I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 431

### Chapter: 431

High-Tier God.

God of Fire, Inferno.

Kraush froze at the sight of the monster composed entirely of flames.

The air was so hot that he couldn’t move a muscle.

Instinct was screaming at him.

If he dared to move even a little, he would die.

Maios was already kneeling on the ground, bowing his head.

From the start, he didn’t even consider the possibility of fighting.

He merely prayed with his head lowered, hoping the high-tier god would spare his life.

Maios, who could tear apart low-tier gods with just a gesture.

Seeing him bowing like this made it painfully clear just how vast the gap was between high-tier and mid-tier gods.

‘It is said that once you reach high-tier, gods acquire titles.’

Mid-tier gods are simply called by their names.

But high-tier gods, like Inferno, have titles like “God of Fire.”

A god established from a single concept.

Just that alone grants them power and authority that contributes to the very flow of the universe.

Thus, fighting a high-tier god means clashing with one of the fundamental authorities of the cosmos.

‘The gap between mid-tier and high-tier gods.’

It was a realization of just how insurmountable it truly was.

This wasn’t a gap that could be bridged with effort.

‘But still.’

Nevertheless, there are occasionally individuals among mid-tier gods who become high-tier gods.

Even if the probability is infinitesimally close to zero.

High-tier gods undoubtedly appeared, and there were rules governing it.

Humans often say they possess infinite potential.

If that’s the case, then proving that potential is a human endeavor.

‘Of course, proving that means…’

He needs to survive this encounter first.

Kraush quietly stared at Inferno.

Inferno, who was fully engulfed in flames.

He couldn’t read the expression on his flame-wreathed face at all.

‘I stole Ignes from Belorkin.’

Belorkin Balheim.

The third son of the Balheim family, originally the possessor of Ignes.

Kraush had taken down Belorkin and stolen his skill, then executed him personally.

That also meant he had killed Inferno’s contractor with his own hands.

How would Inferno react to that?

Kraush couldn’t guess.

[Hmm, this is different from what I expected. I thought you would show some animosity since you’re so aggressive.]

At that moment, Inferno spoke.

The mere sound of his voice caused the surrounding area to shimmer like a mirage.

He was indeed incredibly aggressive.

That statement implied that Inferno had been observing Kraush’s actions all along.

There was no hostility in the conversation.

But then again, a person isn’t likely to feel malice toward an ant, it seems.

Yet, one can’t remain silent for a lifetime.

“…Right now, I have no intention of expressing hostility toward a high-tier god.”

As Kraush spoke, Inferno fell silent for a moment.

Then, a smirk gradually spread across his face.

[You mean “right now”?]

What a loaded statement.

However, that also hinted at some understanding of Inferno’s personality.

Sure enough, Inferno watched Kraush with an intrigued gaze.

“Moreover, I have been borrowing Ignes for this long without even being a contractor. I owe a debt to you, Inferno, so why would I show hostility?”

Hostility? He wasn’t even thinking of it.

From the moment Inferno appeared, Ignes wasn’t really obeying him anymore.

Effectively, it felt as though Kraush had lost half of his power.

So it was essential to avoid fighting Inferno.

[I’ve enjoyed seeing a new flame show every time I saw you, but maybe it’s still too early for you.]

Inferno licked his lips, sounding disappointed.

[Let me ask you one thing.]

Inferno looked at Kraush with a grin.

[How long do you think it’ll take for you to become a flame more intense than mine?]

Kraush finally realized why Inferno had come to him.

He wanted to see if a flame greater than his own would arise.

“…Do you wish to stop being the God of Fire, Inferno?”

Listening to Kraush’s question, Inferno abruptly stopped laughing.

He stared at Kraush with wide eyes.

[What do you think?]

Responding to a question with another question—a very godlike attitude.

But he got the gist of it.

Aside from everything else, the God of Fire wanted to see a flame burning even hotter.

[I have reached my limits in burning.]

The high-tier god.

Having evolved into a completed existence, a key pillar of the cosmos, Inferno still craved to burn even brighter.

High-tier gods are embodiments of desires.

Their ambition knows no bounds.

[So I’ve instead considered a different direction.]

Inferno’s gaze locked onto Kraush.

[I decided to bestow skills only upon those with the qualities to burn the brightest in this world.]

Realizing that, Kraush grasped why Inferno had chosen Belorkin.

Inferno wanted nothing more than to burn.

It didn’t need to be physical.

