I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 90

Chapter 89

After ‘Searching for the Soul’, Liang Youkang’s mental state, which was on the verge of collapse, couldn’t hold back completely. He covered his head and growled tremblingly:

“Don’t, don’t… I recruited them all, I said!”

The pain of being forcibly invaded into the soul and deprived of memory is far more painful than ordinary physical torture;

It took a long time until Gu Zhisang let go of his hand, and the pain of tearing his soul still made him tremble all over, and he couldn’t bring up any persistence or resistance.

Liang Youkang tremblingly admitted all the facts about killing his wife Liu Chunxin.

These words will also serve as an affidavit for the overturning of the case, retrial and conviction.

During the confession, he also hesitated and struggled for a moment, wanting to conceal some details in order to reduce his charges.

But being swept by Gu Zhisang’s indifferent eyes, the pain that made him faint when he was “soul-searched” just now destroyed his courage to play tricks.

When Ge Liaochan asked Liang Yongkang why he moved here, he said in a trembling voice:

“That bastard… After Liu Chunxin died, the masters tried to suppress her, but she is still uneasy.”

At the beginning, Liang Youkang didn’t believe in ghosts at all, and he sneered at the so-called ghosts taking their lives.

When Liu Chunxin’s body was salvaged, it had been soaked in the lake for several days. The body was swollen and gnawed badly.

There may have been a little bit of Liang Youkang’s skin tissue left between her nails when she struggled before, but now it has been completely washed away by the water.

After the forensic examination, no useful information was found, so Liang Youkang successfully escaped suspicion.

Therefore, he was even more confident in his heart.

When Master Yunyou proposed to suppress the grievances of his dead wife, he didn’t take it seriously.

Since everyone in the village believed the master’s words, Liang Youkang also urgently needed a little ‘good reputation’ to further cleanse himself of his suspicions and charges, so he readily agreed with the words of Master Yunyou and let him stay in his wife’s mourning hall. sky.

During the period, the stench near the mourning hall was smoky, and Liang Youkang took a look outside the mourning hall from a distance.

He only saw Liu Chunxin’s swollen and purple body in the unsealed coffin, and immediately felt sick and a little creepy, and left in a hurry.

He also did not participate in the whole process of subsequent sealing and burial.

After Liu Chunxin was buried and Zhao Hunzi was arrested, Liang Youkang felt that he was completely safe, but he still couldn’t stand the people in the village peeking at him with pitiful and teasing eyes and making arrangements behind his back.

No matter where he went, he felt that these tongue-in-cheek villagers had bad intentions.

In the end, he took the ‘compensation money’ and moved to the urban area, quit his job of moving bricks on the construction site, and rented a two-bedroom apartment.

After a few days of drinking and drinking with his wife’s “death money”, Liang Youkang, who was drunk in a bar one day, came home in the middle of the night and felt chilly behind him.

When I was in the elevator room, the elevator lights in the small space buzzed, flickering on and off.

Liang Yongkang scolded the property owner, but suddenly under the flickering lights, he saw a blurry figure against the iron elevator door wall in front of him.

The figure was very white, only a long disheveled hair was clearly visible, blocking the face.

He was so frightened that he sobered up immediately, his legs were weak.

Because he clearly remembered that when he entered the elevator, there was no one in it, only himself.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his feet were wet, and when he looked down, he saw that the elevator seemed to be flooded, and the corners in all directions were dripping with water.

When he raised his head again, the white reflection on the elevator wall raised his face at some point. It was obviously a blurry picture, but in Liang Youkang’s eyes, it was so clear and terrifying!

Under the white shadow’s hair was a blue-purple mottled face, half of his head was missing, and his hair looked wet, as if he had just come out of the water;

Only those black and red distorted eyes full of resentment stared at Liang Youkang.

Liang Youkang recognized it.

This is Liu Chunxin who should have died a long time ago!

