I Became a Raid Boss

Chapter 3

“Oh, no trial can shake my loyalty; long live Grasis!”

The softly spoken melody came to an end.

Hmm hmm.

“Seems like military songs don’t match my voice after all.”

It was originally a much more spirited tune, but with my delicate voice, it just didn’t hit right. No matter how talented a singer one is, some songs just aren’t meant for them, right? It’s like the vibe of the song and the voice didn’t mesh at all. I could rearrange it to change the mood, but I either can’t or just don’t want to.

“They would’ve liked it even if I sang it like this. Right, Garid?”

This was Garid’s favorite song, after all. Whenever he got tipsy, he’d belt it out at the top of his lungs. If I had to pick the most patriotic person I’ve ever seen, I would do so without hesitation for Garid. He sings military songs even in a drunken stupor. What a fine example of a knight.

…Well, saying that makes him sound like some kind of drunkard.

“Don’t you think I’m singing better than before? Ever since Garid praised me, I’ve been practicing continuously.”

This time, instead of a military song, I hummed a folk tune I frequently heard while strolling the streets.

“I’ll give you a bouquet of red flowers, my dear. If red flowers bloom before your house, you will remember me. If red flowers bloom before my house—”

I’d remember you too.

Softly humming, I plucked the vibrant red flowers carelessly.

“I’m sorry. I can’t give you these flowers.”

Though it doesn’t show because they’re red, they’ve soaked up blood. I’ll bring you other flowers, so please don’t feel too upset.

Muttering excuses to myself, I let go of the bouquet without hesitation. The flowers carried by the wind scattered down the cliff below.

Perhaps by this time next year, there may be a bunch of red flowers blooming at the bottom of the cliff.

“Did you know, Garid? Insects communicate using pheromones. Like, there’s food here, this place is dangerous. That kind of thing.”

I brushed off the remnants of pollen and leaves from my hands as I continued speaking.

“Humans do have pheromones too, but our ability to sense them has degraded, so we can’t communicate like insects.”

So, those who keep gathering like they’re attracted to pheromones might not be human, but rather insects? If they were human, they wouldn’t have such abilities, right?

At first, I thought they were thieves, then I suspected they were rats, but turns out they might be insects.

“They really do come in all kinds.”

Have they been spraying pheromones saying there’s food here or something? It’s been several days since I welcomed swarms of insects crowding in multiple times a day.

I don’t know for sure, but it feels like it’s been well over a week. Plus, the frequency of their visits is increasing…

It’s one thing to thin out the blood-sucking flowers once or twice, but at this rate, the garden I worked so hard on will be wiped out.

‘Act with no more than eight members. Anything above is cowardly!’

It’s a bit funny if they actually have some sort of code of conduct, but it doesn’t soothe my irritation at all.

I sighed, looking at the empty corner of the flowerbed with pity as I trudged along.

Then, I pulled out the sword that was also excellent for taking out thieves and harmful creatures. Apologizing inwardly to the blacksmith who made it became routine by now.

“This time, let’s go with a method that protects the healer as much as possible. Two tanks take care of two healers, and dealers should stay as close as possible.”

“Healers should prioritize shielding themselves over others.”

“Okay. Let’s go!”

‘…What are they even saying.’

If you’re going to just jump into a fight, at least make it understandable; I stared blankly at the group of eight chattering to themselves.

It’s not an entirely unfamiliar language. They’re speaking Arkish, the imperial tongue created by the Lo Arka Empire.

Though it’s called an imperial language, given that every race even has its own unique languages, it’s essentially the common language of the Ardina Continent.

The reason is obvious: the Lo Arka Empire has a grip on the Ardina Continent’s hegemony.

In that sense, it’s not that strange for those ruffians… or rather, the swarm to speak Arkish.

‘What does it matter though.’

That doesn’t give me a reason to go easy on them. Nor do I have a reason to learn Arkish.

With the Lo Arka Empire’s influence, I don’t completely ignore Arkish. I may not fully understand it, but I know key words.

‘Die, bastards, help me, run, mother, monster.’

And so on.

That is what real-world compressed Arkish is like. As long as I know just that, living isn’t a problem.

Yup, just like now.


“This crazy bastard is starting again!”
“Protect the healer!”
“How do we protect them if they’re getting sliced with the shield?!”
“Just use the party survival skill!”
“Doesn’t the party survival skill have a cooldown?!”

By the looks of their rather unique formation, it seems like they had strategized a bit while whispering earlier.

