I Became An Idol To Pay Off My Debt

Chapter 151



In the car heading to the press conference hall, Ha Ye-rin closed her eyes for a moment, looking tired.



Since neither Sang-gu, who was driving, nor Lee Kim-jang, the lawyer, said anything, only silence filled the air.

But soon, someone broke that silence…


“Yes, Oppa.”

…It was Sang-gu.

After the incident with MS Planning, the group that suffered the most damage was Brotherhood Planning.

Every day, hundreds of complaint calls flooded the office, and online, they were branded as a malicious company.

More importantly, Kang Hyung-man, someone who was like a benefactor to Brotherhood Planning, was taken by the police.

In such a dire situation, it was frustrating for Sang-gu, the backbone of Brotherhood Planning, to hear Kang Hyung-man say he would take all the blame.


He couldn’t help but feel a bit resentful towards Ye-rin for not immediately denying MS Planning and the claims made by Ye-rin’s parents.

From Sang-gu’s perspective, Ye-rin’s parents were truly unreasonable.

They made their young daughter do all the housework and earn living expenses.

As soon as Ye-rin won in Na Ah Ah, they blocked her path for their own ambitions.

On the other hand, what about Brotherhood Planning?

Ye-rin was their first trainee, and having seen her face for a long time, the organization’s members had secretly thought of her as a younger sister.

Thus, Brotherhood Planning treated her shockingly well, giving her chances to appear in Na Ah Ah, and… also offered her emotional support as fellow humans.

…Even though it was a situation where anyone could clearly side with Brotherhood Planning rather than her parents.

It was unavoidable for Sang-gu to feel a little bitter at Ye-rin for not reacting at all while Brotherhood Planning was suffering.

However, upon seeing Ye-rin today at the rookies’ lodging, Sang-gu’s feelings vanished.

‘…Oppa Sang-gu.’

…He had seen many faces like this while working in debt collection.

Faces with no sadness, no joy… and nothing at all.

Expressions of someone who had given up everything.

Typically, when Sang-gu saw a debtor with such a face, he would skip collecting on that day.

But now, Ye-rin wore that kind of face.

Thus, Sang-gu couldn’t help but ask.

“…Are you okay, Ye-rin?”


“Your expression… doesn’t look good.”

At Sang-gu’s question, Ye-rin gave a mechanical smile and replied.

“I’m fine, Oppa. Please don’t worry too much. I won’t be a burden to Brotherhood Planning anymore.”


Does she think her existence is a burden to others?

To Sang-gu, Ye-rin really appeared unstable. Like she could collapse at any moment.

However… they had to finish this press conference well for both Brotherhood Planning and for his forever big brother, Kang Hyung-man, to be safe…

“…Right, we have a little left until we arrive at the press conference hall, so try to keep your eyes open.”

“Yes, I will.”

Sang-gu couldn’t reach out to Ye-rin with his hand.

Before long, the car arrived at the press conference hall.

The venue chosen for the press conference by NAS Entertainment was a luxury hotel in Seoul.

As Sang-gu announced their arrival, stepping out of the car welcomed me with an empty parking lot.

“Isn’t it odd that there are so few cars in the hotel parking lot?”

Considering it was a luxury hotel and a weekday, it seemed a bit too empty, so I asked, but it was neither Sang-gu nor Lee Kim-jang’s voice that interrupted instead.

“It’s a private parking space for VIPs. Only designated people can enter.”

“Director Jeong.”

It was Director Jeong.

As I nodded my head toward him, he also bowed his head and said.

“I came out to greet you early. You arrived sooner than I expected.”

Hearing that, I checked my phone and realized there was still quite a bit of time left until the official press conference.

“There’s about 20 minutes left until the press conference starts… Should we kill some time here before heading in?”


As Director Jeong checked his watch, I shook my head firmly.

“If possible, let’s go right now.”

“…If Ye-rin wants it that way, we shall.”

After all, most reporters would already be at the press conference hall.

Even if they went 20 minutes early, it surely wouldn’t be a problem.

So, when I quickly mentioned that I wanted to head up, Director Jeong nodded and called for the elevator.



Perhaps because it was the VIP floor, the elevator that had been up for a while quickly came down.

During the brief wait, Director Jeong asked me.

“How are you feeling right now?”


…How do I feel right now?

Director Jeong’s expression didn’t look too comfortable as he asked me that.

