I Became a Mother in Another World

Chapter 52: Worries


She frowned, her hand clenching around the cup of water in her hand. She had sent Ah-Liu to conduct his own investigation into Kang Yu and what she had been doing before her death, in hopes of getting clues about whoever the mastermind behind the attempt on her life was. But no, there was no clue. The few pieces of information about the people she met were dead ends - the broker who hired the thugs on her behalf and a few other men who were described as any other average commoner in the Capital. If they went off by the description “black hair in a topknot, slanted eyes, narrow face, average height.” they would have to arrest half the city.

However, it was surprising that not even the Fallen Phoenix could not give her the information. Granted, they were limited in the Capital, not like that damned city in the border where Siwang basically ruled the underground. Still, she expected something and felt more than a little disappointed at the lack of information.

“Hua told me she would keep an eye out in her pavilion but-”

It was nigh impossible. She had little hope of finding anything in her limited space when even the Sect and Ah-Liu could not.

She rubbed her temple with another hand. “Let’s hope that the Embroidered Uniform Guards have more luck.” She looked up at Ah-Liu. “Alright. No need to keep actively investigating. I need you here to protect Manu. Just keep your ears and eyes open for new information, okay?”


“My Lady?”

It was her maid, Yu.

The girl bowed. “The Imperial Physician is here to change your dressings, my lady.”

Oh yeah. The dressings. Her bandages. It has been two weeks since the attack. The man came to change her bandages every few days.

Ah-Liu left the room and she was left with the Imperial Physician, who undid her bandages and inspected her wounds as if she was not sitting half-naked in front of him. That was something she could admire about this man well. The professionalism. Though… considering the other option was execution for daring to disrespect the Emperor’s concubine…

“Your wounds are healing remarkably well.”

The man’s voice brought her out of her thoughts. There was a hint of surprise in his voice. She couldn’t blame him. She was healing faster than she thought possible. In fact, she was able to move around her own yard and a few feet beyond right now. She knew her wounds healed well but she had never been this badly injured since she arrived in this world and she hadn’t found out the extent of her healing speed until now. She still did not understand much about what had changed in her own body when she’d arrived in this world. But she could hazard a guess that whatever changes she went through were responsible for her increased speed - both physically and of healing.

“Thank you,” she said, carefully keeping her thoughts hidden behind a mild expression. “How long until they heal completely?”

“It should take a little over a week. For the sake of safety, you must rest for the next two weeks.”

She nodded. “Yes, Physician Hou.”

The man finished tying the bandages and gave her another batch of pills that she was to dissolve in water and take. The man took his leave in a bow. She sighed softly and walked out of the residence into the courtyard.

When Su saw her, she rushed over, clearly eager to help. She smiled and took her hand, even though she did not need it. After they’d had that episode after she had been attacked, she had been more receptive to their help. The sound of wooden swords clashing reached her ears. Her eyes fell on Manu and Chen Yuming who had been training just outside the immediate courtyard. She had gained permission from the Emperor to allow Manu to study and train at her own residence until she healed and until she could let go of her anxiety at the thought of him being hurt again.

Su arranged a seat for her and she sat down, watching the training. One good side of this arrangement was that she could see for herself what mistakes Manu was making, what he needed help with, which strengths of his needed to be honed, which weaknesses needed to be addressed and what he could improve. She had taken to sitting down with him after dinner - when everyone had gone to sleep - to go over everything that she thought could be useful. She even had him practice a few of her moves. It was a good thing. Back in QingHu, she hadn’t had the time to actually train with him properly. Now that she had the time, she could actually turn her attention to it. There were things she wanted to teach Manu and this was the perfect time to start.

“Lady Qing!” She heard a familiar voice and turned around to see Rin, who was following her sister Min towards her. With a bright smile on her face, she held out a small bag wrapped around a box. “Lady Ren sent some sweets for you and Prince Xu.”

That probably was not the only reason she sent Rin here. Samaya glanced at Su, who was staring at Rin like a lovelorn puppy. She sighed. These two lovebirds, she swore. Su had taken to sighing unhappily whenever she had no work to do, glancing in the direction of Ren Siyun’s courtyard.

“Thank you,” she took the box and then turned to Su. “Su, why don’t you go with Rin to the kitchens and get some refreshments together? Don’t forget to bring some for us. Min, you stay here.”

Su barely suppressed a squeal of delight and took Rin’s hand, dragging her away. She shook her head fondly. Min’s sigh made her look up.

She looked up at the girl. “What’s wrong?”

Min was still looking in the direction where Su and Rin disappeared. She turned to look at Samaya, seeming to contemplate whether to speak her mind.

“It’s alright. You can tell me.”

Min closed her eyes and exhaled shakily. “I fear for them.”

Ah. Samaya let out a sigh of her own. It was not like she did not understand. Two girls loving each other in this day and age… that was not even the worst problem. She had seen plenty of women loving other women discreetly. The rich and powerful ones even did it in the open. The problem was that this was the Imperial Harem and all women here belonged to the Emperor. Everyone. Even the attendants and maids. He could call on them anytime and they had to serve him. They had to ‘remain loyal’ to the Emperor.

