I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 100

Chapter 99

[I don’t know how to evaluate this matter. People and ghosts seem to have their own positions and reasons. I personally can understand why the husband who asked for help flinched, because I also have a daughter who is about to go to college and a big family. To raise.

To be honest, let alone punishing evil and promoting good now, if I am really beaten one day, I will have to think twice about whether to fight back…]

【Well, no matter what, he can’t be punished for lying and perjury. No matter how afraid he is, he can call the police afterwards. He is in the police station and has official protection, so he can tell the truth, right? If people all over the world dare not speak out to help the evildoers, the world is doomed. 】

[Xu Youhan is so pitiful… Those who participated in the violence and bullying, let me put it bluntly: they are all little beasts! Breaking people’s internal organs and beating them to death, you insist on saying that they are still ‘children’, I tui! 】

[Upstairs put it lightly, but still don’t know the dark side of society. Now on the surface everyone is a good law-abiding citizen, but in fact there are still a lot of moneylenders, and those who urge demolition at construction sites engage in “soft knives”. Her academic decline… There are so many ways to ruin the family! 】

[Campus bullies don’t deserve to be called children, they’re just a group of evil spirits who haven’t grown up yet!

Both my nephews and children have been bullied. My niece was slapped and almost had her clothes ripped off for a photo. My nephew was ridiculed and bullied because he gained weight during adolescence. He suffered from severe depression and committed suicide twice! 】

【So why on earth are those people bullying Xu Youhan? 】


The comment area in the live broadcast room was swiped quickly, and various high-rise buildings were built.

Gu Zhisang saw that while many audience members were angry, they were also puzzled.

It stands to reason that everyone is a classmate in their teens or twenties, what kind of grudge can make them do this cruelly?

Her eyelashes drooped slightly, and she combined the information she had calculated with the facts she saw in Xu Youhan’s memory, and came up with a pretty good reason for the incident.

Xu Youhan’s family is very poor and is a poor household.

His father is a migrant worker and his mother is a disabled person. He has been a left-behind child in the village since he was a child. If there is no accident, his life can be seen at a glance.

He was taken by the old man and mixed in the fields with the same left-behind children in the village. He dropped out of school and went to work in a factory on the 16th to support himself and subsidize his family;

Marrying another wife and having children repeats the cycle of poverty.

But Xu Youhan was not reconciled.

In order to change his destiny, he studied desperately, hoping to change his family and his own destiny through the college entrance examination, the only promotion channel.

In the end, he also succeeded in absorbing the poor educational resources of the village school, and worked hard to get admitted to the key school in the county.

But his foundation is not good, he has not read any Chinese and foreign classics, there is no beautiful vocabulary, his foreign language listening foundation is poor, and his accent is serious…

In the first two years of high school, he tried his best to make up for the gap, and his grades continued to improve and basically stabilized at a fairly good score. If there is no accident, he can get a better one.

Although the memory of the first sixteen years was hard for Xu Youhan, at least there was hope.

Therefore, when Gu Zhisang came into contact with this fragment of its memory, the emotions he felt were relatively calm and stable.

The turning point of fate is Xu Youhan’s second semester of high school.

When his father was working on the construction site, his leg was accidentally crushed by building materials. The situation was serious and required amputation.

After being sent to the hospital, the construction site paid their family 150,000 yuan.

For Xu’s mother, who received a meager disability subsidy, and Xu’s father, who had been honest all his life, 150,000 was an astronomical figure for them.

They did not dare to be ‘greedy’, for fear of offending the rich and powerful real estate owners and making trouble for them, they accepted the money.

Who would have imagined that Xu’s father’s wound became infected not long after. According to the doctor, Xu’s father’s own immunity was low, which caused various inflammations and complications.

In short, in the end, Xu’s father’s condition continued to deteriorate, and it was so serious that his life was in danger.

The compensation money from the construction site was spent in less than a month like running water, and Xu’s mother, who had nowhere to go, told Xu Youhan about it.

Xu Youhan, who should have been concentrating on sprinting for the third year of high school and the college entrance examination, was helpless and anxious, so he could only take part-time studies.

He went to the construction site boss again, hoping that the other party could help treat his father.

