I Became an All-round Artist

Chapter 16: The Wedding in Dreams

Qinzhou has a strong awareness of music copyright, so once Lin Yuan uploaded his song to the company’s system, he didn’t have to worry about any issues.

The next day, Lin Yuan returned to his usual campus life.

However, the composition department only had one class scheduled for the morning, so after class, most of the students went back to their dorms to play games.

Lin Yuan decided not to join them. With no more exams looming, even though he still paid close attention in class, his free time was now his own, and he wasn’t about to waste it in the dorm.

So, what should he do to relax?

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and sent a message to Jian Yi and Xia Fan, asking if they were free to hang out. Both turned him down—they still had classes.

Although they attended the same university and had been close friends since childhood, the trio didn’t get to see each other often due to being in different majors.

Lin Yuan wasn’t disappointed, though, because he had something else in mind: heading to the piano room to play.

The system had awarded Lin Yuan with professional-level piano skills, which he hadn’t yet tested. Given that the arrangement of “Big Fish” was centered around the piano, Lin Yuan wanted to see how good he had become. If things went well, he might even consider recording the piano part himself.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yuan arrived at the piano room.

Qinzhou Academy of Arts places great emphasis on cultivating musical talent, so many public piano rooms are available for students, with a variety of piano brands, including grand and upright pianos, providing students with a wide range of choices.

This was convenient for Lin Yuan.

Since most students were in class at this time, many piano rooms were empty, giving him plenty of options.

Walking down the hallway lined with piano rooms, Lin Yuan found a room at the far end with a piano that caught his eye.

It was a classic upright piano, with luxurious keys, a beautiful white lacquer finish, and a sleek design that clearly set it apart from the other pianos in the rooms.

This is the one.

Lin Yuan entered the room, sat down at the piano, and casually played a segment of a classic Bluestar piece he remembered, "Wish."

The main reason he played this piece was nostalgia.

It was the first piano piece his mother had taught him, and he had once been driven nearly mad by it. But now, as he played it again, Lin Yuan felt a sense of warmth—

This must have been how the original owner of the body felt.

But it was also how Lin Yuan felt at that moment.

Beyond the warmth, Lin Yuan's most striking realization was that he had become much better!

Now, every key he pressed felt comfortable, and both the rhythm and technique flowed naturally from his mind.

In his memory, many of the challenges that had once stumped the original owner were now effortlessly overcome. Previously, even playing this piece from the sheet music had felt burdensome.

But now, not only could he play the entire piece smoothly, but he could also improvise and add small variations.

Moreover, he noticed details like the depth of pedal use and rhythm that enhanced the quality of each note.

Even the technical difficulties in the piece, such as playing double notes, were now handled with ease, his finger movements agile and precise.

By the end of the piece, Lin Yuan was nearly in love with the feeling of playing the piano.

Five minutes later, he finished playing "Wish." His newfound piano skills filled him with confidence!

He decided to try playing “Marriage in Dreams.”

But just as Lin Yuan was about to press the first note, a cold voice interrupted him: “Who gave you permission to come in?”

Lin Yuan looked up.

A tall girl with long hair, dressed in a black jacket, stood at the door. The sunlight streaming in behind her highlighted her graceful figure, but it couldn't conceal her frosty demeanor. Her beautiful yet cold eyes met Lin Yuan’s.

“Isn’t this a public area?”

Lin Yuan found the girl’s attitude puzzling.

The girl sneered. “You don’t know who I am?”

Lin Yuan was even more puzzled. “Have we met?”

The girl glared at Lin Yuan before her expression gradually returned to calm. “This piano belongs to me. As for this room, the school has granted me exclusive access, so please stop torturing my piano with your clumsy playing.”

Lin Yuan could only stand up and say, “I’ll leave it to you.”

The girl corrected him seriously, “Not leave, but return. Because this piano was mine to begin with.”

“Alright, I’ll return it to you.”

As Lin Yuan walked towards the door, the girl suddenly spoke as they passed each other: “A lot of people try to get my attention, but you’ve chosen the most annoying way by pretending to be clueless. It’s really bothersome.”


Lin Yuan was completely confused.

