I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 91

[EP.91] Destroying One Origin of Apocalypse

8-star erosion species.

To put it simply, an 8-star erosion species can be defeated by a knight order led by a master-level captain, supplemented by members who are at least at the master level on average.

However, that’s just the minimum requirement.

The star rating of erosion species disregards their unique traits and abilities, merely indicating a basic level of power.

Thus, while it’s possible to defeat an erosion species with the specified minimum power, such an endeavor would likely result in devastating losses for the attackers.

Normally, when hunting world erosion species, it’s common to deploy a knight order one level higher than what is indicated by the star rating.

Currently, the 8-star erosion species Agares has appeared.

The Sky-Piercing Knight Order, led by Lilish Balheim, a master-level captain, certainly meets the condition to confront such a species. However, if the result means risking death, it can hardly be considered a favorable outcome.

[What’s your plan? You seem to know its traits. Getting caught once makes it difficult to escape.]

Crimson Garden also issued a warning about the current situation.

Kraush’s mind was rather complicated at the moment.

World erosion is always full of surprises. There’s no explanation other than sudden occurrence for Agares’s appearance in the eastern region.

The problem is that Agares has come to the east, the closest area to the walls. If Agares continues in its current direction, it will eventually reach the walls.

The walls built to prevent world erosion won’t easily fall, but the possibility of “what if” always exists.

‘Those “what ifs” have killed more than a few.’

Thus, the Balheim Knight Order now faced a crucial decision.

Whether to confront Agares near the walls while waiting for reinforcements, accepting significant losses, or to hope Agares turns back without reaching the walls and make a swift retreat.

‘Both options are terrible.’

One risks annihilation, the other the destruction of the walls.

The impact of a single unexpected event on the situation was profoundly felt.


At that moment, a voice was heard from ahead. It was Darvian Fenox, the vice-captain of the Sky-Piercing Knight Order.

“You’re here. Let’s talk.”

Seeing other knight orders rushing from behind, it seemed they too had sensed Agares’s presence and decided to join forces with Lilish.

Kraush discreetly moved towards the Blue Sea Knight Order, realizing showing himself with Lilish would do no good.


“Where have you been?”

The Blue Sea knights gathered around, expressing their concern as Kraush had vanished during the battle.

“I sent him ahead to the Black Forest due to an urgent matter. So, don’t be too hard on him.”

Reblian defended him, showcasing his quick thinking.

“Was it under the vice-captain’s orders?”

“You could have at least said something.”

“Where was the chance to speak amid that chaos?”

“Well, you have a point.”

As the knights grumbled about their unnecessary worries, Lilish and the captains gathered to discuss what to do next.

The discussion concluded quickly.

“Blue Sea Knight Order, assemble! We are returning from the Demonic Realm immediately!”

Vega, the captain of the Blue Sea Knight Order, declared loudly.

As expected, that was the decision. The Blue Sea Knight Order, comprised of upper-level experts, had no means to confront Agares. Any attempt would result in nothing but a massacre, so they decided to retreat and call for reinforcements.

Of course, the return journey would be a forced march, but it was better than facing Agares.

“The Green Wave Knight Order will support the Sky-Piercing Knight Order.”

The Green Wave Knight Order decided to stay behind. Agares possesses unique traits, including the ability to incite nearby erosion species into frenzy, which the Green Wave would handle.

“The Sky-Piercing Knight Order will confront the 8-star erosion species Agares. We won’t engage in a frontal battle. We’ll try to buy time until One Sword or other reinforcements arrive. Be prepared to adapt to new directions at any time.”

The direction for the Sky-Piercing Knight Order was also set.

‘Avoiding a frontal battle, I see.’

Lilish, as the commander of the Sky-Piercing Knight Order, made this decision. Alone, she might stand a chance, but the other members would likely become prey to Agares.

Considering them, she made this decision.

‘If One Sword does come.’

They might be able to handle Agares without much trouble. The issue, as mentioned before, is the time.

‘The Blue Sea Knight Order’s forced march would take at least a day, and with the Demonic Realm’s twisted space, even powerful mages can’t easily use spatial magic. Scrolls won’t work either.’

It took the Balheim Knight Order three days to reach the eastern terrain of the Demonic Realm by conserving their strength. Even with a forced march, it would take at least a day.

Furthermore, it would take another day for the message to reach One Sword and for them to arrive.

That means at least two days are needed to buy time, potentially more considering unforeseen variables.

‘Can even One Sword buy that much time?’

The constant drain of aura due to the black rain made hopeful projections difficult.

Kraush’s eyes narrowed. The situation was worse than expected.


Kraush quietly called out to Crimson Garden, ensuring no one else would hear.

“Can you send a message to Blavi through Serang using the outer species? I was saving this move for a future deal, but the situation’s too critical to hold back.”

[Using Mirvys is not impossible… But that would restrict her actions within Sephira in the future.]

Crimson Garden, a species of Sephira and a third-ranking official, mentioned that if they used Mirvys, they wouldn’t be able to expect help from Sephira going forward.

[Tsk, you’re not planning to run, are you?]


Facing world erosion time and again meant encountering situations like this hundreds, thousands of times.

Running each time meant failing to prevent the apocalypse.

[Would the princess of Sephira send the Heavenly Dog Star? He’s not likely to leave her side.]

“He will.”

Kraush had once surveyed the room of the deceased Serang at Sephira’s base. There, he discovered something significant.

Although meaningless after Serang’s death, that card would surely play a role now.

He was certain of one secret Serang had, even if he didn’t know much about her.

“And Blavi is just insurance. It’s one of the second methods I’ve prepared.”

Kraush’s eyes sparkled with determination. From the moment he heard about Agares, he was set on defeating it.

