I Became a Raid Boss

Chapter 111

A man who wouldn’t be out of place dying soon was granted a brief moment of time.

However, that time was just that—a fleeting instant, a mere drop in the ocean compared to the lifespan he could have originally enjoyed.

For someone whose body and soul, even spirit, were all shattered due to a failed ascension ritual, it was as luxurious as it got.

“I honestly thought I would die here without reaching my destination. I knew my condition well enough.”

The man who was given a reprieve smiled faintly.

Despite Selin having done nothing wrong, guilt flickered across her face at the sight of his smile.

“I don’t think the reprieve I’ve given you will be long.”

“Yes, I also feel that the flame of my life is nearly extinguished. But what does that matter? I’ve lived long enough. I’ve seen sprouts rise and petals fall hundreds of times. Ah, I’m not boasting about living long.”

“Not really. I don’t think it’s bragging.”

“Is that so? Then I’m glad. Anyway… thinking of putting an end to a prolonged life can actually feel liberating.”

Rising from the campfire where they had been chatting, the man seemed ready to leave.

Selin, noticing his demeanor, grabbed onto him.

“If you do your rejuvenation in a place with sparse mana, you could live longer. Although the journey won’t be easy, I can write a recommendation for you to go to the Holy Kingdom if you wish?”

“Thank you for your kind words. But I still have things I want to do, so I must humbly decline.”

“Things you want to do?”

“Yes. I want to recover the bodies of those who once walked this path before me… It’s something I’ve wished for a long time, and now I can finally do it.”

“If you wanted to do that so badly, couldn’t you have done it sooner?”

“If I were to go looking for them and something happened, it would tarnish their legacy. You might say I’m worrying too much, but as long as there’s even a slight chance, I couldn’t act recklessly.”

“Ah… so that’s why…”

“But now, like those before me, I’ve undergone the ascension ritual. There’s no need to hesitate any longer. I may not be able to create a proper grave fitting of their noble sacrifice with this pitiful body, but I can at least gather them.”

The man was stating his intention to burn even his last flame for the sake of others who had departed.

“…If you were saved, shouldn’t you just live? How many people casually offer others’ lives to survive?”

There’s really no need to look far.

Even demons like him moved to the Ardina Continent for such reasons.

Oh, it’s not like I’m blaming the demons.

It’s just that I couldn’t understand why someone who had grasped an opportunity that others, despite struggling, couldn’t obtain, would easily give it up.

I once hoped for a miracle to come my way too.

“I believe it’s more valuable to meet a meaningful death than to live off the sacrifices of others.”

“A meaningful death…?”

“How can a parent who dies from a stab meant for their child not feel regret? Yet, the parent will find comfort and gratitude in the fact that their child survives. They would think their child’s life is worth more than their own.”

The man sent me a warm smile, still bearing that look of not understanding.

“That’s how it is.”

“…Then if your child or friend were to take someone’s life to save you, what would you think?”

“Well, I suppose I’d feel miserable. As I said earlier, I don’t wish to live on the sacrifices of others.”

“What if that was the life of a heinous criminal?”

“Even then.”

By his reasoning, wouldn’t I have to spare the opponents charging at me with swords on the battlefield?

If I were to take his life, I would essentially be living instead of him.

Well, I suppose it’s because of such a mindset that he can cling to the mission assigned by Edel…

But I really can’t comprehend it.

“I know my personality is frustrating. But I’ve lived this way my whole life, and it’s hard to think of another way to live. So, if you find me frustrating, can you understand?”

“Understand? I’m not your master, and how you live is none of my business.”

“Haha. That’s true.”

The man’s gaze flicked upward.

A faint light began to seep through the thick fog of mana.

“It seems time has already flown by. I am truly sorry, but I really must take my leave now. As the nun said, my time is short.”

“Ah…! Wait a moment…!”

Selin, holding onto the man’s hand, shut her eyes tightly.

“Though I cannot accompany you, may Lady Edel’s blessing be with you…”

As Selin prayed for his safety, the man finished preparing to depart.

Well, preparation meant no more than tightening the opening of the small bundle he had slung over his back.

He dusted off the wrinkles and dirt from his clothes and bowed.

“I’m not sure exactly what you intend to do, but seeing that you came all the way to this dangerous Raxia, you must have some high purpose. I hope Lady Edel’s light shines upon you all as well. And…”

Reflected in his dark eyes, tinted with a faint glow, was the image of a pink girl.

