I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 86

Chapter 85

Seeing the helplessness and seriousness on Geliao Chan’s face, Gu Zhisang raised his eyebrows slightly and said:

“Then let’s go and have a look first. Anyway, I came to Hunan Province for this matter.”

Ge Liaochan: “Okay.”

After joining the Lingzu and becoming the ‘Specially Hired Instructor’ of the Lingzu, Gu Zhisang has the right to view some confidential documents.

After looking through the files and records of the spiritual group in the past and recent years, she discovered that the authorities have long been collecting and dealing with metaphysical and supernatural events in various places.

Most of the information and events that do not involve extreme privacy will be uploaded by the headquarters to the official small program specially developed for the Lingzu.

Only those who have passed the assessment of the spirit group and become official members of the program can enter this program.

On the above, you can view the metaphysics incidents that have been solved in the past, communicate with each other for help, or conduct exploration guidance on metaphysics…

In addition, the most important function of this small program is to ‘offer a reward’.

Under normal circumstances, when police stations around the world receive a report and call the police, among them there are incidents of bad nature and cruelty, suspects disappearing out of thin air, or incidents with strange colors, etc., there must be a spirit group in the police team Followed by members, responsible for observing whether there are supernatural means in this case.

If there are some unresolvable unsolved cases, the local spiritual group will upload them to the mini program for “rewards”, and sincerely invite strange people from all over the world to solve them.

After the completion, the mysterious master who accepts the “reward” can get a generous reward, as well as various magic tools and symbols that are beneficial to Taoism.

The reason why Gu Zhisang came to Hunan Province was because she saw a reward with a rating of “dangerous” on the mini program.

During this period of time, her role in “Legend of the Floating Sea” just wrapped up, and she and the brokerage company “Cheng En Entertainment” both hated each other. She was also happy to relax after pushing it away to free up a lot of time.

Out of curiosity about the case, she took over the reward offer.

This case is called “The Shennv Lake Corpse Case”.

Before Gu Zhisang, two former clients had accepted the entrustment of this case and went to Shennv Lake in Hunan Province to solve the incident.

Unfortunately, they all ended in failure.

After clicking on the case, Gu Zhisang checked the general introduction.

Four days ago, a group of local children refused to listen to the advice of adults, ignored the warning signs on the shore, insisted on gathering on weekends, and ran to a nearby large lake to swim.

The lake is named ‘Goddess Lake’, and it is the largest and most famous freshwater lake in the area. The depth of the lake exceeds tens of meters, and the people nearby will raise fish and catch shrimps in it.

The shallow water area near the shore is not deep, but there are many people who have accidents in the lake, so the local government and the people are reluctant to let children come here to play in the water.

But on that day, something happened to a group of children playing in the water.

When a boy was competing with his companions, he got bored underwater and never came out again.

The other children didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter at first, and they were still laughing and shouting “Come on” when they emerged from the bottom of the water one after another out of breath.

When the penultimate boy finally couldn’t hold his breath anymore and emerged from the water with a blushing face, the rest of the children admired the last boy.

One of them yelled: ‘Okay, okay, everyone can’t hold back anymore, you should come out too, I know you are awesome, we will recognize you as a big brother for a day if we do what we say! ‘

‘Unexpectedly, when did you become so powerful? Did you secretly practice holding your breath in the water tank at home? ‘

The little friends yelled several times at the top of their voices, telling the child not to hold back, but they didn’t get a response.

Only then did they gradually realize that something was wrong.

Someone panicked: ‘What’s going on, he won’t… something happened, right? ‘

‘Bah, bah, bah, don’t talk nonsense, we haven’t covered our chests in shallow water, how could something happen? Don’t scare us, come out quickly! ‘

However, the children’s voice has never been answered.

They groped in the nearby water for several minutes, then plunged into the water, resisting discomfort and opening their eyes in the muddy lake water, trying to see if there was anyone underwater.

But no trace of the boy was ever found.

It has been more than ten minutes since he entered the water to hold his breath.

The rest of the children were shocked and swam to the shore one after another. They ran away secretly for fear of being punished without telling the adults, and hurriedly called the police to ask someone to rescue them. These children chose the latter.

