilian living in Kunming has gone viral worldwide.

People filming videos at the windows of high-rise buildings were excited and busy posting on social media.

Lloyd looked around and held out his palms towards them.

Mana gathered, elaborate mana stretched out, and collided with their cell phones as they were filming.


Lloyd, who only smashed his phone, looked around.

"It's quieter than I thought. Master, are we afraid of our position?"

"I see. I'll be back for a while."

"Don't go too far, my lord."

Junwoo lightly nodded and flew slowly, holding a mana cannon in one hand.

The executives were meeting not far away from the Dark Star's guild building.

Junwoo, taking a slight leap, fell to the floor at the approaching energy.

I saw Lin Qiao walking alone through the forest of buildings.

And I saw people jumping like grasshoppers to the roofs of buildings everywhere.

Lin Qiao, not holding a weapon, approached and opened his mouth.

"You have great confidence. I will come here on my own feet. Thank you for saving me the trouble of finding it."

Junwoo answered in Chinese.

"I wanted to run away again."

"Isn't your skill to run away? If the situation is unfavorable, I will run away again. Abandon your men behind you."

"That's what you did."

Linqiao's eyebrows twitched.

"The royal shield sold well; I hope you get your ax today."

With a line of blood growing out of his forehead, Lin Qiao looked at Junwoo and cooled his anger.

"You're cheeky… …. I will definitely kill you."

"You'd better look forward to today. I'll give you back what I've been given you."

"Do it wherever you can."

"Yes, I will."

Junwoo's Mana Po turned to Zhao Ming on the rooftop on the right.


When the explosives, like the start signal, exploded, the long-distance units on the roof started to attack, and the melee units quickly approached from the land.

As he flew lightly, Junwoo headed towards the tower, but they did not stop and pursued him.

The energy was contained in the marbles or batteries at the top of the tower, and they started firing all at once.


A few people rushed like ants and fell off the tower, but more than a thousand people surrounded and approached.

Lloyd looked around them from the Lloyd's Tower he had built with a faint smile on his lips.

"It's bubbling. Come on, then charge, Homme."

Homme rolled towards the side that had the most people running at him.

Homme's body, rolling and rolling, glowed red and collided with the enemies.


The rolling Homme blew up or crushed dozens of people and then stopped rolling when the man with the shield collided with it.

Homme, who stopped, jumped and fell as fast as a meteorite towards a crowded place.


Two people were crushed, and a few people around were thrown out.

Homme mercilessly slapped the face of the crushing target, and while being attacked by nearby enemies, he mercilessly knocked him down.

ting ting ting

Even as they hit, they could feel it.

No matter how hard they try, they can't do serious damage.

"… … ."

It was death to see them run away, so they left Homme alone and ran towards the tower.


The powerful projectile that was fired without mercy was at a level higher than that of a unique-class wizard.

Even if there was space to approach, Kakan opened his arms and blocked the front, and a huge Fder kicked them and blew them away.

Still, some hit the tower with their weapons or ranged magic.

A scratch appeared, and the reinforcing bar was slightly crushed.

A tower that will break if you take accumulated damage.

At such a tower, two repair robots fervently fired lasers for treatment.

When the dented reinforcing bar returned to its original state, the face of the person who hit it was dented.

‘What the hell am I fighting with… ….'

After a moment's hesitation, energy bullets from the tower hit his body.

His body was thrown away by the energy bullet, and Leon jumped over it and lowered his bayonet.


Leon, who had crushed his body as he hit the floor, turned around once, and enemies from all directions collided with the great sword and fell.

Bang! bang!

And in the subsequent down shot, the shoulders of the enemies were crushed without mercy.


Those with a rare rating were not a match.

At least, it was to the extent that the attacks of Epic-level people were in the way.


When the arrow hit his shoulder, Leon slightly lost his balance, and at that moment, Liu Wei caught on and cut Leon's side.


Leon's eyes turned to Liu Wei.

"Welcome back, boy."

