I Became An Idol To Pay Off My Debt

Chapter 38

With the cheers of those sharing memories of Jidimun, the advertisement ended, and my stage resumed.

-Shall I fly like a butterfly? Carried by the gentle breeze.

At this moment, my vocal ability stat was at 65. Definitely higher than an average person, and since the song wasn’t that difficult, it sounded refreshing and clear.


Wait, you sing really well?

Your tone is refreshing.

Thanks to the nostalgia, the comments were quite positive too.

Seeing the favorable responses, I relaxed and glanced at Kang Soo-hyun’s reaction.

Tap, tap.

She was tapping her fingers, seemingly keeping rhythm with my performance. Seeing her not frown, I guess that meant I passed her standard.

For the first time since the ranking evaluation began, Han Si-woo’s face appeared on screen with a smile.

-Oh~~ my~ love~~~

The song ended without any major mistakes.


Ah… it was nice after a long time. I should go listen to the original.

I just visited the Jidigital world….

You sing well.

Back in the day, we all….

Ah, I want to go back to that time.

Ye-rin is pretty, sings well, what can’t she do?

I never expected to hear this at Na Ah Ah.

Immediately, explosive comments started pouring in.

Even on the broadcast, Han Si-woo, for the first time, kept complimenting in a gentle tone, while other trainers followed suit, maintaining a good atmosphere.

Then it happened.


Suddenly, a twisted atmosphere filled with dramatic background music played as Han Si-woo picked up the microphone again.

[Han Si-woo: …But, you see, Ha Ye-rin trainee, this isn’t an idol song, is it?]

[A sharp question from Producer Han Si-woo!]

[A tense expression.]

[Ha Ye-rin (Brotherhood Planning): …Yes.]

With Han Si-woo’s words, those hidden behind Jidimun fans began to speak up.

That’s not an idol song for real.

She didn’t even dance.

Honestly, I’m not sure if I sing better than the others.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

The production team inserted intense background music, creating urgency.

It was time for the long-awaited <24 hours is not enough>.

[Han Si-woo: Do you have a dance song prepared separately?]

[Ha Ye-rin (Brotherhood Planning): …I have something ready. I will give it a try.]


What, there’s another song?

Seeing the group theme song, she seemed to dance well though.

[Ha Ye-rin (Brotherhood Planning): Ah, can I change my outfit a bit before the stage?]

[Han Si-woo: Sure.]

On the broadcast, I nodded, then suddenly stripped off my clothes.

The production team must have thought this was a funny moment as they zoomed in on Han Si-woo’s suddenly flushed face with a ridiculous background song.

[Han Si-woo: Yes, Ye-rin-!! Wh-what are you doing right now?!]

[Ha Ye-rin (Brotherhood Planning): …Huh?]

[Han Si-woo: Y-you should change outside the stage!]

[Ha Ye-rin (Brotherhood Planning): Ah, I was wearing pants under my skirt.]

[Han Si-woo: Ah.]


[Han Si-woo, now lowering his hand.]

[Looks like he was quite embarrassed^^.]


Hahaha, oh man Han Si-woo’s a guy too, lol!

But Ye-rin’s… wow.

The shirt and hot pants are just crazy.

The comment responses were quite good too.
What I thought was an offhand thing—stripping off my jacket and skirt—turned out to be a decent icebreaker on the broadcast.

With the mood eased, I began my performance.

-Let’s share this night together.
-Hold my hand.

Watching myself dance on TV was a bit embarrassing, but now that I looked at it with somewhat accustomed eyes….

-Time is insufficient.
-I want to be with you.

‘My stat is 99 after all. I’m doing pretty well.’

I thought I danced beautifully enough to impress even myself on screen.

“Ye-rin—! You’re so pretty—! How do you shine even more on stage?”

“Your singing is perfect, not a single note off!”

Even Lee Ji-woo and Kang Soo-hyun, who trained me, openly praised me during my performance.

Even Kang Hyung-man, who had been completely unresponsive until now, muttered with a dazed look,

“…A dragon has entered my arms.”

With that proud feeling, I checked the comments section.


The comment section was surprisingly calm and empty.

‘Maybe it wasn’t that impressive in others’ eyes?’

As I tilted my head in confusion, I finished my performance on screen.

[Ha Ye-rin (Brotherhood Planning): Haah… That’s it.]

And in that moment….



“What’s wrong, Ye-rin?”

“I-I don’t know, suddenly my laptop is lagging… huh?”

Before my eyes, things appeared and disappeared countless times.





Wow, crap

This is insane


Ha Ye-rin wins

Wow, just ended

Wow, that was cheap

Sister, wow, ㅠㅠ



What the hell was that just now?