On the same day, the local police station dispatched the police to fish, but to no avail.

There are no floating corpses on the lake, and human corpses cannot be picked up under the water.

If all the children hadn’t convincingly said that the boy really went into the water with them and disappeared out of thin air in the water, the police would have wondered if they were joking.

The boy’s family couldn’t accept this fact and believed that other children had killed their son, but the others were also innocent.

They all said that it was this drowning and missing companion who first suggested sneaking to the Goddess Lake to play in the water.

When the matter reached this stage, it was no longer something ordinary manpower could solve.

So the local spiritual group launched a series of investigations, but to no avail.

This incident was rumored in the neighborhood.

Originally, the area where the Goddess Lake was located was a relatively remote and backward city in Hunan Province, and legends such as the “river god” and witches were widely spread.

Many people believe that there is a “river god” in Goddess Lake, and even claim that when they sailed out of the center of the lake, they once saw a huge shadow under the lake.

For a while, someone said that this child was taken by the “God of the River” and arrested to become a cleaning boy;

Some people also said that he was caught by the water ghost as a substitute, that his parents provoked someone outside, and he was given the “river toad Gu”, and his body was eaten up by the fish, shrimp and crabs in the lake…

The floating corpse was still not salvaged the next day, so the local spirit group posted a ‘reward’ on the mini program as a last resort, hoping that after other members of the team saw it, capable people could come to help them solve it.

On the same day, a mysterious master from the neighboring city rushed over and practiced the method of superseding by the river, and many onlookers were nearby to watch.

He lit a dozen sticks of incense half a person’s height in the open space by the bank, and jingled a rattle.

It was originally calm and sunny over the Goddess Lake, but soon after, the clouds turned dark, and there was a lot of wind and waves on the lake.

In the end, beyond everyone’s expectation, a big wave poured water all over the face of the mysterious master who was doing the work on the shore without warning, and directly drenched the incense that he had erected.

The disgraced Xuanshi was very depressed, and told the local spirit group that he did feel a very powerful force in the lake.

He guessed that the former spiritual creature in the Goddess Lake had gone astray and turned into a vicious creature, saying that he couldn’t control this matter, so he picked up the magic weapon and left the place that day.

The second mysterious master who accepted the entrustment, like Gu Zhisang, came here specially from other provinces.

That person is quite famous in the spirit group, he is a mysterious master of the sixth level, and his ability level is considered to be high.

He didn’t do it immediately after he arrived, but asked the local spirit group for a small boat, wandered to the center of the lake and stopped by himself, wandered back and forth on the boat, and chanted the mantra.

Others on the shore saw ripples on the water near the boat under his feet, as if something was hovering under his boat.

Immediately afterwards, he straightened his body forward, spat out a mouthful of blood, fell straight off the boat, and fell into the center of the lake.

This frightened the people on the shore, so they hurriedly drove a speedboat to fish, rescued him and sent him to a local hospital. The doctor said that his broken organs were damaged and his life was in danger.

So far the second Xuanshi is still lying in the hospital.

The vicious name of this case was directly spread, and it was rated as ‘dangerous’ by the spirit group, and the rewards offered were doubled, but no one dared to accept it.

It wasn’t until Gu Zhisang took over this task as soon as he settled in the applet.

Rongcheng’s spiritual group arranged the fastest flight to Hunan Province for her, and asked Ge Liaochan to pick her up.

On the sports car, Ge Liaochan briefly told Gu Zhisang about the latest development of the “Goddess Lake Corpse Case” while steering the steering wheel.

Ge Liaochan said: “At first things shouldn’t be rushed like this, but another incident happened the night before yesterday. There was an old lady who lived alone in a county near Shennv Lake. She didn’t know what was going on at night. A man ran to the lake of the Goddess…and drowned.”

“When people nearby found out, one of her shoes was floating on the lake, but the floating body was also not found, and the body disappeared out of thin air.”

Ge Liaochan said with a wry smile, and continued: “Maybe it’s because the people sent by the government failed twice and didn’t find any information. Some residents…maybe don’t trust us very much. They didn’t call the police, but I invited a very spiritual local godmother to come and see it.”

