I Became a Mother in Another World

Chapter 57: Image

The talk between them was long. They had to pause when the physician came. Huang Yasheng did not move from her side. He had already seen the unconscious girl and told Han Qin to take him to a secure part of the dungeons, where she would be well-guarded and the Embroidered Uniform Guards could interrogate her without much interruption.

He trusted Han Qin to take care of the matter. But right now, he needed to stay by his Empress’s side, both to ensure her well-being and to unearth more about his newest concubine.

He had heard some of what the woman had been saying. But he had been too eager to go inside and check on A-Ying. As such, he had not paid much attention and opened the door. But that was no matter. His wife was more than happy to fill him in. They rarely kept things from each other, especially when it concerned the safety and balance of the Palace. His wife had known about the existence of his son before he had even sent the note to summon the child and his mother. Of course, he would have done so regardless, but it was good to have the support of his friend.

A-Ying spoke softly, relaxed now that the servants had been dismissed. She told him about how Lady Qing suspected the existence of poison based on her observations, how she acted on her suspicions, and how she had stopped the maid from killing herself. She then explained what Lady Qing had said about her past. Part of her was not surprised. He had sent his men to QingHu to find out more about Lady Qing, but people were surprisingly quiet. And even those who were greedy enough to be bribed gave vague information with shifty eyes. Hearsay, mostly. No one knew much about it. She was a mysterious girl who lived with her son and disappeared for a week or two sometimes. Some even said she had connections with the underworld.

The owner of the tavern she worked at refused to speak, insisting that Lady Qing was just a poor girl making ends meet and “Do you bastards have to make her life harder than it already was?!” The children of the tavern were even more tight-lipped, refusing to speak to them. It wasn’t like he could have them dragged away and tortured for the information. If he started acting like his uncle so soon after he managed to stabilise the Empire, who knew which snake might raise its head to strike at him

The information Lady Qing gave was vague as well, but it had more substance to it, enough that he managed to form an image of her life, albeit barely. A lone mother, trying to make ends meet, having had martial arts training from an unknown mentor, used her skills to do some … unsavoury work to earn money. With that, even her having connections to the underworld made sense. For her, it was either that or prostitution. Huang Yasheng would never admit it, but part of him was relieved - glad, even - that she had not chosen the latter.

“A friend, she said?” He asked, tapping his chin thoughtfully.

He wondered if that friend was from the underworld.

She could find information about the kidnappings.

The thought came to him unbidden but he quickly shoved it away. He did not trust her enough to entrust such important work to her. She was a variable, an unknown. She could be an ally, she could also be an enemy. He might even have to kill her himself. If it turned out to be the latter. He ignored the pang he felt in his chest at the thought. Resisiting the urge to clench his fist and break something, he turned to his wife, keeping his expression as neutral as possible.

“Did she mention which friend?”

“No.” A-Ying shook her head. “That was when you came in.”

He nodded and then after a moment, stood. “Alright, you have had an exhausting day, you need to rest.”

Before she could protest, he leaned down and easily picked her up in his arms. He walked to the woman’s bed chambers and gently sat her down on the bed before sitting down by her side. He helped her take off her outer garments and her hair ornaments, letting the beautiful hair fall down her back. The black silken tresses seemed to shine under the light. He pushed her down on the bed, ignoring her protests.

“Sleep. I will be here until you do.”

“Really. There is no need for all of this, I am-”

“Tired. You are tired, A-Ying. I can see it. So relax and sleep for now. You can worry about these things later.”

Xie Taiying sighed and finally slumped on the bed, closing her eyes. Huang Yasheng gently ran his fingers across her hair, like she used to do for him when he could not sleep due to nightmares. A soft smile curved his lips and softened his eyes as he watched the woman positively melt and skiing an arm onto his lap. It was only at times like these - when they were alone - that they could be themselves. He counted himself lucky to have found a trusted friend in his wife, he did not have to worry about being backstabbed or manipulated by the very woman he shared a bed with.