I was on my way to accuse someone at the press conference, and the targets of that accusation were MS Planning’s An Representative, Shin PD, and my parents.

The relationship between parents and children is often referred to as a kind of celestial bond.

I was on my way to break that bond.

Of course, from the standpoint of the people watching me, it wouldn’t be a pleasant situation.


‘…I feel nothing.’

Perhaps due to the influence of the trait ‘Extreme Demon,’ I myself felt no emotions.

Even while going to abandon the parents I lived with for 19 years, I felt no pangs of conscience or guilt.


‘This should have happened sooner.’

The relief of finally severing ties with my parents, coupled with deep resentment toward them for creating this situation, filled my heart.

So, I smiled and answered Director Jeong.

“Feelings? Nothing at all.”

“…Is that so?”

“Is it strange to feel nothing? Should I act like I’m crying or something?”

Considering my acting skill stat is only 18, I seriously pondered whether I could pull off tearful acting when Director Jeong shook his head and replied.

“…No. Since this press conference will also be streamed live on YouTube, many will watch it in real-time, so just act naturally.”

“Act naturally… Got it.”

“If you happen to make a mistake, I will help you, so don’t worry too much.”



As I finished that conversation with Director Jeong, the elevator stopped on the floor where the press conference was taking place.

Bzzz, bzzz.

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, I felt a buzz from the large hall where the press conference was being held.

There were dozens of reporters gathering over there.

In a way, it felt more nerve-wracking than performing in front of a crowd of 10,000, but I felt no tension at all.

Click, click.

As I walked out of the elevator into the grand hall…



Suddenly halted by a hand, I looked up and saw Sang-gu frowning at me with concern.


“What’s wrong, Oppa Sang-gu?”

“…Are you really okay?”


Sang-gu really is soft-hearted.

What would he do if I suddenly said I didn’t want to hold the press conference?

“Oppa Sang-gu, I’m really fine.”


“I’ll do well at the press conference and come back.”

I finished that sentence and gave Sang-gu a small smile.

And then… I slowly stepped into the grand hall filled with countless reporters and dozens of cameras.

“Hey, hey, what time is it now?”

“About 20 to 30 minutes left until the conference starts, I think?”

Even though there was still a fair bit of time left until the press conference began, the grand hall was very busy.

And no wonder; the subject of this press conference was none other than ‘Ha Ye-rin.’

She was the storm that led to Na Ah Ah’s soaring ratings and became the winner.

It was incredible that someone currently one of the most popular idols was caught up in such an incident right before her debut.

For entertainment reporters, who usually sifted through rumors about secret relationships, this was basically a festival.

“What kind of content will the press conference cover? Will she fight with her parents?”

The reporters, desperately hoping for provocative material, were eagerly wishing for Ha Ye-rin to defy her parents.

That would definitely grab people’s attention for their articles even more.

“I’m not sure about that, but I hope she at least shows some good reactions. The girl is always so expressionless, it makes writing articles hard.”

“Well, that can’t be helped. She’s the new ‘Ice Princess.’ Hehe.”

Among reporters, there was a term for female celebrities who were popular but had dull reactions, known as ‘Ice Princesses.’

And Ha Ye-rin, renowned for her lack of expression—even smiling just a little when winning in Na Ah Ah—clearly qualified for the title.

“Oh, if only she would shout in excitement or shed a tear, it would be perfect…”

“She’s an Ice Princess. Does it seem likely? We just have to create the most stimulating picture we can.”

As the reporters discussed how to write their articles, at that very moment…

“Alright! We’ll start the conference 20 minutes earlier than scheduled!”


The announcement to start the press conference earlier than planned…

Thud, thud!


Click, click, click!

…Ha Ye-rin revealed herself.

“Hey, hey! Quickly, switch on the cameras and start streaming!”

“Yes, right away!”

Although they were starting the press conference 20 minutes earlier than notified, reporters snapped pictures without a moment to complain.

‘Oh, there’s an article up already.’

The reporters observed Ha Ye-rin entering slowly, writing titles like ‘Ha Ye-rin’s Press Conference Look.’

Wearing a Yankee baseball cap, a sweatshirt, and sweatpants.

It seemed plain and simple, but that made it all the more eye-catching.

Soon everyone in attendance could predict that those clothes would be sold out as ‘Ha Ye-rin’s sweatshirt’ and ‘Ha Ye-rin’s sweatpants.’

