I Became a Mother in Another World

Chapter 13: Destination

It was when they were about two days away from the Capital that it happened.

They were pushing themselves to get to the capital faster. With little rest for everyone except Manu. Samaya pretended to be asleep at times. But she was vigilant for most of it. She did sleep. It was only at those times she was sure Han Qin was awake and sharp. Her instincts told her that he would protect her child if nothing else. And she had learned to trust her instincts a long ago.

It happened just as dusk was settling in. For once, Manu was not in the carriage with her. He was riding with one of those brothers. The older one. She was still wary of them. But Manu had been cooped up in the carriage for so long. She thought it wouldn't hurt to let him ride outside as long as she kept an eye on him.

So she did. She always kept an eye on Jim even if she was looking around or talking to Han Qin, who was just about the only one willing to speak with her for more than one minute.

Still, she heard the whistling of the arrow as it flew through the air before she saw it. She turned a minute too late.


She was flying out of the carriage before she even knew it. There was a loud thud. She watched as both Manu and the man holding him fell to the ground.

She forgot everything else as she ran to her child, blurring past everyone else. Her knives were out of her sleeves and in her hands, as she used them to deflect arrows coming her way while running to Manu. She dropped herself to the ground as soon as she reached them.

Blood. There was blood falling to the ground, and Manu’s light green clothes had red spreading across them like the first blooming of the spring. Samaya’s blood was roaring in her ears as she grabbed her child and pulled him out of the tight grip of the man.

“Manu, Manu, sweetie… you, gods, you’re bleeding!” She ran her hands over his body frantically.

“I’m fine, mama. The nice mister protected me.” Her precious child patted her face, trying to calm her down. But it was only after she had reassured herself that the boy was not injured by patting him all over his body that she turned her attention to the man beside them.

He was standing in front of them protectively. The first thing she noticed was the arrow lodged into his back. The second thing she noticed was him using his sword as a conduit to expel bursts of energy to disperse the arrows coming their way. That was when she noticed the barrage of arrows raining down on them from all sides, which the men of their entourage were trying their best to repel.


Damn it!

She had been so focused on Manu that she hadn’t even noticed the enemies surrounding them. She had never been in a situation where her child was so directly endangered. She had never really had to protect anyone in combat, let alone her own child. Seeing him in danger and the blood surrounding him, her mind had gone blank and instead of seeking shelter she had dallied trying to make sure he was okay. It would have been a fatal mistake if not for their protective companions.

She gritted her teeth. She knew Ah-Liu was around somewhere, just itching to join the fray and kill all the assailants. She just had to give the signal. But Manu was more important. She needed him to get Manu away. Then she could come up with something to deal with the situation.

She parted her mouth to call him. However, before she could, the arrows pressing down on them from all sides suddenly stopped. She could hear faint thuds and screams from the woods that the assailants were using as shelter. Her heart lodged in her throat. God, did Ah-Liu actually go and kill them? If so, she would have some trouble in her hands.

Just as anxiety started to settle in, several black-clad figures jumped out of the woods. Samaya tensed. Were they attacking head-on now? Her hands around her knives tightened as he braced herself for an attack.

“It’s alright.” The man in front of her - she should really make an effort to remember their names by now - spoke up. “They’re Shadow Guards, His Majesty’s secret guard.”

Samaya exhaled heavily and slumped on the ground, pulling her child into her arms. At the same time, the man also sat down on the ground. Seeing the blood running down his back, she sighed and shouted, “This one needs help!”

Her call attracted the attention of everyone in the vicinity. There was a long pause. She frowned before she tsk’ed irritably. “What the fuck are you guys waiting for? I said he needs help!”

And apparently, that was enough to spur them into action. Two of those guards walked to the guy and gently pulled him up before leading him toward another space, presumably to take care of his injuries. Meanwhile, Han Qin approached her.

“Are you alright?”

“Are they dead?”

They both spoke at the same time.

“I’m fine.”

“Most of them.”

Their responses also came at the same time.

She sighed softly before gesturing at him to go ahead. He nodded. “Most of them. The Guards managed to catch a few. They will be interrogated.”

“That’s good.” She said before she saw his questioning gaze. She gave a half-sarcastic smile. “I’m fine.” And when his eyes flickered to Manu, she added, “He’s alright too. Just shaken.” She said as she tightened her embrace around the shaking form of her son.

“When do we leave?”

“In a while. It won’t take long.”

“How long until we reach the Palace?”

“Two days, at most.”

“Good. Let’s go.”

At long last, they stood at the gate of the Palace. Well, one of the gates. Samaya was pretty sure this was a gate which was not common knowledge. It made sense, considering that a prince was appearing out of nowhere along with the mother. Everything was uncertain. They could not afford to have eyes on them until a decision regarding their existence had been made. It was a smart decision.

Samaya’s eyes constantly scanned the surroundings, scoping possible entry and escape routes. She was sure Ah-Liu was doing the same. She would have to tell him to make a map if this place became their permanent residence.

Han Qin looked back at her. “We will enter the Palace now. You will meet His Majesty in a moment. Do you remember what I told you?”

Han Qin had given her a quick run-through of etiquettes and manners to be followed in front of the Emperor. She remembered, of course. Would she actually follow them? Well, that was another question entirely.

She followed Han Qin inside, Manu in her arms. The two brothers - Chen Yuming and Chen Zhongqing, she’d come to learn - were flanking them. She walked through what seemed like a few abandoned and desolate gardens and yards before entering what seemed like a … corridor. The corridor was so narrow and closed in it would be hard for a normal person to get a sense of direction. Samaya mapped the route as accurately as she could. Soon they came to a sliding door, which opened up to another, wider and fancier corridor.

A man was standing at the door to greet them. He bowed to Han Qin, “General Han, welcome back.” He turned to bow to the two young men behind her. “Young Masters.” His eyes flicked over to her and her child. He then cleared his throat and spoke again, “This way. His Majesty awaits.”

The man had no idea how to treat her and it was … quite amusing, frankly.

“Thank you, Eunuch Li.”

Ah… a Eunuch. She did vaguely remember them being part of the Imperial Palace.

She would have to get used to this.

Han Qin walked after the man and she followed Han Qin. They were led to another pair of doors with beautiful dragon carvings on them. Eunuch Li knocked on the door.

“Your Majesty, General Han Qin is here with the … guests.”

A firm, baritone voice replied,


Eunuch Li slid open the doors.



"How much do you want in exchange for Our child?"

She couldn't help the disbelieving scoff that left her. "Is… is Your Majesty under the impression that … I am here to sell my child?" She asked, forgetting to speak formally.

The Emperor raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you not?" He asked. "Or do you want to become Our concubine?" 

… This fucking bastard.

Author's Note: To any Muslims reading this, EID MUBARAK! I hope you have a blessed and happy Eid.

This chapter is shorter because this felt like a good spot to finish it! And now we are getting into our shoujo tropes! I hope you guys will like it!

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