Lloyd looked at Leon, who was chasing Liu Wei and then reached out to Lin Qiao, who was approaching Junwoo.

Mana gathered a powerful shock wave was emitted, and Linqiao's body flew far behind him.

Lin Qiao, who stopped by destroying the building, rushed back and attacked Junwoo, and Lloyd blew up Lin Qiao with a shock wave every time he turned cool.


Lin Qiao, who flew backward, bit his teeth.

‘These guys… ….'

Linqiao was not being attacked by either Junwoo or Lloyd.

Linqiao's known occupation was a Berserker, the type that became stronger as he received attacks.

‘Okay, let's try it somewhere.'

Linqiao tilted his neck at an angle.

Then, he changed the direction of the blade of his two-handed axe and slashed it powerfully on the nape of his neck.

After repeating it a few times, his flesh broke out, and blood spurted out.

And when Lin Qiao's eyes turned red, and a pale red pattern appeared on her face, Lin Qiao rushed toward Lloyd and the tower with explosive speed.

With a slightly startled expression on his face, Lloyd pointed the tower at Linqiao and held out his palm.

Eight energy bullets flew towards Linqiao, but Linqiao leaned back lightly to avoid them all and tried to slash the two-handed ax in front of Lloyd's head.

Lloyd looked at Lin Qiao, who appeared before him, and drew a faint smile.

"Awesome, but come back."

The created defensive robot used a skill to grab Linqiao's back.

Lin Qiao pushed back and shouted.

"Dispose of scrap metal!"

Even so, they were dealing with the defensive robots first.

Junwoo, who was floating, was fighting hard using his skills, and at that time, a Butte with black wings appeared as he quickly cut through the air.

Below that, Maro and the black-lipped woman who followed held out a wand.

When the skill was used, the woman showed curiosity.

– hehehe


When Butte almost reached Junwoo, a blue light was drawn next to Junwoo, and the space opened.

"Help me, Iron, Ella."

The space over 4m in length was expanded and pointed silver legs that looked like they were wearing shoes appeared in the space.

Iron came out with a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, a gift from Yoroshi.

And Ella came out floating in the air with a huge staff.

As an ogre-sized golem pierced through the space, the enemies' pupils widened.

Hwang Jeong, good at detecting mana, saw the two aircraft, and her pupils vibrated rapidly.

‘Louis… Not legendary…, was it a higher-level existence?'

Two summoning bodies went beyond common sense.

Hwangjeong had never seen a summoned body with such powerful energy.

It was the same with Butte.

‘On a human subject… This man must not be left alive.'

Butte disappeared and tried to lower the sword in front of Junwoo's nose.

At that moment, Ella's staff wriggled.

A tremendous amount of pressure pressed down on Butte's body.

Butte's body fell to the ground, and her body was crushed.

On top of it, a self-destructing robot was dropped along with Junwoo's mana cannon.



Ella flew away and waved to her staff.

As pressure was applied to the bodies of the enemies around them, the beings who could not stand it fell to their knees.

The defensive robot kicked the kneeling opponent's head, and the Iron moved quickly and drew a sword.


At the same time, the Iron, which hit the sword in the face of several kneeling subjects, approached Linqiao with a shield.

"Dare you on the subject of scrap metal… …."

Linqiao's two-handed ax slammed into Iron's shield.


A huge pounding sound was enough to emit a powerful impact, but Iron endured the impact and threw out his sword.

Linqiao leaped, dodging the sword, and slashed his ax in the face.


However, the slightly raised shield only blocked the attack.

Iron pushed back Lin Qiao with his shield and quickly slammed Lin Qiao's body down in the air.


Once, Linqiao's body hit the floor and bounced off.

In less than a second, the Iron disappeared in an instant, and a blue light drew on Linqiao's body.


Linqiao's body flew away without mercy and was thrown into the building.

Lin Qiao, who ran out through the rubble, was caught by Iron, and Zhao Ming whipped fire at Junwoo, who floated in the air and bombarded him.

