I Became a Mother in Another World

Chapter 41: Conversations with Courtiers

She snapped her head back. The figure was only a few inches away from her and she had not even realized. Had she been so engrossed in comforting Manu? Perhaps. She’d been at this since yesterday and had been running more on pure fury and adrenaline the entire day. Now that she had relaxed a bit, perhaps she had let her guard down a bit unconsciously.

Not good.

Though the voice was unfamiliar, the face was not.

It was one of the fathers of the two powerhouses of the harem. Which one? Probably the Empress. She did see a bit of resemblance between them. Even without the resemblance, he would have known. He wore purple robes and the ceremonial orange sash across his body, the kind that she had seen priests wear the few times she had seen them on her missions.

The Grand Preceptor, Empress’s father, was the man who was the closest advisor of the Emperor and head of the Ministry of Rites, supervising all royal rituals, divinations, happenings and predicaments. While that might seem trivial compared to that of the Prime Minister, in this highly religious and superstitious society, he had the ear of the Emperor the most. According to Ah-Liu, very few decisions in the Court were taken without going through this guy. In other words, this man had a powerful hold on the Imperial Court.

She bowed her head, bringing her hands up together in the salute she was taught. “Your Excellency.”

This guy - along with Han Qin the Grand Commandant (and wasn’t that a surprise) and the Grand Chancellor - made up the Three Excellencies of the Imperial Court. The Lords who were Head of the Ministries and were practically in charge of running and protecting the nation.

Manu imitated her, though half hidden behind her.

The man let out a soft chuckle. “Her Majesty the Empress spoke highly of you. I can see why.”

She doubted it. It was probably something along the lines of “threat” and “eliminate”.

“I am flattered,” she said, her voice carefully blank. “Her Majesty is generous in her praise. This one does not deserve it.”

“My daughter rarely exaggerates.”

His eyes moved to Manu and Samaya tensed. However, he only bowed in what seemed to be a show of deference. “Greetings, Your Highness. It is an honour to finally meet you.”

Manu looked up at her nervously. At her reluctant nod, he turned back and gave a bow. “Greetings, Lord Xie.”

“Ho ho, you know who I am?”

Manu nodded. “Yes, Teacher Chen has taught me the names of all the courtiers.”

He smiled softly. “Is that so? It seems like Chen Zhongqing has found a brilliant student.”

A scoff reached Samaya’s ears, and she glanced toward the source. It was another man in his mid-forties, wearing red robes with golden embroidery. That was a high-level official. He had his brows furrowed as he looked down his nose at them, his gaze condescending. He looked … familiar, for some reason.

“If that were true, then the boy wouldn’t be bowing to you.”

“Oh do be lenient, Lord Chen.”

Ah, so that was why he looked so familiar. He was related to the Chen brothers. Probably their father or maybe uncle.

The Grand Preceptor straightened and turned towards his fellow courtier. “The Prince has only just started his lesson. I am sure he will learn in no time.”

“For the sake of the Imperial Family, I hope so.” The man sighed and shook his head, as if disappointed. “I do not know what His Majesty was thinking. As if it was not enough to bring in a bast-”

“Father!” The familiar voice of Chen Yuming made everyone turn to find the young man running towards them, Chen Zhongqing following closely behind. “His Majesty is walking this way. He wishes to walk with you and the Grand Preceptor.”

Chen Yuming glanced between his father and Samaya restlessly. He was clearly hoping to avoid a confrontation between them. Chen Zhongqing kept a nervous eye on her. Samaya resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She was not stupid enough to start a fight against a high-ranking official in the open for petty reasons, especially after she caused such a huge scene.

“Why are Our courtiers crowding Our Beloved Concubine?”

The familiar voice of the Emperor made everyone but Samaya step aside, leaving her to face the Emperor.

Suppressing another sigh, she bowed to the man. “Your Majesty.”

The man did not reply, but Samaya could hear and feel him approaching. She stayed in position, unable to get up without the man’s say so. Fucking useless Imperial etiquette.

“You have had a long day, beloved concubine. Our courtiers should know better than to accost you now.” The man’s hands gently grasped her arms to help her raise. Samaya resisted the urge to shrug them off. “You have suffered much, and so has Our Imperial Prince. We have dealt with the punishment. No one shall harm you now.”

Was it the declaration of his protection that was bestowed upon her and Manu or was it an attempt to show that he had been in control of the situation? Either way, no one present was really fooled. Everyone present probably knew who had orchestrated the entire thing. Still, the Emperor was declaring his approval of it. That should be enough to warn off anyone with bright ideas for now.

She gave another perfunctory bow. “I am grateful for your consideration, Your Majesty.”

She said nothing about the courtiers. They should fucking know better.

