I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 68 The Gathering at Demonic Bastion

‘That should be enough.’

Kraush, having deliberately crushed Pendal in response to his full effort, now stepped off the chest of the flushed and shame-faced Pendal. But Pendal did not rise. It seemed less embarrassing for him to remain down, beaten.

Kraush turned to address the onlookers.

“I am Kraush Balheim. I seek challengers to join me in conquering Nakcheon and ascending to the 8th floor.”

All eyes snapped to Kraush.

“Come whenever you’re ready. Anyone well-versed in Demonic Bastion is welcome. If you desire the glory of ascending to the 8th floor, join me.”

With that, Kraush turned away. Pendal’s gang rushed to his side, but Kraush paid them no mind. Instead, he thought of the woman who had been watching him throughout the fight.


Perhaps the last light of Demonic Bastion, a swordswoman who, if Pendal was the darkness, was its shining beacon. All challengers of the Bastion admired her and hoped she would conquer it one day. During the year Kraush spent in Demonic Bastion, her name was the one he heard most often. However, by that time, Lakradiyon had already put down her sword and become a faded memory.

While Pendal remained in the darkness, Lakradiyon lost her light and crumbled. After letting go of her sword, she became nothing more than a merchant running a small shop in the Bastion.

[Won’t he seek revenge if you just leave him be?]

Crimson Garden landed on Kraush’s shoulder and asked. Kraush chuckled at the question.

“That’s what I’m counting on.”

[A character as nasty as ever.]

Pendal’s skill, Lyoner, was an electric ability that, according to Kraush, Pendal had never fully utilized. Kraush intended to steal that skill for himself. Three conditions appeared before Pendal:

[Experience envy.]

First was envy, a condition ironically already met simply because Kraush was born a Balheim.

[Be acknowledged as more than a rival.]

Second, Pendal must fully recognize Kraush as a rival, no matter the method.

‘Very vague again.’

The battle had not yet satisfied Pendal’s second condition. He hadn’t truly acknowledged Kraush in his heart.

‘There will be more opportunities.’

The moment Pendal acknowledges him as more than a rival. Kraush decided to patiently wait for that time. After all, as long as he stayed in Demonic Bastion, he would keep encountering Pendal.

Kraush’s reason for recruiting a team for Demonic Bastion wasn’t just because the place was tricky to navigate alone. It was also to entice Pendal. Back in the day, Kraush faced a similar situation due to being a Balheim. However, it wasn’t Kraush who fought back then.

The one who faced Pendal was Anix Graiser, the archer. When Belorkin managed to obtain Rain Thunder Prime, Anix also came to Demonic Bastion, hoping for some spoils. Naturally, Pendal confronted them, and as a result, Anix crushed him. Despite repeatedly attacking Anix with no restraint, Pendal was ultimately demolished and fled the Bastion.

Because of such events, Kraush remembered Pendal’s tendencies, skills, and characteristics well – it was one of his specialties. That knowledge allowed him to defeat Pendal with little difficulty. With anyone else, it wouldn’t have been so easy.

‘The situation is entirely different now.’

Kraush believed Pendal hadn’t changed much since then.

‘If there’s a worse outcome, so be it.’

Of course, any worse outcome would hardly be favorable for Pendal.

In the darkness, Kraush’s eyes softly glowed.

* * *

To put it bluntly.

The situation was not resolved as easily as expected.

Kraush watched Bianca, who was engrossed in a new book he had recently bought her. Unfortunately, nobody had shown up to join Kraush’s assault on the 8th floor. Pendal had indeed been defeated by Kraush. However, Kraush was ultimately leaving Demonic Bastion, and Pendal wasn’t going anywhere.

No challenger dared approach Kraush, now marked by Pendal’s enmity.

“You’ve got chocolate on your face.”

Kraush wasn’t particularly bothered and wiped Bianca’s face clean from the chocolate she smeared while eating.

Bianca moved her face this way and that, following Kraush’s hand. She seemed accustomed to whatever he did for her. Then, she looked up at him.

“Will you keep waiting?”

“It seems so.”

Young Bianca didn’t quite grasp what Kraush was constantly striving for. She was just there because she was by his side. It wasn’t altogether unpleasant, but occasionally she wanted to be of help.

“Can’t I help with something?”

Kraush was taken aback, then let out a soft laugh.

“What could you help me with?”

Unlike Kraush, Bianca had no knowledge related to combat. But curious about how the little one might help, Kraush asked, and Bianca stood up. She then sat down right in the center of the chair Kraush had been occupying.

Kraush paused when her soft hair touched his face.

“People’s warmth can ease a tense mind.”

“…Read that in a book?”


Her answer was curt. Yet, she seemed pleased, her legs swinging slowly under the table.

Kraush, with an incredulous expression, gently stroked her hair. Her legs began to swing a little faster, reminiscent of a wagging puppy’s tail.

‘She’s becoming more expressive now that she’s free from suppressing her emotions.’

For Bianca, who had lived a life oppressed of emotions, such a change was rather satisfying to witness.


A voice reached Kraush’s ears. Sensing the arrival he had been waiting for, he turned to see a figure standing tall.