It was not that the maids could not find someone and marry them. But for that, they would need permission from the Emperor. This, however, only applied to male and female unions. Oh, the Emperor could easily keep both male and female companions. But the women of this era… had no such freedom. If this got out, at best, they would be punished and exiled. She did not want to imagine what the worst was. She liked to think that the Emperor she had gotten to know the past month and a half was not so cruel. But she could not bet on that.

For now, it was alright because the Emperor did not seem to be eager to call on maids to serve him. But if he ever did, they would truly become the “Emperor’s woman”. And then… there was no escape for them. She knew that Su would certainly not be able to bear it. Poor girl loved with all her heart and soul, and it was no different with Rin. And from what she could see, Rin reciprocated.

Min had double the reason to worry. Rin was her sister and Su was her long time friend. It was no wonder she was worried.

“You have reason to worry,” she said softly. She was not going to lie. “But they are not that naive that they did not consider all the things you are considering right now. They still made their decision.” Her words were cautious. Chen Yuming was close enough that he could hear them with his enhanced hearing even with the swords clashing loudly. “You should respect it.”


“Should…” she interrupted, looking at Min, “should things come to a head, I will do my utmost to protect them.”

The line of tension on Min’s shoulder relaxed slightly and she bowed in acknowledgement.

She felt touched at the show of trust in her and yet she felt slightly guilty at the same time since she was not sure to what extent and for how long she would be able to keep that promise. After all, she was only here temporarily.

She ruffled her hair before turning her head to watch the training, the clashing of wooden swords the only sound in the air.

Two weeks passed in the blink of an eye.

Soon enough, the invitation for the tea with the Empress came.

It was a bit of a surprise. She hadn’t quite forgotten about it, but it had certainly taken a backseat in her mind. Still, she replied positively and the time for the tea was set a few days later.

Lian told her she had to take a gift since this was the first time that she was going to personally meet the Empress at her invitation. She had no idea what to give as a gift. Back home, it was weapons, gadgets or a free day without working that were considered the best gifts. Now though… what could he give the woman that she didn’t already have? She was the damn Empress.

“Why don’t you try giving something from your hometown?”

Her hometown? That cesspool of criminals? What was she supposed to get her from there, drugs?

Wait, no, that wasn’t a bad idea, actually. Not the drugs part. Getting something from her hometown part. QingHu did not have a lot, but what it did have a lot of was damp spaces, where a specific type of shrub usually grew. That shrub could be used to make this slightly tangy tea that was great for relieving headaches and driving away sleep. While it was not quite popular outside QingHu, those that lived there knew that it was a damn good alternative to drugs to keep them going. The tea vendors dried those leaves and sold them by the pound.

So, yes, she was getting the Empress drugs, kind of.

She had Ah-Liu get some. It cost a bit more than usual, what with the need to deliver them urgently. But she could afford it. It would certainly be something new for the Empress, even if it was not something incredibly rare or expensive. This way, she kept to her ‘means’ and also would give the Empress a ‘meaningful gift’.

The day of the visit arrived and she did not quite feel ready. It wasn’t nervousness, but she certainly felt a bit restless.

Lian dressed her in beautiful teal robes with golden embroidery and had her wear amber and gold jewellery. It brought out her eyes apparently. She was thankful to have Lian. She could dress up when she wanted to, she knew how important being out together nicely was to make an impression on people. It was just that unless it was for an important meeting or mission, she just could not be bothered.

“Thank you, Lian.” She smiled at the older maid.

She summoned the others. “Yu, Min, Ah-Liu, you three are coming with me. Lian, you take care of Manu when he comes back. Su, you make sure that my bath and dinner are ready by the time I come back.”

With those instructions given, she strode out.

Let’s see what the Empress wants me for, shall we?

Author's Note: I am so, so, SO sorry for the delay! The nightmare that my entire nation went through ... I wasn't able to update.

For this you need to know the utter shithsow that went down in my country. So first of all, I live in Bangladesh. If you search up the quota reform movement bangladesh 2024 or hashtags like "save bangladeshi students" "all eyes on bangladesh" "bangladesh quota reform" on platforms like FB and X, you should get some details. The quota was the system of reserving seats in the Civil service exams for specific groups. The Civil service exams over here had a 56% quota and 44% for the general students. This was removed a few years back but reinstated by a court order about a month ago. Needless to say, students were pissed. Students protested, the protest escalated, stuff happened, people died and internet has been shut down since last week. The entire country was under curfew for a few days but a court order reduced the quota to 7%. That's the short version of the story.

A lot of people died... above 200 is the official count. I spent the past two weeks in fear, paranoia and depression. I am feeling better now but it's ... yeah, let's just say that we don't have much to look forward to in terms of justice and accountability of the authorities. If you go searching, please be warned, some of it is pretty horrific and heartwrenching. 

I was unable to write much the past two weeks. I will do a double update this week, the next chapter come tomorrow, if everything remains alright. Thank you for your patience!

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