I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 88 Capturing a 6-Star Erosion Species

In the Demonic Realm, one of the forbidden areas, the Erosion species that emerge are all far from ordinary.

This is because, in other places, 5-star lords that only a knight order of expert level could take down are commonplace here.

The problem is their numbers are not just one or two but appear in dozens.

Thanks to this, the Balheim Knight Order continuously fought its way forward, with the One Sword leading and the Four Sword and Five Sword playing supporting roles.

‘It’s going smoothly.’

At the very front of the Balheim Knight Order, Lilish surveyed her surroundings with the corpse of a torn Erosion species in front of her.

Given that they still had a distance to cover to reach the reported eastern area, it was impressive how everyone from the Balheim Knight Order, trained specifically for world erosion, was keeping up without any issues.

‘The environment of the Demonic Realm is challenging, indeed.’

Apart from the black rain obstructing the view, the Demonic Realm wasn’t an impossible place to deal with.

Of course, the continuous consumption of aura due to the long exposure was troublesome.

Then, Lilish’s eyes caught sight of a figure.

Black hair, a crow always perched on the shoulder somehow, and even wrapped eyes.

Clearly, he had an ominous aura that seemed related to the underworld; he was Krad, a member of the Blue Sea Knight Order.

Before entering the Demonic Realm, Lilish had learned about Krad’s true identity through the deputy commander of the Blue Sea Knight Order.


He was the youngest among her half-siblings.

When she first heard about Kraush, she was puzzled.

She couldn’t understand why Kraush would go into the Demonic Realm incognito.

In her memory, Kraush was always the little brother who was treated insignificantly.

Though she had heard rumors of his change, she hadn’t seen it herself.

That made sense, as Lilish, being the One Sword’s captain, was living a busy life every day.

When Kraush was just starting to walk,

She was already part of the knight order, swinging her sword daily.

Part of it was chasing after her older brother above her, but

She loved training through and through.

And before she knew it, she grew up to be twenty-seven years old.

That put a fourteen-year age difference between her and Kraush.

More like a nephew than a brother due to the age gap.

Also, because she had been so busy with knight order duties, Lilish had never really spoken to her siblings.

Moreover, he was a half-sibling.

Even Belorkin, who shared the same bloodline, felt distant because of the age difference.

Of course, it was difficult for her to approach Kraush as well.

Deep down, she did wish to get along well with her siblings.

But, of course, that feeling was always swallowed up by the Balheim’s innate obsession with martial prowess.

‘Kraush didn’t even come to Belorkin’s funeral.’

She was shocked to attend Belorkin’s funeral.

Hearing that Belorkin died from world erosion made her think of her mother, who worried a lot about Belorkin.

As the eldest sister, she felt guilty for not looking after her sibling.

But was she alone in feeling this way?

Charlotte had left immediately after Belorkin’s body was buried.

Kraush, traumatized by witnessing Belorkin’s death due to world erosion, didn’t come.

Naturally, her older brother and even her father left quickly.

Only her stepmother spoke a few words to her.

The family didn’t place much importance on Belorkin’s death.

She stood in front of Belorkin’s grave lost in thought for a while.

According to his personal butler, Belorkin seemed very lonely.


It might be a common experience for the direct lineage of Balheim,

But that word somehow stuck in her mind.

It was indeed a seriously cold family, even though they were her own family.

And she knew she was no different.

Is this the right form for a family?

Even though her oldest brother’s status and the newly rising star, Charlotte, pressure her,

She was naturally more interested in martial prowess.

She diverted her attention from family affairs relatively early, so she was less obsessed with the family.

Hence, she saw Belorkin’s death as an opportunity to re-evaluate her relationship with her family.

Just as she was pondering over her family daily,

Kraush appeared, disguised.

What should she make of this?


The drizzling black rain made her soaked bangs cling to her forehead, which she slowly swept back.

‘He must have some purpose.’

Then, even now, couldn’t she, as his sister, help him somehow?

She had been contemplating how to approach and what to say to Kraush since arriving in the Demonic Realm.

“Lilish Mr., are you worried about something?”

Then, the deputy commander of the Sky-Piercing Knight Order spoke to her.

It was Reblian Fenox, who had been assisting her for nearly ten years.

In fact, he was the one who suggested giving candies to children to get along with them.

Coincidentally, his advice led her to give candies to Kraush’s fiancée, which turned out to be somewhat effective.

Wouldn’t his advice be good this time too?

“How should I approach someone I haven’t talked to in a long time?”

“Just greet them normally, saying it’s nice to see them, wouldn’t that be okay?”

“…That’s difficult.”

Unfortunately, that was the most challenging task.

“Uhm, maybe giving them a gift they want could work.”

“A gift.”

Lilish pressed her chin thoughtfully.

Would helping Kraush achieve his disguised goal count as a gift?

‘The problem is I don’t know what his goal is.’

She found herself back at the original reason.

“Is it because of Mr. Kraush?”

Then, Reblian sharply asked.

Having assisted Lilish for some time, he was quick to catch on about her concerns.

As the deputy of One Sword, he had also been informed of Krad’s identity.

Lilish didn’t deny it and nodded.

Seeing this, Reblian looked around and spotted Reblian Fenox, the deputy commander of the Blue Sea Knight Order.

“Reblian seems to have a certain camaraderie with Mr. Kraush. I’ll ask him.”

Reblian and Reblian were brothers from the Fenox family.

So, it might be easier for him to inquire.

“Please do.”

Reblian moved towards Reblian to call him.

And ironically, Kraush was also observing her.

‘What is my sister trying to do?’

Since entering the Demonic Realm, she had been glancing his way occasionally.

At first, Kraush thought she might have something to say to him.