But because Xu’s father and Xu’s mother had weak legal awareness, they just accepted the compensation at that time, and now the construction site owner is unwilling to give them any more money, insisting that they are just touching porcelain, and even asked someone to beat up Xu Youhan who came to ask for debts .

In desperation, Xu Youhan could only go to class during the day, go out of school to work in the afternoon, and give up the time for evening self-study to earn some medical expenses.

In the end, Xu’s father died in his third year of high school. He and Xu’s mother were hit hard. Because of too much time wasted and too much energy wasted this year, Xu Youhan failed the college entrance examination.

Before his death, his father tightly held his hand, telling him not to be unrealistic and to learn impractical things such as finance and management. Those children who are not from poor families deserve to learn, so he insisted on letting him learn technology.

Seeing that his grades did not allow him to enter a good university, Xu Youhan weighed the pros and cons and applied for a fairly good local vocational school. His family situation also allows him to be exempted from tuition fees.

But he never expected that entering this school was the beginning of his being bullied and beaten to death.

Xu Youhan has been clean and handsome among boys since he was a child. Many girls liked him in high school, and even more so after entering vocational school, but he politely declined.

Because he is not willing to be mediocre, and wants to go to a college, so he spends his days in the library endorsing books after learning technology, suffering and tired, and has no intention of falling in love.

His handsome and outstanding appearance, coupled with his mature temperament and self-motivation after suffering, made many girls in the school have a good impression of him.

But this kind of ‘maverick’ looks like a pretense to some boys of the same age who are immature and ignorant.

Many boys dislike him, saying that he is obviously a poor scumbag, or a bad face, and he has come to a technical school and pretends to be high-spirited. He is like green tea among men.

That is to say, those girls were fascinated by his contrived appearance. I really don’t know how such a person can become a school grass?

Because they couldn’t get used to it, some boys always teased him at first, deliberately provoking him with acid words, laughing at his white-washed shirt and shabby food, trying to make him embarrass himself and beg for mercy.

The more Xu Youhan didn’t want to talk to them, the more they felt that Xu Youhan’s hypocrisy was distasteful, and he pretended to look down on them.

So the bullying intensified.

Pushing, ridiculing, verbal insults, dormitory bullying and exclusion…

A campus bullying in the name of ‘unaccustomed’ and ‘joking’ was put on Xu Youhan, and he didn’t even know what he did wrong.

He just didn’t want to cater to those overly childish behaviors, and didn’t want to waste time with these kids from happy families who had money and no worries.

He just wanted to get an undergraduate degree and change his destiny.

Is this also wrong?

The matter that completely made several leading boys become angry from embarrassment was also the trigger for Xu Youhan’s beating to death. It was because one of them, a rich second generation, fell in love with a beautiful woman in the same profession.

The rich second generation thought that they had excellent conditions, had a house, money and money, and they would definitely be able to catch a girl, but they heard from others that the girl liked was Xu Youhan.

The same thing happened to another guy in the clique.

He was also stalked and slandered Xu Youhan in front of girls:

‘What are you so confident about? Who stipulated that girls must like rich people? What’s wrong with being poor? When you are chatting in Internet cafes, they are studying in the library. At least they are clean physically and mentally. ? ‘

‘Also, you bullying others at every turn is really tasteless. Either you are sloppy and sweaty, or you look masculine. If you like to be clean, you are a mother. ‘

The merciless dislike of the girl he liked, and the praise for Xu Youhan, severely hurt the boy’s fragile self-esteem. He became angry from embarrassment, and all his anger was transferred to Xu Youhan.

Together with another rich second generation who was rejected in his confession, and the small group behind them, he planned to teach Xu Youhan a ‘lesson’ so that he could no longer pretend.

So, in the name of inviting Xu Youhan to the birthday party, they stuck him in the dormitory after class, and forced him into the taxi of her husband ‘Jaslixiang’ who was on the road to death.

Near the villa area, a few boys who had already had some wine pushed him to the lawn of the rich second generation’s house, took out food, stuffed it into Xu Youhan’s mouth, and poured the wine on his head and face.

He resisted, and was directly kicked in the stomach, fists rained down on his temples and the corners of his eyes.

