I Became a Raid Boss

Chapter 93

The faint flow of mana.

Normally, I would have passed by this subtle flow without noticing, but now, with my focus heightened, I could feel it.

‘So that’s how it is.’

I could now understand Atysha’s words that living beings unconsciously release mana.

As I felt the flow of mana, I slowly opened my eyes.



At my signal, Da-eun nodded her head too.

“Kana, do you know how much I love you?”

As someone who had just begun to learn Arkish, I couldn’t comprehend that statement.

But now it was different.

I had learned the communication style of the Demon Race from Atysha.

I interpreted the meaning within the mana that Da-eun was releasing.

“…’I’m an expert but a complete failure at using a sword?’”

“Wrong! Totally wrong!”

Da-eun yelled in a high-pitched squeal.

“How can saying I love you a lot turn into calling me a failure?!”

“Hmm, I think that could happen.”

“No way! That’s completely different!”

“But I really can’t understand you.”

“Then can’t you just say you don’t get it…?”

“My pride won’t let me!”

“Ugh! You’re so annoying I can’t take it anymore!”



Da-eun stretched my cheeks out like silly putty.

‘Could my cheeks stretch this much?’

“Just be honest. You only understand what you want to understand, right? If that weren’t the case, how could you understand words like chocolate, meat, and kid while not understanding anything else?!”


“…What are you saying? I can’t get it.”


If you want to understand, you gotta let go of my cheek!

It doesn’t hurt, but staring at my cheeks stretched like rice cakes feels weird.

Sending her some serious glares, Da-eun finally released my cheek.

I didn’t even need a mirror to know my cheeks were turning red.

Rubbing my lightly warmed cheeks, I grumbled.

“Is this my fault?”

After I understood Da-eun’s words, we conducted a lot of experiments.

Testing if Da-eun and Selin could understand Arkish, and in reverse, if Selin could understand me too.

The success rate was below half… about 30%, or maybe even less.

In absolute terms, that’s not a high success rate, but considering it was a skill I just started learning, isn’t it a satisfactory result?

At least that’s what I thought.

“You can’t be skilled from the start.”

“…At least Kana shouldn’t say that!”


“Did you forget how you called me a failure all the time…?!”

With a voice full of grievance, Da-eun reached out to me again.

I had been careless earlier, but this time, it was different.

Shaking my head vigorously, I dodged her grasp.

“It’s only natural to easily read things you care about….”

Atysha, who had been quietly watching us bicker, chimed in.

“It’s the same when you talk…. If people around you speak about things you don’t care about, does that get in your ear…?”

“Hmm… I guess not?”

“Exactly… I think it’s amazing you succeeded even once… As you get used to it, you’ll be able to read other things too….”*

“See? Even Atysha says that.”

I knew it. I wasn’t doing anything wrong.

“Look at you, so smug.”

Ending up failing to catch me, Da-eun smacked her lips and withdrew her hands.

Even though she was giving me a mischievous look, it was rather amusing that she didn’t try to catch me again.

Like I said, she should’ve been more diligent in training.

In that sense, I also needed to train to develop my new ability, but…

“I plan to just grab a quick bite and head out.”

I postponed that task.

I already had plans for today.

“In such a hurry?”

“I understand.”

“Got it….”

There was only one dissenting opinion.

And even that wasn’t a complete disagreement, just a differing opinion.

“We don’t know how long it might take, so we should leave early.”

If we went late and the sun set, it would become a hassle.

Even if the phases of darkness were long ago, it was still psychologically daunting.

“Kana doesn’t like the dark either, huh? You may seem mature, but there’s still that cute side to you.”

“Yep. I dislike it because it reminds me of when I lived in dark alleys.”

“…I’m sorry.”

“Just kidding.”

Suddenly, the atmosphere turned somber.

Even though I said it was a joke, Da-eun’s expression showed no sign of brightening.

…I really meant it as a joke.

I tried my best to salvage the mood I had unintentionally sunk into, but my attempts consistently failed.

Not only that, it seemed to yield the opposite effect.

With her deep, understanding eyes as if she understood everything, I eventually gave up on explaining myself.

I realized that with my lack of social skills and eloquence, I couldn’t lift the atmosphere out of the abyss.

