I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 111

Meanwhile, Kraush crossed his arms.

“And I have a fiancée.”

“A f-fiancée?”

Karandis, who had finally come to her senses, turned beet red with embarrassment at the mention of a fiancée.

“I-I didn’t mean it that way….”

She trailed off, trying hard to maintain her smile.

Then, overcoming her embarrassment, she boldly took a strong stance.

“Having a fiancée doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get married.”

Crazy woman.

Kraush glared at her, wondering if she even knew what she was saying, but she maintained a defiant expression.

Her trembling lips showed her embarrassment, but her determination to marry him was clear.

This woman was no ordinary person.

Just as Kraush was about to bluntly tell her she wasn’t his type,

someone appeared on the stage.

The moment the students saw him, they all fell silent.

His face was that of an elderly man with a thick white beard, but his muscles were visible through his clothing, leaving everyone in awe.

Although he was well past his prime and had retired, he was once known as one of the strongest individuals under the heavens.

The former Battle Emperor, Durandal.

A living legend who reached the pinnacle of martial prowess from the ground up with no family backing.

He was also the principal of Rahelrn Academy.

“Welcome, new students. I am Durandal.”

The students held their breath.

Meeting a living legend was naturally overwhelming.

“Before we begin, I have one thing to say to the new students.”

Only Kraush looked as if he had heard it all before.

“I always respect the opinions of my students. So, if you have any suggestions, feel free to visit the principal’s office. However.”

At that moment, Durandal’s arms swelled.

With a ripping sound, his clothes tore off, revealing his massive arms covered in scars.

While the students were momentarily stunned, he slammed his arm on the podium.

The podium made of sacred wood split in two.

“The world listens to strength, not weak opinions. In this world, might makes right. The opinions of the weak are not considered.”

Crazy old man.

He seemed satisfied, though.

“Oh, Literature students can submit their suggestions in writing.”

He added, thinking he was being kind.

While everyone was still dazed,

another person appeared on the stage.

A man with a humble build and glasses looked even smaller next to the imposing Durandal.

“Hello, students. I am Eradin Judys, the vice-principal who will be responsible for you for the next few years.”

He smiled weakly, seeing that the students were not paying much attention to him.

“Before the entrance ceremony, we will call out the top students from each department and present awards. Please come forward when your name is called.”

At this, the students finally began to focus.

Rahelrn Academy was filled with the world’s most talented individuals.

Being the top student here meant being at the pinnacle of talent.

Naturally, the students paid close attention.

“First, from the Literature department, Sizelry Ephania.”

The moment that name was called, both Kraush and Mary froze.

‘Sizelry? She wasn’t supposed to join the academy.’

Kraush’s face showed surprise.

Mary, on the other hand, hung her head low.

While the two reacted, a girl with long blue hair tied in buns, symbolizing the empire, appeared on stage.

Her round, gold-tinged eyes sparkled.

She was a small girl due to her frail health.

The 4th Princess of Ephania, Sizelry Ephania.

The hall buzzed with whispers as she appeared.

“It’s the 4th Princess.”

“The empire’s greatest mind.”

“She’s so cute.”

Ignoring the chatter, Sizelry confidently climbed the stage.

She immediately glanced toward Kraush.

When their eyes met, Kraush froze.

Sizelry was staring directly at him.

Kraush understood her look.

She knew he was Krad.

‘She figured it out already.’

Her observational skills were unparalleled.

“From the Theology department, Astria Stigma Freeman.”

Another name was called.

A woman with hair like sunlight stood up, drawing everyone’s attention.

Her natural beauty aside, her prominent chest caught many eyes.

She walked gracefully to the stage, seemingly accustomed to the attention.

“As expected of the Saintess, she’s beautiful.”

“Cough, blasphemous thoughts.”

“May the light of Freeman shine.”

With the petite Sizelry beside her, Astria stood out even more.

Astria glanced toward Kraush and quickly averted her eyes when their gazes met.

She was still the same.

“From the Magic Studies department, Aslan Igrit.”

The next name called was Aslan’s.

Unlike before, exclamations came mainly from the female students.

Despite his improved health, his decadent appearance was perfect for stealing women’s hearts.

For some reason, his uniform seemed to move slightly.

Aslan climbed the stage with a wry smile.

“From the Special Arts department, Violen Sedney.”

A male student over 2 meters tall with a gloomy face walked onto the stage.

Kraush quietly narrowed his eyes.

He knew who this person was.

“And finally.”

One last name was called.

“From the Martial Arts department, Kraush Balheim.”

As Kraush stood, all eyes turned to him.

The Martial Arts department was essentially the highlight of Rahelrn Academy.

Being the best in that department was akin to being the best at Rahelrn Academy.

Under the intense gaze of the students, Kraush walked onto the stage with a straight back.

No one dared to speak.

They simply watched the star of this entrance ceremony.

Kraush was the last to take the stage.

The five talents who would represent Rahelrn Academy stood before everyone.


The rest of the entrance ceremony was uneventful.

After the ceremony, the students had lunch.

Then, they headed to their respective departments.

With some unexpected free time during lunch,

Kraush found himself face-to-face with an annoying person.

“Master Kraush, let’s have lunch together!”

It was none other than the 9th Princess of Poseus, Karandis.

