I Became a Raid Boss

Chapter 131

If you’re someone who enjoys manga or anime, you’ve probably seen a plot development like this at least once.

A brainwashed or mentally broken person regains their senses at the heartfelt cry of a precious person—such a development.

It’s quite a cliché, yet many seek it out because it’s that impressive of a plot.

Da-eun asked herself.

“Am I the most precious person to Kana?”

‘…I don’t know. But—’

She could confidently answer the question of whether she wasn’t precious at all.

“That’s not true.”

It would be an overstatement to say she was overly self-conscious, but the difference in her attitude towards others compared to how she treated her was starkly clear.

Whenever Da-eun opened her mouth, Kana would listen intently.

Even when there was nothing in particular to discuss, she would approach her freely and strike up a conversation.

She would casually make jokes and often playfully initiate physical contact.

Kana’s behavior was proof that she thought of Da-eun as someone close.

She didn’t treat Selin, with whom she became quite familiar after weeks of traveling together, in such a manner.

So Da-eun thought.

‘…Maybe, when she sees me, Kana will come to her senses.’

Even though she was currently wandering around lost to her rationality, she might miraculously return to her original self upon seeing her.

Imagining a dramatic conclusion, Da-eun made her way to where Kana was.


However, the moment she entered the barrier and faced Kana, Da-eun’s expectations came crashing down.

Da-eun called her name, but Kana didn’t react at all and stared blankly into space.

As if she didn’t even realize that the name being called was hers.

Just as Da-eun, filled with rising anxiety, took a few more steps closer.

Those vacant pink eyes finally turned towards her.


And the next moment, what greeted Da-eun was an unfamiliar yet familiar ceiling.

After being dazed for a while, Da-eun trembled as she touched her chest.

It was precisely where she had been pierced by a sharp mana.

What made Da-eun confused wasn’t death.

‘Kana attacked.’

The moment she realized that fact, she felt as if she had awakened from a dream.

The wind was just wind.

She belatedly realized that nothing would change simply by thinking optimistically.

Thinking that everything would go well if she met and talked was naive to the point of being foolish.

“What do I do…?”

Having come just with a thought of needing to meet Kana without a concrete plan, she hadn’t considered the possibility of failure.

Stumbling in place, Da-eun found an answer in the chat room, where viewers were buzzing away.

If she relaxed her strength, she could talk or do anything, right?

Convinced of its validity, Da-eun immediately put it into action, and the result was the current situation.

“What in the world is a fight that doesn’t make my heart race?”

Is fighting just fighting? Is there really a difference between a fight that makes your heart race and one that doesn’t?

Da-eun, whose heart raced just at the thought of facing an enemy with her sword, couldn’t understand the statement.

But she wasn’t the only one who found the opponent incomprehensible.

‘Why can’t I understand this?’

Yuki also couldn’t understand Da-eun.

Seeing her come all the way to ask for help, she must have felt something similar, albeit differently.

‘What a hassle.’

In the time spent on this, she could have swung her sword dozens of times more.

Yet even while thinking that, Yuki didn’t leave.

“Master’s swordsmanship is beautiful.”

Even Yuki herself thought she wasn’t very good with words.

However, if someone asked her to praise Kana’s swordsmanship, she’d be able to go on about it all day long.

How sharp those straight lines are.

How graceful the curves drawn by the tip of the sword are.

She couldn’t understand how such beautiful swordsmanship could be executed with such a small body that seemed to struggle just to hold a sword, but Yuki didn’t concern herself with such trivial details.

‘Rather than worry about that, I should watch and learn one more technique.’

So Yuki found it utterly amusing whenever she saw remarks in the chat about authenticity and whatnot.

Is there really time to be distracted when the truth and the answer lay before her?

How could that even happen?

“So, I’ve watched all the videos featuring the master. I’ve been faithfully watching Joanie’s streams too.”

“…Ugh, I know Kana is amazing. I get that, so could we move on to the main point now?”

If left alone, she looked like she could go on for a whole day.

Da-eun interrupted, her face showing exasperation at Yuki’s praises.

“What does Kana’s beautiful swordsmanship have to do with why your heart doesn’t race, Yuki?”

“…The swordsmanship being performed by the master isn’t beautiful right now.”

The power infused in her sword was undeniably on a certain level, but there was no sense of beauty to the sword that Kana wielded.

It felt like looking back at her past self, who believed slicing, stabbing, and cutting was all there was to wielding a sword.

Once she realized this, Yuki’s enthusiasm quickly faded away.