“I appreciate all the reporters gathering here, and now I’d like to start the urgent press conference for our Rookies’ Ha Ye-rin,”

said Director Jeong from NAS Entertainment as the press conference began.

This was a large-scale press conference, with over a hundred thousand viewers watching via various broadcasting and YouTube streams.

“Do you agree with MS Planning’s An Min-seong’s statement?”

“Is it true that you double-signed contracts with both Brotherhood Planning and MS Planning?”

“Alright! We’ll save the Q&A for the very end, so please wait a bit longer. First, let’s hear Ha Ye-rin’s statement!”

As Director Jeong calmed the excited reporters and took a seat to the right of Ha Ye-rin…

Click, click!

Click, click, click, click, click!

The sounds of camera shutters and flashes filled the grand hall.

It was a situation that seemed undoubtedly intense, yet…


True to her title of Ice Princess, Ha Ye-rin looked remarkably calm.

Seeing the reporters click their tongues in frustration at her demeanor, Ha Ye-rin took the microphone.

“Hello, I’m Ha Ye-rin from Rookies. I came here to completely deny the claims made by MS Planning’s An Representative and my parents.”


Tap, tap, tap.

Click, click, click, click, click!

The reporters’ faces turned into expressions of joy as they began to write.

“The claims that I had double contracts with Brotherhood Planning and MS Planning are all false. This was all the result of MS Planning’s tampering to change my affiliation, and my parents colluded in this.”

Most reporters immediately jotted down key phrases like ‘Ha Ye-rin’ and ‘family dysfunction.’

People were looking for more provocative material rather than worrying about the truth.

An idol soon to debut with fantastic popularity is in conflict with her parents?

In South Korean society, filial piety is highly regarded.

Regardless of the reasons, a child who defies their parents is bound to face criticism.

If this continued, it was certain that arguments between Ha Ye-rin’s fans and those who weren’t would ignite on the internet… and that was precisely the kind of chaos the reporters wanted.

“Especially my parents…”

The reporters were so excited that they started writing even before Ha Ye-rin finished her sentence.

[Shock! Rookies’ Ha Ye-rin in conflict with parents who raised her for 19 years?]

[Behind Na Ah Ah’s Winner: Disgraced Ha Ye-rin]

‘This will definitely blow up.’

As the reporters geared up to throw various expressions of sensationalism towards the public, at that moment…

Tap, tap?

Deep in concentration, the reporters lifted their heads, feeling something off.

‘Why is she pausing in the middle of a sentence…’

And then…

Drip, drip.



They froze at the sight before them.

Thud, thud.


Ha Ye-rin was… crying.


As if living up to her Ice Princess title, Ha Ye-rin shed tears without changing her expression, realizing she was crying only after seeing the wet marks on the desk…

“…I’m sorry. Let me start over. My parents…”

Wiping her tears with her sleeve, she attempted to continue speaking.


Drip, drip, drip.

The more Ha Ye-rin wiped her tears, the more they flowed…



It became impossible for her to speak coherent words.

“Wh-h… my, my parents… they…”

Though she stammered through tears, shaking hands, she tried to continue speaking, but it seemed difficult.


The Ice Princess’s ice was melting away.

And behind the ice that was once so cold stood a small and fragile girl, crying sorrowfully.

“My parents…”

She evoked tears even from reporters who might not know a human’s feelings.

The temporary release of the trait ‘Extreme Demon’ included the effect of nullifying humanity.

That means while this trait applies, I become emotionless like a character from a movie filled with psychopaths.

Up until the press conference, my heart remained hard as stone, filled only with resentment and anger toward my parents, An Representative, and Shin PD.

But at this moment…


The effects of the hidden trait ‘Extreme Demon’ shattered, and long-buried emotions burst forth.

‘I love you, Ye-rin.’

I know all the words you spoke were not lies.

‘Above all, our precious daughter.’

I understand that I was once that cherished entity to you.

‘Honey, let’s raise our Ye-rin… the most precious in the world…’

If your heartfelt words back then hadn’t been insincere…

I could have hated you wholeheartedly.

I could have cast you away long ago.

Drip, drip.

“Ugh… my, my parents…”

Hating, relying, resenting… and loving.

You were surely ‘my parents’ that I longed for so dearly.

And now, I…

“My parents… they have exploited and abused me for 19 years.”

I chose to abandon those parents and become an orphan again.

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