I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 369

### Chapter 369

In the middle of the world, gathered around Kraush, was a coalition called…


Their singular objective was to close the Kingdom of Jeblam, paving the way for Kraush.

However, just because they shared a goal didn’t mean they worked together seamlessly.

They hailed from different nations.

Moreover, neighboring countries were regularly at each other’s throats, biting for no good reason.

Though the world had become more unified thanks to Kraush’s efforts, it was still a whole other ball game for these former sword-wielders to suddenly play nice overnight.

Among them, two pairs stood out as particularly incompatible.

The deputy commander of the White Dragon Knights from the Ephania Empire, Zhang-Gum.

The leader of the Guardian Sword from the Holy Royal Family of Starlon.

These two were like oil and water.

In fact, during their younger years, when tensions between the Empire and Starlon peaked, they had even aimed their swords at one another.

Naturally, when Kraush first laid eyes on them, he was honestly worried.

While their skills were undoubtedly solid, forcing mismatched puzzle pieces together would result in a broken mess.

But now…


The two were coordinating seamlessly, leading their knights through the Spirit King’s Woods.

While they might not have been quite up to the elite standards of the Ten Great Lords, they were practically monsters in their own right.

Likely because of this, they were wholly committed to cutting a path forward.

“Zhang-Gum, there’s a gap on the left. I’ll leave it to you.”

“Got it. I feel a disturbance in the northeast woods, keep that in mind.”

This was quite the scene—two folks who once sought each other’s lives were now cooperating.

For Kraush, it was a sight to behold, but he was underestimating his own position.

His name was far more revered in the Empire than he realized.

The Empire had leveraged his name so much that his reputation skyrocketed.

Especially since the Emperor was quite fond of Kraush.

With his engagement to Sigrid set in stone, the lineage of Balheim was now considered incredibly valuable.

A child born from Sigrid, dubbed the Empire’s top intellect, was a treasure beyond measure.

In other words, the Emperor saw Kraush’s child with Sigrid as a potential heir.

This was undoubtedly something Zhang-Gum was aware of.

He recognized Kraush for what he was—a potential father of the Empire’s future emperor.

A lifetime of loyalty to the Empire had ingrained into him:

This was a matter so important that he would willingly sacrifice his life to stop any wrongs Kraush might commit.

Thus, the thought of clashing with the Guardian Sword or anyone from a different kingdom didn’t even cross his mind.

Doing so would mean betraying the trust of the Emperor who sent him here.

“I’ll ensure this mission is completed, even at the cost of my life.”

Determined, Zhang-Gum’s spirit ignited with fierce intensity.

And his counterpart, the Guardian Sword, felt the same.

To eliminate Ixion’s forces lurking within the Kingdom of Jeblam, they were driven.

When the blazing behemoth Balok Balheim returned to Balheim, he glanced at the Guardian Sword and said:

“Kraush seems to be making quite the ruckus.”

This statement, poignant about Kraush, was incredible because Balok was not one to discuss family matters first.

He believed sibling squabbles should stay home, resolved internally.

But this indicated the attention Balok had on Kraush.

“Maybe the head of the family sees Kraush as the next heir.”

The Guardian Sword had long served Balok but still couldn’t decipher his innermost thoughts.

Yet if the head of the family truly intended that, Kraush must become head of the family.

Being the head of Balheim meant being Balheim itself.

So, protecting Kraush, the potential next heir, became the Guardian Sword’s role.

“Even if it costs me my life.”

I am adamant in making sure Kraush completes this mission successfully.

Thus, both noble knights were committed to their task, even if it risked their lives, as they navigated the path through the kingdom.

Their resolve trickled down to their respective knights.

This allowed everyone from Icarus to focus on combat.

It was a situation where even oil and water managed to mix.

[Their loyalty is so intense it’s giving me a headache.]

Only Crimson Garden, seeing through this scenario, could only shake its head in disbelief at the two knights’ devotion.

However, it was undeniably true that due to the two’s loyalty, Kraush was advancing more effortlessly through the Spirit King’s Woods.

“So this is what happens when the world unites. I never imagined I’d get to see something like this.”

Even Aslan was left in awe at Icarus’s formidable breakthrough.

“Well, sometimes the world can split in two.”

Kraush looked up at the two knights’ retreating backs.

Thanks to Icarus’s performance, Kraush was now rapidly progressing to the very heart of the Spirit King’s Woods.


In that moment, Dorothy flew onto Aslan’s shoulder.

[The King is on the move.]

Aslan’s head snapped toward Kraush as he heard those words.

Meeting Kraush’s gaze, there was an immediate nod from him.

In the Spirit King’s Woods, its master, the King of Spirits, Oberon, was beginning to stir.