‘Knowing that this bottle of wine costs tens of thousands, the little thing that leaks out from between my fingernails is worth more than your life! ‘

‘Haha I laughed so hard, I’m just so stupid and poor, I will be a poor **** in the future, I will be respectful when I see my brother on the walk in the future, everyone is an old classmate, I can’t consider letting you work in my company after graduation a small staff. ‘

‘Come and see the camera, let’s take a picture together…’

Xu Youhan, whose body and face were red and swollen rapidly, and who was in hot pain, was asked to kneel down, bark like a dog, and was also asked to say insulting words like ‘Brother, I was wrong, I’m just a waste’.

He braced his self-esteem, gritted his teeth and said ‘no’.

The more serious beatings and scolding poured on him frantically.


It just hurts.

Xu Youhan could hear the sound of his own bones breaking, every nerve was being pulled, he was in pain, his eyes were blurred with blood, and hatred for life and these bullies quickly accumulated in his heart.

In the end, he was dying, and those people finally had enough beatings, and they were a little scared to see him half-dead, and scolded him for pretending to be dead.

The perpetrators, who were like animals, didn’t think about helping people up immediately, but let Xu Youhan lie on the grass.

They drank in the house, celebrated their birthdays, played games, and when they got drunk, they forgot that there was another person outside.

In fact, Xu Youhan’s internal organs had already ruptured, and his bones were also broken. If he was sent to the hospital for treatment earlier, he could still be saved.

His mobile phone was searched by those people before he came, and it was broken and trampled. He could only endure the pain all over his body, and slowly crawled forward, wanting to go out and ask for help.

But he had thought that the homes of the rich are magnificent, but he never thought that their yards are so big and the distances between each house are so far.

The class wall that he seemed to never be able to cross finally trapped him completely, allowing his life to end in the cold wall.

Even the people in the room were celebrating their birthdays, and he just celebrated his birthday yesterday.

A bowl of longevity noodles and two stir-fried vegetables is his birthday feast.

Xu Youhan died of long-term torment and hatred. When he died, his face was distorted, and he died with reluctance. He immediately turned into a weak newborn ghost.

After becoming a ghost, he could feel that there were some town houses in this house, and he didn’t act rashly, but just stared at the perpetrators with hatred.

When the family members of the rich second generation came back, they were shocked to find the body of the dead young man. They were furious and dragged a group of people from the chaotic sofa.

The assailants looked at the face of the dead body that was already bruised and started to show spots, and looked at Xu Youhan’s distorted face, they were all sobered up by fright, and repeatedly said that they didn’t want to kill anyone but just wanted to teach him a lesson.

In the end, the family members of the rich second generation helped to cover up.

First, he cleaned up the traces, and then he called a lawyer overnight to discuss countermeasures, taught a few children to make confessions, and invited a mysterious master who was in charge of feng shui for his family.

As soon as the mysterious master came, he sighed and said: “It’s a crime. This son is strong and intelligent. He should have a great fortune, but he was tortured to death. He died with resentment and resentment!” Looking at the scars formed so quickly on his corpse, it can be seen that he must have turned into a ghost, and he is probably coming to take revenge! ‘

Everyone became nervous when they heard this, and the family members of the rich second generation begged again and again, spending a lot of money hoping that the mysterious master could help them destroy Xu Youhan’s soul.

All this was seen by the newborn Specter, and at the same time, it intensified the hatred in its heart.

It knows very well that it only has a disabled mother and a poor family left, and these people have money and power, and they can hire the best lawyers to file lawsuits, give perjury, and open up all kinds of sophistry.

When I heard that the two masterminds who bullied it the most might even be sentenced to only a decade or so, and after some more work, they might be released from prison under the age of thirty.

Since then, Xu Youhan has launched revenge.

Because it often takes more than a month or even several months between the trial and the official sentence, it was given a chance.

It first found the rich second generation, pressed the bed for his life at night, and let him strangle himself to death with his own hands.

Once the rich second generation died, the rest of the people also fell into panic, frantically looking for the master to deal with it.

The second person who died was a mysterious master who came to help the evil and tried to get rid of it.

Later, when it was about to kill the second principal criminal, it was injured by the Buddhist beads on the other party’s body, but it also caused the other party to fall from the fifth floor. Although the man did not die, he also broke his spine and legs. Disabled for life.

Other participants were also more or less injured.

But Xu Youhan felt that it was not enough, these were bullies and perpetrators, they should all be damned!

