I Became an All-round Artist

Chapter 48: Milk Tea

Lin Yuan was well aware of the skyrocketing popularity of Prince of Tennis. After all, he had overheard Jian Yi and Xia Fan discussing the novel quite frequently.

Especially Jian Yi.

While chatting with Xia Fan about the story, he couldn’t resist taking a jab at Lin Yuan: "Now you see how hard it is to become a rising star, don’t you? You should just focus on your day job and stop thinking about making money from writing novels—unless you can write something as good as Prince of Tennis, like Chu Kuang."

It seemed both Jian Yi and Xia Fan had accepted that Lin Yuan had failed in his attempt to become a rising star. After all, Lin Yuan had never mentioned that Chu Kuang was actually him.

Apart from them, Yang Feng, his editor, also regularly updated Lin Yuan on the novel's performance and even seriously discussed expanding the outline.

“No,” Lin Yuan firmly declined.

Yang Feng, unwilling to give up, rattled off a long list of benefits for extending the word count: “Prince of Tennis is doing exceptionally well. A hundred thousand words is too short—ending it early would be a real waste…”

“No can do.”

Lin Yuan rejected him again.

Of course, he understood the simple truth that more words meant more money and even agreed with some of Yang Feng’s points. But the system had only provided him with a million words for Prince of Tennis.

The system's explanation was clear: A million words are just right; writing more would dilute the story.

Yang Feng couldn’t force Chu Kuang to expand it, though. After the massive success of Prince of Tennis, Chu Kuang was no longer just a typical rookie novelist.

So, with a long sigh, Yang Feng said, "Alright then."

In his mind, Chu Kuang was incredibly stubborn! He had a novel this popular, but insisted on capping it at a million words, unwilling to extend it, no matter how thoroughly Yang Feng explained the benefits. As a newcomer, he still didn’t grasp how rare it was to create such a hit.

Meanwhile, back on campus.

Lin Yuan was focused on the latest notification from the system—his task of reaching ten thousand literary reputation points was finally complete!

[Task Completed: Comprehensive Development]
[Task Objective: Achieve 10,000 literary reputation points]
[Task Reward: Three Bronze Chests]

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and said, “Open one Bronze Chest.”

Time to test his luck.

The first Bronze Chest opened, and the system displayed in light blue text: [Congratulations! You’ve received the song Balloon]

Xu Zhepei's Balloon?

The result wasn’t great, but it wasn’t terrible either—just average. Deciding his luck wasn’t exceptional today, Lin Yuan opted to store the remaining two Bronze Chests in the system for later, when he felt luckier.

Right now, he had to head out for a meal.

Today, he had plans to meet Jiang Kui.

She had just returned to Qinzhou after spending time in Qizhou promoting The Dance of Fish and Dragons.

Jiang Kui had risen from an unknown rookie to a somewhat popular singer, thanks to Xian Yu’s songs. So the first thing she did upon returning was to invite Xian Yu to a meal to properly express her gratitude.

Just like he hadn’t refused Sun Yaohuo, Lin Yuan also didn’t turn down Jiang Kui.

He enjoyed being treated to a meal.

It wasn’t until he arrived at the restaurant that he realized it was the same place he’d eaten with Sun Yaohuo last time.

“Teacher Xian Yu.”

Jiang Kui, a rather pretty young woman, had even put on makeup today. But with her petite frame, standing next to Lin Yuan, who was six feet tall, she had to look up to speak with him.

“Just call me Lin Yuan,” Lin Yuan said.

Jiang Kui smiled, “Then I’ll call you Teacher Lin Yuan.”

Lin Yuan didn’t correct her again. He picked a table, sat down, and barely got comfortable when a familiar voice rang out:


Lin Yuan turned to see Sun Yaohuo, accompanied by a heavily made-up woman.

“Go on ahead,” Sun Yaohuo told his companion.

The woman was clearly displeased, pouting and stamping her foot, but Sun Yaohuo remained unmoved.

She had no choice but to leave.

Sun Yaohuo slid into the seat on Lin Yuan’s right, eager to please: “Since we’ve run into each other, let me treat you, Junior!”

“Sun Yaohuo, today’s my treat for Teacher Lin Yuan,” Jiang Kui interjected.

Since they were both rookies from Starry Sky Entertainment, Jiang Kui and Sun Yaohuo knew each other, and they seemed to have a decent relationship.

But today.

As they sat on either side of Lin Yuan, sparks flew between them.

“Let Jiang Kui treat,” Lin Yuan said, oblivious to the tension.

Jiang Kui smiled, casting a glance at Sun Yaohuo, and ordered a feast rivaling what Sun Yaohuo had ordered last time: “Teacher Lin Yuan, is there anything else you’d like to add?”

“Sichuan-style fish, braised pork hock, and two bowls of rice,” Sun Yaohuo added with a grin, glancing at Jiang Kui.

“Alright,” Lin Yuan nodded in agreement.

It seemed Sun Yaohuo was familiar with Lin Yuan’s tastes, which triggered a sense of competition in Jiang Kui. She asked, “Didn’t you already eat with your girlfriend?”

“We broke up,” Sun Yaohuo said casually. “She didn’t want me having dinner with Junior. Why stay with someone like that?”


Jiang Kui nearly choked.

How could he be so shameless?!

Soon, the dishes arrived. Despite having just eaten with his ex-girlfriend, Sun Yaohuo’s appetite remained undiminished.

After the meal, Jiang Kui rushed to pay the bill, determined not to let Sun Yaohuo beat her to it.

Though it had been just one meal, Jiang Kui had witnessed Sun Yaohuo’s relentless flattery. Throughout the dinner, Lin Yuan had spoken only a few sentences, but Sun Yaohuo managed to follow up with twenty, accompanied by bursts of laughter as if Lin Yuan had said something incredibly funny.


Jiang Kui had wanted to treat Lin Yuan both to express her gratitude and to curry a bit of favor.

Everyone has moments of playing the sycophant.

Even if the chances were slim, if Lin Yuan was in a good mood and gave her another hit song, it would be a huge win.

But after encountering Sun Yaohuo, Jiang Kui realized what true sycophancy looked like!

After the meal.

As they stepped out of the restaurant, Sun Yaohuo suggested, “Let’s walk a bit to digest.”

Lin Yuan had no objections.

Naturally, Jiang Kui agreed as well.

After fifteen minutes, Lin Yuan asked, “Is there any water around?”


Both Sun Yaohuo and Jiang Kui turned toward him simultaneously: “Junior/Teacher Lin Yuan, how about milk tea?”


Lin Yuan nodded, and in a flash, the two disappeared.

Five minutes later, Sun Yaohuo returned, holding a cup of milk tea: “Junior, here’s your milk tea.”


Jiang Kui, being shorter, with shorter legs, arrived just a second behind him.

“You’re still too green to compete with me,” Sun Yaohuo shot her a smug look.

But his smugness quickly vanished as he stood dumbfounded, mouth agape.

Because Jiang Kui was holding six cups of milk tea. With a sweet smile, she said, “Teacher Lin Yuan, I wasn’t sure which flavor you’d like, so I bought all the different ones.”

Lin Yuan picked a lemon-flavored one and said, “Isn’t this too much?”

Jiang Kui smiled slightly, “Not at all.”

Then, she handed the extra cups to some passing children, pointing to Lin Yuan: “This nice big brother bought you some milk tea.”

“Thank you, big brother!” the children, accompanied by their parents, politely thanked him. The parents didn’t worry about the milk tea’s safety and allowed the kids to take it.

Sucking up?

It’s not hard.

Jiang Kui glanced back at Sun Yaohuo—this was her winning move.

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