Just at this time, the elevator reached the floor and opened with a ding-dong.

Liang Youkang was so frightened that he staggered and ran out holding on to the handle.

That night, he found some Buddhist scriptures and amulets to recite, but when he was sleeping at night, he still dreamed of Liu Chunxin who came to take his life.

After a few times in succession, he lost his energy. Thinking of this high-rise building every morning, he could see the scenery of the “Goddess Lake” from the window. He suspected that it was because he was too close to the lake because he always dreamed about ghosts dying.

Liang Youkang quickly moved to the city farthest from the ‘Goddess Lake’.

The reason why he didn’t leave the city immediately was that he was careful and careful.

He was still worried that Zhao Hunhun was not convicted of the crime, and he was also worried that if his wife died, he would move out of the city, which would make the police suspect that he wanted to run away.

After Liang Youkang moved here for a period of time, he found that although the number of times he dreamed about Liu Chunxin was decreasing, his body had undergone many changes.

Thirst, dry mouth, easy to sweat and weak body;

My eyesight and hearing are not as sensitive as before, and I am a little sensitive to light. I have a layer of undulating hard bumps on my body, which itch and sting if I don’t scratch it…

Sometimes when he smells himself, he feels the fear of smelling stinky salted fish.

It was like the inside of his body was rotting, festering.

At first, Liang Youkang thought that his **** life was disorderly and he was infected with a disease, but soon he realized that this was definitely not a normal change.

He thought he got rid of Liu Chunxin, but in fact he didn’t, and his physical and mental condition became worse and worse.

After being burned by the light several times and his strange appearance frightened the neighbors in the corridor, Liang Youkang also went from being temporarily unable to move to being unable to move.

Liang Youkang is like a street mouse hiding in a cave, losing the right to walk in the sun.

With resentment in his heart, fear and fear, he searched in the dark room every day for how to “eliminate ghosts and exorcise evil spirits”.

Until now when Gu Zhisang punctured him, he still didn’t feel the slightest bit of guilt or regret for what he had done, only hatred and resentment towards Liu Chunxin.

Hearing his face full of snot and tears, as he finished speaking these words intermittently, there were also footsteps outside the door.

People from the local police station rushed over after receiving the notice, ready to **** Liang Youkang back to the police station for retrial.

After they opened the door, they were also dizzy from the soaring stench in the room.

Many police officers who had participated in homicide investigations and smelled the smell of rotting corpses couldn’t bear the smell in the room, and their stomachs twitched.

When Liang Youkang was escorted out, like a blind mouse, he tried his best to hide his head behind the policeman, saying that his eyes hurt.

Many neighbors who heard the movement opened their doors one after another and waited and watched by the door.

Seeing Liang Youkang’s face full of hard bumps all over his neck, he thought he had some kind of infectious disease, so he showed fear and disgust and dared not go out to approach him.

Gu Zhisang and Ge Liaochan, who had chatted for a few words before entering the house, also raised their heads to watch the commotion, and gave them a thumbs up:

“Nowadays, the young girls are in a terrible situation. I can hear him screaming like killing a pig outside!”

She heard the bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang dang inside, and was a little worried that something happened to Gu Zhisang and the two, but the scream that came out was obviously a man’s voice!

Gu Zhisang: …

Ge Liaochan suppressed a smile and coughed lightly, exchanged a few words with the aunt, and then left the community.

Because of the detailed recording of Liang Youkang’s confession of the crime, the police directly listed him as a major suspect again.

After being escorted to the police station, because Gu Zhisang was not around, he didn’t feel oppressed, and the pain of “soul search” not long ago gradually disappeared. Liang Youkang, who had regained his consciousness, turned back again, and categorically denied what he had said.

He quibbled that those recordings were made by Gu Zhisang and Ge Liaochan who tortured him and forced him to confess.

But this time he couldn’t excuse it.

