I Became Popular After Participating In Escape Games

Chapter 143

Chapter 141: Past Future 3

Lu Tingliu stood beside the training ground and watched Liang Xizhou and Pei Yao lead the team to run.

After a period of study, Lu Ting Liu Qing is better than the blue, and the use of Genesis Qi has surpassed Qin Yimei.

Especially after listening to Fu Lubai talking about the conclusion she reached from backtracking to ancient memories, “The creatures that absorb Origin Qi will be connected with the entire planet”, after that, Lu Tingliu I felt that whenever I used Origin Qi, I was breathing with the planet.

When she shared this point of view with Fu Lubai, Fu Lubai thought it was a bit too exaggerated: “Illusion?”

Pei Yao said: “No, I think it makes sense!”

Liang Xizhou and Chai Sheng, who passed by, both agreed with Lu Tingliu’s theory.

Fu Lubai pondered: “Maybe it’s because all of you can fight, and you can experience that kind of ‘breathing’ more, and I’m a desk work… Thinking about it this way, I don’t think so. Passion.”

Pei Yao said with a smile: “Sister Fu, do you want to fight? Come and learn!”

Fu Lubai said: “Come here, I’ll take a stick, how about you empty-handed?”

Pei Yao rolled up her sleeves: “Okay!”

April 10, 2124.

This made a data model, which can more accurately predict the absorption degree of Origin Qi according to each person’s talent.

According to the prediction model, Lu Tingliu will reach level 8 today.

As soon as she woke up in the morning, she was taken by Fu Lubai for a test, and the test showed that it was still seven.

The instrument screen flickered and a number popped up.


Fu Lubai said half joyfully and half heavy: “It’s the most serious time.”

Lu Tingliu smiled: “My best time to enjoy.”

Fu Lubai patted her on the shoulder: “Continue to work hard! Fight for one night to rise to nine, and don’t give them a chance!”

That night, the old **** of “flash streamers” that had been hanging over City A disappeared.

April 11, 2124, this day, everyone in City A was impressed

First of all, Qin Yimei found that there seemed to be a problem with the communicator, and the communication with other cities was cut off.

Then, the sky was abnormal. When the sun is at its best at noon, the sky is a flaming blue-purple.

The raging colors on the horizon burned for about two hours, as if the sky was burned out.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, the sky turned dark, and in just ten minutes, it changed from day to night.

It started to rain, thick, polluting rain.

Fu Lubai broadcasts, telling everyone to stay in their residences and not act rashly. If there is any abnormality, make an emergency call to report, and Guizhou will send someone over.

At that time, Lu Tingliu was watching a thriller in his room.

The film and television works are very interesting. She can often find imaginative attack methods in them, and then try to reproduce them with Origin Qi with great interest.

The moment I saw the protagonist in the thriller get hit in the skull by an axe, there was a huge bang outside the house.

Lu Tingliu paused the movie and opened the door to check.

Into the eye is a long and deep rock cave, the sound of ticking water echoed crisply, she turned around and found that there was no way behind her.

The prey enters the net.

Lu Tingliu was running wildly, she blinked and ran desperately to the dim light in front of her, as if something was driving her in the dark.

From Lu Tingliu’s first instinct, she felt that the entire cave was part of the monster’s body…

They are moving!

The exit is in front of you, Lu Tingliu jumped forward, and the whole person fell into a sea of blood.

In the early days of the revival of Origin Qi and the arrival of the “end times”, human beings still have existing social organizations, officials and troops to maintain order, but these forces disappeared overnight.

Where did you go?

It’s all here.

Lu Tingliu was dazed for a while in the sea of blood and corpse, she was in a quagmire, unable to move.

The fear made her calf cramp and tremble, and her heart was almost throbbing out of her throat.

Not true.

Reason tells her…that’s not the case. There is something wrong with her such severe fear. She shouldn’t be so afraid. In this life, there will be no events or sights that can be more terrifying than what she saw when she was eight years old.

Lu Tingliu tried her best to restrain this stiff palpitation, she walked out of the big pit step by step, lay on the shore and took a few breaths to relax.

It didn’t take long before Lu Tingliu raised her head and suffocated again.

There is a black shadow like a mountain in front of you. There are countless tiny shadow bars twisting on the edge of the “mountain”. From a distance, it looks like a crazy maggot. But Lu Tingliu knew that if she walked in, this “maggot” might be bigger than her whole person.

Lu Tingliu took a look and started tinnitus.

This is one of the pre-symptoms of pollution.

She lowered her head and stopped looking at that thing.

However, it didn’t take long for a tentacle to wrap around Lu Tingliu’s calf, throwing her back into the sea of blood.

The moment she was thrown away, she saw a monster with eyes as the core, tentacles all around, and eyes on the tentacles.

The moment they looked at each other, Lu Tingliu was hit by a sap in the back of the head, and there was a whisper in his ear.

It took a moment to stand up from the sea of blood and look around, Lu Tingliu vaguely noticed something.

Mountain, Eye Tentacle, Glowing Ribbon, Vertical Sword Shadow, Spherical Shadow, Black Mist Wolf, Giant Human Shadow.

They are Spirit of Madness, Eye of Binding, Demon of Deceit, Lord of Slaughter, Lord of Chaos, Wolf of Prey and Nightmare King.

They are going to feast on the first food of this Origin Qi recovery cycle.

Lu Tingliu could almost see seven people in suits and leather shoes sitting at the long red table, holding knives and forks, and she was a dish of creme brulee lying on a plate.

God is the knife and she is the fish.

When the tentacle hit, she took advantage of the gap to find a way to run.

When one **** moves, other gods follow.

