I Became an All-round Artist

Chapter 9: How to Ruin a Hobby

Many people didn't expect "Life Like a Summer Flower" to have such a strong follow-up, overtaking "Brilliant Silver Flame" on its very first day!

When this was noticed, the entire entertainment circle erupted in excitement.

"Xingmang is in second place!?"

"After years of mediocrity, Xingmang finally bounces back—is this the legendary comeback?"

"Guys, don't forget, the first place is a special case. If you round up, 'Life Like a Summer Flower' is basically this year's champion!"

"Rounding up, really?"

"No need to round up. There's another situation everyone might not have noticed. Although the first place is far ahead, in terms of data growth, it seems like Xingmang's 'Life Like a Summer Flower' is growing even faster. I think we all know what that means."

A data genius from a certain company clearly saw what was happening.

"What do you mean?"

"In any case, get your popcorn ready, folks. By the end of the month, we might get to watch a clash of the titans. It's going to be interesting—I thought Sand Sea Entertainment had this season locked up with no suspense."


At that moment, Zeng Yi, the singer who was originally in second place with Brilliant Silver Flame, was out having dinner with his composer, Li Yang.

This meal was enough to rack up a 2,000-credit card bill.

A massive red king crab was displayed on the table, showing off its former glory and adding to the festive atmosphere:

A victory feast.

But halfway through the meal, Zeng Yi received a call from the company informing him that his song "Aries" had been knocked down to third place.

At that moment, the king crab in his bowl suddenly lost its flavor.

Zeng Yi looked at Li Yang in bewilderment, as if asking: Where did my second place go? I just had it, where did it disappear to?


Li Yang, the composer, didn't say anything. He simply took out his phone and earphones and listened to "Life Like a Summer Flower."


Li Yang admitted that he had gotten a bit complacent. When the New Talent Chart was released, as the second-place holder, he only listened to the first-place song and wasn't even interested in checking out "Life Like a Summer Flower," which was ranked third.

Who would pay attention to someone ranked lower than themselves?

But after listening to the song, Li Yang's mood became complicated. As he clicked download, he glanced at the first-place song on the New Talent Chart, and his expression suddenly became twisted: "They all must die!"


Meanwhile, in Xingmang's company dormitory.

Sun Yaohuo, who had been monitoring the chart all day, also noticed right away that "Life Like a Summer Flower" had surged to second place.

He suddenly stood up: "Wow! I'm famous!"

No wonder there were always legends about the top composers in the industry. Many newly debuted singers would often jokingly say:

"I'd be willing to be a dog for a top composer."

It turns out that when you meet an amazing composer, even a dog tied up in the recording studio can become famous!

Sun Yaohuo, who had been longing to debut, had just been dragged into the studio by his manager to record a song. He sang it as requested, and suddenly, he skyrocketed to second place on the New Talent Chart, becoming one of the most dazzling singers of the season!

Now for the fill-in-the-blank:

Sun Yaohuo was pondering, if he were to throw away his so-called dignity, how should he greet Junior Lin the next time they meet?



At Qinzhou Art College.

Lin Yuan, who was unaware of all this, was reading in the library when a pleasant and crisp system notification suddenly sounded in his ear:

【Congratulations, host, for reaching 10,000 total reputation points!】
【Reputation milestone reward: Five years of lifespan!】
【Reputation milestone reward: Three bronze treasure chests!】
【Reputation milestone reward: One silver treasure chest!】

10,000 reputation points?

Lin Yuan looked up at the glowing words and focused his thoughts slightly, bringing up his current profile data:

【Age: 19】
【Lifespan: 27】
【Painting: 45】
【Literature: 105】
【Music: 12,580】
【Comprehensive: 12,730】

There was no change in the reputation points for the Painting and Literature categories.

The Music category had skyrocketed, surpassing 10,000, clearly thanks to the success of "Life Like a Summer Flower."

Most importantly:

His lifespan had increased by five years.

Lin Yuan's lifespan had now reached 27 years. Although it was only an additional five years, it was enough to temporarily remove the threat of death.

Lin Yuan asked inwardly, "System, how many reputation points do I need to increase my lifespan next time?"

The system replied, "The host's body is afflicted with a terminal illness, which is theoretically incurable. Therefore, to treat the host, the system has used the highest level of medical technology in the universe to modify the host's constitution. As a result, the reputation point requirement will only get higher and higher. For the host to receive the system's treatment and increase lifespan next time, the reputation point requirement is..."


"No, one million."

Lin Yuan's face darkened. From the moment the system started rambling, he had a vague feeling that the reputation requirement for increasing lifespan would be high, but he didn't expect it to be this high.

This is too much.

Not even 100,000 is enough!

And it dares to ask for one million!

Lin Yuan felt a bit frustrated. "Does this mean I need to release a hundred songs of the same caliber as 'Life Like a Summer Flower'?"

"Don't worry."