According to what Gu Zhisang ‘saw’ when he felt Liu Chunxin’s ghost together, the people from the police station followed these clues to investigate and finally found the actual evidence of Liang Youkang’s crime.

That night, Liang Youkang sneaked back to the village in the middle of the night. Instead of taking the main road, he took a small road. There was no surveillance on the road.

However, after comparison and investigation, the police still caught a passing figure in the dark night in the surveillance screen of a certain intersection.

They sent people to revisit Liang Youkang’s co-workers.

According to a worker who vaguely remembered, although he didn’t know whether Liang Youkang had left the construction site, when he woke up the next day, Liang Youkang had indeed changed into a change of clothes.

The other workers didn’t have time to change after a night of drunkenness.

Because there will be a lot of smell left on his body after drinking, it is reasonable for Liang Youkang to change his clothes. When the police came to investigate last time, he ignored this matter.

This person remembered that the clothes Liang Youkang changed in the morning were indeed very similar to the jacket worn by the blurred figure in the surveillance.

The same coat, the same light brown color.

Then the police sent people to carry out a carpet search in Liang Yongkang’s rented house and found the light brown coat.

Liang Youkang is sloppy and lazy. He usually doesn’t wash or cook at home, especially when he lives alone.

The dress hadn’t been washed since he’d worn it, and neither had the shoes.

In the end, although the police did not find useful biological traces on the coat, they did extract traces of blood scabs from the cracks in the soles of one of his shoes.

After being processed by the laboratory department, it was verified that it was Liu Chunxin’s blood.

With such a real hammer that can’t be explained clearly, Liang Youkang’s arrogance was completely extinguished.

He sat on the stool in the police station in silence for a long time, and finally confessed his crime slowly.

Finally, when the dust settled, the police officers who had been busy all night breathed a sigh of relief.

A young policewoman couldn’t understand it, and couldn’t help asking: “What on earth are you thinking? It’s not your wife who is at fault, she is the victim! You have seen all the evidence, why did you get along with those people?” The beasts hide together, commit murder?!”

Up to this moment, Liang Youkang just curled his lips, still not feeling that he was wrong, muttering indistinctly.

Ge Liaochan, who was watching from outside the interrogation room, had an angry face: “I really don’t know how to repent.”

Gu Zhisang’s voice was cold: “It’s impossible to reason with this kind of beast. He’s selfish, cowardly, inferior and conceited. The only person he loves in his heart is himself.”

During the ‘Search for the Soul’, Gu Zhisang saw Liang Youkang insulting his wife in front of his son.

He even suspected that his son was not his own, so he took his son’s hair for a paternity test.

Even if it was finally confirmed that the child’s identity was normal, he did not treat the child very well.

He said that he was afraid that transferring a child in the third grade of junior high school would affect his learning environment and mentality. In fact, he was too lazy to care about the child’s life and death, and directly threw the other party in the boarding school.

In the past two months, he only sent 800 yuan to his son at the first time.

Afterwards, he took his wife’s “death money” and went out to spend time and wine, drunk and dreaming, and had long forgotten that there was a child studying in school.

If you think about it a little bit, you know that something like this in the family will definitely spread to the neighborhood, and his son will be pointed at by some students at school. Transferring him as soon as possible is the most normal thing that parents who care about their children will do. .

After Liang Youkang confessed, the police re-arrogated the gangster Zhao.

Looking at all kinds of evidence, Zhao knew that it was useless to be stubborn, and finally admitted the fact that he took the blame for others. So far, the third person, who was also the mastermind who forced Liu Chunxin, finally surfaced.

After getting the identity of this person, the police officers in the police station were very shocked.

“It turned out to be him?!”

The person Zhao confessed was the father of the boy who drowned a week ago and disappeared into the ‘Goddess Lake’!

According to the information on the file, this person’s surname is Wen Lisheng, and his family background is indeed well-to-do.

