I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 94

Chapter 93

Hearing the expression “laughing all the time”, Gu Zhisang couldn’t help raising his eyebrows slightly.

The timid viewers in the live broadcast room were also shocked:

【The hairs all over my body are standing up! I was drowsy at first, but now I am awake. 】

[Help, just listening to this description, my calves are going to be soft, this is too evil, how can I go to sleep on the empty bed of the dead? Don’t adults know that the child is not at home and not in bed? 】

[Based on the experience of so many previous cases, it is reasonable to guess whether this family has provoked the opposite old man before, made the other party bear a grudge, and came to find the child for revenge after dying and turning into a ghost? 】

[It must have been ‘framed’ away by a ghost! There are rumors of “ghost frame people” in our rural area. It is said that it is most likely to be entangled by ghosts at noon or midnight and collide with something.

When being “framed” by a ghost, a person’s head is dizzy, and it feels like the soles of the feet are floating in mid-air without touching the ground, being dragged away by some invisible thing! If there is a deep well nearby, they will be thrown into it directly. When the family members find out that the person is missing the next day, the person will have died in the well! 】


‘Laughing all the time’ is holding the phone in his hand, and he can also see the high praise replies in the comment area of the live broadcast room.

Seeing the phrase ‘I would have died long ago when I found it’, infinite fear and panic arose in her heart.

At this moment, Gu Zhisang on the other side of the screen asked, “What’s next? Something else must have happened to make his life line weaker and weaker.”

‘Laughing all the time’ hummed, and continued to talk about all the strange things that happened to his son that happened two days ago.

“At that time, my husband and I were still skeptical, thinking that there is such a mysterious thing, a living person can disappear from our own house out of thin air, and appear in another room?” “Laughing often” said:

“I’m sure I was looking at Xiao He’s bed that night, and the bedding in his room was messed up in the morning, and it was covered and left untouched, which means it’s not my memory.”

The son did go to bed the night before.

But no matter how mischievous he is usually, he is still a nine-year-old child;

Looking at his son who was crying and full of grievances, and kept saying that he was running around, “laughing all the time”, I didn’t think he could do something like running out of the house in the middle of the night just to scare his parents.

Could it be…

Is there really something weird in that room across the way? !

In a hurry, the “laughing mouth is always open” took his son Xiaohe back home, and told the father-in-law about it after he woke up.

‘Dad, what happened to the empty house across from you? Did an old man really die? ‘

Publicly known as ‘yes’.

According to what he said, the resident of the earthen house across the road is an old man named Wang, who is the same age as him, also 80.

The two old people were born shortly after the establishment of the Xia Kingdom, when there was a lot of waste and poverty. They were both from the same village.

But old man Wang’s family is poorer, with only a lame father and two and a half acres of land, and after a year of hard work, the harvest is barely enough to support his life.

Later, when he was in his twenties, he married a woman in the next village, gave birth to a child early, and lived a peaceful life for some years.

On the contrary, it is the father-in-law who is ‘laughing all the time’. After marriage, he had no children until his early forties, and he went to the hospital for check-ups many times;

After he went to the capital hospital for an examination, the doctor said that his wife was fine, but he was the one with the problem.

Suffering from asthenospermia, it is difficult to have children anyway.

During that time, the old man was very aggrieved in the village, because the villagers always said that he was a bachelor, saying that he would not be able to provide for the elderly without a son, so he moved out of the village in a fit of anger.

Unexpectedly, within two years, the middle-aged couple, both in their forties, unexpectedly became pregnant with a husband who ‘laughs a lot’, which made her in-laws very happy!

After the child was born, the family was desolate. The father-in-law looked at the hard-won old man who was waiting to be fed, and at the daughter-in-law who was still in confinement. He gritted his teeth and secretly followed a few local gangsters to speculate.

A few times it was so dangerous that I was almost caught and sent to jail.

Relying on the honed courage and primitive accumulation of assets, the father-in-law, who was half buried in the earth in his fifties, followed the trend of the times and went into business.

After he was considered a well-to-do family and returned home with his ten-year-old husband, he found that the childhood playmate he envied was no longer the peace and happiness he used to be.

The old man Wang wore a dirty ragged jacket, his head was full of gray and white messy hair before he was sixty years old, his face was full of dimples, his eyes were numb and sad, and he lived alone in that old dilapidated house.

After the father-in-law who was ‘laughing all the time’ inquired with other people in the village, he found out that after he left the village, this childhood friend had a very miserable experience.

