I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 85 Sister, Princess, and the Old Monster

The members of the Green Wave Knight Order were seething with rage at Kraush’s warning.

Just as they were about to shout something at Kraush,

“What’s the commotion here?”

Someone appeared, interrupting them.

Wearing a uniform with green mixed into black,

A man with a notable black mustache crossed by a scar on the bridge of his nose.

His beret pressed down, he seemed very displeased with the current situation.

He was Lexus Vilter, the Green Wave Knight Order captain.

After glancing between the Green Wave Knight Order member who had been hit by Kraush and Kraush himself, he frowned deeply.

“Was it you who laid hands on our knight?”

Kraush responded with an indifferent expression.

This only deepened Lexus’s frown.

“What were you thinking, causing such trouble? If you don’t explain yourself, I will punish you severely.”

Meanwhile, Reblian could be seen running in the distance, followed by another figure.

It was Vega, the captain of the Blue Sea Knight Order, looking pale.

Though Kraush felt slightly sorry for the two men, it couldn’t be helped.

Lines should not be crossed.

“Lexus, Captain Lexus!”

“Captain Vega?”

Vega called out urgently, causing Lexus to show confusion.

A dispute among the knight orders was one thing, but this level of panic from him was unusual to Lexus.

“Wait, let’s discuss this for a moment.”

Vega emphasized his point by even grabbing Lexus’s clothes.

Seeing this, Lexus gave Kraush another look before saying,

“I’ll postpone this due to matters between captains, but if you don’t clearly explain yourself, punishment is unavoidable.”

“Lexus, Captain! Please, stop!”

Now almost on the verge of tears, Vega urged Lexus to stop.

Eventually, Lexus left the scene with Vega, looking bewildered.

“Return to your positions.”

In the meantime, Reblian had dispersed the members of both the Blue Sea Knight Order and the Green Wave Knight Order.

The Green Wave Knight Order members looked incredulous but dared not challenge Reblian, a noble and the vice-captain of the Blue Sea Knight Order.

“Brother Krad.”

As Kraush started to follow the group, Bianca was holding his hand and looking up at him.

With her large eyes, she glanced up at him before fidgeting with the hand she held and said,

“You said you were hiding your identity.”

“That’s secondary. I have no intention of letting you be harassed in the process.”

Kraush knew Bianca tried to avoid the situation as well.

She didn’t want to cause trouble for Kraush by getting involved.

But Kraush had no intention of letting Bianca be harassed while keeping his identity hidden.

A simple order would suffice.

This is what positions are for.

It wasn’t for nothing that Kraush had fully re-taken the Balheim lineage test.

Understanding Kraush’s words, Bianca gripped his hand tighter, seemingly in a slightly better mood than before.

“Everyone is gathered.”

A voice quietly resonated at that moment.

The previously unsettled atmosphere instantly dissipated, and the tension among everyone sharply increased.

The knights quickly straightened up and swallowed their breaths.

Then, they made way for her.

Between the rows of knights,

The distinctive blue-tinged black hair unique to Balheim was noticeable.

Despite it being summer, she wore a cloak that could be worn regardless of temperature due to magical treatment.

Her long hair, tied at the ends, fluttered slowly.

With Balheim’s distinctive sharp eyes and the cloak bearing the colors of the Sky-Piercing Knight Order, her figure was also striking.

Yet, no one here dared to appraise her beauty.

Lilish Balheim.

She was Kraush’s second sister.

The direct lineage of Balheim holds an almost absolute position in the Balheim Knight Order.

In fact, she was the captain of the Sky-Piercing Knight Order.

And she earned her position as captain based solely on her own strength.

So, the moment she appeared, everyone stiffened up.

Ignoring the gazes on her, Lilish walked steadily forward.

Following her were the vice-captain and members of the Sky-Piercing Knight Order.

Their collective presence radiated the aura of true warriors.

All of them were at least at the entrance level of a master, setting them apart from the Blue Sea and Green Wave Knight Orders.

Even the Green Wave Knight Order members naturally felt intimidated in their presence.

After all, the sky is unreachable because it is the sky.

As Lilish walked past Kraush,

Her blue eyes briefly glanced his way.


Her steps halted.

The Sky-Piercing Knight Order members, not expecting her to stop, also ceased their movement.

Lilish’s eyes slowly turned toward Kraush.

‘Could it be?’

Had she seen through the drug from Darling and noticed something?

While it wasn’t necessary to hide his infiltration into the knight order from Lilish,

Revealing his identity in such a public situation was awkward.

There was a promise made to the first prince, after all.

“A child?”

But Lilish’s gaze wasn’t on Kraush; it was on Bianca.

To anyone, Bianca, significantly younger, holding Kraush’s hand among the knight order members, would be a curiosity.

“She’s my sister.”

Realizing she hadn’t noticed his disguise, Kraush spoke in Bianca’s stead.

Then, after a brief glance at Kraush, Lilish rummaged in her pocket.

Unexpectedly, she pulled out a wrapped candy.