During the conversation, Gu Zhisang learned that the small town around Shennv Lake is called the “Sinking District” of Hunan Province.

Many people in the small town over there are the aborigines after the renovation of the Miao Village. There are many ethnic minorities who still retain the customs of the past and believe in the local legends handed down since ancient times.

There are also Granny Gu and psychics who are good at metaphysics in the local area, and they have a high status in the local area.

Ge Liaochan said: “The godmother is also really powerful. That night, the nearby residents were asked to go to the farm to buy fresh live sheep and chickens, and slaughter them on the shore. They wrapped the corpses of the livestock with leaves and tied them on a rope and a stone, and fell into the Lake of the Goddess.”

“I didn’t expect that not long after the sacrifice was put in, the aunt’s body really floated out! Residents who took videos nearby recorded the whole process.”

After the body was salvaged, the residents found that the swollen skin of the aunt was abnormally purple, and her face was mixed with pain and a ferocious smile, which was creepy to see.

The godmother who did it said that it was the “river god” in the goddess lake who got angry.

Over the years, the people on the shore worshiped him more and more impiously, and did not worship him before going out to fish in the lake. That’s why the angry “river god” brought disasters to the surrounding residents.

The anger of the “River God” cannot be appeased by the sacrifice of cattle, sheep and livestock alone. It is necessary to imitate the ancient method of opening an altar and offer real sacrifices to the “River God”.

Otherwise, everyone will have a bad life in the future.

Ge Liaochan and Gu Zhisang complained: “The local people have had the habit of offering sacrifices to the ‘river god’ decades ago. They used living people to fill the lake. They thought that this would ensure good weather every year and a calm lake. In fact, this is the ancients. The dross culture that has been handed down, after the founding of the Hunan Provincial Lingzu, the use of human sacrifices is strictly prohibited in the province, and the punishment is very severe, so this kind of dross metaphysics is completely eradicated.”

“That’s what the godmother said about the ‘river sacrifice’! Once she sets a precedent and revives this dross culture, other ignorant places and people will definitely follow suit.”

Gu Zhisang frowned when he heard it.

“So now?” she asked.

Ge Liaochan said: “Yesterday our people and the forensic doctor took away the body of the aunt, and also did ideological work for the nearby people. We promised to investigate first and conduct an autopsy. The case will be solved as soon as possible. Sacrifice’, these people have promised well…”

Needless to say, Gu Zhisang also understood what happened next.

Although the nearby residents promised that the spirit group would not hold the ‘river sacrifice’, they still kept their promises and continued to carry out the ceremony behind Gel Liaochan’s and others’ backs.

As a result, the team members squatting nearby discovered it and hurriedly notified Ge Liaochan.

The airport is some distance away from the destination.

When Ge Liaochan rushed to the destination, he could only see the edge of the lake when he saw hundreds of people gathered nearby.

The curling white smoke continued to float upwards, and finally scattered on the surface of the lake.

As soon as she flicked the rear of the car, she parked the car in the open space and quickly got out of the car. At this time, Gu Zhisang could already hear the noise and disputes on the shore.

Ge Liaochan shouted loudly: “What are you doing? You said yesterday that the ‘River Festival’ is not allowed. Are you planning to rebel? Don’t let them go!”

I saw a few members of the spirit team who also rushed over to stabilize the emotional residents, but now they were blocked by a few strong men, staring at them with hostile eyes.

Gu Zhisang asked in a low voice, “Did you call the police?”

Ge Liaochan said: “I just registered, and it will take about ten minutes at the earliest.”

The reason why the other team members didn’t alert the police station when they came was that they didn’t expect that these residents would directly disobey the law, and they didn’t listen to their dissuasion at all.

At this time, a middle-aged couple with red eyes and resentful expressions came over from the crowd.

The man gritted his teeth and pointed at Gel Liao Chan: “My son is dead, and the body is still soaked in the water, and there is no way to rest in the ground. Why don’t we let us sacrifice to the ‘river god’?! The master has the ability to solve it For this matter, you people will only tell me to wait, wait!”