So instead of trying to change the mood, I shifted the topic.

“Anyway, I’m thinking of setting out soon. Atysha.”


“Please guide me on the way.”

“I was planning to go with you anyway…. I wanted to see that fellow collapse.”

Despite her languid tone, the combative Atysha took my request right away.

“I’ll help too.”

Selin, who had been listening through Da-eun’s translation, also readily volunteered her assistance.

With a novice saint willing to help, there was no reason to refuse her offer, so I happily accepted it.

Me, Atysha, Selin, and a few demons who would assist us.

The party was nearly complete to hunt Krumo’s shadow.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure how much help Atysha and the demons would be, but looking at Atysha’s confidence made me believe it was going to be okay.

“So, let’s eat and then leave right away—”

“Joanie stays here.”


I interrupted Da-eun’s statement.


“Is there someone else using that name here?”

“There isn’t, but that’s not the point!”

Da-eun stood up abruptly as if pushing her chair aside.

“If Selin and Atysha are going together, why do I have to stay here?!”

“Because you’re weak.”


Da-eun’s complaints were suddenly cut short.

She seemed to have no retort to the fact that she was weak, and as she pondered, she found another point to counter.

“Then what about Raxia? Raxia is also dangerous, but you said to go there!”

“Raxia isn’t about fighting—”

“Regardless! It’s still just as dangerous.”

“Hmm… I guess so. …So you don’t want to go?”

“Uh, no… I don’t want to go because I’m asking why I can’t go now.”

Could it be that she dislikes being left behind?

This stubbornness from Da-eun, who used to cringe at even the mention of ‘combat,’ was surprising.

After trying several times to convince her, she remained absolutely stubborn.

“Why are you being so stubborn?”

“…Kana was also stubborn just a moment ago.”

“That’s different.”

What I did wasn’t stubbornness; it was something I deserved to do.

Plus, combat power was a direct factor in battles.

“It’s not different at all.”

Da-eun shook her head.

“Surely, when you say that, you’re saying it out of concern for me? You’re worried I might get hurt while you fight Krumo’s shadow.”


“Just as I’m concerned about you. How could I just stand by and watch my sibling go to a dangerous place?”


Da-eun’s words implied that her feelings were kindred to mine about worrying.

Honestly, it felt a bit tiresome that she was insisting on coming along.

‘Could she possibly have another reason?’ I found myself thinking unwarranted thoughts as Da-eun’s mana flowed into me.

That mana contained concern and worry, just as Da-eun had stated.

“I understand what you mean.”

“If that’s so—”

However, I couldn’t take Da-eun’s words at face value.

“But just because you understand doesn’t change the fact that it’s a no.”

I might be confident in hunting enemies, but I lacked confidence in protecting.

Keeping safe was my father’s specialty.

“Fine… I get it. I just have to wait.”

With Selin stepping in to dissuade her, Da-eun finally relented.

However, though she reluctantly accepted, her face was still full of dissatisfaction.

…I had no plans to reconsider, but I did feel a bit guilty.

For making her feel left out and for those unwarranted thoughts I had.

Even if I didn’t voice it, just having thought it weighed heavily on me.

“…When I get back.”


“Once I finish hunting and come back, I’ll grant you one favor.”

With a puzzled expression, Da-eun replied.

“Uh… Don’t people usually say a wish in such a situation?”

“That feels too grand for me.”

“Then, do you promise to hug and pet me all day long?”

“…Do you want that?”

I nodded awkwardly.

Honestly, I didn’t know if I should call it humble or just sticking to my desires.

“If you want it, I’ll agree.”*

“Yay! Since it’s a promise, you have to keep it, okay?”

“Got it.”

Da-eun wouldn’t know what I had been thinking.

I hadn’t tricked her, but I still tried to shake off that feeling of unease.

“I’ll definitely come back alive.”


“If I return safely… um, let’s at least have a meal together.”*

“W-wait a second, Kana…?”

“Don’t worry. You know my skills. I’ll handle it and be back quickly, so wait for me.”*

“…Are you doing this on purpose?! You’re setting off flags, aren’t you?!”

“Flags? What’s that?”*


I told her not to worry, but Da-eun’s face showed no signs of easing her anxiety; in fact, it deepened.

What was causing this?

I had no idea.

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