Samaya looked up to see the corner of the man’s lips curl up in what seemed to be amusement. It was a smirk more than anything. The man was close enough that she could see his nostrils flare at the inaudible scoff he let out. Samaya felt her breath catch in her throat. That expression, those stupid fucking eyes … too close.

He leaned in, and Samaya felt his breath ghost over her. She was keenly aware of all the eyes on them. “It would sadden Us to see Our beloved concubine ill and exhausted. You should go rest, Ya’er.”

Fucking hell. Did … did the man just give her a nickname with the last fucking syllable of her name? And what the fuck was that low, baritone voice he called her that with?

That voice sent shivers down her spine. The proximity was making things worse. Now that she was not furious as fuck and all wound up about the matter of that insolent woman, it allowed her to notice how close the man was … how close he had been during their interactions today.

Control, Samaya. She told herself. Was it because it had been too long since she last had sex? Or was it because her last masturbating session was interrupted? Either way, she was sure, it was just a show he was putting on. Samaya was half sure the man was trying to trip her up for causing such a scene. She could not afford to show a loss of control, especially in front of so many people.

She kept her face carefully blank and said politely, “Of course, Your Majesty.”

Another sigh ghosted over her skin, sounding a lot like a sigh of disappointment. It made her think she had hit the mark on him trying to trip her up. He stepped back and then looked down, towards Manu, who was still half hiding behind her.

The smile the man gave seemed slightly more genuine this time. “You have been very brave, Prince Xu. We regret that you had to suffer so much.”

Manu, bless him, shook his head. “I… I’m sorry … for causing trouble.”

Gods, what had that stupid woman drilled into her son’s head for her happy, confident child to be so scared and unsure of himself? She resisted the urge to turn back and give her another beating.

Samaya came back to the present as he saw the man’s hand rise and she tense. But he only pressed it gently on Manu’s head.

“Do not apologise,” he said, his voice firm. “You are Our son, the first Imperial Prince of the Empire. No one can lay a hand on you. If they ever dare, We shall punish them, just like today. So, my Prince, never apologise for the wrongs of others.”

Samaya felt Manu relax beside her and she mirrored him. As much as she disliked the man (and the reactions he sometimes evoked in her), she was glad he was taking the time to reassure Manu. She respected him for it.

The man finally straightened and stepped back into the crowd of his courtiers. “We shall see you later, beloved concubine.”

Samaya stepped aside and bowed, clearing the way for the man to leave.

Once he left, along with his entourage of courtiers, it was only Samaya left, along with Manu and … the Chen brothers. The concubines who had been present were on their way out, if they had not left already.

She turned to look at the two and inclined her head. “Young Masters, I am truly grateful for your help. I could not have protected Manu without you.”

Chen Zhongqing shook his head. “It is our duty.” He looked down. “I apologise for not noticing earlier, my prince.”

“You should have told us.” Chen Yuming’s voice was harsh, but she could hear the worry in them.

“What would you have done?!” Manu shot back immediately, as if without thinking.

“Ming’er.” The older brother had a scolding tone. “Your Highness.”

The younger huffed and crossed his arms. “Good thing Lady Qing caught it before she did more harm.”

Manu calmed down too, shyly clinging to her,

“You could have gone to His Majesty.” Chen Zhongqing drew her attention back from that adorable interaction. “He would have believed you, helped you.”

She allowed herself a sharp smile. “Then, how would I have sent the message I did today?”

The message being ‘I will tear you apart if you touch my son and the Emperor won’t stop me.’

Chen Zhongqing stared at her for a long moment before smiling softly and bowing. “I suppose anyone would think twice before making an enemy of you now.”

Not quite. In the harem, sure, she now would have a reputation. But she was sure those old coots of the court would think her nothing more than an upstart nuisance. Still, this should at least make them hesitate, after knowing that she had the Emperor’s protection and his approval to go ham on such occasions. Let them think whatever they wanted. As long as they did not touch her son.

She did not reply, instead giving them both a nod. “I shall take my leave now. Manu needs his rest, after everything.”

“Of course.”

They bowed and Samaya took Manu’s hand, walking out of the arena. Ah-Liu, who had waited below the veranda for her caught up to them. It was as they stepped out the gates that Manu’s stomach rumbled loudly.

She looked down, chuckling softly when she saw that his ears were red.

She picked him up with ease and settled him in her arms. “What do you want to eat?”

He seemed to think for a moment, but Samaya already knew the answer.

“Egg fried rice!”

They both said at the same time. Their matching laughter echoed in the gardens they were passing and Samaya’s heart felt lighter knowing that the hurt had not dampened her son’s spirit.

“Alright! To the kitchen, we go!”

Author's Note: I just realized I spoiled the nickname a bit for you guys in the last chapter lol. So sorry for not replying to any of the comments. I was swamped with work and also had to submit a paper this week. I will be going to another city tomorrow for an exam and will come back in a week! Don't worry! I will be scheduling the chapters beforehand!

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