Agares, which eventually absorbed numerous erosion species to reach 10 stars, was the one that breached the walls and attacked the empire.

Rather than risk losing One Sword, it was better to defeat Agares and thwart one origin of the apocalypse.

‘The problem is that this time, I really have to risk it.’

Kraush took a deep breath.

“I’ve always been in danger, so nothing new.”

[Have you lost your mind?]

Regrettably, his mind was in perfect order.

Kraush’s resolve remained unchanged.

To stomp on one of the apocalypse’s origins when given a golden opportunity, especially when that origin, still weak, came straight to them.

If Agares reached 10 stars and broke the restriction, bringing out its true body from the demon castle, the real chance of winning would vanish.

‘Of course, there’s an immediate problem to solve.’

Kraush looked towards Lilish.

Though he felt complicated about Lilish’s worries, he learned through Pendal that individuals he met after his regression weren’t exactly the same as those from his memories.

Kraush decided to let go of his past memories of Lilish and focus solely on the present.

Lilish intended to send Kraush back with the Blue Sea Knight Order.

To confront Agares, Kraush couldn’t return.

So, he moved past the Blue Sea Knight Order.


A member of the Blue Sea Knight Order called out to him belatedly.

“Where are you going? We’re this way.”

“What? Krad?”

They hurried to catch Kraush, but it was too late.

It wasn’t the time to keep hiding his identity.

‘Since stories leak no matter how much you try to keep them secret, I tried to hide as much as possible.’

He felt sorry for the Crown Prince, but he could clean up later. Being part of the Balheim Knight Order, the secret wouldn’t spread too much.

“Huh? That guy?”

As he passed by the Green Wave Knight Order, they too showed their confusion.

One of them, having been struck by Kraush, grimaced.

Kraush, however, moved past them and the Sky-Piercing Knight Order.

When the Sky-Piercing knights also looked at him, Kraush locked eyes with Lilish.


The moment Kraush said “Miss Sister,” the Blue Sea, Sky-Piercing, and Green Wave knight orders were stunned.

Lilish didn’t make any attempt to stop him.

Only two in this world could call Lilish “Miss Sister.”

One was Belorkin Balheim, now deceased.

The other was Kraush Balheim, the youngest of the Balheims.

Then who was this before them?

The answer was simple.

A Green Wave knight, who had clashed with Kraush, turned pale as if he could faint at any moment.

While the Blue Sea knights were confused, only Reblian sighed deeply, thinking it would have been better to inform them earlier.

Kraush had his reasons for hiding his identity.

Revealing himself meant he saw the situation with Agares as particularly urgent.

‘Having revealed himself as a direct descendant of Balheim, he can’t back out from fighting Agares now.’

Despite this, Kraush revealed himself.

It clearly indicated his intention to confront Agares.

‘Even at a young age, he’s truly a Balheim.’

Balheim never backs down when facing world erosion, even if it leads to their death.

Thus, Balheim is respected by many, not just for being the strongest lineage but for their heroic stance against world erosion.

Lilish’s expressionless eyes fixed on him.

Though outwardly calm, turmoil was evident within.

Kraush could now read such responses from Lilish, having decided to solely consider her present self.

“I will also help in confronting Agares.”

Kraush’s declaration made Lilish frown.


“You know my body is filled with the powers of curses.”

Showing evidence, Kraush raised his hand, and black flames surged up.

“It will be useful in facing Agares. I’m the most knowledgeable about directly dealing with curses.”

Lilish opened and closed her mouth several times, torn between the emotional thought of her young brother stepping into danger and the rational recognition of Kraush’s capability, having single-handedly defeated a 6-star erosion species.

While Kraush appeared to be at the peak expert level, he would be more valuable than any member of the Sky-Piercing Knight Order.

Above all, he too was a Balheim.

Even if not yet an adult, a direct descendant of Balheim has equal say.

Previously, Kraush, treated as a halfwit and sent to Green Pine Mansion, had no voice.

But now, everyone knew that had changed.

Of course, Lilish was the commander here.

She could forcefully order Kraush to return, but meeting his determined gaze, she ultimately abandoned the thought.

Since when was she so emotional?

Balheim should act like Balheim.

And now was the moment when they needed to be more Balheim than ever.

“Kraush, I am the commander of this expedition. You are a knight under my command.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Follow me. We’ll stop Agares.”

Leaving those words, Lilish turned towards the direction Agares was approaching.

“Sky-Piercing Knight Order, follow Miss Lilish.”

Darvian, the vice-captain of the Sky-Piercing Knight Order, immediately led the knights following Lilish’s command.

As the Green Wave knights also moved, Kraush looked back at Reblian.

“Go ahead and tell Bianca I’ll be there soon.”

“I believe she will be quite upset.”

“I’ll face it when I get there.”

Sighing, Reblian nodded and turned away.

Indeed, Reblian was a catch.

If he were to form a knight order, he must recruit him.


Hearing Lilish’s call, Kraush stepped forward.

Just then, his hair color gradually returned to its original black with a hint of blue.

His eyes, now open, revealed their original bright blue hue.

Possibly due to his rapid growth phase, his face appeared even more handsome than expected.

Returning to his original form without additional drugs, he looked like this.

“So you looked like that.”

Perhaps it had been too long since Lilish had seen her youngest brother’s face.

Somehow, it felt even more awkward.

“You resemble Miss Sister a bit.”

Hearing Kraush’s teasing remark, Lilish couldn’t help but smile slightly.

She regretted realizing too late that she had such a brother.

“We won’t die and will return.”

“Since we’re going back, we’ll also defeat Agares.”

Encouraged by her bold brother’s words, Lilish felt a surge of strength.

With two direct descendants of Balheim, there was no need to fear.

“Let’s go.”

They set off to defeat Agares.

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