Their family was poor and struggling to work in the yellow land. The only son wanted to change his destiny. He heard the description of the person from the next village who went to the sea to sell clothes in the city. They went to the provincial capital.

As a result, he offended the local snakes and was directly hacked to death.

Been dead for over two years.

Because of Du Miaomiao’s death, old man Wang’s wife was hit hard, and she soon let go, leaving him alone in the village to live like a corpse, and he was dead.

Hearing about the tragedy at the old man’s house, the ‘laughing’ father-in-law was also very sad.

A few years later, his son became an adult, and he finally couldn’t work anymore, so he chose to return to his hometown for the elderly.

This time, the two old people are almost seventy years old, and they are neighbors like they were when they were children, but their lives are completely different.

The father-in-law of the ‘laughing mouth’ has a pension and his own savings. The family house has been renovated and expanded, and there are all appliances and refrigerators in it. He usually listens to the radio at home and goes out to fish.

The days are so pleasant.

But the old man Wang, who was across the road, was dying, with a hunched back. He grew vegetables in the small yard by himself, and usually went to the vegetable market to pick up garbage, picking up some wilted and broken vegetable leaves.

Until two months ago, old man Wang’s physical condition was already very poor.

When the ‘laughing’ father-in-law saw him walking out of the room, he felt that he was as thin as a skeleton. I am afraid that this old man will not have much time left.

Sure enough, within a few days, he found the old man’s stiff and smelly corpse on the bed.

Old man Wang passed away due to a sudden illness, and his last expression, which was quite painful before his death, was all tightened.

He went alone without children, and no one prepared for his funeral.

In the end, the father-in-law, who was always smiling, thought he was pitiful, and after concluding with the village committee, he donated money to buy him a thin coffin, which was buried in the back mountain.

Hearing about the strange things that happened to his grandson, the ‘laughing’ grandpa still doesn’t want to believe it:

‘No way, my old buddy has always been honest and honest. In the past few years, if nothing else, our family has done a little bit to help. I called on the villagers to donate his coffin. But anyone with a conscience can’t mess with my grandson! ‘

‘Besides, even if he has a grudge, he still ends up with me. He has been away for more than a month, and I have no illness, no disaster, no evil…’

The family talked about it all morning, but they didn’t explain it clearly.

They finally decided to take Xiaohe to a prestigious psychic in the next village tomorrow and ask him to have a look.

That day, Xiao He was depressed because he was suspected of lying, and he didn’t want to eat or talk to the “laughing” couple.

At night, ‘Laughing’ didn’t dare to let him sleep alone in the hut, so he put his son between himself and her husband, and locked the doors inside and outside the house.

Unexpectedly, before dawn, my son suddenly developed a fever, crying and fussing on the bed, his face flushed, and he always said that he was uncomfortable and scared.

‘Laughing all the time’ The husband and wife were so anxious that they turned on the lights in the middle of the night to find antipyretics for their children, fetch water to wipe their bodies, and even woke up the old man in the other room.

After feeding him the medicine, it took more than an hour for his son’s body temperature to slowly return to normal, and he did not wriggle back and forth as before. He said he was not feeling well, but closed his eyes and whispered that he was afraid.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, the “laughing mouth is always open” was worried, and planned not to sleep tonight, just guarding his son like this.

I don’t know if she is really sleepy and tired, or what is going on.

Her consciousness became more and more blurred, and she finally fell asleep without knowing when.

Waking up again was because the “laughing mouth is always open” in the deep sleep heard a “squeak” sound, like the sound of a door hinge turning.

She sat up all over and found herself lying on the head of the bed and fell asleep.

The husband was sitting on the sofa, leaning against the cushion with his head tilted, sleeping soundly.

The door of the bedroom was open, and the light in the room was turned on to a softer position, but the living room connected to the door was completely dark, with faint glimpses of moonlight.

‘Laughing all the time’ suddenly turned his head to look at the bed.

The bed is empty!

The place where his son Xiaohe slept was still warm and moist to the touch. It was the sweat from his fever that soaked the sheets, but the other person was gone.

‘Laughing all the time’ was immediately frightened, and everyone was dumbfounded.

The feverish child once again disappeared from under her nose!

Thinking of the sound of the door hinge that woke her up, her voice was a little broken because of panic and anxiety, and she staggered out on her numb and cramped legs.

‘Xiaohe? Xiaohe? ! ‘

She walked out of the bedroom and walked towards the front door with goosebumps all over her body.

I saw that she had tied the branch from the inside before going to bed, and someone had untied the tightly closed door. Half of the door was partially hidden, and the other half was wide open, leading to the unknown outside of the yard. A deep path.