It doesn’t know the difficulties and concerns of ‘Jasmine’s’ husband, it only sees that this man has the opportunity to speak out, but chooses to lie and speak good words to those perpetrators.

In Xu Youhan’s eyes, there is no difference between the husband of ‘Jasmine Fragrance’ and the accomplice who followed the rich second generation and took the opportunity to step on him.

When Gu Zhisang finished talking about the cause of Xu Youhan’s death and the cruel way of death, many viewers in the live broadcast room were sympathetic and angry, expressing that it was understandable for his revenge and resentment.

‘Jaslixiang’ was a little dazed and painful, and she clenched the phone tightly and asked in a crying voice:

“Master, then I, my husband will die for sure? I know we did something wrong and made that child feel bad. Let’s go to the police station to report again now. Can we change it?!”

Gu Zhisang sighed lightly, and said, “You don’t need to be too anxious. I don’t know how the rest of the people who actually participated in the atrocities will be sentenced, but whether your husband is judged from the perspective of the world or the underworld, it is true that the crime is not worthy of death.”

“I will save his life. Someone will contact you after the broadcast and tell you what to do.”

She didn’t just protect the husband of ‘Ja Lixiang’, she also considered Xu Youhan’s ghost.

It is too deeply affected by resentment, if it kills the husband of ‘Jasilixiang’, it will be infected with too much evil force, and it will definitely be exterminated by the underworld and there will be no turning back.

Gu Zhisang thought for a while and said: “After this matter, you have to buy some special mugwort, and the willow sticks are kept at home. You can go to the larger incense shops nearby for this kind of things. Or the Taoist temple asked for a few amulets to bring to the family.”

Yin evil has affected the family. Although the daughter of ‘Jasilixiang’ has not left the country at school, she should have been affected to a certain extent and needs to be eliminated as soon as possible.

The function of wormwood and wicker is to exorcise evil spirits, and they must be specially blessed to be effective.

Smoke the house two or three days after the former is ignited, which can eliminate the evil spirits in the corners;

The latter town house can prevent their family from being taken advantage of by other ghosts during a period of time when their luck is low.

‘Jaslixiang’ kept her words firmly in her heart, and she was grateful: “Thank you, master, you are the savior of our family!”

She couldn’t imagine whether her son would be destroyed and her husband would die one after another, whether she could survive.

After disconnecting the mic, she immediately gave Gu Zhisang a 100% satisfaction note.

Seeing the mess in the store and her husband who was pushing and shoving, she wiped away her tears and said, “Let’s go, pack up and go to the police station to confess your crime. I will accompany you to burn incense for that child and apologize.”

“By the way, we will help that child’s mother more in the future, and it will be regarded as a good deed.”

After the mic ended, the audience also scored points one after another.

Perhaps because I didn’t see the follow-up ghost hunting incident, the score this time is slightly lower than the previous one, but it is already considered a high score among all the players.

It’s not yet eleven o’clock, Gu Zhisang looked at the barrage that kept refreshing, paused for a while on one of the bullet screens, and then said:

“I’m going to arrange something, pause for 20 minutes.”

As soon as she finished speaking, many viewers began to complain.

[? ? Does someone want to run away again, woo woo woo our lives are so miserable. 】

[Damn it, this woman solves the case quickly and well, even if she is lazy, it seems that she can really beat other people…]

Gu Zhisang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and repeatedly assured that he would really come back soon, and that he would open another inter-mic interaction, which calmed down the emotions of the audience for the time being.

After suspending the live broadcast, she called Zheng Ruyu and asked her to tell the spiritual group branch at the ‘Jaslixiang’ house to provide some protection for the four members of the family.

Zheng Ruyu said: “Don’t worry, Director Gu, the colleagues over there started to act after watching your show, not only the Ling team, but our comrades from the police station are also planning to set up a hotel near the ‘Jaslixiang’ son’s school. The dead pervert who took the sneak shot was captured!”

It turns out that recently there have been sneak shots of college students and passers-by on the Internet. At present, they are only released on special websites on the Internet. Many of them have not yet entered the country, and have not caused too much harm to the victims.

Internet police and police officers are very troubled, because it is difficult to catch those who secretly film and sell videos.

Seeing Gu Zhisang’s video, they rushed to the hotel immediately and searched in plain clothes.

Soon the good news came.