Simply burning was what mattered most to Inferno.

‘Belorkin burned, but only for an instant.’

He turned to ashes far too quickly.

[But that didn’t bring me satisfaction. Part of it was that I didn’t have high expectations, anyway.]

A human’s burning is but a fleeting moment to the gods.

So from Inferno’s perspective, giving skills to suitable individuals wouldn’t be a problem.

After all, humans live for what seems like only a blink of an eye in Inferno’s lengthy existence.

With time, there would eventually come a day that someone would burn intensely enough to receive a skill.

[And then, you appeared.]

But unexpectedly.

The one he bestowed skills upon died, and suddenly a thief stole those skills away.

What on earth was this guy doing?

As Kraush obtained Ignes and immediately set fire to world erosion, it became something far beyond Inferno’s expectations.

Burning world erosion, Kraush rapidly grew stronger.

His flames resembled Kraush himself.

They burned ceaselessly while never extinguishing, no matter what storm hit them.

The unquenchable flame kept blazing and blazing.

And ultimately.

Kraush became the most intense flame visible even from afar in the divine realm.

As Inferno gazed at the brilliantly burning flames, he was awestruck.

And for the first time in a long while, he felt his heart race.

[I believed you would burn brighter.]

Although it appeared that Kraush’s flames had completely dwindled over the last five years.

Without a doubt, that spark was still alive, quietly burning.

Waiting for the day it would ignite again.

And five years later.

Kraush was burning vibrantly like a flame once more.

[And you’re still burning even in the divine realm.]

While it may not be impressive yet in Inferno’s eyes, Kraush would undoubtedly become an even fiercer flame.

[If you become the strongest flame, I will devour you.]

But Inferno’s words weren’t a threat.

They were more like a proclamation.

After all, saying that Kraush would become the strongest flame equated to saying that…

“I wouldn’t be the one to consume Inferno, would I?”

That meant he could reverse the situation.

Maios, who had been listening quietly, was shocked.

To say something like that before a high-tier god…

It felt like Kraush was thoroughly losing it.

However, Inferno didn’t deny it—instead, he laughed brightly, flames flickering.

[It doesn’t matter who swallows whom. A single flame will burn even brighter while using each other as fuel.]

Looks like he’s really into fire.

But then again, maybe that level of passion is what makes him the God of Fire.

I’ve heard many high-tier gods are beings that can’t be understood by human concepts.

So, Kraush decided to gamble.

“Then, in that case, may I humbly make a request?”

Kraush bowed before Inferno.

Whether human politeness would translate to a god is another story.

But it certainly was enough to signify his intent to Kraush.

“If Inferno wishes for a fierce flame, I can become one, no problem.”

Kraush had lived his life by setting himself ablaze.

In truth, he knew no other way to live.

Inferno’s eyes sparkled.

That was a very satisfactory answer for him.

“But in my current state, Inferno, as you say, it may take a long time.”

Kraush could see now.

No matter how many mid-tier gods he swallowed.

It wasn’t enough to face a high-tier god.

Something different.
A way to move forward was needed.

“Can you assist me in shortening that time, Inferno?”

Kraush’s gamble was to use the opportunity presented by Inferno.

The original wielder of Ignes, Inferno.

Just watching how he wielded fire would greatly expand Kraush’s understanding.

An opportunity that couldn’t be missed, one that would not come again.

So, Kraush took the risk, betting his life.

Hoping that the whims of a high-tier god wouldn’t turn against him.

Kraush bowed his head, waiting for a response.

Maios, who had been listening, tensed up as well.

He understood just how huge a risk it was to appeal directly to a high-tier god.

[Recently, there’s been a lot of talk about you in the divine realm.]

The child of the Thief God.

Kraush, who appeared through the Lower World Gate, had already swallowed twenty mid-tier gods.

These mid-tier gods were all members of a single constellation.

He must have rubbed their pride the wrong way, and by now, Kraush was likely being targeted.

[If I were to take you along, the gods would have a field day with us.]

Even Inferno, as a high-tier god, would have trouble if another high-tier god decided to chase after them.

There was no reason to take such a risk.

But despite sharing all those thoughts, Inferno continued to smile.

[This is also a perfect timing to test out a new flame.]

Kraush slowly lifted his head.

[Folllow me.]

The whims of the gods.

[I want to see a flame that can burn even brighter than I can now.]

Those whims began to plot a new course for Kraush’s life.

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