‘Laughing all the time’ ran to the door and looked outside, and saw the back of a thin and small child.

It’s my son Xiaohe!

He was walking towards the open wooden door of the broken house across the road at a very slow speed and in a slightly stiff manner.

Seeing this weird scene, ‘Laughing Often’ almost collapsed.

She called out to her son twice with a trembling voice, but the other party’s footsteps still didn’t stop.

Seeing that he was about to walk into the room that could eat people in the eyes of ‘Smiley’, ‘Smiley’ finally became anxious, she almost collapsed and called her son’s name.

And this hoarse, sharp and loud cry indeed stopped the little boy who was still walking forward.

He stopped and staggered slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head to look at the darkened door in front of him, and then turned his head to look at the path around him, and he was frightened and cried.

The boy who finally came back to his senses turned his head away, saw the mother behind him, opened his arms and ran over: “Mom…”

‘Laughing all the time’ wiped away tears and greeted him.

But she had only walked two steps before she saw that horrifying scene that she would never forget in her life.

The expression on his son Xiaohe’s crying face was distorted, as if he was obviously sad, but the corner of his mouth was raised.

He stopped running towards ‘Laughing Often Open’, kept his hands open, tilted his head and neck stiffly, and let out a sharp ‘hee hee’ laugh.

The moonlight above the head just sprinkled on the boy’s face, clearly illuminating his tear-stained, crying and laughing face, such a weird and frightening picture, immediately made the scalp of ‘Laughing Often Open’ explode .

She clearly realized that the ‘person’ in front of her was definitely not her son!

Her heartstrings were already tense and she was overly exhausted, so she fainted from fright before she could catch her breath.

Hearing the movement behind her, the husband who rushed out hastily helped her up from behind, who was limp. When she looked up, she was frightened by her son’s strange appearance, and her back turned cold.

Taking advantage of the fact that one was dizzy and the other had no time to spare, the boys shook their heads with a strange expression, jumped and ran away on the road to the village.

It was a **** of a night.

Many villagers know that the home of the old birthday star who is about to celebrate his birthday is haunted.

For some reason, his precious grandson got caught up in evil!

The villagers are all warm-hearted. Although they are curious and gossip, they all go out to help find it.

It wasn’t until it was daylight that the little boy with half his legs soaked in the pond was found beside the ditch at the head of the village.

Others have passed out.

When the villagers clamored to pick him up with flashlights, they found that he was scalded badly!

People are going to be burnt.

After waking up, “Laughing Often” almost fainted again because her son was lost and cried again. At this time, she staggered and ran over, took her son from the villagers, hugged her son tightly, and cried heartbreakingly. with.

The villagers who helped to find them all night said one after another:

‘Oh, this kid is going to be stupid, looking at him like this must be evil! Don’t wait any longer, just send the person to the next village to find a psychic who can see things and treat them. ‘

‘ That’s right, this is too scary, how did this happen to a good doll, when I just scanned him with a flashlight, but beside the ditch, look at your shoes, they are all soaked! Wouldn’t it be drowning to take two more steps inside? ! ‘

‘Laughing often’ The couple also realized the seriousness of the matter.

They picked up their son, got into the car, and drove to the next village.

Early in the morning, I went to the local psychic with a tired face, and asked the other party to help my son look after things.

As soon as the psychic medium touched the boy’s hand, he said: ‘Your son has hit the devil! The thing that collided with him was very fierce, and now it squeezed into his body, squeezing out one of his three souls and seven souls, obviously intending to do evil and kill him. ‘

‘ Feel how hot he is. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. The soul and the human body are connected. After a long time, the soul runs away and loses contact, but it will be difficult to find it. up. Those who lack soul will either become physically disabled for no reason in the future, or the whole person will become dementia, or a vegetative state! ‘

Hearing what the psychic said, the couple who were “laughing often” were even more frightened and at a loss. They just kept begging the psychic to help them save their son.

The psychic said, “I really want to save him, but I have to drive out the ghost that ‘hit’ your son and squeezed into his body first.” Its shape is very vague. I can’t tell whether it was male or female before birth. I can only feel that it is quite fierce… Has your son been to any suspicious place these days, where there is a lot of yin or a newly dead person? ‘

‘Laughing all the time’ told the psychic about what happened last night and the night before:

‘Since we returned to the village, we have never been to incense or to the cemetery. Except for the old house opposite the door, we really don’t know where else near our home can be hit by evil spirits. ‘

After listening to it, the psychic was thoughtful and said, “It should be that old man who made something strange, otherwise your son wouldn’t go to sleep in that dead man’s den over and over again.” ‘

‘In this way, I will first try to stabilize the other souls in your son’s body, so that the other souls will not be squeezed out by the evil spirits. ‘

After speaking, the psychic medium took out a small silver bottle, dipped a wicker stick in the water mixed with an unknown substance, and swept it on his son’s face and body, chanting words.