Wen Lisheng himself is 44 years old, and he works as the deputy section chief of a well-known leisure department in Hunan Province with good wages. His wife’s family does business in this city.

He himself is mediocre and has not been promoted to a high position, but his brother is quite powerful, two years younger than him and two ranks higher than his position, and his future development prospects are promising.

In addition, although Wen Lisheng’s father died early, he was a well-known good man in this city.

When I was alive, I did a lot of public welfare and acted bravely. In the end, I was accidentally injured in a rescue and finally died.

Therefore, the Wen family’s reputation in this city is pretty good.

Before Wen Lisheng’s son drowned, the couple contacted privately to buy boys and girls to fill the river. After the incident was exposed, it was photographed by the surrounding people and posted on the Internet, which had already affected the fortune of their family.

Many netizens heard Wen Lisheng’s words: ‘Do you know what my family is? ’, aroused widespread repercussions in the society, thinking that there must be someone behind him.

After such a scramble, it came to Wen Lisheng’s younger brother.

Although Wen Lisheng’s younger brother did not know about it, and there are many chat records to prove that he did not want Wen Lisheng to be dazzled by the death of his child, his reputation was still stained, and his career and future were still affected.

Originally, he had great hope to move again next year, but now the old leader is already promoting another person.

Wen Lisheng himself was dismissed by his unit just after he walked out of the police station the day before yesterday.

Because this matter is too ridiculous, it has been widely circulated in the whole department.

The people in the police station also heard a thing or two, and they all felt that Wen Lisheng’s younger brother was really miserable, and his promotion prospects were ruined by his stupid brother.

The police officers looked at each other, and it took a while before they said:

“If it’s really Wen Lisheng…then his family will really be killed by him.”

Gu Zhisang was not surprised by this result.

The boy’s body sank into the river for no reason. It is impossible for there to be no reason. It must be that he himself or someone close to him had planted some “evil cause”.

Police officer: “But I still have a question. If Liu Chunxin really turned into a ghost because of resentment, I can understand that she wants to punish Zhao Ganghun and Liang Youkang. But when we arrested Wen Lisheng and his wife the day before yesterday, I felt like I didn’t see that his body was covered with red bumps and bad smell like the other two.”

“Why was Wen Lisheng the one who forced Liu Chunxin to death indirectly, but she didn’t take revenge on Wen Lisheng, but vented her anger on the child?”

Gu Zhisang asked for Wen Lisheng’s photo, and at the same time she saw a photo of Wen Lisheng’s younger brother on the Internet.

After reading it, she said: “It’s not because Liu Chunxin didn’t retaliate, but because his resentment didn’t work.”

Although she speculated that Liu Chunxin’s current level and ability are not weak, but its main body should still be unable to show up for some reason, so it can only take revenge on the three of them by transforming its resentment.

It has the heaviest resentment towards Liang Youkang who killed it, so Liang Youkang’s situation is much more serious than that of Zhao Hunhun.

Among the three, Wen Lisheng, who seemed not to be punished, was also the one who caused the tragic end of his tragic death.

In Gu Zhisang’s spiritually aware eyes, she could see that Wen Lisheng’s body was covered with a thick layer of black resentment, turning into a ferocious shape and wrapping around his body, but she couldn’t penetrate it.

Under the resentment, there was a light golden shell wrapped around Wen Lisheng’s body, resisting the invasion of resentment with difficulty.

That is a force of merit.

It was supposed to be thicker and more powerful, and it could preserve wealth and peace for a lifetime, but after three months of resentment, only a thin layer remained.

I’m afraid it will take another three months to a year at most, and when the power of this merit is completely wiped out, Wen Lisheng’s fate will not be much better than the other two.

This kind of meritorious force can also be seen on the face of Wen Lisheng’s younger brother, but it is far less thick than his elder brother.

Gu Zhisang said: “The Wen family’s fathers and grandparents should often accumulate good deeds and accumulated a large amount of merit. After they died, they gave a large part of this merit to Wen Lisheng.”