It was not long before she was snoring softly.

Huang Yasheng stayed for about half an hour after she had fallen asleep, just … to assure himself that his wife was alright.

When he walked out, the maids who had been guarding the door bowed.

“The Empress is asleep. Do not disturb her. Bring her food when she wakes up. I will send a new poison tester.”

That maid had been the old one. It is no wonder whoever planned this planned it well. After all, the poison tester herself was going to poison the food.

The maids bowed to him as he walked out, discreetly gesturing at the hidden Shadow Guards to increase the security.

He sighed softly as he made his way out. He had a lot of work to do. He knew he had to go to the Imperial Study and get started on the latest documents and paperwork. But instead, his feet took him towards Yongyagong, Eunuch Li and his guards hurrying after him.

It took a good while for him to reach Lady Qing’s courtyard. The sun was already starting to set when he reached her residence. When he stepped into the yard, he could already hear soft murmurs from inside, the familiar sounds of Lady Fu and her daughters. It seemed Lady Fu was always there with Lady Qing if something happened. It was good that they found each other as friends. It was always good to have less strife among the concubines.

He stopped Eunuch Li who was about to announce him and waved a hand at the maids who saw him, silently ordering them to stay still. They froze in their places and bowed. Walking inside, he saw Lady Qing speaking in soft tones to Lady Fu, her gaze soft and her form relaxed, her expression almost content as she spoke with her friend. Prince Xu was in her lap, face buried in her chest, and she was gently running her hands through his hair.

With Lady Fu facing the door, she was the one who saw him first. She quickly stood and bowed. Lady Qing turned to face the door and almost immediately the softness in her eyes was replaced by a blank slate. She gently set Prince Xu down and stood, before bowing to him. Huang Yasheng could feel the distance and coldness she was trying to put between them.

But she has no problem being so open with Lady Fu.

He found himself thinking something so absurd before he could even stop himself. The moment the thought occurred to him, it took everything in him not to allow the burning he felt in his veins not to show on his face. He did not even allow himself to clench his fist, using decades of mental training to keep a neutral expression.

“Lady Fu, Lady Qing. Arise.” He greeted both of them before turning to his newer concubine. “Lady Qing, We are here to express our gratitude for what you have done today and to ensure that you are alright after the whole ordeal.”

Lady Qing tilted her head. “As I said before, I was only doing what was right.”

“Even so, you saved the lives of Our wife and unborn child,” he said, “We cannot express how thankful We are.”

Before she could reply, he turned to his other concubine. “Lady Fu, I wish to speak with Lady Qing regarding what transpired today. It is a sensitive matter.”

What he liked about Lady Fu was that she was smart enough to know when her presence was needed or what kind of actions was needed of her and she did her utmost to obey. Lady Fu bowed and then turned to her children. “Come, let us depart. It is almost time for dinner.”

They both looked like they wanted to protest. The braver child, Ai - he was sure, opened her mouth, “But-”

She was interrupted by her sister grabbing her hand. The girl sent a timid glance his way and whispered to her sister, “Let’s go.”

Ai seemed to come to her senses. With one nervous look towards him, she gave a small nod. The children bowed to him before scurrying to stand beside their mother, almost half hiding.

Lady Fu smiled - there was a sad tinge to it - before turning to Lady Qing. “We shall take our leave.”

It was then that Huang Yasheng realized that Lady Qing had a frown marring her face instead of the precious neutral expression, and she had her eyes on Lady Fu’s children. Lady Fu’d words seemed to bring her out of her thoughts and she quickly wiped the frown, sending a strained smile her way.

“Yes, Lady Fu. We shall speak later. How about I visit you tomorrow?”

“If you so wish. Please do send a missive first so we may be ready for you.”

“Of course.”

With that brief interaction done, Lady Fu once again bowed to the Emperor, the little Princesses imitating her in the most adorable way, and then walked out.

And Huang Yasheng turned to face Lady Qing now frowning irritably at him.

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