They found some video recording equipment in some rooms of the hotel, and found a few male and female colleagues to deliberately set up a trick to fake the illusion that couples were staying.

After checking out that day, there were actually other police officers guarding the room.

Sure enough, an unremarkable man in cleaning clothes sneaked in. He looked honest in his fifties, but he was a disgusting pervert. He took the equipment directly from the bathroom, bed and other places.

After he took two or three in succession, he was held down by the police and arrested.

Under torture by the police that day, he vomited out the family he contacted to buy the video, some colleagues, and even many extremely nasty group chats.

Based on these first-hand information, the Internet police quickly broke through, captured several main culprits and destroyed a large number of secretly filmed videos on the Internet.

In the end, these surreptitious photographers were sentenced, their identity information was released, and they were cast aside and insulted by the whole network.

The family members of some of them could not accept it, and they were afraid of being implicated, so they directly divorced them and severed the relationship.

During this period, the local spirit group in the hometown of ‘Jaslixiang’ was indeed protecting them.

But what made them more puzzled was that during this period of time, the families of the perpetrators who beat and kicked Xu Youhan were not doing well.

First of all, their identity information has long been picked up by supernatural netizens, and they have received tens of thousands of insults.

The parents and relatives of many perpetrators are also implicated in their work and social life, and with such a large social influence, no mysterious master is willing to take care of them.

During this period, the seriously injured principal culprit was killed by Xu Youhan again, and died immediately.

Some of the other accomplices were also seriously injured.

Gu Zhisang didn’t seem to have any intention of arresting it?

Another two days later, the edited version of the program was broadcast. When the whole network was chasing the program, in a ward covered with talismans, a haggard and dejected young man was half lying down, waving his thin arms:

‘It’s not me who hurt you, it’s not me…’

A wisp of Yin Qi seeped into the ward along the window, slowly lowering the temperature in the room.

A pair of cold eyes stared at the person on the bed in the Yin Qi, and when he was about to pounce on him, a chain of ecstasy was thrown directly at him.

Xie Bi’an, with fair skin and long body, dressed in white robe and official hat, looked serious and said coldly:

“That’s enough, Xu Youhan, you defy the laws of the underworld and stay in the world to stir up trouble. You’ve already killed the main culprit. Are you going to go too far and let yourself be infected with evil power for these people?”

“Follow me back to the Palace of the King of Hades!”

Xie Bi’an, who finally found Xu Youhan’s trace, finally subdued it, and then a little angry, led the chain to an apartment thousands of miles away.

The young woman who was meditating on the futon seemed to feel something, and opened her eyes:

“Lord Bai Wuchang, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Do you have any orders?”

Xie Bi’an snorted coldly: “You deliberately let this ghost wander around the world.”

Gu Zhisang glanced at the ghost who was following Bai Wuchang, and the ghost trapped by the chain was none other than Xu Youhan.

She lowered her eyes slightly to pretend to be surprised:

“My lord, why would you think this way? The city where this ghost is located is thousands of miles away from me, and it is especially good at hiding its breath.

You have captured this ghost, congratulations. “

Xie Bi’an had a complicated expression, knowing that she was playing dumb.

Gu Zhisang in front of her is someone who can treat the ghost gate as any gate and turn the underworld upside down. She even figured out the cause and effect of Xu Youhan, how could she fail to catch it?

If she really didn’t know anything, how could Xu Youhan suddenly let out a breath just when Xu Youhan had just finished taking revenge on the principal criminal and was about to continue to take revenge, and was caught by Xie Bian.

It was clear that someone was pushing behind his back, deliberately exposing Xu Youhan’s whereabouts.

Besides Gu Zhisang, Xie Bian couldn’t think of another person who could have Xu Youhan’s soul power and the ‘sympathetic’ technique that could affect his soul body.

Seeing that she didn’t admit it, Xie Bi’an didn’t stay long.

The pitch-black ghost gate appeared out of thin air, and when Xu Youhan was about to step into the underworld led by the ecstasy chain, he turned his head to look at Gu Zhisang, nodded deeply, and then disappeared in place.

These are of course later.

Gu Zhisang, who was still on the phone with Zheng Ruyu at the filming site of the show, was listening to Zheng Ruyu’s report on the latest investigation of the headquarters of the Lingzu.