Just debut already

I’ll vote immediately

Wow, I really love you, Ye-rin

Great Ye-rin

Simply Ye-hwang

Is it real…

God exists, and her name is Ha Ye-rin.

I would give everything for you.

Everyone in the studio, like a collective army, stared wide-eyed at the massive influx of comments.


Even as time passed, the comments kept pouring in as if they had long awaited the arrival of their new goddess.

After my stage, Han Si-woo showered praises, and the heat of the comments soared even higher.

[Han Si-woo: Ye-rin, you mentioned your training period was a month, right? For a stage of this quality after a month of training…]

[Producer Han Si-woo speechless!]

[Han Si-woo: It can be called a genius talent.]


[The venue buzzes at Han Si-woo’s statement.]


I mean, for a month, that’s genius for sure, lol.

Han Si-woo official) Ha Ye-rin is a genius.

She received Han Si-woo’s recognition.

Looks like this level of performance gets praise from Han Si-woo.

What were the others doing? Lol, getting overshadowed by a month’s trainee.

Simply a great Ye-rin, born to be an idol.

God exists in this world; her name is Ha Ye-rin.

Simply Ye-hwang.

The comments were all fawning over Han Si-woo’s words.

And it wasn’t just the comments that were fawning.

[Park Yoo-jung (Revi): I fell in love at first sight.]

[Park Yoo-jung (Revi): You were dancing so beautifully in front of my eyes that I almost screamed.]

“Pfft, Ye-rin, isn’t she the one you said you got close to?”

“…Yes, that’s right.”

“It seems Ye-rin caught her eye quite a bit.”

…Indeed, it must be true.
No wonder she got so close to me and interviewed like that.

[Han Si-woo: I’m curious to see how much Ye-rin will grow later. I will always support and watch over you.]

[Han Si-woo: Alright, then let’s discuss for a bit and assign a rank to Ha Ye-rin trainee.]

[Judges discussing.]

[Han Si-woo: The rank for Ha Ye-rin trainee from Brotherhood Planning is A.]

[Ha Ye-rin trainee receives the first A rank!]


Honestly, I agree.

If she hadn’t received A, I would have gone looking for Si-woo!

Honestly, if there was an S, it would be S.

Just a victory. Even if she leaves now, Na Ah Ah’s victory is Ha Ye-rin.

Simply great Ye-rin.

The comment section’s atmosphere was one of course it was expected.

Even Lee Ji-woo, who was surprised at first by the overwhelming amount of comments, became accustomed and smiled warmly, saying to me,

“Ye-rin, you’re winning anyway, right? Hehe.”

“Ah… Teacher, don’t tease me.”

“I’m serious, you did really well.”

Brush, brush.

With a proud look, Ji-woo patted my head and continued,

“The only memorable part of the rating evaluation today was you. I don’t know who your teacher is, but you did amazingly well. Honestly, you were the best among those who performed today.”


I was truly grateful for Ji-woo’s words.

But there was one thing wrong with her statement.
I wasn’t the best in the ranking evaluation.
There was still one person behind me….

[Han Si-woo: Next, please welcome Yoo Seol from JJ Entertainment.]

[The final order.]

[Seated in 1st place, what will she show?]

When Yoo Seol appeared for the final order, the comment section filled with renewed anticipation once more.

Perhaps due to the aftermath of the previous stage, even after she took the stage, there were more voices calling my name.

Oh, finally Yoo Seol!

Yeah, lol, but still beneath Ha Ye-rin, lol.

The three major agencies are all falling here, lol, getting overshadowed by this tiny company trainee, lol.

Yoo Seol hasn’t even performed yet, stop making a fuss.

Yeah, lol, it’s obvious. Just Ye-hwang outshines.

Um… I think Yoo Seol made eye contact with Ye-rin when she came down, is it just me?

Comments placing me above Yoo Seol continued even when she shared her story.

[Yoo Seol (JJ): I had an opportunity two years ago, but due to circumstances, I couldn’t debut with JJ.]

[Han Si-woo: May I ask what those circumstances were?]

[Yoo Seol (JJ): My parents were ill.]

[Yoo Seol (JJ): They’re still not completely better, but… my parents’ dream is for me to debut as an idol.]

[Yoo Seol (JJ): So I definitely want to seize this opportunity to debut.]

Ah, poor thing…

So JJ just tossed away someone who couldn’t even debut?

Lol, a 21-year-old who hasn’t debuted yet is gonna compete with Ye-hwang?

Those who support Yoo Seol are all out of the game by now.

Even comments started to evolve to ridicule Yoo Seol further.

[Han Si-woo: Well, I’ll end the questioning here. Please start when you are ready.]

[Yoo Seol: …Yes!]


[……Huh! This song is…!]

[The expressions of participants and judges filled with surprise…!]


Wait, this is Cindy’s song.

This is [Letter from the Moon and Lake], right?

