I Became Popular After Participating In Escape Games

Chapter 73

Chapter 71: Draw Card To Death

The voice of the interim warden Clive came from the radio: “Cough, good morning everyone.”

Lu Tingliu suddenly remembered what Gideon said yesterday.

“Clive said it doesn’t count for me killing with others”.

“I’m glad to know that many brothers and sisters made up their minds and joined our Viper Gang last night. Now I want to tell you the good news, the good news is that the government has given up on the Asura Prison. Admin, starting today, you are no longer death row prisoners.”

In the prison, enthusiastic cheers broke out.

Clive’s voice came from the radio and swayed in the prison: “The other good news is that from now on, the Viper Gang will manage the Asura prison.”

The cheers came to an abrupt end.

【A-level side mission】

[Name: Game of Vipers]

Lol, he likes to play games. He believes in the sect of death, and believes that killing a person is to give that person liberation and peace with a good intention. He considers himself to be the most faithful preacher. 】

[Task objective: Complete a round of Viper Gang game. 】

[Task progress: 0%]

[Quest reward: 1500 evolution points]

Lu Tingliu swept the mission information, and on the radio, Clive gave a low smile: “Next, I have to tell you some bad news. Due to the lack of supplies for many days, we have to reduce the population. At first, the plan we came up with was to carry out the execution according to your original schedule, but after thinking about it, I think that since we have left the official control, we can no longer act according to their way. So please listen carefully. , you are about to decide the order of life and death through a game.”

The tone of his speech was different from the previous Qing Yang, his words were lower and deeper, and a perverted excitement was faintly suppressed.

“This game is called the draw card to death game!”

The Viper Gang opened the doors of all the cells, allowing these prisoners to regain their “freedom”.

They sent everyone a new set of clothes, changing out of their orange prison uniforms to signify that they were no longer prisoners.

But in fact everyone knows in their hearts that they are just no longer official prisoners, and now they are prisoners of the Viper Gang.

Everyone gathered in the cafeteria under the control of the guards.

The prison guards themselves obey the orders of the interim warden Clive. Since Clive is the boss of the Viper Gang, they don’t even have to struggle with their thoughts and defect, but naturally start to help Clive.

They brought over a large lottery box and a transparent plastic bag, and the prison guards showed the prisoners the cards in the transparent plastic bag.

There are two types of cards, one with the date of the death penalty written on it, and one with a blank on it.

What does the death penalty card mean? Needless to say, there are 20 cards of this kind, and there are two types. The execution dates are tomorrow (8.19, 12:00) and the day after tomorrow (8.20, 12:00) , ten each on two days.

Drawing a blank card means that you do not have to accept the death penalty for at least three days today, tomorrow and the next.

After the guard introduced this rule, the prisoners began to whisper.

Shen Shaohuan patted the table and shouted, “Quiet!”

The prison guard then added: “This does not mean that the death draw is a game of luck. After drawing a card, it does not mean that your fate is determined – you can exchange cards! Very interesting! , isn’t it?”

He laughed twice, but no prisoner responded.

The prison guard snorted and continued: “You can exchange cards with anyone in the prison until 30 minutes before the execution, that is, the deadline for exchanging cards is tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. At 11:30 in the morning. The only thing you need to guarantee is that everyone must be able to take out the card at that time, no matter if the death card is blank or not, if the card cannot be taken out, it will all be executed. This is the whole rule of the game, have you understood?”

Lu Tingliu: “Understood!”

The player who sounded with her voice was the Evolution Seven player who tried to cross the wall with butterfly wings. When Lu Tingliu looked back, he finally saw his name, Xu Simian.

Seeing that someone agreed, the prison guard nodded with satisfaction, poured the card into the lottery box, shook it, and said, “Now everyone can come in and draw one.”

The players will be obedient because it is their mission, but the prisoner NPCs will not all be willing.

After listening to these absurd rules, several prisoners who are usually pierced in prisons have a strange expression on their faces, and a man with tattoos on his face asked: “Why? Is it because you are the Viper Gang?”

The prison guard laughed and said: “That’s right, just because we are the Viper Gang, we can easily run over you if we want! So you’d better be obedient and cooperate.”

The tattooed man twitched the corner of his mouth, expressing his disdain.

“What,” the prison guard said, “Aren’t you happy, kid?”

The tattooed man said: “Why should I sacrifice my life for this game?”

“Okay,” the prison guard drew his gun, pointed the trigger at his head, “then it’s yours!”

No one thought that the prison guards who usually use electric shock batons to discipline them would shoot and kill people on the spot.

Blood splattered on the floor, the prison guard asked, “Anyone else who doesn’t want to play this game?”

The prisoners lined up in silence.

After several days of killing and killing, there are less than 100 prisoners left, and there are 20 cards in the lottery box that are death penalty cards, which means that every five prisoners One person will draw a death penalty card.

Lu Tingliu found that people’s emotions are sometimes really good at distinguishing, some people are happy after drawing the card, some look like mourning, and some people curse immediately when they see the card face .

, Everyone knew that what she got was a white card. Now, her white card was snatched by a big man, and a death penalty card that was executed tomorrow was thrown in front of her.

All beings are vivid and vivid.

It was Lu Tingliu’s turn, she put her hand into the carton.

The barrage is even more nervous than Lu Tingliu himself.

Someone prayed: “I hope Sister Lu will draw a white card and pass this A-level mission safely. Xinnu is willing to pay twenty pounds of fat for this.”

Some people bet: “With Sister Lu’s physique, you will definitely get a death penalty card, depending on whether the execution is tomorrow or the day after.”

Someone said angrily: “Don’t crow!”

Soon, Lu Tingliu took out the card, she didn’t hesitate or other mental activities, she just opened it.

It reads: “Death penalty, execution date August 19th at 12:00 noon.”

Compared with the original implementation date of August 26, it is a full seven days ahead of schedule.

The barrage wailed: “It must be the crow’s mouth!”

The betting one said proudly: “I would call me a prophet.”

Lu Tingliu’s expression did not change, she put away the card, she pursed her lips, as if she was trying her best to hide her joy.

Such a performance successfully made people quietly eyeing her.

After all the prisoners had drawn their cards, the radio went on again.

Clive’s voice sounded wild and malicious, and he said: “Now, ask all the guards, doctors and administrators in this prison to go to the box and draw your cards.”

“What??” The guards, shocked and disbelieving, repeated, “What? Did we hear it wrong?”

“That’s right,” Clive said, “I repeat, all the guards, doctors, and administrators, go and draw your cards.”

This time, someone in the prison finally laughed out loud.

It is very fitting that there was a thunderstorm outside the prison, and the sky outside could be seen through the window of the cafeteria, and there were faint dark clouds gathering.

The doctor and two executives entered the cafeteria.

Bai Huiqiu swept over the prisoners and police officers in the cafeteria, her eyes fell on Shen Shaohuan’s face, her pupils shrank.

It’s him.

The face she will never forget when she dies.

“The countdown is three minutes,” Clive said lazily, “If you don’t draw the card, I will personally execute you. You should have seen my technique, and you will not feel good.”

Under the strong pressure, the prison guards finally put their hands into the lottery box one by one.

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