“It is these merits that helped him prevent a disaster.”

A police officer who had heard about the past of Wen’s family nodded and said, “I heard that Wen Lisheng’s father is very nice.”

“…Then his father and his brother are too worthless, how did they give birth to such a son and brother?!”

Gu Zhisang narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the serious and upright middle-aged man on the screen, and pulled the corner of his lower lip.

Is this brother really that innocent?

Does he really know nothing about what his brother has done?

Gu Zhisang: “I speculate that Liu Chunxin was stimulated by Wen Lisheng’s virtuous power, and the resentment that could not be revenge was greatly aroused. In this extremely strong hatred and negative emotions, it was completely lost. Reasonable, he attacked Wen Lisheng’s son in a row.”

“Wen Lisheng’s son didn’t necessarily go to the ‘Goddess Lake’ on his own initiative. Like the old lady who threw herself into the lake before, he was attracted to the ‘Goddess Lake’ by the water ghost’s resentment, and then Liu Chunxin seized the opportunity.”

She frowned slightly, feeling that each of these tragedies seemed to be pushed forward by a big hand.

The timing of the wandering Taoist priest’s arrival was too coincidental.

It’s a coincidence that Wen Lisheng has a meritorious bodyguard and younger brother’s protection…

Everything seems to be for the purpose of catalyzing and motivating Liu Chunxin, who has become a fierce ghost, to lose his mind, thus interlocking and radiating its resentment to the entire ‘Goddess Lake’ and even the surrounding giant screens.

At this time, Ge Liaochan asked, “With the testimony of Zhao Hunhun and Liang Youkang, can this **** surnamed Wen be arrested?”

The police officer shook his head, “It’s hard to convict with witnesses alone, and we still lack the strongest physical evidence that he was also involved in this matter.”

“Well, what should I do? Most of the money Zhao and Liang Youkang got was cash and gold, and the bank accounts were also from overseas. On the surface, they couldn’t find anything related to the Wen family. They confessed that Liu Chunxin had videotaped As evidence, but they also threw the mobile phone at the bottom of the lake together…”

“Looks like we really need to call professional divers to hunt for evidence.”

Gu Zhisang shook his head lightly, “Don’t bother, the ‘evidence’ will come to your door by itself.”

The next afternoon, a young woman in simple sportswear, a mask and a hat appeared in the city’s best junior high school with closed management.

Although she has been covered tightly, the special temperament in her gestures and the slightly pale skin exposed above the mask still attracted the attention of many students.

She had just finished class when she came, and walked up the stairs to the target class. She stopped outside the classroom door and looked into the classroom quietly from the window.

In the last row of the classroom, even after class, a thin boy was still sitting on a chair, oblivious to the noisy environment around him, and immersed himself in his studies.

A few male students holding the basketball raised their hands and smashed the basketball onto his shoulder. The penholder in the boy’s hand was blown away with such force that it fell to the ground with a ‘click’.

“Yo yo yo, Liang Xueba is different. After class, he still has to learn how to pretend to be a good student.”

The boys were giggling and laughing, and without saying a word, they winked and led the topic to the wrong direction.

“Tsk, I’m just curious about one question, about your mother…” Before the leading boy finished speaking, the others laughed unsteadily: “Aren’t you afraid of being found out that she stole people at home?”


The boy surnamed Liang suddenly clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: “Don’t mention her!”

“Why don’t people gossip anymore? Who are you messing with…”

At this moment, Teacher Window’s familiar voice sounded, causing the boys to shut up immediately, “Miss Gu?”

Gu Zhisang turned his head to look outside the window: “Hello.”

“Don’t be mean, I didn’t know you were here, you guys, hurry up and go downstairs to PE class!” The head teacher stared at the boys who made trouble, and then said softly to the thin boy in the last row: ” Liang Cheng, go and ask the physical education teacher for leave first, and just say that I have something to do with you.”