The woman also patted her thigh, complaining bitterly:

“My life is so miserable! My son was murdered to death for no reason. Now, is it a crime to fish him up and bury him? My poor son, why don’t you just take your parents away!”

The surrounding residents also opened their mouths one after another, with a sense of accusation:

“Look at you, a young girl, who is also wearing the clothes of our village. Why are you so cruel?”

“Do you know what it means for the river **** to show his power? If the anger of the river **** is not appeased, the people around us will all suffer!”

“This is our own business for the people by the lake, and you don’t need to meddle in their own business!”

During the quarrel, seeing the kind of people who fished in troubled waters who wanted to come up and push Ge Liaochan to vent their anger, Gu Zhisang frowned, stretched out his hand and pulled Ge Liaochan’s arm back, Dodged the opponent’s hand.

The man couldn’t stand still, and he fell a somersault due to inertia, and his face and nose hit the ground directly on the huge stone in the sand, and he let out a scream.

“Me, my nose!”

Scarlet liquid overflowed from the hand covering the bridge of his nose, and seeing the blood, the hearts of the people around were shocked and calmed down a little.

When they looked at the shorter and slender girl next to Miao Nu again, they were all stunned by her dark and stern eyes.

Gu Zhisang took out a few black and white chess pieces from his bosom, raised his hand and threw them out.

The chess piece smashed into the sand with a ‘bang’, making a dull sound, and immediately knocked out several small holes in the sand and mud.

The expressions of the surrounding people changed, and they couldn’t help taking a step back.

This, this hand strength, if the chess piece hits them, if it doesn’t poke a hole, I’m afraid they will suffer some internal injuries!

Seeing her walking towards the river, some residents still wanted to stop her, but when they stretched out their hands, they found that they couldn’t touch the girl’s clothes, and could only watch her pass through the crowd.

Gu Zhisang stood still on the river bank, staring at the old woman wearing a strange blue-purple robe and a string of silver bracelets and silver rings, narrowing her phoenix eyes slightly.

The old woman’s body was shriveled, her back was hunched, and she was holding a whisk-like magic weapon in her hand. Behind her were two huge heavy wooden boxes and a few sticks of burning incense.

From Gu Zhisang’s perspective, he could see that every box was full of freshly slaughtered poultry, livestock, chickens, ducks, geese, and dogs. terrible.

There were already many worms by the river, all of which were attracted by the sweet smell of fresh blood, flying non-stop above the box.

On top of a large number of poultry carcasses, a cow and a sheep were pressed respectively.

These two large animals were still alive, and their four hooves were tightly bound with hemp ropes, so they could not struggle and escape in a large area.

They were obviously frightened by the tragic death of other creatures below them, their eyes were wide open in horror, they screamed ‘moo’ and ‘bleat’ incessantly, shook the box lightly, and lost control of themselves after being frightened Feces are constantly expelled from the anus.

The old woman raised her cloudy eyes to look at Gu Zhisang, and said in a hoarse voice: “Little girl, please don’t disturb the auspicious time for the sacrifice, otherwise the ‘River God’ will be angry and turn his anger on us.”

Gu Zhisang looked at her steadily, and said for a while: “There is no need to continue this Laoshizi sacrifice. Since ancient times, living sacrifices have been needed to satisfy it. Anyone who would cause trouble in the river cannot be a god, at most it is an unknown evil spirit. “

The old woman’s face turned serious, “What a stupid girl! How dare you be so disrespectful to Lord “River God”? You don’t want to kill yourself, but do you want to drag everyone along the lake to be buried with you?”

After her words fell, there were shouts and shouts from behind Gu Zhisang.

Gu Zhisang was oblivious to this.

She said in a flat tone: “You don’t know the reason for the sinking corpse at all, and you don’t know what is in the river. You just call yourself a witch and say that you can solve this matter. Don’t you feel ashamed?”

The old woman paused, with a hint of indifference in her eyes.

She really didn’t know what was under the surface of the lake, but she had heard from her elders and classmates since she was a child that there was something under the goddess lake.

Since there is something, let’s pay tribute with the ‘sacrifice’.