Lu Tingliu exhausted all the means he could think of, but he probably didn’t last more than three minutes under the hands of these “gods”.

Three minutes later, her heart was gouged out by tentacles, her legs were torn off by a black wolf, and her eyes were taken off by a luminous streamer…

She is dying.

No, she can still breathe.

Breathe, breathe.

Breathing and breathing with the planet mother she was born and raised on.

Origin Qi circulates in her body, and it condenses into arms, heart, and eyes.

The sea of blood made waves.

The Origin Qi storm rolled up, and the mirror flower water moon space in front of me cracked inch by inch.

The whispers in my ears did not stop.

Lu Tingliu didn’t know if she was crazy, but she found that she could understand what those “gods” were saying.

They were saying that she seemed to have an epiphany, and she didn’t.

“She hasn’t touched the essence yet.”

“She is still a long way from becoming a god.”

“Eat her now.”

“Original Qi is pouring into her body, healing her…”

“She’ll figure it out soon.”

“As long as she thinks of that, it was only a moment when Ghost Nightmare wanted to understand.”

“Eat her!”

“Eat her!”

“I’m fed up with inferior products that absorb too little Origin Qi.”

“I’m going to eat her brain, that’s the most delicious part.”

“Chaos, ghost nightmare, quickly rebuild the otherworld!”

The sound of that sentence fell, and the previous scene was spelled out inch by inch.

Lu Tingliu didn’t stand still and wait, she turned around and went downstairs. When running in the corridor, she could only hear her own footsteps. It was dark outside. Playing resumed, eerie music chasing her behind her.

Running out of the apartment building, Lu Tingliu realized that the world has become a mess, there are people crying and running around everywhere, some people call ghosts, some people say that their family members or friends are crazy , ghosts are killing people, people are killing people.

The rain kept falling.

Lu Tingliu found Fu Lubai, grabbed her shoulder and asked, “Think about it, in your dream, in the ancient memory you received, is there any selected ‘creature’ ‘In the end, he became a god? How did he become a god? What key things happened?”

Fu Lubai said: “I don’t know…”

She was a little annoyed, those dreams and memories were only general, with occasional details, but not every aspect.

Fu Lubai asked: “What happened?”

Lu Tingliu took a step back: “Don’t come near me.”

Fu Lubai asked why.

Lu Tingliu smiled: “I’m being hunted down now, I can’t stay here.”

The confusion here may be because of her.

Lu Tingliu kept running out of City A, she fell into the moat in a trance, and then dazzled her eyes again and found that she was in an “otherland” again.

When she fell into the situation of being eaten again, and the speed of Origin Qi regeneration could not match the speed of being eaten, Lu Tingliu suddenly felt that she and the arm swallowed by the wolf of prey and She is still connected, she can use her fingers, she can grasp the wolf’s stomach and stir the stomach acid.

Origin qi endows human beings with super power, which is the power lent to them by the planet to receive the origin qi and connect with the planet.


A fulcrum can pry up a planet, the Origin Qi that breathes and breathes can connect her body, and the heart that can be condensed with Origin Qi can be used because it connects the blood vessels.

After absorbing Origin Qi, she became a part of the planet, and the planet became a part of her.

She can connect the wind, connect the clouds, connect the flowers, plants, water and trees, connect the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas…

The planet is she, she is the planet.

Is that enough to be called a god?

“She sees—”

Yes, I see.

Lu Tingliu thought.

Now, she wants to get back her divided body through the connection.

“The godhead is born, I can’t eat her anymore…”

“It might even be eaten by her. Didn’t the ghost nightmare eat half of the prey wolves?”

“Contaminate her! Contaminate her!”

“Yes, pollute her and make her one of us, like a ghost, that’s all.”

“Contaminate her! Contaminate her!”

The huge mountain shadow pressed down in the sound of “contaminate her”, and when she got closer, Lu Tingliu found that the spirit of madness seemed to gather countless faces – not all of them were people The faces of the capital, there are animals, insects, and plants, but all of them are twisted and painful, revealing the meaning of madness. The mountain is not a real entity, but a phantom like other “gods”, incorporating Lu Tingliu into his phantom, humming whispers and twisted faces against Lu Tingliu, the power of pollution from her eyes, ears, and mouth. Get in.


Where is the connection center of these old gods? Does destroying that point kill God?

Lu Tingliu found the connection point of the crazy spirit!

That’s a ring.

That is Godhead.

That’s… a donut.

I don’t know which old goddess laughed and said: “Let her take a bite, take a bite of your godhead, you can completely pollute her, and lure her to bite, crazy. I come help.”

Lu Tingliu took a bite.

How about one bite?

She wants to eat these “gods”, one bite at a time, completely.

“My God, she’s crazy!”

“She eats the spirit of madness, but not mad.”

“Have to stop her…”

“She’s going crazy.”

“Find what she fears the most, and defeat her with the most feared scene in her heart. It happens that she is unstable now! Ghost nightmare, this is what you are best at!”


November 23, 2109.

Lu Tingliu didn’t know why she was in the closet, she opened the door and saw her mother.

Saw Dad in the living room.

They were covered in blood, cold, stiff, and quiet.

She was scared…

She was scared…

She can’t be scared, she has to do something…

Lu Tingliu wiped away the nosebleed, turned around and calmly called the police.

It was in that instant that nan nan appeared.

The killer Lucy appeared at this moment.

The sharpshooter Zhu Jiu appeared at this moment.

Jian Xiu appeared at this moment.

The Taoist descendant Xiaoqi appeared at this moment…

She played many roles and they came alive.

And from now on, she is torn apart.

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