The flames that seemed to be connected to the train fell over Junwoo's head at a tremendous speed.

However, when Ella's staff shook, the shield was lifted to protect Junwoo's face.

Meanwhile, Junwoo fired a guided missile at Butte, which was about to rise toward him, and fired a mana cannon.

Butte, who protected her body from missiles with her wings, flew up again and charged at Junwoo.

As the powerful sword swung, Junwoo's body disappeared.

And when Butte turned his head to the side, he saw Junwoo shooting mana cannons from the window on the 6th floor of the building.


Butte collided with his body and fell far away while Junwoo attacked the target he could kill.


One by one, their bodies were pierced, and they fell to the floor.

Ella, who flew through the air, held out her staff.

Enormous energy gathered at the wand's tip, a sphere forming a white circle was generated, and sparks were splattered.

As the staff pointed downwards, a sphere the size of a man swept across the ground and flew towards the enemies.

Those who collide are electrocuted and burned, and those hit in the front are burned, losing consciousness and dying.

Then, as the staff shook, a powerful thunderbolt fell and landed on their heads.


The criminals' bodies were scorched and burned to black when a lightning strike hit the head.

As if stunned or dead, they didn't move anymore.


They were killed by Junwoo's attack with a confirmed kill, and Kwon Do-hyeok, who arrived at the battlefield, approached with arms outstretched to catch Junwoo.


Kwon Do-hyeok, caught in the explosion, fell to the floor and spewed blood from his mouth.

‘I've become stronger than before… It's beyond imagination… …. Damn, I'll have to destroy that first.'

Kwon Do-hyuk looked at the tower and approached it.

As Kakan blocked the front, Kwon Do-hyeok, who had blown up Kakan, was about to throw his fist at the tower when something approached from the side.

When he turned his head, he saw Lloyd's fists blazing in blue light.


Kwon Do-hyuk went out with a shock enough to distort his face.

‘Is this… that you killed the dragon… ….'

Lloyd showed up and dropped his knee.

"I will kill you with my own hands."

It all started because of the movement man's following, but it was Kwon Do-hyeok's choice to approve it and put it into practice.

Kwon Do-hyeok persistently bullied Junwoo along with Oh-ryeong on the Russian front.

The life that went to Oh-ryeong was Lloyd, who headed toward Kwon Do-hyuk this time.


Junwoo's gaze turned to Lloyd.

‘Lloyd… ….'

Kwon Do-hyeok responded to Lloyd by biting it.

However, Lloyd was ahead in all his speed and strength, and even his technical fighting sense was being pushed behind.

‘In this case… ….'


In addition, Kwon Do-hyeok was restricted from moving due to the support fire of Junwoo and the tower.

As Lloyd approached, Kwon Do-hyeok's face distorted.

‘What the hell are the others doing… ….'


The body flew backward, and Kwon Do-hyeok's gaze turned to the side.

I saw Junwoo running away from Butte and aiming for him, and Lin Qiao facing off with Iron.

In addition, the presence of Ella, who controlled the attack and defense by using unknown skills, seemed too large.


Kwon Do-hyeok's body was hit by Junwoo's energy bullet and rolled on the floor, and Lloyd's knee was slammed down on it.


And Lloyd's fist, lifted near his head, fell straight down on Kwon Do-hyeok's face.

‘Damn it… ….'



Kwon Do-hyeok's neck was severely broken, and the back of his head was nailed to the ground.

As the blue light wrapped around Lloyd's body disappeared, blue blood gushed out of his mouth.

"Cool… let's put it together one by one, Master."

At the death of Kwon Do-hyeok, the nearby Dark Star guild members and their followers swallowed dry saliva.

At the moment, when some are looking at them and trying to take a step backward.


There was a huge bang, and Iron's body flew off and crashed into the collapsed building.

People looked at him fiercely at the sight of Lin Qiao, whose eyes and face were even redder with the patterns engraved on them.

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