I Became a Raid Boss

Chapter 26



Just as I expected, the Empire didn’t send any reinforcements.

No matter how populous the Empire is, they wouldn’t want their carefully nurtured knights to be whittled away, so it makes sense.

Growing knights isn’t as simple as throwing seeds in a field and watering them; it would be a waste.

On the other hand, the benefits of killing me… the only thing that comes to mind is boosting morale, but the risk-to-reward ratio seems way off, right?


Or perhaps, as I thought before, those who came earlier might have just fallen for the snake’s cunning scheme.

Having used my hands to complete the purge, there’s no longer a reason to waste precious resources on me.

Whatever the case, it seems the mainstream opinion of the Empire, including the snake, wants to avoid conflict with me.

Honestly, even if I am a master swordsman, without any backing or influence, why would they want to mess with me?

From that perspective, it’s reasonable to think that the snake wants to pull me into the Empire while temporarily putting grudges aside.

Rational or not, it’s a questionable thought.



I picked up the sword that I had put down beside me.

It was the younger sibling of the master sword I bought when I last went to the village.

When the Empire invaded, I had forgotten it and left it behind, so I hadn’t had a use for it since…

But it looks like a use has finally come up.

Ah, this cool and heavy sensation…


Is it ever going to stop? The sound of something heavy striking again echoed through the air.

What do you call this?

Inter-floor noise? But there aren’t any floors to separate.

Let’s just call it noise.


At that moment, just as I was about to head out and eliminate the source of the noise, a hand grasped me.

“…let go.”

The owner of the hand was Joanie, who now practically lived on this mountain.

Joanie comes up the mountain every morning to find me.
After a light breakfast with the food she brings, she practices swordsmanship or studies Granic until lunch.

After eating lunch together, we spend the same amount of time until evening, then go down from the mountain before the sun sets.

And then it repeats the next day.

I wonder where she got it from; Joanie, who was stumbling through reading a book written in Granic, held my hand tightly.

“I’ll tell you.”

After diligently reading and asking me questions when she doesn’t understand, Joanie’s proficiency in Granic has improved immensely compared to a few weeks ago.

Though still a bit clumsy, she can now form sentences instead of just using words.

Her pronunciation has become much smoother too.


But my daily life and Joanie’s changes didn’t stop there.

Though she came every day, she used to hesitate to approach me, but after the Empire invaded, she quickly closed the distance.

Suddenly she’s stroking my hair or coming close to chat amiably.
Even now, the fact that she’s holding my hand tightly would have been unimaginable before.

At first, I was so flustered that I missed my chance, and now it feels awkward to refuse her.
It’s hard for my conscience to be cold to someone who brings me food every day.

She doesn’t have any malice, so I’ve half-given up and let it be.
Please don’t tell me she really sees me as a child.

…It’s true I’m not an adult by this world’s standards, but still.

“Okay, sweetie?”


I was gently led back to my seat by Joanie’s touch.

After seating me, Joanie stood and headed toward the barrier.

i “Yuki, Kana is really angry. …No, that’s not it.” i

Looking at me sideways, Joanie continued,
i “Isn’t it hard to keep doing that?” i

“Training is supposed to be tough.”

“How is banging on a barrier all day counted as training? Besides, I barely managed to stop Kana from coming in with her sword, so just stop for today. …And don’t let it get to your head!”

“…Tsk.” i

What was exchanged between Joanie and Arkish echoed in my mind, while Yuki, the great sword Peep, obediently put her sword away.

How does she expect to break a barrier enforced by a master mage when she can hardly use Mana herself?
Of course, Yuki has no idea about that, but shouldn’t she give it a few tries and then give up if it doesn’t work?

Worry not about being unable to break it after a hundred attempts, but the intermittent noise is really getting on my nerves.

It’s been about a week since I first met Yuki; she must’ve started banging on that barrier about a week ago.

At first, she wasn’t like that.
Back then, I had let her into the barrier, so there was no reason for her to bang on it.

However, once I let her in, she started poking and prodding with her great sword constantly.
I could handle it once or twice, but after getting knocked down several times, I eventually got rid of her for good.

After that, when I didn’t open the barrier again, she just started swinging her great sword trying to break it.

…How does that thought process even work?
Can someone really be sane if they boldly declare they’ll break down a door in front of the homeowner?

i “Why not try changing your approach, Yuki?” i

“…Change my approach?”

“Like bringing food to me or something…This isn’t kidnapping! It’s just being friendly!”

“If I bring food, will you fight me?”