The system explained, "'Life Like a Summer Flower' has currently only provided the host with over 10,000 reputation points, but that doesn't mean this song can only provide that much. As long as new listeners continue to like this song in the future, the host's reputation will continue to grow. In theory, the host's reputation will increase faster and faster. Although one million seems like a lot, it could happen in the blink of an eye."

Lin Yuan blinked hard.

The system almost glitched: "..."

Lin Yuan chuckled inwardly, but he generally accepted this fact. He had a vague idea that as long as he continued to create more works and Xianyu's reputation grew, attracting more attention, his reputation points would naturally increase. Of course, this also required him to keep working hard to release new works and earn more reputation points.

With this in mind.

Lin Yuan looked expectantly at the four treasure chests in the warehouse, wondering what good things might come out of them.

Without hesitation.

Lin Yuan opened the two bronze treasure chests first, deciding to leave the third bronze chest as a suspense.

【Bronze Treasure Chest opened: Song "Big Fish" obtained】
【Bronze Treasure Chest opened: Song "Easily Combustible, Easily Explosive" obtained】




It seems the system knows that in Qinzhou, the "Hometown of Music," music-related rewards are the most valuable, so the items obtained from the bronze treasure chests are mostly related to music.


"Let's open the silver treasure chest too," Lin Yuan said.


Immediately after, Lin Yuan saw a flash of light in front of him:


**[Silver Treasure Chest Opened: Received Piano Piece "Mariage d'Amour"]**


A silver treasure chest even comes with a special effect?


But this reward is indeed impressive—it's "Mariage d'Amour"!


This piano piece is worth much more than a regular song, given that it's one of the top works composed by Paul de Senneville for Richard Clayderman, a classic piece heard by countless people on Earth!


No wonder it was placed in a silver treasure chest.


If he could find an opportunity to release this well-known piano piece, it should significantly boost his reputation, right?


Lin Yuan looked forward to it.


However, he couldn't just release it hastily.


Just like how the success of "Life Is Like a Summer Flower" relied on the resources of the Xingmang platform, the efficiency of gaining reputation would also be affected without a good platform or opportunity.


With this in mind.


Lin Yuan suddenly had a question: "If I don't reveal my real-world identity when releasing a work, will the reputation gained be discounted?"




The system, seemingly uninterested in typing, directly responded in a mechanical voice in Lin Yuan's mind: "The identity of Xian Yu is inherently directed towards the host, so whether the host is in the spotlight or working behind the scenes makes no difference."


Got it.


It's similar to how the description "the best friend of Jian Yi and Xia Fan" ultimately points to himself—what matters is that the final pointer is correct.


Does this sound a bit Cthulhu-esque?


Lin Yuan asked again, "What are the specific criteria for forming reputation?"


The system replied: "Reputation comes from the audience's recognition of the work. Since 'Life Is Like a Summer Flower' is genuinely appreciated, this audience's fondness will be converted into reputation value. The specific amount of reputation value converted depends on how much the audience likes the work."




Since this was Lin Yuan's first experience with reputation rewards, he was clearly more concerned about it. Compared to the hard work of completing tasks, reputation rewards were indeed the most appealing.


Of course.


Even the smallest mosquito is still meat.


Lin Yuan wouldn’t disdain the reward just because it was only a bronze treasure chest. He still needed to do his best to complete the exam-related task.


Just then.


Lin Yuan’s phone suddenly rang.


He opened it and saw it was a group mention in the class group.


The mention was from Professor Huang, who was in charge of the professional course: “Dear students, the latest notice from the department is that we will have an exam on November 15th! Next week’s music appreciation assignment will include an additional major question! You’ve heard 'Life Is Like a Summer Flower,' right? Please prepare in advance, and identify the reasons for the success of this new song from a composer's perspective. Highlight this! It’s the teacher’s exam focus, and I think it will definitely be on the department exam!”


The group immediately erupted in despair.


“Not again…”




“This is my favorite song recently…”


“So, this is another song going from favorite to overplayed?”


“Everyone, I can already announce that I no longer like 'Life Is Like a Summer Flower.'”


A lot of people liked "Life Is Like a Summer Flower."


But as Lu Xun said:


The best way to ruin a song for students in a music department is to make it an assignment.


Lin Yuan, however, was very pleased.


After all, the classmates had already contributed the required reputation, so the system couldn't deduct it.


Whether they still liked "Life Is Like a Summer Flower" later was of no concern to Lin Yuan.


He had other songs coming up.


Moreover, he was confident about the exam, as the system also provided some reference materials along with the songs.


“What’s the assignment song?”


Messages in the group quickly reached 99+.


Some students who appeared late, with laggy phones, could only type and ask classmates in the group.


“'Life Is Like a Summer Flower,' if you ask again, you’ll be banned!”


This was a response from the class monitor, and you could feel the resentment even through the screen. They even added: “I hate Xian Yu!”








The class was very united.


Lin Yuan typed a string of ellipses, deliberately breaking the pattern, thinking that these people were too targeted, and then he relaxed—


They disliked Xian Yu.


What does that have to do with me, Lin Yuan?



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