I Became Popular After Participating In Escape Games

Chapter 69

Chapter 67: Tea House Dialogue

The tea house is located in a quiet and high-end style.

Lu Tingliu came alone and was led to the private room by the waiter.

Lu Tingliu took a look around, it was not the same as the tea house she dreamed of. She calmed down and sat down on a rattan chair.

Fu Lubai appeared soon.

Fu Lubai said, “If you have any questions, you can ask.”

Lu Tingliu said: “What’s the matter with the phototumor?”

Fu Lubai gave a “uh”: “You can understand that the people who were found to have ‘light tumors’ were all selected.”

“Select to enter the game?”


“What are the criteria for selecting candidates?”

“No comments.”

Lu Tingliu didn’t expect that Fu Lubai’s answer or no answer would be so straightforward, she rearranged her thoughts.

“What is your role in this?”

The tea was gurgling, and Fu Lubai raised her eyes and smiled at her: “To put it bluntly, we choose people.”

Lu Tingliu said: “The death of the first few cases?”

“We didn’t do it.”

“Who is that?”

Fu Lubai sighed with a headache.

Lu Tingliu took a candied fruit in a small plate next to it, tasted it, and looked at Fu Lubai: “Can’t you tell?”

Fu Lubai said: “It’s a long story.”

Lu Tingliu smiled: “I’m very free.”

Fu Lubai made a pot of tea, poured a cup for Lu Tingliu and a cup for herself.

She took a sip and said, “Actually, I shouldn’t have contacted you so early, but the situation is more serious than we thought, so I will try my best to tell you what I can.”

Lu Tingliu said: “Okay.”

Fu Lubai asked the staff here for a game of Go.

She took out two black and white chess pieces from the chess box, put them on the table, and said: “In the game, there are two forces fighting.”

Just like that, Lu Tingliu suddenly felt a sense of relief.

But she did not make a sound, but quietly listened to Fu Lubai continue to speak.

Fu Lubai said: “In the beginning, the main strength came from us, let’s represent us with white chess.”

She drew a handful of pieces from the chess box, and placed another white piece behind the white piece: “The game appeared on January 1, 2122, the first copy on January 15, The second dungeon on February 12, the frequency is different from now, because we were still debugging at that time. After that, the third dungeon will start on February 3, fixed on Thursday, once every two weeks.”

Speak as if this is just an ordinary game, not a power beyond human understanding.

Lu Tingliu said: “You built the game? What is the purpose?”

Fu Lubai said: “Just like the words on the sky, we hope that people can evolve, master power, and become powerful.”

Lu Tingliu showed a little sarcasm: “With the rules of the game of killing each other? With the background of those terrifying games? Or the real death?”

Fu Lubai was not angry, but said: “If you check the relevant information, you will find that the game at the beginning is not the same as it is now, one, there are not so many pollution species, two, the sense of experience It is greater than the sense of life and death, and the mortality rate is not that high. The turning point was in the period when Pei Yao died. From that period, it means that another force began to try to occupy the rhythm. And since you entered the game, their power has become more and more high. ”

Lu Tingliu asked: “What is that power?”

Fu Lubai said: “The **** of the old days.”

Lu Tingliu: “What??”

Fu Lubai said: “Or the evil god.”

She took out the black stones from the chess box and put them out one by one: “The polluted seed, the fallen one, the game of life and death… These are all products of the power of the old gods.”

So “life and death”, that is, the dungeon task requires two teams to confront each other, and the death of all or the main characters of the other team must be the necessary condition for ending the dungeon.

Fu Lubai said: “In the rules of the game we have formulated, there can be horror, horror, danger, and life hanging by a thread, but now there are some malicious rules that make players kill players , was invaded and tampered by the old gods.”

Lu Tingliu: “Wow, put the responsibility down.”

Fu Lubai: “…”

Fu Lubai said: “Of course, I admit that the game also caused death when the power of the old gods did not invade the game greatly. But this is the only way to evolve.”

Lu Tingliu said: “Explain in more detail, what is the pollution species?”

Fu Lubai said: “Part of it is the projection of the power of the old gods, such as the deceptive demon you encountered in Apate Game City, and part of it is an ordinary polluted monster, we will put it in the game Let players try to fight them and experience.”

Lu Tingliu asked, “What about the fallen?”

Fu Lubai said: “The obvious value in the game is the reaction of the player’s real feeling, especially the ‘spirit value’. become insane, and thus will be completely controlled by the power of the old gods—that is, polluted and become a corrupted species.”