Is she really going to do this?

The unexpected song choice shifted the comment atmosphere from mocking to astonished.

And that stunned atmosphere….

-On this moonlit night. And the lake.
-Are you watching?
-Do you remember?

As Yoo Seol began to sing, it transformed into sheer admiration.


What’s this, crap

What the heck


Her tone is insane

Is she singing better than Cindy?

It’s definitely JJ, huh?

Truly, even upon a second listen, Yoo Seol’s performance was legendary.

“Huh… what kind of voice is this….”

Even the stoic Kang Hyung-man reacted accordingly.
The comments shifted as they seemingly forgot me and started chanting for Yoo Seol.

[Yoo Seol (JJ): …That’s it. Thank you for watching.]

As the awe-inspiring stage ended,

Clap, clap, clap, clap.

[Suddenly, applause rang out.]

[Kim Ye-sol (Vocal Trainer): There were no flaws during that performance. There was nothing to criticize vocally.]

[Praises pouring from the panel!]

As the judges on the broadcast excitedly showered their praises, comments began to worship Yoo Seol.

But the next moment….

[Han Si-woo: The vocals from the previous stage were impressive, but… there were no dance moves. Do you admit this?]

[Yoo Seol: I do admit that.]

Han Si-woo’s question put a temporary brake on the running atmosphere.

Ooh, well she didn’t dance, true.

Cindy is pretty but she’s not an idol.

I bet she dances well too.

[Han Si-woo: Do you have a dance song prepared separately?]

[Yoo Seol (JJ): Yes…! I have one prepared, but…]

[Yoo Seol trainee hesitates at Producer Han Si-woo’s request!]

[Han Si-woo: Is there a problem with showcasing your dance song?]

[Yoo Seol (JJ): No, that’s not the case, but… um…]

[Han Si-woo: If there is no problem, please show us. We expect much from Yoo Seol trainee’s dancing skills.]

[Yoo Seol (JJ): …Yes, okay! I will give it a try.]

At that moment.

The broadcast slowed down into slow motion, and….


[Yoo Seol contestant, suddenly locking eyes with Ha Ye-rin contestant!]

Yoo Seol raising her head to look at me appeared on screen.
Of course, comments could only be puzzled at what was happening on screen.

Huh? Why is she looking at Ye-rin all of a sudden?

Are they in a battle of wills?

Starting a dance song and out of nowhere what’s up?

Then, soon…

Tick-tock, tick-tock.



Wait, is this… Ye-rin’s song….?

…Huh? Again?

…Could it be?

Immediately recognizable from the intro that I had danced to earlier, <24 hours is not enough> began to flow….

[Yoo Seol (JJ): I wonder if such coincidences exist in this world.]

[Ha Ye-rin (Brotherhood Planning): (Having just seen) …Ah.]

An ominous exchange of words played between the two of us, just as the screen blacked out.

[To be continued next week.]

That was the end of my Idol Academia episode 1.

“Wow…, are you serious?! Why did they cut it here?!”

The production team’s timing was so flawless that Ji-woo even jumped off the couch in surprise.
And with the addition of the preview, it was just perfect.

[Han Si-woo: The rank for Yoo Seol from JJ Entertainment is (beep) *!]

[Ha Ye-rin (Brotherhood Planning): Wait a minute.]

[Yoo Seol (JJ): ……!]

[Ha Ye-rin contestant blocking Yoo Seol contestant!]

[What will happen between the two?]

[Kim Ye-sol (Vocal Trainer): Ye-rin, are you not paying attention?]

[Ha Ye-rin (Brotherhood Planning): I’m sorry.]

[Kim Ye-sol (Vocal Trainer): Khuh…,sniff,sniff….]

[Kim Ye-sol burst into tears.]

[What happened to her?]

[My Idol Academia episode 2 plays next Friday at 10 PM!]

“Wow…, this is truly….”

Yoo Seol, who picked the same song as me.
The competitive relationship between me and Yoo Seol.
My disciplined self, and the weeping trainer.

…Truly, Na Ah Ah’s production team were impressive.
They made it impossible to resist watching the next episode…

So it was only natural that the comment section was ablaze.

Ah, crap, producers!!

Why did it cut here?!

Next week, I absolutely have to watch!

Please just give me one more episode, please!

C’mon, morons, episode 1 should have had an extended one-hour format!

Wow Na Ah Ah is so ridiculously interesting.

So, is Yoo Seol singing <24 hours is not enough> true or not?!

This competition between Yoo Seol and Ha Ye-rin seems fun, lol.

Wow, is this really Yoo Seol or Ha Ye-rin?

And it wasn’t just the comments that caught fire.

“…Ye-rin, there’s an article about this.”

“…An article?”

From that day forward, my life changed completely.

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