I Became an All-round Artist

Chapter 24: The Big Fish

"Make sure your mask is on," Zhou Xiaoli reminded Zhao Yingge with a smile.

As the winner of this year's most-watched talent show in Qinzhou, Blossom, Zhao Yingge had become quite well-known. It wouldn't be surprising if fans recognized her at the movie theater.

It was Tuesday, the release day of the film Dance of the Fish and Dragons. Zhou Xiaoli had already bought tickets in advance, and now she and Zhao Yingge were heading to the cinema.

The movie had a moderate budget, lacking a top-tier cast, but it still attracted a considerable audience. The theater where they were seated was quite full. As the lights dimmed and the movie began, Zhao Yingge and Zhou Xiaoli relaxed, munching on popcorn as they watched the film, finding it a perfect way to unwind.

The screen lit up, and the story unfolded: a young girl and her parents, while on a trip, stumble upon a magical tunnel that leads them into a fantastical world—a world both beautiful and perilous, filled with strange creatures and magical phenomena.

In this world, the girl's parents, driven by greed, break the rules and are captured by a witch, leaving the girl to navigate the dangers alone. She narrowly escapes death multiple times, but just as she is about to be devoured by a beautiful yet deadly serpent spirit, a powerful white dragon, capable of taking human form, rescues her.

However, the girl soon discovers that the white dragon is actually in service to the witch. Initially, she is wary and even hostile toward the dragon because the witch, his master, had imprisoned her parents. But as they spend more time together, the girl's fear turns into trust, and they become close friends, sharing many adventures.

Despite their bond, the girl never gives up on rescuing her parents. Sensing her determination, the white dragon makes a difficult choice: he betrays the witch and helps the girl save her parents. Yet, as soon as they are freed, the witch's curse strikes the dragon.

The curse reveals that the dragon was bound to the witch and could never betray her. Having done so, he loses his dragon form and human shape, condemned to live forever in the ocean, unable to set foot on land again.

He transforms back into a fish—a large, magnificent fish.

Enduring the agony of the curse, the dragon miraculously takes to the sky, using his enormous body to guide and protect the girl and her parents as they escape the dangerous world. But just as they near the exit, they pass over a vast sea, and the dragon, now a great fish, can no longer hold on. With a mournful cry, he plunges into the water, saying his final goodbye to the girl.

The sea they enter is a magical one, capable of invoking memories. The film then shifts into a flashback, revealing the origins of this tale.

Years ago, as a young child, the girl had saved up her allowance for half a month to buy her favorite snack. But when she passed by the seaside, she saw a fisherman selling a beautiful fish. Feeling sorry for the fish, she spent all her money to buy it and set it free.

That fish was the white dragon.

The film then delves into the dragon's memories. When he was still a fish, he strove tirelessly to leap over the dragon gate, eventually gaining the power of a dragon and the human form he had long desired. He had worked so hard because he wanted to find the girl and repay her kindness.

But as soon as he became a dragon, the witch captured him and made him her pet.

The origin of the story surprised the audience—it was not a chance encounter, but a reunion after a long separation. However, the moment that truly broke the audience's hearts was when a song began to play, accompanying the memories evoked by the sea: "The silent waves engulf the night, drowning the horizon's end. A great fish swims through the seams of dreams, gazing at your sleeping silhouette..."

The soft piano notes and the ethereal vocals filled the theater, and Zhao Yingge, who had been reaching for another piece of popcorn, suddenly froze, as if struck by something profound, lost in thought.

"Afraid you'll fly far away, afraid you'll leave me behind, but more afraid you'll forever remain here. Every tear flows towards you, back to the ocean beneath the sky..."

As the fish and the girl said their tearful goodbyes, the song and the story intertwined perfectly. The exquisite harmonies that followed seemed to come from the mystical world of the film, sending shivers down the spines of many in the audience.


A few people in the theater began to quietly sob. Zhou Xiaoli, sitting to Zhao Yingge's right, was already reaching for tissues, having used up half a pack as her eyes turned red from crying.

The theater grew quieter still.

This song, played during the film's finale, combined with the movie's emotional weight, was a powerful tearjerker. The harmonies were the final trigger, setting off a wave of emotion that left no one in the theater untouched.

Was it friendship? Love? The film never clarified, but as the great fish dove into the ocean, its vast back disappearing into the distance under the setting sun, and the girl, tears streaming down her face, waved desperately goodbye, the emotions were clear.

On the distant horizon, the great fish vanished into the deep sea.

The movie ended along with the final note of the song, and the last quivering line of lyrics cut through the hearts of countless audience members like a sharp dagger: "Every tear... flows back to you... flowing back... to where it all began..."

As the credits rolled, no one in the theater made a move to leave. The air was tinged with a bittersweet atmosphere, punctuated by murmurs of discussion, most of which carried the unmistakable sound of suppressed tears:

"I held back my tears for over an hour, but in the end, I was defeated by that song."

"Every line of those lyrics felt like a knife stabbing right into my heart, and that last line... it was a critical hit. I'm done."

"I don't think I have the courage to watch this movie again—unless they cut out that final song."

"Who wrote that song? It's like they think my tears are free!"

"I'm starting to believe the whole movie was just a music video for that last song."

"I was too naive. I thought this was going to be a healing film, but it turned out to be a heartbreak film. That final song was a killer!"

Nearby, a woman with tear-filled eyes teased her partner: "Honey, didn't you say you never cry during movies? Didn't you say you hate sentimental stuff, that it's just a director's trick to milk tears from the audience? So why are you bawling like this?"

"I didn’t cry during the movie... until I heard that song."

That was his last attempt at dignity.

"We’re out of tissues, do you have any more?" Zhou Xiaoli sniffled, nudging Zhao Yingge with her elbow.


Zhao Yingge didn't respond, her reddened eyes fixed on the closing credits.

"What are you looking at? The movie’s over."

With no tissues left, Zhou Xiaoli resorted to wiping her tears with her sleeve.

Zhao Yingge still didn't reply, not until she finally saw the credits she had been searching for since the film ended—

Original Song/Theme Song/Score/End Credits Song: "The Big Fish"

Lyrics/Music/Arrangement: Xianyu

Vocals: Jiang Kui

Special Thanks: Xianyu

"The Big Fish..." she murmured, repeating the words as if something suddenly clicked. A blush spread across her face.

"Xianyu, Xianyu!"

Zhou Xiaoli, her voice still thick with tears, asked in confusion, "What about Xianyu? Why are you acting all mysterious?"

"Xianyu!" Zhao Yingge’s voice trembled with excitement. "The score for this movie was written by Xianyu. Didn't Starlight send us a song recently? Wasn't that by Xianyu too?"

Zhou Xiaoli suddenly realized, "I think it was..."

Zhao Yingge jumped to her feet. "Let's go home and listen to that song!"

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