I Became a Raid Boss

Chapter 55

Joanie noticed that, unlike the religions she knew back in the real world, the priests and nuns of the Edel Church held equal ranks.

Thus, the authority and abilities assigned to both ranks were the same.

…So, is there really a need to differentiate between them?

To Joanie’s question, Selin responded:

“Well, the ranks are the same, but the genders are different.”

“Is it because it interferes with their duties or something?”

“That’s not entirely without reason, but fundamentally, they do different work. For example, it’s nuns like me who take care of the children who have lost their parents.”


“Hmm… But it’s true that the boundaries have become much more blurred compared to the old days, so it might be easier not to distinguish, as you said, Joanie. I’ll suggest it to others when we get back….”

“Uh, you really don’t have to do that…! No, please don’t!”

Selin chuckled softly at Joanie, who waved her hands in panic.

“Just kidding.”

“…If you joke twice, it looks like I’ll be labeled a heretic.”

“Not a chance. Edel is said to be merciful.”

“I really hope so.”

Joanie sighed and hugged Kana, who sat in front of her tightly.

“Hehe. Soft Kana, you’re the best….”

“…If you don’t want to fall off, let go.”

“Just a little more like this. Sigh, ha… Hehe, this feels so good— Ack!”

Joanie screamed as she tried to slyly rest her chin on Kana’s head.

Kana, who had attacked Joanie unguarded with a strike, sneered, “If I say don’t do it, then don’t.”

“Ah, I won’t do it anymore….”

Who knew she wasn’t just sweet and soft…?

Joanie pouted and stuck out her tongue, having bitten it with the unexpected blow.

Selin often joined conversations but seldom initiated them, while Kana was even less vocal during discussions.

Thus, except for moments when Joanie joked or had small talks, the overall atmosphere of the group’s journey was quite serene.

While riding horses, they often encountered other people.

Sometimes, they were intimidating mercenaries, sometimes merchants heavily loaded with goods, or nearby nobles from small kingdoms.

People who initially looked on with suspicion eased their stares and greeted them warmly upon seeing Selin’s attire.

Days passed like this.

Narrowing her eyes and gazing somewhere far off, Selin suddenly exclaimed brightly.

“Ah, I see the Holy Kingdom…!”

“Wow! Finally!”

At Selin’s words, Joanie also perked up and responded.

True to her word, a massive fortress began to emerge slowly from the horizon.

Seeing its grand stature, Joanie could hardly close her mouth.

“Hehe. Looks like this is your first time in the Holy Kingdom.”

“Y-Yeah…? Ah, yes! I’ve only heard about it but never actually seen it… It’s truly amazing!”

The Holy Kingdom was more like a city centered around a sacred site than what its name suggested.

In fact, aside from Sedeth, there were no other cities within the Holy Kingdom.

It was just that its size was so enormous that not even a considerable territory could hold a candle to it.

“Is that also a saintly law?”

“Yes. It’s a holy barrier created using the Holy Power of Edel that emanates from the sacred site.”

Instead of building walls like other cities to stave off foreign invasions, Sedeth Kingdom erected a massive holy barrier to fulfill the same role.

To think the barrier encompasses such a vast area.

…Hmm, it does seem quite impressive, but how impressive really is it?

Joanie pondered this while looking up at the holy barrier stretching far away.

On the other hand, Kana’s reaction was somewhat different from hers.

Though Joanie couldn’t tell what she was thinking, Kana stared at the barrier with a look of utter weariness.

Seated side by side on their horses, Selin couldn’t help but chuckle at the contrasting responses from the two.


Entering the Holy Kingdom was a simple affair.

“Is it really okay to let us in this easily?”

Joanie asked, almost incredulously.

In fact, even the term “simple” felt off.

All they did was exchange light pleasantries with the knight stationed at the open entrance and stepped into the barrier.

“You two are my companions, after all. I vouched for your identities, which is why you could come in so effortlessly,” Selin explained simply.

“Then does that mean it’s more complicated for other people?”

“Of course. Didn’t you see the people in line ahead?”

Joanie recalled the merchant party that entered the kingdom ahead of them.

“Oh… I figured they’d be inspected thoroughly since they were merchants. Preventing them from sneaking in prohibited items and such.”

“Well, the immigration checks fall to the knights, so that information is beyond me. But it’s certain that others can’t pass as easily as we did.”

“I see. …Wait a minute; given how easily we were let through, could it be that…”


“Is Selin someone really high-ranking or something?”


With Selin’s laugh, as if harboring some secret, Joanie gasped.

“Was it true?!”

“Not at all. I’m just an ordinary nun.”

“There aren’t many who say that who are truly just ordinary…”

“Honestly, I would have had the same experience if I had accompanied other priests or nuns.”

Selin dodged Joanie’s suspicious gaze and changed the topic.

“By the way, do you two have a place to stay tonight?”

“No, this is our first time in the Holy Kingdom, so neither Kana nor I know where anything is. If you know a decent place, could you recommend it?”

“Well… with the descent festival right around the corner, most inns are likely already fully booked…”

“Already? And it hasn’t even started yet?!”