She handed it directly to Bianca.

“Want some candy?”

Bianca looked up at Kraush, seeking permission.

Kraush nodded.

Accepting the candy, Bianca bowed slightly to Lilish.

“Thank you.”

Lilish nodded briefly and resumed walking.

Kraush watched her back with a mixed expression.

‘…Did Lilish like children?’

He was taken aback since he never imagined she’d carry candy.

They barely spoke, so how could he know?

He always saw Lilish from afar.

“Brother Krad, that lady…”


Kraush responded lightly to Bianca’s query.

“She’s nice.”

While saying so, Bianca unwrapped the candy and popped it into her mouth.

Despite the attention they attracted, Bianca’s calm demeanor was typical of her.

“And she feels different from the other sister you mentioned.”

Bianca was referring to Charlotte Ebelasque.

Indeed, Lilish’s aura differed significantly from Charlotte’s.

Charlotte is rebellious and free-spirited.

In contrast, Lilish is serene and adheres strictly to rules.

‘Yet, they share the same bloodline.’

It’s surprising how different they can be.

“The captains…”

“Here we are.”

As soon as Lilish appeared, Lexus Vilter, the captain of the Green Wave Knight Order, and Vega, the captain of the Blue Sea Knight Order, hurriedly approached her.

She was the leader for today’s mission.

“Have you confirmed the attendance?”

“Yes, you can proceed to enter.”

“Let’s go. Daphray.”

Without further ado, she summoned Balheim’s dedicated magician.

Responding to her call, the spatial magic circle before her began to glow.

The magic circle’s other half faintly outlined, connecting to the other side.

“Follow me in order.”

Lilish led the way into the portal, followed swiftly by the vice-captain and knights of the Sky-Piercing Knight Order.

“Vice-captain Reblian.”

As the Green Wave Knight Order moved,

Kraush approached Reblian and whispered something to him.

“Please tell sister Lilish I’m here.”

Though she might not particularly care,

As the leader of this support mission, it was essential she knew.

“Yes, I will.”

“Thank you.”

After relaying the message to Reblian, Kraush stepped back.

“Krad, are you sure it’s okay?”

Meanwhile, Colin, also a member of the Blue Sea Knight Order, approached him with concern.

Not only did Kraush knock out a member of the Green Wave Knight Order with a punch, but he had also directly confronted their captain.

Naturally, they wondered if there would be consequences.

As if answering their concern, Kraush looked towards the Green Wave Knight Order captain.

Upon making eye contact, the captain flinched and bowed his head, presumably after being fully briefed by Vega.

It’s better for both knight order captains to be aware of the situation.

“It’s fine.”

Kraush dismissed it nonchalantly.

At least while he was there, the Green Wave Knight Order wouldn’t dare cause trouble.

Unless their captain wanted to resign and take full responsibility.

“Let’s move, Blue Sea Knight Order.”

As the Green Wave Knight Order completed their movement, the Blue Sea Knight Order began theirs.

Holding Bianca’s hand, Kraush stepped onto the magical circle, feeling a slight dizziness from the spatial magic.


Bianca, experiencing spatial magic for the first time,

Seemed nauseous, swaying slightly.

“Are you okay?”

As Kraush quickly supported Bianca, she grimaced and took slow breaths.

She should feel better after resting for a bit.

While comforting Bianca, Kraush noticed the landscape around them.

Beyond the endless, grassless plain,

A massive wall stretched to the horizon.

But the sky beyond the wall was different.

Marked by the wall as a boundary, the sky on the other side shone distinctly purple.

This was one of the restricted areas, the Demonic Bastion.

Being far from the empire and kingdoms, it was directly managed by Sephira.

“Wow, people from Balheim are here!”

However, Kraush’s attention wasn’t on the Demonic Bastion but on a figure.

Her eyes obscured by a veil, only her cherry-red lips visible, she radiated a cheerfully bright smile.

And beside her, an expressionless guardian caught his eye.

As her peach-tinted hair sparkled, Kraush silently sighed.

‘Serang Sephira.’

The daughter of a first-rank officer of Sephira and a princess.

And next to her, a man with black hair stood out to Kraush.

‘An old monster.’

A being who has lived from the previous era to the present, who should have retired and died of old age by now.

Heavenly Dog Star (Tengu Star)


Originally born under the Heavenly Slaughter Star (Tenkilling Star), filled with murderous impulses and hatred for the world.

Thanks to the Sephira family’s astrologers, he managed to avoid his destined star and remains loyal to Sephira to this day.

The problem is, aside from Sephira’s key positions, he has been hiding his identity.

‘Who would have thought he underwent rejuvenation?’

And the reason Kraush found Blavi unsettling was simple.

‘Serang Sephira is killed by world eroders.’

Serang’s death caused Blavi to lose control of the Heavenly Slaughter Star.

As a result, his murderous intent turned towards hunting world eroders.

Many world eroders fell by his hand, ultimately pushing them towards the extreme measure of war.

That’s the Heavenly Dog Star.

The old monster, Blavi.

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