It turned out that she was right in her guess. It wasn’t just yesterday that some cattle and sheep were thrown into the lake, and the corpse of the woman who disappeared in the lake floated up.

Gu Zhisang was sure that the old woman really didn’t think she was wrong, and after she firmly believed that her guess was right, she couldn’t help but laugh.

She said in a cold voice: “How much do you believe that there is a **** in the lake, and that as long as you sacrifice, you can calm everything down, I don’t care about that. But if you want to sacrifice, you should go down by yourself, instead of taking the lives of innocent people for your ignorance Pay the bill.”

These words were endless, but the face of the sorceress changed drastically.

“You, what do you want to do?!”

Gu Zhisang walked up to the two big boxes, and as soon as she got close, a strong smell of blood rushed into her nostrils, and the smell made people sick to the stomach.

She lifted her foot and kicked against the side wall of the wooden box.

There was a dull sound from the contact surface, and then the box, which was more than one meter high, suddenly turned over and hit the ground hard.

The cattle and sheep above fell to the ground, screaming in terror, and the meat pieces and livestock carcasses in the box also spilled out and overflowed.

After the two boxes were kicked over by Gu Zhisang one after another, Ge Liaochan in the crowd suddenly widened his eyes, looking at the thing exposed at the bottom of the box, “Then, that is?!”

I saw that after all the things in the upper layer of one of the boxes were spilled, the person who was **** at the bottom was exposed.

It was a child about five or six years old, with his hands and legs curled up, his mouth was tightly sealed with tape, his face was covered in blood and animal hair, his eyes were closed, he struggled very little, and his voice was extremely loud. weak.

Gu Zhisang carried her out, tore off the tape on her mouth and wiped her stinky blood, and then she could barely see that it was a short-haired girl whose hair was all glued together.

At the bottom of the other box was also a child.

His body fell limply on the corpse of the livestock, his eyes closed and he remained motionless.

After Gu Zhisang carried him out, he found that the boy’s condition was critical.

Both children were under heavy pressure in the box, and after staying for a long time, the surrounding air became thinner, and only wisps of oxygen could pass through layers of gaps and be inhaled into their noses.

Coupled with the sound of the live cattle and sheep on the box, it even drowned out their subtle movements in the box.

I’m afraid that later, without the witches throwing them into the goddess lake, they will die of suffocation due to lack of oxygen.

Gu Zhisang didn’t touch him casually, turned his head and asked with a frozen face, “Is there a doctor?”

Since the two children came out from under the box, many surrounding residents who denounced watching the theater were frightened, and the scene was silent.

They really didn’t know that among these sacrifices, there were actually two dolls!

The sorceress said that the priest needs a caisson, so wouldn’t the two children in the box be drowned alive? !

A woman whispered: “I have studied medical care before and passed the certificate.”

“Come here.” When Gu Zhisang stood up, the front of his clothes and his hands were stained red with the blood of animals, “Achan, call an ambulance.”

With an angry look on her face, Ge Liaochan glared fiercely at the people around her, then nodded and said yes.

Smelling the smell of his body, Gu Zhisang was not in a good mood, he glanced around with a pale face, and pulled out a smile:

“If these two children die, everyone present will contribute.”

“Oh, what are you talking about, girl? We don’t know… There are two big living people under the box. We always thought there were only livestock!”

“God, what are you doing? It’s against the law! It’s too scary. Where did you get these two dolls?”


Hearing that Gu Zhisang said that they were all accomplices, many people who watched the theater were not happy, they all expressed their innocence, and began to criticize the witch.

There are also some people who look a little guilty with evasive expressions, obviously knowing something.

Only the middle-aged parents whose child died were the most emotional. They looked at Gu Zhisang with hatred in their eyes, as if they were watching the murder of a child and an enemy.

“Why did you ruin our event? Don’t you have any parents? Will you have children in the future? If you die, don’t collect his body…”

Gu Zhisang interrupted the seemingly reasonable accusations in a cold voice: “Then what about the two children who were sacrificed? They deserve to die.”

The middle-aged couple who were questioned lost their momentum.