Zheng Ruyu said: “The ‘Soul Eater Nail’ that was dug up in the ‘Goddess Lake’ in Hunan Province, we sent back to the headquarters. Through preliminary investigations, we once again extracted the same black nail from the stone statue found in Xiaoshi Village, Southern Province. fog.”

Speaking of this delivery mission, it is quite dangerous.

The transport troops were attacked by an unknown mysterious master halfway.

If they hadn’t made preparations in advance and called in some of the highest-level team members nearby to help, and they also brought some offensive talismans that Gu Zhisang had drawn for them before leaving, they might have really suffered.

But it was worth the difficult shipping, they found some amazing things.

Zheng Ruyu continued: “At the same time, we found out the identity of the mysterious master who disposed of Liu Chunxin’s body more than three months ago and caused a mess in the lake. We found that this person had practiced sorcery 20 years ago, killed his fellow disciples, and was arrested by Xuanmen. Expelled, we naturally would not accept such a dangerous person at the time, and he has since disappeared.”

This man’s surname is Hu, and his name is Wang.

When he was young, he was considered a relatively famous genius in Taoism at that time.

In the end, he became obsessed with fire in order to promote the way, and forcibly deprived his fellow disciple of his life, causing his fellow disciple to die.

Such vicious means are naturally against the morality of Taoism. When he was about to be sentenced to be strangled and liquidated by the three masters of Taoism, he escaped and directly became a wanted criminal of Taoism, a defected sinner.

During the investigation, the headquarters of the Lingzu Group found out that this person had been wandering around the territory of Xia Kingdom, but his whereabouts were strange and he had not been found.

Zheng Ruyu said solemnly: “We now suspect that a third metaphysics organization may have sprung up in Xia Kingdom in the past twenty years, in which a group of metaphysics like Hu Wang gathered around the ‘black mist’ as the source.”

“At present, we have delineated several areas where they may gather and are often active, including Nan Province and Hunan Province.

The most likely, and at the same time suspicious, place is Chongqing Province. “

When Gu Zhisang heard this place, a place appeared in his mind:

“Ghost town, Bazibiedu.”

Zheng Ruyu was taken aback when she heard it, and then she remembered that it was a name thousands of years ago in the metaphysics classics. She looked a little strange, and said:

“That’s right, now we are all called Fengcheng. According to legend, under Fengcheng is the underworld, and there is Emperor Fengdu in the town. However, although these are old folk legends, we still found some clues and strange things in Fengcheng.

Currently planning to send colleagues in the group to investigate. “

Gu Zhisang gave an ‘hmm’ and said, “Be careful.”

Less than 20 minutes after hanging up the phone, she resumed the live broadcast and said:

“I’m back. I still have time. I’ll take another live broadcast interaction. You don’t need to sign up. I just saw a close-eyed viewer in the live broadcast room. I think his request for help is a bit interesting.”

“Is the audience nicknamed ‘The Helplessness in the World’ in the live broadcast room? If I choose you as the next interactive audience, are you free to mic?”

Hearing Gu Zhisang’s words, many curious viewers returned to the comment area, searched the viewer’s screen name, and saw a message asking for help posted by him more than ten minutes ago.

Helplessness in the world: [Master Gu, hello, I have watched several episodes of your program, and I think you are a very powerful mystic teacher, so I want to try to send you a request for help, but I don’t know if you can watch it.

My family members were suspected of being possessed by demons, and after many years, I couldn’t solve it. I really had no other way. 】

At the end of the last mic round, she saw this bullet screen drifting by, which made her feel a little bit cold.

This shows that the commenter has somewhat unnatural power, which aroused her curiosity.

A large number of viewers quickly liked this comment, and left a message below to build a building.

【demon? ? This is called the West, Xia Guo only has ghosts, or do ghosts and monsters all over the world can run around? 】

[Brother, you went to the wrong door, the devil is not a product of our Great Xia Kingdom, the Norwegian black witch Daisy who is ready-made next door, she should be better at this kind of thing. 】

[Why haven’t you found someone to see it for many years? Or is it useless to look for it, if this is the case, I really can only ask Sangsang for help. 】

Ten seconds after Gu Zhisang’s voice fell, “the helplessness in the world” appeared:

【I’m in Master Gu! Can Lianmai! 】

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