“I don’t want to fight a sword that is swung without any skill or enlightenment.”

“…Did you perhaps come back from another world? Or do you have memories of a past life?”

“You’ve probably read too many novels.”

“Well, that’s the same for you, Yuki…. I bet you would have made a name for yourself in history if you were born hundreds of years ago.”


Da-eun could now finally grasp what Yuki was saying.

Even she could feel that Kana’s actions weren’t natural right now.

The girl who had been wandering around just fine after appearing on the Ardina Continent had completely turned passive ever since being trapped in the barrier.

It wasn’t unreasonable to think that she had lost her reason and was left with only her instincts.

It was as if she were being controlled by someone.

“Acting as predetermined isn’t fun.”

Yuki might have agreed to Da-eun’s request without hesitation if she hadn’t gained enlightenment after all this.

But having gained that insight and raised her threshold, Yuki wasn’t so interested in Da-eun’s plea.

“Really, you won’t consider helping at all?”


Even when Da-eun, unable to let go of her lingering feelings, asked again, she received a firm refusal in return.

What would have happened if Da-eun weren’t here?

There wouldn’t have been clashes among players, and perhaps the Empire’s knights would never invade.

There would have certainly been many other changes as well.

‘Neither would I.’

As for Yuki, she might not have gained enlightenment like she did now.

Sure, she might have been curious enough to visit once, thinking, ‘Is there really a boss here?’ but she wouldn’t have been kind enough to offer her sword as she did last time.

All of this was because Da-eun met Kana and led her back to the world.

As a result, Yuki felt a sense of obligation—no, a burden—towards Da-eun.

“It’s still a no.”

With the appearance of her master but not being her master, she couldn’t muster any excitement to fight.

Da-eun attempted to persuade her several times, but Yuki’s will remained unyielding.

A heart that wouldn’t easily waver.

While Da-eun pondered whether to give up, a good idea suddenly popped into her mind.

“If that’s your unwavering will, no matter what I say, it won’t matter. I’m sorry for bothering you.”

“It wasn’t bothersome.”

“Come on now, that’s a lie. Anyway, I’m going to see if someone else will help me.”

As she turned her back and feigned leaving, Da-eun abruptly halted her steps.

She turned her head slightly while leaning forward and asked Yuki, who was waving her hand.

“But, are you really okay with this?”


“This raid will only last for a week. Apparently, beyond that, the barrier can’t withstand the mana that Kana possesses… or something like that. Oh, since a day has passed, there are now 6 days left.”

“I know.”

Yuki had also seen the posters.

There were so many plastered in all corners that it was harder to miss them.

“If we fail to exterminate within the week, do you know what will happen?”

“…What happens?”

“The Empire will personally come for the extermination.”

Seems like she’s not very interested yet.

Da-eun, keeping an eye on Yuki’s reactions, continued speaking.

“As you know, there’s a deep-rooted enmity between Kana and the Empire, right? They are desperately trying to outdo each other.”


“If you’re saying this out of pity, then—”

“That’s not it, so just hear me out. With the current situation where mana is leaking, what do you think the Empire will think? They’d surely think they have to kill her, wouldn’t they?”

Surely so.

For negotiation to work, it has to be worth the effort. No one is foolish enough to attempt persuading a ticking time bomb.

It wasn’t written in the extermination order, but that future was easy to deduce.

“Kana is strong, that’s true, but… I wonder if she can hold off the Empire coming at her with all their might alone?”

“It would be tough. No, it would be impossible.”

“Right. She might inflict considerable damage, but ultimately she’d be subdued. And like I said before, to be subdued means to die.”


It felt unsettling to even speak of the death of such a precious child.

‘But still, if this could save her…’

Da-eun resolved her heart firmly.

Could it be that her efforts were paying off?

“…So what’s the main point?”

The fish bit the bait.

In a completely reversed situation compared to moments ago, Da-eun smirked triumphantly at Yuki without her noticing.

“This is a significant incident that the Empire will take action over, so it will surely be reflected in history. And if that happens, you won’t be able to see the beautiful swordsmanship of Kana that you so admire, either. Would that still be okay?”


“Well, it’s fine if you plan on replaying old videos dozens or even hundreds of times.”

If the heart isn’t moved, then create a reason for it to be.

Understanding that Yuki wouldn’t be swayed by pity or sympathy, Da-eun brought up the swordsmanship she cherished so much.

Without waiting for Yuki’s response, Da-eun moved forward.

“Well then, I’m—”

“…I’ll help you.”

As planned.

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