Oberon, the Spirit King.

He was the embodiment of why the Spirit King’s Woods was known as the Kingdom of Jeblam.

Why, you ask? Because the entire Spirit King’s Woods was intertwined with Oberon.


Within the depths of the Spirit King’s Woods, a colossal tree erupted skyward.

It was so thick and towering that no number of people could enclose it with open arms.

The Tree of the Spirit King.

Reaching skyward, it was nearing the heavens, its countless branches extending outward in every direction.

The spectacle of the enormous tree’s limbs pushing through the forest was astounding.

And those standing beneath felt the resulting shockwaves.

“We’re cutting the Spirit King’s branches!”

“Mages, prepare fire magic!”

At that moment, Icarus began moving in perfect harmony.

Leading were Zhang-Gum, the Guardian Sword, Poseus of the Black Sea Knights, and Lakradiyon.

They swung their aura-infused blades against the surging branches as if they were train engines.

Their frantic swordplay prevented the branches from advancing further.

However, like a relentless flood, the branches kept multiplying.

The skies were beginning to be covered by the wooden appendages.

At the center of those branches reaching for the heavens, a bright white light began to emerge.

‘The Supreme Seed.’

Kraush recognized what it was.

The ultimate seed birthed in the Spirit King’s Woods lay there.

‘If I can’t pierce the Spirit King’s tree…’

He wouldn’t reach the ultimate seed.

Just then, the Eighty-Seated mage from the Kingdom of Jeblam finished his high-level fire magic.

“Fire now!”

Following his signal, the flames shot into the sky.

With that signal, a barrage of fiery embers swept through the branches.

The once dark branches soon crumbled into ash.


Simultaneously, Aslan also ignited his fire magic.

Blending ancient and modern spells, the resulting fiery display was it’s own equalizer.

The explosion of Aslan’s magic left even the mages from the Kingdom of Jeblam aghast.

The fact that this 17-year-old boy managed to unleash such power showcased his raw genius.

But Aslan wasn’t done.

The ice spirit Dorothy had transformed from blue to fiery red.

Simultaneously, the spirit energy flowing from her merged with Aslan’s arm.

At that instant, Aslan activated his second spell.


The swirling flames morphed into dragon forms, branching out in dozens.

Aslan’s magic incinerated the branches, turning them to splinters.

As a massive pathway opened up, the mages widened their eyes in astonishment.

The emergence of this second spirit magic marked a new horizon for mages everywhere.

“Mages, there’s no time to dawdle. Run!”

However, Zhang-Gum’s words jolted the mages back to reality.

Kraush and the leading party were already sprinting down the path they had opened.

Swiftly advancing through the created trail.

Branches blocked their way.

They cut through again.

This cycle continued.

Naturally, fatigue began to mount for Icarus.


One mage collapsed, drained of mana, succumbing to exhaustion.

“Haah, haah!”

Many warriors were panting heavily, struggling to keep pace.

“There’s a battle spirit to the left!”

Yet it wasn’t just branches coming after them.

Battle spirits appeared from all directions, incessantly distressing them.

The number of injuries began to rise steadily.

They started to realize why the Kingdom of Jeblam became a no-go zone for humanity.

This was hell; it was a domain where humans couldn’t tread.

“The sky is falling!”

At that moment, someone screamed.

Those who heard looked up just in time to see a massive branch, colossal beyond comprehension, crashing down toward them.

So immense it could squash thousands beneath it.

The branch blocked out the sky as it descended.

In that instant, both Zhang-Gum and the Guardian Sword soared into the air.

Their blades split the air, releasing torrents of aura.

The aura they unleashed stood as a standard that all knights aspired to reach throughout their lifetime.

With that aura flowing, the two crossed their swords.


Their combined strike cleaved through the monstrous branch descending from the heavens.

As the two broke through that might of nature, a young boy soared upward between them.

None other than Kraush Balheim.

Under his feet, ice platforms formed in rapid succession, thanks to Aslan’s magic supporting his ascent.

Kraush stepped onto these platforms, gradually enveloping himself in white flames.

Horns sprouted from his head.

His hair transformed to pure white.

White smoke billowed from his mouth.

With the power of the God of Creation, his eyes transitioned to a deep crimson.


At that moment, the tree above began to take the shape of a person.

It was Oberon, the Spirit King.

Oberon’s hand stretched forth to block Kraush.

However, upon seeing this, Kraush simply smiled lightly.

“Sorry, but it’s already too late.”

Activating the Annihilation Erosion, Kraush thrust his sword skyward.

The white flames contained within surged toward Oberon, engulfing the skies.

Annihilation Erosion,

Tenth Style,


The heavens were dyed with white flames.

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