I Became a Mother in Another World

Chapter 61: Playtime

Fu Caiyi came fairly early, just as the servants were setting up everything, Ai and Mei trotting behind her. The moment they saw her, they ran to her, now comfortable enough with her to be able to forget etiquette, despite their mother’s call to be polite.

Samaya grinned and knelt, wrapping her arms around the two girls. “Oh nonsense. You never have to do that in front of me, do not listen to your mother.”

Fu Caiyi let out a soft sigh. “You spoil them.”

Samaya grinned up at her. “Someone has to.”

She stood and gently rubbed their heads, careful not to mess up their beautifully done hair. Usually, she would apply a little more force but today … today would be a special day for them.

“Do you mind waiting a bit? I have some other guests too.”

Fu Caiyi was curious and looked like she wanted to ask but she ultimately kept quiet and nodded, while Ai tugged at her sleeve.

“Lady Qing, won't brother Xu come?”

She smiled at her. “He will.”

She had sent Lian to talk to Chen Yuming so that Manu would be excused from today’s training. Sure enough, Manu came in just as the maids were leaving to bring in food.

Samaya smiled at the boy and told him to go freshen up and change for the day.

It did not take long for her other set of guests to arrive. Song Yuhan and her daughter, Fang.

Samaya smiled and welcomed them warmly. Ai and Mei quickly folded Fang into their group, sitting on either side. Manu came back soon enough and soon they started chatting, as did the three concubines. The entire environment was very relaxing. She felt a bit bad that it would soon turn tense but hopefully, it would all turn out for the better.

She had already given Manu instructions on what to do and when.

“The Emperor arrives!”

Everyone straightened and the two concubines whipped their heads to turn to her and she kept the smile on her face. “I forgot to tell you, ladies, the Emperor is supposed to have the midday meal here today.”

They did not believe one word and it showed. Samaya grinned. After a moment, Fu Caiyi let out a sigh of exasperation and stood, ready to greet the Emperor. Everyone else followed. Once the Emperor stepped inside, all of them knelt on the ground and bowed.

There was a long pause before the man’s baritone voice echoed across the chambers.

“Well, this is a surprise.”

Samaya spoke from her position on the ground. “Apologies, Your Majesty. I thought it would be a nice opportunity to have the meal with all the children and their mothers. The thought occurred to me after you left and I did not think it would be appropriate to disturb you at the Morning Court for such a trivial matter. Pray Your Majesty forgives me for making the decision without consulting first.”

Another pause before the man waved a dismissive hand. “It is no matter. It is always a delight for Us to spend time with Our children and beloved concubines.” He stepped forward. “Arise.”

Samaya stood and finally looked up at the man, who was now staring down at her. Was that … a trace of annoyance? Well, she could not blame him, after he tricked him into thai impromptu awkward lunch.

After a moment, he looked around. “You said you invited all Our children.”

“Ah.” Samaya immediately understood what was going on. “I did send an invitation to Consort Hou and her daughter but …”

Hou Tianjian was a Beautiful Consort firmly placed in the Imperial Consort faction. Her family had a strong alliance with the Imperial Consort’s family and she herself used to be a lady-in-waiting of that woman. Up until now, every time they had gathered with all the children, it was always void of that mother-daughter duo. But today … today, she might just come.

“I see,” the Emperor nodded before taking a seat at the table. “We should like to see Our beloved concubines sitting with us today.”

That … would be a bit awkward. Kids sitting around the Emperor would have made things easier because … well, this was the man they were trying to win the man’s favour. They looked at each other and in almost a silent agreement, moved.

Song Yuhan sat down on the right of the Emperor as the highest-ranking concubine present. Fu Caiyi sat down beside Song Yuhan. The girls sat down after that, Ai, Fang and Mei respectively. Beside Mei was Manu and beside Manu was Samaya, her seat right on the left of the Emperor.

The mood was tense between them but Ai and Manu, the social butterflies that they were, began talking about their day with each other. The Emperor began asking questions. Samaya was pleased to see that he was engaging the girls as well. The other two concubines relaxed and watched them, chiming in whenever appropriate.

The food soon came in and Samaya smiled softly at how excited the children got, even the reserved Fang. Song Yuhan took the duty of serving the Emperor, and Samaya and Fu Caiyi did not interfere. The two of them plated food for the children and each other. It was quite a harmonious picture and honestly, nothing like what she thought harem life would be. She was glad for her fellow members.

The meal was uneventful. The children ate fast and finished way before them, despite the mothers’ calls for them to follow etiquette. They would slow down for a moment but then they would dig in after a moment. After the second time, the Emperor stopped Song Yuhan from speaking up again, shaking his head.

Samaya pursed her lips. Everything was going to plan. Manu was doing his job perfectly, making sure to lead the children in conversation happily and engage the Emperor when he could. Soon enough, they were done eating and Manu immediately hopped off the chair, turning to the Emperor.

“Father, can we go play?”

The Emperor did not hesitate to nod and Manu pulled Ai, Mei and Fang along. They could see part of the courtyard from here and could see the children chasing each other.

The concubines and the Emperor continued their conversation, though it was mostly polite pleasantries. Song Yuhan discussed recent court news, while Fu Caiyi shared amusing anecdotes about Ai and Mei's antics. Samaya listened intently, adding her thoughts occasionally but more focused on the children playing outside. The Emperor's responses were calm and measured, a practised ease that masked his true thoughts.