After doing this a few times, “Laughing often” felt that the palm of his son’s hand that he was holding was indeed not hot.

After another ten minutes, his son Xiaohe even woke up once.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he murmured to ‘Laughing Often Open’ with tears in his eyes: ‘Mom, I’m so scared, I always have nightmares…’

‘Laughing all the time’ Hearing his son say this, he shed tears and asked him what he dreamed about, but his son just said intermittently that his dream was horrible, saying that when he slept at night, it felt like a huge lump was pressed on his chest The stone, I couldn’t breathe at all.

Then he would see a very thin, skeleton-like grandpa waving at him, as if beckoning him to come over.

In fact, he was still a little scared in his heart, but he walked slowly and uncontrollably in the direction of the old man.

After that, Xiao He didn’t remember anything.

As soon as he heard the description from his grandson, the “laughing” father-in-law stared: “It’s that old man surnamed Wang!” ‘

‘This old beast with a white eyed wolf, thanks to the fact that I used to think he had a hard time taking care of him. I caught two more fish and gave him one to mend his body. I gave him an old but good radio. listen. ‘

‘By the way, when the house was renovated and rebuilt before, there were still bricks, tiles and cement left over. I saw that the roof of his dilapidated house was cracked, and water seeped into it in the afternoon, and the craftsmen were asked to use the remaining materials to give it back. He patched the roof…’

The more the father-in-law spoke, the angrier he became, and his chest heaved vigorously with anger.

The psychic at the side heard it and sighed and said:

“Brother, don’t be too angry. Many people will not appreciate it. Your sponsor may think that you are giving him alms and humiliating him.” Besides, you are about the same age as him, and you came from the same village. You are rich, have children and grandchildren who respect him, and he is lonely. After a long time, can you not feel envious and jealous in your heart? ‘

What the psychic said was exactly what the ‘laughing’ couple thought.

The husband of ‘Laughing’ said: ‘Dad, you were born in the same year as him, and he is also 80 this year. As a theater troupe, seeing such a comparison inevitably made him feel unbalanced. ‘

‘It’s my fault that I didn’t take this into consideration. If I knew it earlier, I would have taken you to the city to handle it, so these things wouldn’t have happened…’

No matter how angry the old man was, things had already happened.

The health and safety of the grandson is more important now.

In order to exorcise the boy, the psychic went to the father-in-law’s village and went to the dilapidated house opposite their house.

The psychic held the bell and chanted while shaking it. After coming out of the dilapidated house, he said:

‘There is indeed a ghost in the house, it should be the old man, he had a hard life and died unexpectedly, after his death his body was left like this for two or three days, which made him somewhat depressed and turned into a ghost They all stayed in the village. ‘

‘Let me make it for you first, and see if I can send it away. ‘

After the psychic medium finished speaking, he started the ceremony. While jumping and chanting mantras, he muttered something, saying, ‘If you are willing to leave and return to the place where you should go, this family will thank you and offer incense to you…’

However, after finishing the ceremony, he wiped the sweat from his brow sullenly and said:

‘No way, it doesn’t make sense, this old ghost is unwilling to leave, I feel that its attitude is rather resistant. ‘

This made the “laughing” couple so angry, “What should I do, Master?” ‘

Finally, the psychic told them that they could use strong means to exorcise evil spirits on the grave of the old ghost. Doing so would hurt the ghost’s body and make him weak.

At that time, if it is deterred and leaves voluntarily, it is the best result. If the other party does not leave, it can only be broken up for the safety of the boy.

‘Laughing all the time’ the couple agreed to the proposal, so the psychic went to prepare the tools and instruments for the practice.

Because the lost soul of the son is still in the village, and after the evil in the body has been driven out, he has to “recall the soul” immediately. These two days, the husband and wife and their son Xiaohe stayed in the village, not daring to leave.

With the ‘Sacred Water’ and ‘Peace Talisman’ given by the psychic medium, my son no longer has a constant fever.

But at night, he seemed to be a different person, staring at the couple with a fierce look on his face, growling and saying insulting and threatening words. Open the talisman of the psychic.