The man gritted his teeth and said, “It was their parents who sold them themselves, and the two families are willing! You who came out of nowhere dare to meddle in my family’s business, and you know what my family is in Hunan Province…”

Before he finished speaking, he staggered as if he had been slapped by an invisible slap, and sat down on the ground with a ‘plop’, his cheeks quickly became red and swollen;

Before he could speak, a few broken teeth spit out from his mouth.

At this moment, a whistle finally sounded in the distance.

As soon as the police officers arrived at the destination, they saw blood plasma all over the ground, animal corpses, and two red, unconscious children lying on the ground.

They changed their faces: “What are you doing?! What’s going on here?”

After the local police station arrived and detained the parents, witch, and some of the people involved in the incident, the two children were also taken to the hospital.

Gu Zhisang did not go to the police station immediately, but followed Ge Liaochan to find a nearby homestay to wash off the blood on his body.

While she was wiping her long hair in her nightgown, there was a knock on the door of the room from outside.

After opening the door, Ge Liaochan held a clean set of minority costumes and said, “Sangsang, you should wear this first.”

“it is good.”

When Gu Zhisang changed his clothes and was about to go back to the local police station, Geliao Chan, who saw her coming out of the room, was amazed and sighed:

“Sangsang, your skin is so fair and delicate. If you were in the Miao Village, you would definitely be the girl most admired by the boys.”

Gu Zhisang smiled slightly, “Let’s go.”

When they came to the police station again, they could see through the glass that there were police officers in the detention room giving ideological education to the middle-aged couple.

“Your thoughts and behaviors are very dangerous! This is a crime or murder. After this incident, you will definitely be punished!”

The couple are still quibbling: “We spent money, and those two families themselves agreed to sell the child!”

“This is human trafficking, you don’t have to argue. Besides, you gathered people by the lake to spread feudal dross, and repeatedly obstructed the normal work of the police. These are very serious acts. We understand your feelings, but this is not an excuse for your crimes …”

After a few glances, Gu Zhisang looked away, and said, “Those two children were bought as ‘sacrifices’.”

The police officer behind nodded and said: “That’s right, the couple spent a total of more than 200,000 yuan. It is strange that not only the two of them participated in this incident, but also the other four families did not have any accidents, and no one drowned.” People in the lake participated together.”

The police officer named the four people, and said: “After investigation, two of them are not even from this city, they are registered in two neighboring cities around this city; It shouldn’t have anything to do with it.”

“But the four of them each contributed 50,000 yuan to raise funds for the purchase of two children. We just tortured them for a long time. These people only said that they supported the sacrificial activities and had no other meaning, and some said that they Didn’t even know the sorceress and others were raising money to buy and sell children.”

Gu Zhisang nodded and said, “Can I meet them?”

“Yes.” The police officer nodded, “However, their motives for committing the crime are unknown. We suspect that there may be other secrets behind it. In order to prevent them from colluding with confessions, we detain these four people separately.”

Gu Zhisang: “It’s okay, I just need to look at their faces, I don’t need to communicate with them.”

“Okay, Miss Gu, come with me.”

Following the footsteps of the police officers, Gu Zhisang came to the door where the four people were detained, silently looking at the people inside.

The officers behind her were surprised to find that none of the four people in the room noticed her peeping.

You must know that the windows of the room are transparent. If someone looks in through the window, the people inside should be able to see and find out.

After watching the first three people, Gu Zhisang was thoughtful, discussed with the police officer behind him, stopped at the door of the room of the fourth person who bought children as ‘sacrifices’, pushed the door and entered .

Sitting in the room was the only woman among the four participants.

She was originally in a trance in the room, thinking about something and a little nervous, but when she heard the movement at the door, she looked up, and her body froze the moment she saw Gu Zhisang.

The woman did not forget what happened by the lake.

This pretty little girl can easily kick over a big wooden box, and has the ability to swell people’s mouths from the air!

She was secretly vigilant and a little nervous, but when she met Gu Zhisang’s eyes, she still had shortness of breath and a sense of panic of being seen through.

