I Became Popular After Participating In Escape Games

Chapter 137

Chapter 135: Mental Hospital 1

Lu Tingliu has a separate room with nothing but a bed.

She doesn’t know whether she is in the “game” or in reality. If it is the former, then she can’t summon the panel or use any supernatural abilities; if it is the latter… Lu Tingliu is temporarily unable to Sure, in the three days in the mental hospital, the hospital will arrange for them to watch two hours of TV in the morning and afternoon each day, but it is not current news, nor movies, but cartoons.

She has been in this so-called Zhuqueshan Mental Hospital for three days. During these three days, all her movements and routines have been crucified by the hospital, and she has to take five meals of medicine every day.

One meal in the morning, one in the evening, one in the afternoon, and one before bedtime.

Lu Tingliu felt that she was not sick at all, and she was going to eat it.

At this moment, it is 9:00 am, 7:30 am for dinner, and 10:30 am for entertainment. Before this time, I don’t go to the village or the store. Only the nurses are doing ward rounds, and the whole mental hospital is playing a few soothing music.

“Sister Whale,” a nurse passed by outside the room, it was Lu Tingliu who was talking to her when she woke up, Lu Tingliu stopped her, “It’s so boring, give me a little help Have you read this book?”

The nurse named Fang Xiaojing said, “Okay.”

After a while, Fang Xiaojing sent a novel.

She also specially warned: “If you read the book, just read the book, don’t do anything crooked, I will come and collect the book completely later.”

Lu Tingliu of course said obediently: “Okay.”

She took the book and went back to bed.

This is a very thick novel with yellowed pages. The name of the novel is “The Resurrection”.

Open the first page.

“On the day of the end, I was filming in the deep mountains and old forests.”

Lu Tingliu raised her eyebrows. This is also the first person.

On the day of the end, I was filming in the deep mountains and forests. It was a tomb robbery film, and it played a “vase” who rolled around in the mud every day, was responsible for the beauty of flowers, and caused a lot of trouble for the hero to clean up. The double quotation marks are added because this vase is an undercover agent sent by another tomb robbery gang, just to make the protagonist’s tomb robbery fail.

During the filming period, there were only two things lingering in my mind, one was wanting to eat Mala Tang, and the other was wanting to eat snail noodles.

The day when the doomsday comes is January 1st, New Year’s Day, which is auspicious, so we have to make a major scene.

The director team has prepared a professional blasting team, our actors not only cannot look back at the explosion, but also jump off the cliff.

Before shooting, the director patted his chest and said, “There is absolutely no problem with safety, you can rest your heart, this is all tested by professionals many times, don’t worry.”

I believe it.

Lu Tingliu was happy.

In her opinion, this is more like a diary than a novel.

Afterwards, the protagonist spent thousands of words telling how she adventured under the cliff. The protagonist broke a leg, encountered poisonous snakes, wild wolves and swarms of poisonous bees, and saw the bodies of the protagonists. , The filming equipment is full of sand and dust.

…I found a few well-preserved camera positions, which were a panoramic view of our jumping off the cliff and a close-up of each person, one of which was directly facing the blasting site. After watching the remaining video data, I figured out what happened in general.

The blasting force exceeded the expectations of the professional team (I don’t know if they accidentally put more explosives), and the explosion produced a huge flame, which caused Wia to be melted and we fell off the cliff. The explosion also stirred up a lot of mountain ash. In the hazy dust, there seemed to be an unusually huge shadow on the mountain coming towards the production team.

Afterwards, there was only nearly three hours of dark footage, loud noises, and screams behind the cameras filming the blast site. It sounded like the voices of the crew members working together, but strangely, there were only screams, not even “Help” and “Mom”.

This is obviously not normal.

Lu Tingliu watched quickly, following the protagonist’s point of view, watching the protagonist pry the RV of the starring star, and drove out of the mountains all the way. By the time she drove to the town where the film crew settled before entering the mountain, it was already a week later.

There is not a single living person in the town.

It has been nearly a month since she arrived in the city where there are living people.

She missed a lot, such as the chaos of the early apocalypse, the cannibalism of humans, the awakening of superpowers.

This month, the human social order has not completely collapsed, as the government is trying to maintain stability. The government assembled a large number of experts, and initially made a reasonable explanation for the abnormality-

This is a virus, airborne, possibly due to the melting of ancient glaciers due to global warming, re-exposing the virus to the air, where it begins to spread at the right temperature, they say. After being infected with this virus, people will have two symptoms, one is to gain power beyond ordinary people, and the other is to go crazy.

Many people believe this statement, which is more reassuring than any unknown. Like my broker.

The agent even asked me enthusiastically if I had awakened super powers.

I don’t think I’m any different.

I didn’t realize that I was still different from before when I was walking down the street that day when a 2-meter-tall, overly strong man tried to kidnap me and punched my skull. of.

The agent is very happy about this, because she does not have the ability to awaken, she is one of the few “insensitivity”, that is, unable to perceive and use “the virus that awakened from the ancient times with the melting of the glaciers” strength”.

In the next few days, I will be researching, what kind of ability I have awakened.

Some people can control the wind, some people’s five senses become very sensitive, some people are good at using certain weapons, some people become very powerful…

I haven’t figured out what my abilities are when something happened.