“Unless Kana’s going to kidnap me, how could someone like me possibly be kidnapped by Kana?! …What? What did you say? Ah… well, I can’t say for sure since Kana can be quite stoic, but it might improve compared to now.”

“Hmm…” i

Watching the two of them talk, I locked eyes with Yuki when she turned to look at me.

We both stared at each other for a moment before, without saying a word, turning away.

i “…What do children like?” i

“Every child is different, but they usually like toys or dolls…and snacks too, I guess?”

“Toys, dolls, snacks…”

“Oh, since it seems she likes gardening, it wouldn’t be bad to get her gardening tools or flowers.”

“Gardening tools, flowers… Thanks.”

“If you’re grateful, stop banging on the barrier. Honestly, it’s noisy…” i

It felt like we were concluding our conversation.
But why do I feel like the fundamental issue hasn’t been resolved?
I tilted my head.


It was another regular morning.
As I opened the barrier to let Joanie in, I was about to stop Yuki, who had followed Joanie like a little duck when suddenly—

“Here, it’s a bribe.”

Yuki suddenly extended her hand, offering something.


A black… box?

In Yuki’s hand was a small box adorned with a red ribbon.
As I observed it warily, Yuki shook her hand again as if to say “take it.”

“…It’s a gift.”

Joanie, who was watching us, explained to me,
“A gift of apology. She said she’s sorry for being a bother.”

“That’s unlikely.”

Even after hearing the explanation, I still couldn’t believe it.
The Yuki I know is a mad Peep swinging a great sword even if a blade is stuck in her neck; she’s not some timid chick apologizing.

As I squinted suspiciously, Joanie subtly avoided my gaze.
This is suspicious…

Since I don’t feel any hostility, I guess I’ll just take a look at it.



The moment I opened the lid, a strong sweet smell assaulted my nose.
With a scent this strong, I thought it would leak out, but it seemed cleverly sealed in. I couldn’t help but swallow.

“It’s chocolate. Want to taste it?”

“Ugh, uh… no…”

The glossy black color captivated my attention, refusing to let go.
It must taste good.
With that smell, it couldn’t possibly taste bad.

But if I eat this…
I glanced at Yuki.

“Why do you look like that? It’s delicious.”

It probably is.
I know that…


Not reacting to Joanie’s words, I kept my eyes glued to the chocolate when she picked it up.
My gaze followed her hand.



…She’s treating me like a child, huh?
Just as I was about to glare at her, the sweet flavor suddenly burst in my mouth.


“That’s right.”

…Whoa, I unconsciously accepted it!
But I can’t regret it because the chocolate Yuki brought is too sweet.

…It’s incredibly delicious…
It’s incredibly sweet yet melts beautifully on my tongue without being sticky, perfectly embodying exquisite flavor.

As I closed my eyes and savored the gentle sweetness, the chocolate melted in my mouth and disappeared in an instant.


With a sigh of longing lingering in my throat from the rich sweetness, Joanie chuckled softly.

“There’s one more.”

At that moment, Yuki took out another box from somewhere.
It was exactly the same box as before.
I nodded.

“…Come in.”

I absolutely detest being bothered, but if it’s a guest, that’s a different story.
She showed goodwill, so I’ll let it slide.

…It’s definitely not because I was tempted by the chocolate.


“It’s easy.”
“It’s simple.”

Watching Joanie embrace the chocolate box with a hop in her step, a smile involuntarily spread across her face.
Yet there was a hint of emptiness in her laughter.

“If I’d known this, I should’ve just brought this from the start.”

Would that have made us closer sooner?
I couldn’t help but think that way.

‘All the things I brought were also good… but maybe they just didn’t suit her childish taste.’
But if that’s the case, her reaction to spicy food is another mystery.
As Joanie shook her head, she thought it was perplexing.
But I did see her happy.

Even if she didn’t smile, just watching Kana’s previously stiff face relax was a significant yield.

The high-quality chocolate was rather expensive, but since it was Yuki who spent the money, Joanie was content without any burden.

It was Yuki who did the work, and Joanie who earned the money. In any case, Yuki seemed to have achieved what she wanted.

“This is what they call a win-win.”

Yuki glanced at Joanie, who suddenly said something absurd, shrugged, and stepped into the completely open barrier.

“Ah! Kana! Wait for me…! I haven’t gone in yet!”

The moment Joanie, who had been grinning to herself, followed the two, the once unstable barrier finally closed completely.
Though it was slightly different than usual, it was still a peaceful morning.

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