In desperation, the “laughing and smiling” couple had no choice but to tie up their son with a rope.

After tying it up, he would change his countenance again, calling “Mom and Dad” pitifully on his face, trying to get them to let him go, and when he saw that it didn’t work, he would let out a creepy laugh in his shrill voice.

In just one week, the whole person of “Laughing Often” lost a lot of weight, and the fatigue and collapse could not be concealed on his face.

Fortunately, today the psychic medium has already prepared all the supplies, and only waited for three quarters in the noon—that is, when the yang energy of the day is strong, to go to the grave of the old man Wang to do the practice.

‘Laughing all the time’ was nervous and looking forward to it, and woke up early.

When she swiped her phone, she saw that the seventh episode of “Spiritual Affairs” was filming today, and thought that what happened to her son was an out-and-out supernatural event, so she participated in the interaction with the mentality of trying to see if she could be selected.

I didn’t expect to be so lucky to be chosen by her directly!

After talking about everything, the “laughing mouth is always open” asked earnestly:

“Master Gu, do you think the evil in my son’s body can be successfully expelled? If it still fails, can I ask you to take a look?”

Gu Zhisang thought for a while and said, “I can take a look for you now, do you have a photo of the old man next door?”

“How could I have…”

‘Laughing all the time’ said with a sudden pause, and said: “It’s not right, just wait for me.”

After about a few minutes, a new message popped up in Gu Zhisang’s backstage private message, it was a photo sent by ‘Laughing Often Open’.

Seeing the gray and white photo, she couldn’t help but frown.

This is obviously a black and white photo framed by a wooden frame, used as a portrait.

Seeing that the background next to the photo is a dry, cracked, peeling, slightly yellowed wall, Gu Zhisang understood that “Laughing often” was just taken by going to the empty room next door, holding the mobile phone and looking at the photo on the wall .

To be honest, this kind of behavior is not polite, even very offensive to the deceased.

But thinking of the other party’s current mood, Gu Zhisang didn’t say anything for now.

The black-and-white photos are one of the few photos that the villagers found from old man Wang’s belongings, and they should have been taken more than ten years ago.

Although the middle-aged man above looked tired, he could still see honesty and honesty from his eyebrows and eyes.

His life is undoubtedly bitter from the face alone, he has not enjoyed any blessings in his life, and lost his wife and son one after another in his later years;

But he is like an old cow in the yellow land, just accepting all this numbly.

No matter from the distribution of facial features, or from the vertical and horizontal fate lines on Old Man Wang’s face, Gu Zhisang didn’t see any sign of treachery or evil.

She didn’t think that such a person would become vicious and murder the benefactor’s descendants more than a month after his accidental illness and death.

But “Laughing Often” is very sure, except for this old street in their hometown, their family did not go anywhere, and the boy Xiao He did dream about Old Man Wang.

Gu Zhisang thought about it for a while, and felt that there was an inexplicable strangeness in this matter.

Even if Old Man Wang really did it, there should be something else hidden.

After thinking for a while, she said, “I can’t see much useful things from the old man’s face. Can you start a live broadcast and take a picture of that house? Or take a few more pictures from the inside to the outside for me to see.” .”

‘Laughing all the time’ hesitated for a moment, fearing that just taking pictures of the house would not be comprehensive, so he responded and said:

“I’m starting the video now.”

After the shaking video on her side opened, Gu Zhisang carefully looked at the building on the screen.

The house is really old and dilapidated, even the hinge of the door is crooked.

‘Laughing all the time’ holding the device and walking around inside and out, Gu Zhisang confirmed that the local psychic was right, there were indeed ghosts lingering in this room, but the resentment was not serious.

“That’s all there is to it. That bed…is where my son lay.”

After the filming of ‘Laughing Often’, I went outside the old house.

The equipment in her hand was shooting while walking, so the lens was not stable.

Just as she stepped out of the old house and was about to tell Gu Zhisang in the live broadcast room to turn off the camera, the host’s clear and serious voice suddenly came out from the receiver:

“Wait, you just keep this action.”

‘Laughing all the time’ froze for a moment, but did as he did, “What’s wrong, Master Gu?”

Gu Zhisang squinted her phoenix eyes slightly, with a strange expression on her face: “Just keep this posture and lift the phone up.”

“Okay, this angle can stop.”

Looking at the shape of the building in the video, Gu Zhisang was silent for a moment.

‘Laughing all the time’ vaguely sensed something, a little nervous:

“What’s wrong, Master Gu, this is my house…Is there any problem?”

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