“If I had just a little more time, I could have listened to your troubles. I only feel regret for that.”

“What? Are you trying to play guardian now? Sadly, my guardian seat is already full.”

“Ah… Is that guardian the one sleeping behind you?”

“…What, what?!”

Startled by my own voice, I hurriedly clamped a hand over my mouth.

Fortunately, the sound I made wasn’t loud enough to wake Da-eun, who was still peacefully snoozing.

After confirming Da-eun’s soft breathing, I lowered my voice.

“…Why would you think something so ludicrous?”

“Is it? I noticed you’ve been concerned about that person since earlier, so I thought you held them in high regard.”

“High regard… I could give you a hundred reasons to say that’s possible, but normally you’d think of someone considering the group, not as a guardian, right? There’s a limit to exaggeration…”

“Hmm, you’re right. I apologize for making you uncomfortable.”

“There’s no need to apologize.”

“Haha. Thank you for your generous forgiveness.”

The man’s eyes crinkled into a round smile.

“Well, whether I’m a guardian or not, it’s the role of us old folks to nag the troubled youth, isn’t it?”

He had no qualms calling himself an old man.

In stark contrast to those trying every trick in the book to appear younger, he didn’t mind at all.

Still, it was quite funny how he seemed younger than those who had that attitude.

If one considers that he dedicated his whole life to purifying demons, it raises the question of whether that is truly a good thing.

“It’s not shameful to ponder for answers. I believe that constant contemplation and reflection is the path to becoming a better being.”

“Wow, philosophy teacher much? You said you were short on time, right? How about you stop the nagging and leave quickly?”

He just jabbered on, guessing the thoughts of others without permission.

I snapped back at him irritably.

By common sense, it could be considered rude, warranting judgment, but who cares?

If I were worried about that, I wouldn’t be speaking so casually.

I’d spoken casually to Edel, who could be considered the oldest in this world, so what did it matter now to prioritize manners?

Waving dismissively like shooing away a nuisance, the man nodded gracefully.

“I hope you can achieve what you wish.”

“Yeah, you too.”

Wishing for good health or safety meant nothing, so I didn’t utter any loud farewell.

Saying something sentimental to someone I had just met felt awkward.

As Selin, slowly lost in the encroaching darkness, bid him farewell, she murmured.

“Will we meet again?”

“Oh, we might meet again. I can’t guarantee what form it will take, though.”


Selin shot me a disapproving look.

It was quite refreshing to see her look at me in such a manner, so I quickly averted my eyes.

…Hmm. I have to admit that was a bit cold.

I know, but comforting someone with gentle words is out of my character.

“While sympathy is alright, don’t dwell on it too much. It’s a problem that will resolve itself after the work is done.”

“…You’re right. That’s how it should be.”

It was more about forcing a reality check than actual comfort.

As long as the outcome was good, wasn’t that all that mattered?

To boost Selin’s morale, who wore a resolute expression, I added a line.

“Surely you’re not intending to leave me to die? I believe the kind Apprentice Saint wouldn’t let that happen.”

“Of course not. Even without Lady Edel’s words, I would willingly do so. Losing the lovely Kana would be a loss for all of humanity.”

“That’s strange. I don’t recall asking for compliments.”

“Compliments? I’m speaking from the heart.”

There was no need to ask where Selin learned such nonsense.

It was obvious the culprit was the person sleeping quietly behind me.

Better than being called ugly, sure, but such words evoke little reaction from me.

I merely thought, ‘So what?’

“Kana, your ears are turning red.”

“No, they’re not at all.”

It must just be the firelight making it appear that way.

I ignored Selin’s warm gaze that held a gentle glow akin to the crackling flames before us.

“Sorry for waking you suddenly. Want me to let you sleep again? Even though dawn is breaking, you can probably get another hour or two of sleep. I could push back the departure time if needed.”

“No, now that I’m awake, it wouldn’t be bad to welcome a new day at sunrise. Are you okay, Kana, though it seems like you didn’t sleep at all?”

“As a Master, I should be fine.”

I watched the sunrise while exchanging light conversation with Selin.

Though the original brilliance had faded due to the mana covering the sky, it still wasn’t a bad feeling.

As if on cue to see the sunrise, we busied ourselves breaking camp as Da-eun rubbed her eyes and began to wake.

“If something like that happened, you could have at least woken me up…!”

Da-eun, who was whining after hearing about what happened during dawn, was an extra.

She was in the wrong for not waking up.

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