The tranquillity was broken when Manu came running back in, his face flushed with excitement. “Father! Mother! Aunties! Can you come play with us?”

Ah, Manu, you would have been amazing as a child actor.

The Emperor raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his eyes. “And what game would we be playing, Prince Xu?”

Manu's eyes sparkled as he explained, “A grand adventure! There’s a princess trapped in a tower by an evil dragon. We need everyone’s help to rescue her!”

The concubines exchanged amused glances, and Samaya chuckled softly, ruffling the boy’s head. “That sounds like quite the quest, Manu. But how will we decide who plays which role?”

Manu thought for a moment before clapping his hands. “Ribbons! I have some in my room. We can draw lots to see who plays what.”

With the adults' agreement, Manu dashed off to fetch the ribbons. He returned quickly, his small hands clutching an array of colourful strips. The children gathered around as Manu explained the rules. Each ribbon colour represented a different role: red for the evil dragon, gold for the princess, and blue for the brave rescuers.

The ribbons were mixed up in a small pouch, and everyone took turns drawing. The children went first, each pulling out a blue ribbon. When it was Samaya's turn, she reached in and drew a red ribbon. She laughed, showing it to the others. “Looks like I’m the dragon!”

Finally, the Emperor drew his ribbon. He unfolded it to reveal the gold. There was a moment of silence before Samaya broke it with a snort. Song Yuhan and Fu Caiyi hid their smiles behind their sleeves. The Emperor shook his head, a rare smile playing on his lips. “It seems I am the princess today.”

The children giggled in response.

As they prepared to move to the courtyard, a servant announced the arrival of Consort Hou Tianjian and her daughter, Ning. The room fell silent as Hou Tianjian entered, her posture regal and her expression unreadable. Ning, a shy girl, clung to her mother’s side. They both knelt on the ground when they saw the Emperor, rising up at his command.

“I apologize for being late, Lady Qing. I had to entertain some guests myself today.”

Lies. Samaya had instructed Ah-Liu to spread the news that the Emperor would be interacting with the children at her residence today. That was the only way she could get her and, with her, little Ning, to come.

Samaya stepped forward with a warm smile. “Consort Hou, we’re so glad you could join us. We were just about to start a game. Would you and Ning care to join us?”

Hou Tianjian hesitated, glancing at the Emperor for approval. The Emperor gave a slight nod, and with some gentle persuasion from Song Yuhan and Fu Caiyi, she reluctantly agreed. Manu, always eager to include everyone, ran over and took Ning’s hand.

“Come on, Ning! It’ll be fun!” he encouraged, pulling her gently towards the group. he child was painfully shy. She hesitantly looked at he mother and only moved after a nod from her. Hou Tianjian followed, her initial resistance melting under the children's infectious enthusiasm. She still kept a stoic face, but perhaps seeing her shy child being ushered outside by the Emperor helped her come to the conclusion that she made the right choice coming here.

They moved to the courtyard, where the children had already begun setting up the ‘tower’ using cushions and blankets. Samaya positioned herself as the dragon near the makeshift tower, while the Emperor sat regally on a cushion, his demeanor still composed despite the playful scenario.

Manu took charge, leading Ai, Mei, Fang and Ning as the brave rescuers. They armed themselves with imaginary swords and shields, giggling and whispering plans. The other concubines opted out and acted rather as an audience to the whole thing. Manu, ever the strategist, pointed towards Samaya with a determined look. “Remember, we have to defeat the dragon first!”

The children approached cautiously, their playful seriousness making the adults smile. Samaya growled theatrically, raising her arms as if to swipe at the children. Manu, Ai and, to her surprise, Ning rushed forward enthusiastically while the other two remained in the back for "support and healing". No doubt it was Manu's idea. The brat was putting his lessons to good use. They squealed and dodged her swipes, Manu leading the charge with a brave shout.

“Attack the dragon!” he cried, and the children swarmed Samaya, who playfully defended herself, making sure to give them a bit of a challenge without being too menacing.

The battle raged on, filled with laughter and shouts. Samaya pretended to be overpowered, staggering back dramatically. “Oh no! The brave heroes are too strong for me!” she cried out, collapsing onto the ground in mock defeat.

The children cheered, raising their imaginary weapons in victory. Manu then turned to the tower, where the Emperor sat with a bemused smile. “Princess, we’ve come to rescue you!”

The Emperor stood, playing along with a gracious nod. “You have my eternal gratitude, brave warriors.”

The children beamed, and Manu extended a hand to help the Emperor down from the ‘tower.’ The group then celebrated their victory, and the tension from earlier completely dissolved into joyous camaraderie.

As the sun began to move toward the west, the game wrapped up, and everyone returned inside, tired but happy. The children continued to chatter excitedly about their adventure, and the adults shared knowing smiles.

Samaya looked at the Emperor, who seemed genuinely relaxed and content. She hoped that this small moment of unity and playfulness might pave the way for more interactions with these little children who craved their father’s attention. For now, though, she was simply grateful for the laughter and joy that filled the air, a rare and precious gift in their complicated world.

Author's Note: And here is the awaited playtime! I tried to make to make it as adorable as possible. Hope you guys liked it.

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