Despite feeling ashamed from being pushed away earlier,

she seemed to have regained her composure when Kraush drew everyone’s attention on stage.

Determined to make him her husband, she looked at Kraush with determination.

Kraush frowned.

Should he hit her?

Just as he was seriously considering it,

“Um, can I join you for lunch too?”

Mary shyly raised her hand behind Karandis.

Following the entrance ceremony, she had been trailing Kraush along with Karandis, waiting for a chance to speak.

Karandis shot her a sharp look.

“Who are you, and why do you keep following Master Kraush?”

As if she was any different.

While Kraush was dumbfounded, Mary flinched under Karandis’s piercing glare.

“…I’m Mary Diana.”

Mary replied in a barely audible voice.

Her time in prison had made her lose much of her former confidence.

But Karandis’s eyes grew even more hostile.

“Mary Diana, as in the traitor who tried to assassinate the imperial family?”

Mary’s head drooped even lower.

Her face was covered in cold sweat, and she didn’t know what to do.


Karandis sighed, watching her.

“What nerve you have, trying to stick to Master Kraush after attempting to assassinate the imperial family. Are you planning to use him to regain power in Starlon?”

“N-no! I’m loyal to the empire.”

Karandis’s accusations left Mary even more flustered.

Mary Diana, once a candidate for the Empire’s spear and backed by Sigrid, was now a criminal.

Karandis, the 9th princess of Poseus, could treat her however she wanted.

Mary had no standing anymore.

“Shameless. Master Kraush has a fiancée. Aren’t you ashamed?”

Are you not ashamed yourself?

Realizing her words applied to her as well, Karandis looked embarrassed and glanced at Kraush.

Then, as if it didn’t matter, she winked playfully.

She was out of her mind.

But her words had succeeded in disarming Mary further.

Mary looked like a mouse cornered by a cat.

“Get lost if you don’t want to disgrace Master Kraush’s name.”

Tears welled up in Mary’s eyes.

She couldn’t refute a single word Karandis said.

But Sigrid had ordered her to befriend Kraush.

She couldn’t give up.

Mary held back her tears and looked at Karandis.

Karandis, however, only glared at her more fiercely.

Kraush turned and walked away, leaving them to their argument.

“Running away after creating this mess?”

Suddenly, a voice caught his attention.

A small girl in an ill-fitting uniform, its sleeves covering her hands, stood there.

Despite being taller than before, she grinned at Kraush.

“Long time no see, Krad. Oh, I mean Kraush.”

It was Sizelry Ephania.

“What’s Krad?”

Kraush pretended not to know.

But Sizelry, unbothered, walked up to him.


She tripped over her own feet.

Instinctively, Kraush caught her.

Sizelry grabbed Kraush’s shoulder.

Her yellow eyes met his up close.

A soft, unique scent from her reached his nose.

“You should know best.”

Her acting was so good that even Kraush was momentarily fooled.

No, her slightly red ears indicated it was genuine.

Feigning nonchalance, Sizelry tapped Kraush’s arm.

“Your arm seems fine. You were quite lively during the entrance ceremony.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“If you want to hide it, I’ll play along. But you should behave properly. Won’t you treat me as you did when we first met?”

She poked his arm discontentedly.

With a displeased expression, Kraush sighed.

“Fine, Sizelry.”

“Hmm, that’s better.”

Sizelry nodded proudly, arms crossed.

She looked like she deserved a flick on the forehead.

“I heard you forgave Mary.”

Since they were already talking, Kraush decided to ask.

Sizelry had forgiven Mary before her execution.

This earned her the reputation of a merciful princess.

It was unusual for someone who disliked being the center of attention.

“She seemed useful to you. Couldn’t let her die.”

Kraush narrowed his eyes.

“She risked her life to save me. So, I prepared something.”

Sizelry tapped her neck with her finger.

“Put a leash on her.”

Whatever her intuition was, it was sharp.

During the martial arts tournament, Sizelry had observed Kraush’s reaction to Mary.

With her innate intelligence, she deduced that Kraush needed Mary.

She pushed Mary to the brink of execution, then saved her by putting a leash on her, dragging her to the academy as a gift for Kraush.

Kraush looked at Sizelry anew.

Now he understood why Sigrid was so obsessed with her.

If she wanted, she could conquer the empire.

“Not satisfied? I put in a lot of effort. If you want more, I’m all you get. Embarrassing.”

“Stop pretending to be Karandis.”

It wouldn’t work anyway, given the difference in their chests.

“Heh, just checking.”

She grinned mischievously.

“I have much to discuss, but we’re drawing attention.”

Noticing the stares, she stepped back.

“They’re serving Serna Bakery’s strawberry tarts today. If you don’t like sweets, save it for me. I love them.”

She knew about a special dessert that wasn’t even announced.

As always, her true nature remained a mystery.

Kraush rubbed his temples, feeling a mild headache.

A woman with hair like sunlight walked toward him.

She twirled her hair and glanced around nervously.

Then, as if deciding something, she cleared her throat and approached him.

“…If you don’t have anyone to eat lunch with, you could eat with me.”

Hearing Astria’s suggestion, Kraush looked up at the sky with a weary expression.

“I’m skipping lunch.”

Better to just skip it.

End of Chapter

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