But since she hadn’t approached him afterward, it seemed that wasn’t the case.

[Maybe she’s just trying to ask how her brother is doing.]

“Lilish my sister?”

Kraush chuckled.

To him, Lilish was always the most taciturn among the family members.

She just did her tasks efficiently and never interfered with others.

That was Lilish Balheim.

Her taking the initiative to ask about his welfare was unimaginable.

[Then, why don’t you just talk to her first? You’ll get your answer.]

“I’m just a member right now.”

How could he, in this guise, approach the captain of One Sword?

“Lilish Captain!”

Just then, a scout knight that Kraush had sent ahead came rushing towards Lilish.

From the look of things, Kraush sensed that it was time to prepare for battle.

“Everyone, get ready.”

Sure enough, an order came from Lilish’s side.

“Our target is the Named Nisrok.”

It was the moment the scout’s report was delivered.


Suddenly, the entire ground trembled as if an earthquake was occurring because the earth was shaking violently.

As the knight order members prepared for Nisrok to emerge from the black forest, everyone was getting ready for battle.

Kraush lazily opened his eyes.

‘It’s not coming from the front.’

Kraush’s gaze turned towards the ground.

Between his spread out sixth sense,

Something huge was furiously surging upwards from deep within the ground.

“It’s coming from below!”

The moment Kraush shouted, the entire area where the knight order was stationed exploded in a loud noise.

The knights above were instantly falling into the collapsed ground.

Below, a pool of black rainwater, seemingly gathered from the rain absorbed by the ground, forming an underground lake, was visible.

Falling into it would be disastrous.

Even if wrapped in aura, the black rainwater would somehow penetrate, turning one into a black rainwater human.

In a typical situation, this would result in an instant annihilation.

Unfortunately, this was not an ordinary knight order.

Clang, clang!

The knights of the Balheim Knight Order saved themselves from falling using various methods.

Some stopped their fall by swinging their swords against the wall.

Others exploded aura under their feet to create a foothold and escape.

They earned their reputation as the strongest knight order by swiftly escaping the pit.

However, one person dived downwards.

With her long blue hair fluttering, it was none other than Lilish who plunged into the underground lake of black rainwater.


She submerged into the lake.

At that moment, a small whirlpool began to form on the surface of the black lake.

“Everyone, be ready. It’s coming!”

“Prepare for attack!”

The commanders, realizing Lilish’s intention, surveyed the knight order members and shouted.

Crack, crack, crack, crack!

At that moment, a grotesque creature broke through the whirlpool in the underground water.

A cylindrical monster wrapped in bizarre chains over its purple skin, its mouth split into four parts filled with tightly packed teeth.

This was the appearance of the Named Erosion species, Nisrok, that had recently begun to threaten the eastern terrain.

On Nisrok’s back,

Lilish, who had stabbed her sword into it, was soaring into the air along with Nisrok.

Despite the intense air pressure, she didn’t care.

Even in such a situation, she continued to carve wounds on Nisrok’s back.

Meanwhile, Balheim’s knight order members followed her lead and began to barrage Nisrok with attacks.

Primarily, her own knight order, the Sky-Piercing Knight Order, took on this role.

“Green Wave and Blue Sea will handle the Erosion species coming from below!”

Apart from the Sky-Piercing Knight Order, the other knight orders faced Nisrok’s offspring emerging from the hole Nisrok had created.

They were creating a battlefield for the Sky-Piercing Knight Order to more easily deal with Nisrok.

Naturally, Kraush was also engaged in this task.

‘Lilish sister is quite the monster.’

Kraush was impressed as he kept up with Nisrok’s thrashing without falling behind,

Continuously attacking without faltering.

Charlotte might overshadow her, but

Lilish was an unapproachable expert in her own right.


However, independent of such capabilities, the world erosion was a place where variables abounded.

Hearing Crimson Garden’s call, Kraush punched a Nisrok offspring in front of him into oblivion and turned around.


Far off, something that tickled his sixth sense was furiously heading this way.

It seemed to have realized its prey was being hunted.

“Deputy Reblian.”

Thus, Kraush positioned himself next to Reblian.


Reblian, who had been directing the fight against Nisrok’s offspring, turned around.

Kraush nodded sideways.

That was a signal to Reblian about the personal action he had previously informed him of.

Reblian was flustered.

Even in this situation, personal action seemed problematic.

“Harphas is coming.”

Once Kraush relayed this to him, Reblian stiffened.

Harphas, the current ruler of the eastern area, a Named Erosion species.

If it arrived here, chaos would ensue.

Reblian quickly scanned the surroundings.

However, his tracking ability couldn’t match Kraush’s sixth sense.

He could barely sense a massive force approaching amidst the chaos.

“I’ll be handling it, just so you know.”

“What?! Harphas is a 6-star Erosion species! Mr. Kraush, you can’t handle it alone!”

“I know. That’s why it’ll be chaos if that thing gets here.”

Reblian, startled, yelled at him, forgetting he was addressing Kraush as Krad.

Fortunately, in the midst of the chaos, no one heard his shout.

But regardless, Kraush had already started moving.

“Don’t worry. If there’s one thing I specialize in,”

Dark flames arose beneath Kraush’s feet.

“It’s world erosion.”

In an instant, his figure dashed through the melee and vanished.

Seeing Kraush disappear in a blink, Reblian’s eyes widened.

He had thought Kraush was at the top expert level, but

The movement just now far exceeded that level.

‘What in the world is Mr. Kraush?’

He stood dazed for a moment before quickly regaining his composure.

Knowing Kraush was far stronger than anticipated didn’t change his duties.

‘I must inform Ms. Lilish.’

After all, only direct lineage can stop another direct lineage’s impromptu actions.

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