Lu Tingliu asked: “Why do the Cleaners only clean up the fallen species with evolution 6 or above?”

“Because players with evolution VI and above are powerful enough, they will not die immediately in reality after falling, but will go completely crazy, do all kinds of terrible things, and bring pollution into reality, Therefore, once players of evolution six and above fall, they need to be ‘cleaned up’.”

Lu Tingliu pondered for a moment.

She said slowly: “Back to the first question, you want players to evolve and become stronger, in order to fight against the old gods.”

Fu Lubai: “Yes.”

Lu Tingliu said: “The people you choose with the light tumor should be the ones you think have the potential to deal with the old gods, but not everyone is willing to enter the game, so you use a The illusion of a ‘terminal illness’ forced them to enter.”

Fu Lubai: “…you can say that.”

“In the beginning, those who were diagnosed with light tumors but did not enter the game died. It wasn’t you who did it, it was another force – the power from the evil god, I guessed it right?”


Fu Lubai said: “The light tumor will not cause any harm to you, but it will create a mark. If you don’t choose to enter the game, the power of the evil **** will find the mark and kill them.”

Lu Tingliu: “Where did the old **** come from?”

Fu Lubai: “From here. They didn’t come from somewhere, but woke up from a deep sleep.”

Lu Tingliu said: “Then how do you know they are awake?”

Fu Lubai was silent.

Lu Tingliu didn’t bother. When Fu Lubai was inconvenient to say, she skipped it and asked the next question: “About me, do you have anything to say?”

Fu Lubai breathed a sigh of relief: “I agreed to meet you because your situation is very dangerous now, and I must remind you.”

Lu Tingliu said: “Very dangerous?”

Fu Lubai said: “All personalities that affect the stability of mental value, if you can not use it, don’t use it.”

Lu Tingliu: “…”

She stared at Fu Lubai for two seconds.

Suddenly, Lu Tingliu smiled: “Actually, I didn’t really believe what you said before. Until this sentence.”

She has not disclosed her basic cards to anyone. The setting of the “game” is that the audience cannot see the player’s basic cards, and can only rely on the player to say it himself, or through the player’s performance guesswork.

As for the basic card of Lu Tingliu, the Jinyou Forum guessed that there are more than two high-rise buildings.

No one guessed right.

And Fu Lubai’s words even directly pointed to the side effects of her split personality, and it was an extremely accurate sentence, just like she had seen her panel.

Fu Lubai also smiled: “Now believe me?”

Lu Tingliu suddenly said, “You know me.”

Fu Lubai: “…”

Lu Tingliu turned the teacup and stared at the woman in front of him: “Why is my basic card [Split], where did those personalities come from?”

Fu Lubai was silent for a moment, seeing that Lu Tingliu didn’t mean to change the subject, she surrendered: “Well, at most I can only answer here. Those personalities are yours, a total of 147 personalities .I emphasize again, all the characters that have been polluted and marked as affecting the stability of mental value, try not to use it, not only that, in the game, if you feel the breath that can be ‘recycled’, then please feel it carefully, whether There is a smell of pollution, if there is, don’t recycle it. The number of 147 personalities, we tried to modify and eliminate those that were polluted, but we couldn’t do it.”

Lu Tingliu suddenly said: “I have been polluted?”

Fu Lubai: “…”

She changed the subject: “We try not to let those polluted personalities trigger in the game, but in the last instance, the polluted species summoned by Chen Shutang forcibly triggered many of your polluted personalities , causing your mental value to drop to a very dangerous level. I agree to meet you just to remind you that some personalities should not be triggered or withdrawn. Later, you may encounter severely polluted personalities again, and they may Face you with an independent body, don’t take it back when the time comes, the best way is to kill them directly and remove the contaminated parts, so that you can stay away from the danger of falling.”

Be quiet.

Fu Lubai’s mouth was dry, she poured a cup of tea and drank it: “What else do you want to ask?”

Lu Tingliu asked: “How far has the old **** recovered now? How dangerous is the situation?”

Fu Lubai paused and said, “We thought there were still ten months, but now it seems that it may be less than half.”

Lu Tingliu pondered for a moment: “It means that in about five months, the power of the old gods will completely invade reality?”

Fu Lubai said: “Yes.”

“Even if they haven’t invaded reality for five months, their influence is getting heavier in the game.”


“You said earlier that Pei Yao’s death was a turning point, and my entry into the game was another turning point.”


“Am I important?”

“It’s important.”

“What’s important?”

Fu Lubai said: “You are the only human being who can kill the old god.”

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