But strategies only work when there’s enough of a chance for them to do so.

Even if the flame-smirching moths show off some flashy moves, they’re utterly powerless against a master mage’s hellfire.

‘Not that their strategy was sound from the beginning.’

If they wanted to maintain the rear guard, they should have sent their front line forward to clash with swords.

I shrugged off the thought with annoyance, and then kicked the armor’s center with a swift motion.

When they’re this close, this is what happens.

“…Cough! What kind of strength is…!”

The armored knight was pushed back with a sound that resembled air escaping from a balloon.

And behind that knight stood a wizard holding a staff.

“AH! Get out of the way! That bastard is coming!”
“Do you think I don’t want to move? It’s heavy, it’s hard to get up!”

What a sight.

The knight and the magician tumbled together. Their closeness suggests they have quite the special relationship, and I was pleased to see love blooming.

Those loud shouts must surely be cries of joy.

Even if I can’t understand Arkish, I’m sure it’s something along those lines.

There’s nothing I can offer to a couple caught up in a lovey-dovey display mid-battle, but I can at least perform the vows.


“Cough, hack!”

The couple, seemingly satisfied with my officiating, set off on their honeymoon.

Imagine fulfilling the “Together until death do us part,” and “Even in death, we stay together” vows all at once — how romantic!

May their love last forever.

Next up, the archer with a gaping mouth holding a crossbow.

Perhaps witnessing the sudden disappearance of the two was shocking, but he was engrossed in meditation for mental training and hadn’t even thought to pull the trigger.

With swift movements, I dashed forward and swung my sword, ensuring he could continue meditating undisturbed.

The priest I took out first, the honeymooning couple, and the archer who liked to meditate.

With four gone in an instant, the morale of the remaining insects visibly plummeted.

“Ha… this attempt failed too.”

They weren’t even a match during their spirit-filled rush, and now that their numbers had halved and their morale shattered, there’s no way they could stand a chance.

If Garid, who values courage, were to see them, he’d surely be disappointed.

I didn’t care at all.

But if I had to add a comment, I’d wonder why they even showed up in the first place.

‘It’s not like they charged in recklessly, but neither do they seem to care about life.’

It’s a rather peculiar situation where their resolve has crumbled, yet they refuse to flee.

It’s like watching a trained assassin versus a rookie assassin.

Perhaps they were threatened with death if they didn’t come back alive.

In any case, people in this world take life too lightly.

Of course, I’m one of them too.

“See? Even if I’m thinking of something else, my body moves naturally.”

I glanced around the blood-soaked battlefield.

The bodies had long since scattered, disintegrated into light.

And once again, my sword had survived unscathed.

At this point, I was almost feeling a sense of determination.

“Fortunately, this time the flowerbed isn’t ruined.”

Thanks to fighting in the clearing created by thinning the flowers, I successfully prevented the swarm from gnawing at them.

However, I can’t let this situation continue…

If this battle results in zero damage, then great, but I highly doubt it.

I need to take action before the flowerbed turns into a barren plains.

For Garid.

“Umm… it seems I’ll have to go back down to the village.”

It hadn’t been long since I thought I wouldn’t need to go down again after buying a bunch of supplies from the village, yet here I was again.

Truly, you never know what to expect in life.

I’ll buy some seeds to plant, get them sown, and while I’m down there, pick up a decent sword too.

I can’t leave the place for long, not knowing when the swarm might strike again, but if I get back quickly, it should be fine.

“Oh, I’ve thought of a good plan.”

What if I exterminate every swarm I see along the way? Maybe they won’t come back for a while?

At least, I should buy myself some time to go down to the village.

I’d say it’s a genius idea.

I smiled contentedly as I turned my body.


[Real-time Boss Status]

(People in a hooded cape.jpg)

(Thick forested mountain.jpg)

Running away from the boss room LOL


-What is this? Is it a bug?
-Aren’t they just cosplaying?
┕No way; all the top-tier raid parties have been wiped out.
-Season 1’s bug.
-Where’s he headed?
┕We got wiped out as soon as we encountered him; no idea.
-So does that mean raids can’t happen now?
┕If they’re guarding the shrine, he might come back.
┕Oh, if that’s the case, isn’t it sweet to hit the empty house before he comes back?
┕That’s likely, but since all the people in the mountain got wiped, no one’s left to do it.
┕What a shame;
┕Was this intentional?
┕No way LOL

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