The woman spoke quickly: “I said that I don’t know that they do all the buying of children. I just don’t want to let the common people in the same city be condemned by the river god! My father is a fisherman, a farmer, I do this Also for my family…”

She rambled on, but found that Gu Zhisang’s expression remained unchanged.

After a while, Gu Zhisang said the first sentence after entering the door under her nervous eyes: “I believe what you said, from your appearance, there is a lack of fate in your parents’ palace, which means that your mother You died when you were very young, and you were brought up by your father. You are a local, and your family used to be a small business. After the business slumped a few years ago, your father contracted fish fry and crab fry. , started aquaculture…”

“So you are such a filial and kind person who cares about the people in the same city, why did you run away at that time?”

When Gu Zhisang told her family information bit by bit, the woman’s expression became panicked.

She kept comforting herself in her heart, she is a native of this city, isn’t it very easy for the police to investigate her identity information!

I absolutely can’t mess myself up because of these words!

But when she heard Gu Zhisang’s last words, her forced expression broke completely.

The woman stammered and shook her head: “I, I don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t think you’re a police officer and you can talk nonsense, I…I said I don’t know anything, I want to hire a lawyer!”

Gu Zhisang rested his cheeks on his slender fingertips, with an indifferent expression.

Her cascading black hair is scattered behind her shoulders, and she is wearing a navy blue robe with two **** of the Miao nationality.


Her tone was light, and she continued: “You are born in this city. You are thirty-five years old this year. You were born in the midsummer of 1987. Because of the characteristics of your birthday and the influence of your parents’ generation, your five elements have not been affected by the terrain too much. Hit With metal and fire lacking water, it stands to reason that you should pay a little attention when choosing a name, and make up for it from the fortune of the name and surname, but your parents don’t believe this, they gave you the name themselves.

Coincidentally, the name they gave you is also Hot and Strong. “

“However, if it is too strong and easy to break, if the fire is too strong and not resolved, there will naturally be some disasters. When you were eleven years old, the only water-related disaster occurred in your life.”

Gu Zhisang paused for a moment, a smile appeared on his slightly raised face: “But you are lucky, you survived. You met the nobleman who saved you.”

A scream burst out from the woman’s throat. She hugged her ears and kept shaking her head, obviously unwilling to hear these words.

how come?

How can this matter be known? !

That was something she didn’t want to think about in her life, and she still regrets what she did back then.

But it’s not that she wants to escape, Gu Zhisang will stop talking:

“It’s strange that even though you narrowly survived the flood that year, this incident has become a lingering shadow in your heart. Since then, you have become more afraid of water. When you learned that your father was going to contract When the fish fry were farmers, they were even more hysterical against this matter.

What are you afraid of? What is in the Goddess Lake? “

“What’s even more strange is that I don’t seem to see any trace of the person who saved you from the catastrophe in your life trajectory, and her existence disappeared out of thin air.

I can’t think of any more plausible explanation than that she is dead. “

The police officers outside the house could hear the screams inside, full of resistance and panic.

They looked at each other, thinking that Gu Zhisang wouldn’t use any inappropriate means to that person inside, right? !

The police officer hesitated whether to call off the meeting, and called Gu Zhisang out of the room, and Ge Liaochan, who folded his arms, gently shook his head and said:

“Don’t worry, Sangsang doesn’t need to resort to the most inferior means of extorting a confession by torture if she wants to get any information.”

The dubious police officer walked to the window and took a look inside, and sure enough, he saw two women sitting on both sides of the table in the room, with a long distance between them.

It’s just that the suspect woman kept holding her head and shaking her head for some reason, feeling very excited.

Gu Zhisang watched silently, and could only hear the woman muttering to herself with tears in her mouth:

“It’s not like that… I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it…”

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and her tone was firm: “So the place where you were nearly drowned in the flood was in the Goddess Lake. It’s just that you were saved by a person at the time, and she lost her life trying to save you. It’s a pity…”

“You’re not telling the truth about this.”

Gu Zhisang leaned slightly, his tone was condensed: “You know what happened in Shennv Lake from the beginning to the end, and you also know that they bought and sold children as sacrifices.”

“Is it really the ‘river god’ that you want to sacrifice, that you feel panicked and guilty about?”

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