“That just shows how significant Edel’s descent is.”


Taken aback by the display of faith in her words, Joanie found herself momentarily speechless.

Thinking about it, securing accommodations or transport during peak seasons back in reality was like reaching for the stars.

With that in mind, it wasn’t unbelievable after all.

Joanie nodded in acknowledgment.

“…I see!”

Meanwhile, as she spoke with Selin, Selin was distracted by something else.

Folding her arms, Selin narrowed her gaze slightly.

“There are empty inns…”

“Uh… can’t we find at least one or two if we look hard enough?”

“I can’t guarantee that. Even if there are, it’d require a lot of wandering to find them.”

“Ugh… what are we going to do? Should we just camp out then…?”

“There’s temporary lodgings provided by the Church for those unable to secure accommodations…”


“Though it’s just a makeshift lodging, you might find it a bit uncomfortable; are you sure?”

“…That sounds ominous.”

Hesitant to agree at the foreboding implication, Joanie couldn’t openly say she was okay with it.

Seeing is believing.

Rather than hearing about it a hundred times, it was better to see it once, so Joanie and Kana followed Selin’s guidance to the makeshift lodging the Church had prepared.

Finally seeing the reality of it, Joanie stated.

“This is too much.”

Then she turned to Kana and asked.

“What about you, Kana?”

Shaking her head silently, Kana didn’t seem to want to say a word.

The identity of the makeshift lodging was a large tent that could accommodate dozens of people.

While it could shield them from the wind and rain, there was no place to wash up, and there wasn’t even a minimal barrier to protect individual privacy.

Not wanting to sleep crammed together with dozens of others in such a place seemed to be a shared sentiment, as Joanie and Kana simultaneously turned their backs on the tent.

“It’s really an ‘instead of’ lodging.”

“Even the free lodgings for worshippers are fully booked already.”

“There’s nothing we can do. We have to try hard to find an empty inn…”

Even if it’s just me, I have to find a place for Kana to stay.

Joanie clenched her fists in determination.

It won’t do to let Kana, a resident of this world, sleep like that on the ground.

“Kana is a must-protect. I’ve got to look out for her.”

Even if it means walking around until her feet burn, surely there must be at least one empty place.

As Joanie made up her mind and was about to bid goodbye to Selin, she noticed Selin’s face brighten as if recalling something.

With a light clap, Selin exclaimed.

“Oh! How about this? If you’re okay with it, I can offer you a spare room at the shrine. It can only be one room since I have only two available though.”

“Of course, that’s great!”

Delighted by the sudden offer that lit up the struggling situation, Joanie nodded vigorously, afraid Selin might change her mind.

“I feel like we should be the ones asking if this is okay for you! Thanks to you, we passed through the check smoothly and are provided accommodation… I feel like I owe you so much.”

“Hehe, owe me? I’m getting to return home comfortably thanks to you two. Plus, you took that discomfort for my sake.”


The horse let out a small snort, feeling Selin’s gentle touch.

Confirming Joanie gave a thumbs-up to Kana, Selin said, “Then I’ll guide you,” but abruptly stopped.

Then, saying in a somewhat awkward tone as if recalling something she had forgotten.

“Oh, but there is one thing you must know—”



I looked at the neatly arranged objects before me with a complex look.

It’s not that I was wary of these items because I didn’t know what they were.

Rather, the problem was that I knew them all too well.

As I sat there gazing with a conflicted expression, Joanie, who had been humming and wandering around, suddenly leaned in close.

“Kana, are you not going to wear it?”


…I should wear it.

…I should, but…

“I can’t wait to see Kana in a nun’s outfit…!”

Dum dum.

I let out a strange sound, ignoring Joanie, and sighed again.

Indeed, the identity of the items in front of me was clothing—specifically, a nun’s habit.

Why on earth did I, someone not even a nun, end up having to wear this?

“Why? The condition of staying here was to wear the nun’s outfit while we’re here, wasn’t it?”

“…I didn’t say anything.”

“Your face says it all.”

At those words, I instinctively raised my hand and touched my face.

Without a doubt, there was nothing on my hand.

“Aha! You really thought I meant it literally?”


I just checked whether my expression was that easy to read.

Regardless of what I said, Joanie didn’t seem to buy it at all.

I abandoned my attempt to persuade the evidently mischievous Joanie and rifled through the absurd nun outfit.

Taking a moment back when we saw the makeshift lodging, we were in despair.

Selin had made her offer to lend us a spare room at the shrine.

However, the catch was that it was in a nunnery, and while staying there, we had to wear nun’s outfits.

I thought it was no big deal and agreed, but now that it was in front of me, it was a different story…

The style wasn’t revealing or overly cute, but why was I feeling this way?

Knock knock.

“Are you two ready yet? Meal time is approaching.”

“Ah, just a second! Kana hasn’t changed yet! Kana, we’ll miss the food if you don’t hurry up? Or should I dress you myself~?”


Ultimately, unable to withstand Joanie’s urging, I squeezed my eyes shut and picked up the nun’s outfit.

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