The girl took out a tissue from her bag and carefully wiped the piano keys that Lin Yuan had just used, speaking in a cold and mocking tone: “Abigail’s ‘Wish’ might be my favorite piece, but that doesn’t mean I like anyone who plays it. Your skill is better than some of the others who’ve tried, but it’s not enough to impress me. And by the way, I don’t like roses—I’ve already thrown them in the trash downstairs.”


Lin Yuan figured the girl must have misunderstood something, but he wasn’t upset and didn’t feel the need to explain. It wasn’t worth the trouble. He simply offered a sincere reminder:

“I washed my hands before playing.”

Some people who care for their pianos are very particular about cleanliness, worrying that the keys might get smudged with fingerprints. Since Lin Yuan thought this was a public piano room, he had taken care to wash his hands with soap before playing.

The girl ignored him, continuing to wipe the piano, even cleaning parts he hadn’t touched.

Lin Yuan had no choice but to find another room.

Sitting down in front of a piano in the new room, Lin Yuan was about to start playing when he suddenly recalled the girl’s comment about his playing being clumsy. He couldn’t resist asking the system, which he hadn’t contacted in a while, “Is my playing really that bad?”

"Not at all."

"That's a relief."

Just as Lin Yuan was about to relax, the system chimed in, "However, for someone with a higher level of skill, anyone who plays worse than them would be considered subpar."


So that's how it is.

Lin Yuan hadn't expected that the girl from earlier was actually better at piano than he was, even though he had professional-level skills granted by the system. She must be one of those piano prodigies.

Without dwelling on it too much, Lin Yuan started playing "Wedding in a Dream," a piece he had obtained from a silver treasure chest.


Finally done cleaning the piano, Gu Xi sat down, feeling a bit frustrated.

This piano, a gift from her father, had been with her since she was seven years old. When she entered Qinzhou Art Academy, she even requested to bring this piano, which she had grown attached to, with her to the school.

Since the moment she owned it, no one else had ever touched this piano.

But because she had practiced late into the night and forgot to lock the door when she left, this piano had been used by a stranger today.

It felt as unsettling as if a stranger had used her toothbrush, leaving Gu Xi uncomfortable.

This also ruined her mood to practice today.

However, just as she was feeling irritated, a strange piano melody reached her ears, soothing her mood almost instantly.

A typical G minor piece.

Gu Xi listened quietly.

It was the first time she had heard this piece, and she didn't know which master had composed it. But the melody was so enchanting that it made her want to immerse herself in the sea of music.

At times, it was warm like a breeze.

At other times, as gentle as a rainbow.

As the romantic atmosphere began to envelop her, the piano notes became sweet, as if honey was melting in her heart. Gu Xi almost felt like she was standing in a sacred wedding chapel...

No, that's not it.

The piece wasn't entirely about romance and sweetness. Upon closer listening, it seemed more like a tale of unfulfilled love—of a man who longs for love, but can only wander in his dreams, afraid to wake up. He watches the woman he loves don a white wedding dress, dancing gracefully in an illusory wedding.

The performer conveyed these emotions.

The piano's tempo sped up and slowed down.

The notes rose and fell.

As the piece concluded, Gu Xi found herself in a brief daze, as if waking from a dream that had just shattered. She stared blankly at the piano in front of her, then suddenly stood up and dashed out!

"Who is it?"

She tried to find the source of the sound, running through every practice room, but she couldn't find the person who had played that piece. Instead, she was met with several surprised or curious looks.

"Who is it!"

Her eyes sparkled with determination.

She was desperate to know who had played that unfamiliar piece. She was desperate to know its name!

At that moment, a nervous-looking boy appeared beside her, "Goddess, if you don't like roses, it's okay to throw them away, but could you tell me what flowers you do like? Next time, I'll..."


Already in a state of emotional turmoil from not finding the performer, Gu Xi's mood swung wildly. When suddenly interrupted, she frowned, "So you were the one who sent the flowers earlier?"

The boy stammered, "Y-Yes, it was me."

Gu Xi thought of the face of that guy from earlier and her expression turned even colder. "I'm allergic to pollen."

The air seemed to freeze.

The boy retreated immediately.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.