Overnight, all official government power was removed, the world fell into complete disorder, and the real dark hour came.


Lu Tingliu raised her eyes and saw Fang Xiaojing knock on the glass door and said, “It’s time to watch TV, return the book to me.”

Lu Tingliu asked: “Can I choose to read books instead of watching TV?”

Fang Xiaojing thought for a while and said, “It’s okay, but you still need to come to the entertainment room and register by the way, otherwise the doctor will know that I’m quietly showing you the book and will punish me.”

Lu Tingliu is very cooperative.

The entertainment room has a large TV and a variety of magazines and newspapers.

The nurses distributed snacks to the patients for everyone to watch while eating.

Lu Ting Liuwo continued to read the novel in the corner.

The protagonist and the agent experienced a terrible month in the tourist city closest to the deep mountains and forests. Without a strong government and army, the power of power users began to grow.


Dragon Tiger Corps finally fell under the hands of the Guangming Sect. My manager and I were debating whether to join the Guangming Sect or not. The gate of M City was kicked open, and the people came to the sky. Fire ten shots and say, “Everyone lay down their arms and we’ll take over this city from now on”.

After a few days, I admit, they do have the strength to take over the city.

The order of M City is getting better again, but it will definitely not return to the state before the end.

My agent and I both want to go back to City A, at least we have our own house in City A, but in the current situation, it is very difficult to go back.

The agent frowned for a few days, and suddenly said excitedly that there was a chance to go back.

The people who took over the city called themselves “Dawn Base”, and their boss wanted to take people to the direction of City A to save people, settle down, and maintain order.

I thought to myself, this is really “with the world in mind”.

My agent and I were going to hitch a ride.

“Lu Tingliu!” The little whale nurse tapped on the table, “I called you many times!”

“I’m sorry,” Lu Tingliu said, “I’m fascinated.”

Nurse Little Whale took the book away: “Let’s read it in the afternoon entertainment time, now we’re going to have lunch.”

The meal at Zhuqueshan Mental Hospital is very rich, but before eating, each patient needs to take medicine.

Lu Tingliu took the pills and boiled water from the little whale nurse, she smiled at the other little whale, put the pills in her mouth, raised her head and took a sip of water, her throat moved, indicating that she Finished swallowing.

The little whale nurse smiled: “Open your mouth and let me see.”

Lu Tingliu opened his mouth.

Fang Xiaojing said: “Very well, let’s go eat.”

Lu Tingliu nodded and turned around, spit out the tablet under the tongue, and put it in the pocket of the hospital uniform without a trace.

After eating, when you go to the toilet, flush it down the drain.

In the afternoon entertainment time, Lu Tingliu asked the novel again.

The protagonist follows the team of Dawn Base all the way to the east. On the way to City A, when passing other cities, people at Dawn Base must stop.

Through the title and expression of the protagonist, we can know that the boss of Dawn Base is a woman. She is called “boss” by her subordinates and “dictator” by the protagonist.

The reason for this name is that every time they go to a city, the Dawn base or the dictator must check whether the city is stable and whether there is a strong force to maintain stability. What kind of force is that? If it is too cruel and tyranny, Liming Base will kill the people who replace it; if it is a relatively good force, Liming Base will discuss cooperation with them. If it doesn’t work… then kill it and replace the people from the dawn base.

Lu Tingliu read this: “…”

From city M to city A, the protagonists have been walking for more than a month.

A city is surrounded by a moat. When entering the city, you have to cross a bridge. When the dawn base arrived at the moat, it was already late, so I decided to rest outside the city for a night before entering.

Because I don’t know what the situation is in the city, it is best to have sufficient combat power in the Dawn base, so that it is convenient to go in and “kill”.

In the end, the dictator was assassinated that night.


I asked if he was dead, but the man glared at me and said, if you die, the boss will not die!

It’s strange, the dictator actually doesn’t take the life of his subordinates, but these subordinates are still loyal to her, which makes me often wonder if her superpower is brainwashing.

Getting bigger, getting bigger.

Gradually, some people looked up, and those who looked up began to go crazy.

More and more people went mad, and the entire Dawn base team was completely dispersed.

In the chaos, my agent and I also ran away from the team.

When I realized, we were already in a wood by the moat.

The agent said she was afraid.

I don’t know how long it took, we were both tired, so we found a place to rest.

There was a big fog in the woods.

The agent was so sleepy that he fell on top of me, and I was a little tired, and as I closed my eyes drowsily, a dagger pierced my throat.

Blood all over me.

The agent said beside me: “I’m sorry Liu Liu, I’m sorry, I can’t control myself…”

When I looked back and saw her appearance, the first word that flashed in my head, an inexplicable word, “pollution”.

Lu Tingliu’s temple jumped suddenly.

She touched her neck subconsciously, it was intact.

“I’m sorry Liuliu, I’m sorry…”

These words were in her mind and in her ears.

Lu Tingliu didn’t remember how she fell asleep. When she woke up again, the little whale nurse came to round the room, and Lu Tingliu asked her for the novel.

Fang Xiaojing said in surprise: “What novel?”

Lu Tingliu said, “You showed me the novel called “Revival of Doomsday” yesterday.”

Fang Xiaojing said: “I didn’t show you the novel yesterday, and we don’t have any novels called Doomsday Recovery here.”

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