After the class teacher brought Gu Zhisang to the office and brought her a glass of water, he began to say slowly:

“Actually, since Liang Cheng’s mother’s accident, some troublesome children in the class wore colored glasses when they saw him, and bullied him in different ways to make trouble for him. You just saw it. Our teachers know it and have the heart to take care of it. But when they went back to the dormitory in private, they really couldn’t control the friction.”

“The child’s father doesn’t care about anything. He is very sensible and his academic performance is very good. Now it is the third year of junior high school. We, as teachers, watched him for the past two months and didn’t say a word. He was a little depressed and felt uncomfortable…”

Just as he was talking, there was a knock on the office door.

Liang Cheng—the son of Liu Chunxin and Liang Youkang stood at the door: “Ms. Li.”

Teacher Li waved at him, “Come here, this sister is surnamed Gu, she has something to talk to you about.”

Speaking of which, the homeroom teacher thoughtfully left the room, leaving this place to Gu Zhisang and Liang Cheng.

The boy lowered his head and said nothing, Gu Zhisang said: “I came today to ask about your mother’s life.”

After a while, Liang Cheng only said one sentence: “She is not what those people said.”

He raised his head, his eyes were red: “She is a good woman, she didn’t do those things.”

Gu Zhisang obviously didn’t say anything to comfort him, but just looked at him indifferently, but the defense line and grievance in his heart collapsed a little bit, and he bit his lip firmly.

After sighing lightly, Gu Zhisang patted the boy’s shoulder, speaking solemnly:

“You are right, your mother is a very good woman.”

“Those rumors are false, I promise you will wait for the day when the truth comes soon.”

When Gu Zhisang was about to leave, Liang Cheng, who was pretending to be strong, had already cried a lot, and then went to physical education class.

She expressed her gratitude to Teacher Li, paused for a moment, and said tactfully:

“Ms. Li, those boys in the class with crooked conduct, please advise them to be less mean and to accumulate good deeds.”

Teacher Li, the head teacher, looked a little confused.

Gu Zhisang didn’t explain much, but just took a deep look behind her.

I saw that the classroom with the lights turned off was a little dull.

In the corner of the wall directly above the seat where the beams in the back row were, there was a huge backlog of resentment that was still wriggling as black as ink, and seemed to be staring at her gloomyly.

Not long ago, through the classroom window, Gu Zhisang clearly saw the faces of the boys pushing and bullying Liang Cheng, covered with a layer of blue gray.

It is a sign of dying.

In the evening, the glow of the sky dimmed, and the entire city was shrouded in twilight blue, which almost merged with the sinking surface of the ‘Goddess Lake’.

After returning to the homestay, Gu Zhisang took off his coat and walked towards the living room.

When she just walked to the sofa in the center of the living room and was about to sit down, the breath in the whole room instantly became icy cold, and the damp water quickly spread from the wall at the door, and the light in the whole room began to change. dim.

She looked up calmly.

In the next second, a round arc of light suddenly lit up on the ground, which was only an arm’s length away from her body, and the hidden yellow talismans in all directions appeared at the same time, and the wind was blown to make a ‘boasting’ sound.

A swollen and distorted ghost, which could barely be seen as a wet human figure, was forced to show its form in the formation.

Its soul is different from ordinary ghosts, and it is covered with swollen blue and purple veins like a bloated corpse of a giant, which looks extremely terrifying.

While struggling, the entire formation in the room was hit by the powerful resentment until the light flashed, but it was still firmly imprisoning the transformed resentment entity.

Gu Zhisang’s hair was blown slightly by the Yin Qi.

In her line of sight, on the distorted and purple face with grievances, there was a pair of eyes that were flushed red with blood, staring fixedly at her body.

A sharp and ear-piercing voice sounded in the living room, a threat and warning from the form of resentment:

“Don’t… mind your own business!”

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