A woman with black and gold intertwined hair and a sword at her waist. The only one in Demonic Bastion who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Pendalord.

It was Lakradiyon.

Whether she had been training since morning, her clothes were covered in dust. Yet, her emerald eyes shone with clarity.

At last, the anticipated guest had arrived.

Kraush looked at her without changing his expression. But regardless of his façade, Bianca was sitting in front of him. He tapped her shoulder, and she just pushed her bottom further into the seat.

Not willing to move, huh?

Although a bit awkward, Kraush decided to speak in front of the child.

“What brings you here?”

Lakradiyon opened her mouth cautiously.

“I’d like to help with the assault on the 8th floor.”

There it was, the awaited declaration.

Kraush’s eyelids lifted slightly.

“You know this puts you against Pendal. He’ll likely try to interfere. He won’t be able to stand the thought of me succeeding where he failed.”

Lakradiyon’s eyes remained steadfast.

“That doesn’t concern me. Pendal and I are cowards. Once the 8th floor is conquered, he’ll slink away.”

Lakradiyon and Pendal had once been part of the same team, challenging the Bastion. They both knew how they’d been crushed by the specter of Nakcheon on the 8th floor.

“You’re a coward too, yet you want to join me in confronting the 8th floor?”

“Yes, I want to leave cowardice behind.”

That was enough for Kraush.

“Alright. Lakradiyon, let’s go together.”

“…You knew my name.”

“You know mine, don’t you? Who would try to conquer the 8th floor of Demonic Bastion without that much awareness?”

Lakradiyon did not deny it.

“But I’m just a novice in Demonic Bastion. It’s filled with countless traps, and I doubt you can disarm them all on your own.”

“I have an expert contact for that.”

Impressed by her quick wits, Kraush smiled.

“Good. I’m counting on your expert then.”

The preparations were complete.

All that remained was the actual assault.

It was time to defeat Nakcheon and claim Rain Thunder Prime. And incidentally, Pendal’s skill as well.

* * *

The news that Lakradiyon, the Light of Demonic Bastion, had joined forces with a Balheim heir, spread like wildfire. It was no wonder, given that Lakradiyon had directly approached Kraush, who was always seeking partners for the assault.

After the Icarus team, including Lakradiyon and Pendal, had been decimated by Nakcheon in the past, Lakradiyon had not entered Demonic Bastion again and focused solely on honing her sword. Everyone believed she would eventually return to the Bastion, but she did not.

As Lakradiyon’s reputation began to fade, she decided to enter Demonic Bastion once more, this time with a Balheim heir.

“Didn’t Pendal just get crushed by the Balheim heir?”

“Is the Balheim heir that impressive? Or is Lakradiyon just riding on his coattails for fame?”

Some were quick to downgrade Lakradiyon’s decision. But those who remembered her prowess in Demonic Bastion and the monstrosity that was Nakcheon shook their heads. They argued that if this were her only motive, she would have returned to the Bastion long ago.

Lakradiyon had seen something new in the Balheim heir – a new light.

And everyone believed that.


Upon hearing the news, Pendal slammed his fist onto the desk before him. In the dim light filtered by heavy drapes, Pendal, with a plaster on his chin, gritted his teeth in anger.

“La, Lakradiyon, she sides with that bastard after seeing me like this?”

Pendal felt betrayed by Lakradiyon. She had fallen before Nakcheon just as he had, and now she had chosen to ally with Kraush. He couldn’t accept it.

Pendal harbored a deep-seated inferiority complex towards Lakradiyon. Unlike him, who was reviled for his brutality, she had always been a radiant light in her swordplay. Though she too had been broken alongside him, her persistence in wielding the sword was both foolish and frightening to Pendal. If she were to rise again, Pendal’s own downfall would be pitiable.

And now she was returning to Demonic Bastion, with the very Balheim heir responsible for his humiliation.

Grinding his teeth again, Pendal clenched his fist and struck his own face.


That was enough wallowing in inferiority. It didn’t matter that he had been bested by the Balheim heir.

“…You think I’ll just sit still?”

There was only one thing Pendal had always aimed for – the aspiration to defeat Nakcheon one day, the very reason he had formed Pendalord.

He would not let Nakcheon fall to anyone else.

‘No more hesitation from today.’

Ironically, the news of Lakradiyon and Kraush’s challenge to Nakcheon rekindled Pendal’s resolve. His eyes sparkled with renewed determination.

He strode past the broken desk and flung open the door.

His gang, gathered before him, flinched and hurried out of his way.

“…I’m entering Demonic Bastion.”

As his words echoed, one by one, the members of Pendalord turned to face him.

The man who had hesitated despite his ambition to challenge Nakcheon now finally spoke out.

The eyes of every member of Pendalord blazed with new purpose.

“Boss, you’ve finally decided.”

“Ha, that’s right! We can’t let our prey be taken from us.”

“Our boss is ugly, but this is why we follow him!”

Pendalord’s morale surged, and Pendal swallowed a bitter chuckle, his eyes narrowing.

“Yes, we’ll defeat Nakcheon first and claim Rain Thunder Prime.”

It was the moment the entire Demonic Bastion moved into action.

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