I Became the Academy's Kibitz Villain

Chapter 121: The Battlefield Of Proof, Ulleung (7)

Chapter 121: The Battlefield Of Proof, Ulleung (7)

The issue that caused an uproar in South Korea was undoubtedly the emergence of the magical girl, Golden Priestess.

The commotion was not an exception even in Ulleungdo, and naturally, all attention was inevitably focused on the Golden Priestess.

“The one who purifies demons.”

This was the nickname given to the Golden Priestess in the news. The Hero Association probably came up with a fancy English name, but at least the phrase “purifies demons” was certainly correct on the surface.

Until now, all demons either died, hid somewhere in this world, or learned to transform into humans and lived discreetly among the people.

Seeing a demon appear to have lost its abilities and left only with its body was surely a shocking sight for the world.

‘I wish I knew its location soon.’

My visit to Ulleungdo was for the purpose of restoring my power but also because there was some ‘spare time’ before the incident occurred.

All I was waiting for as the Goblin, a villain type, was to take the demon Half-toad somewhere to study him.

‘Surely, demon researchers will study Half-toad. Even if Ermina, a person from Stern, was hard to capture as a specimen, Half-toad is a pure specimen in itself.’

A truly perfect subject for research.

The one who lost their abilities. How did they lose their abilities? Had their abilities truly vanished completely? Was there absolutely no mana left in their body? Were they unable to use any other abilities?

‘At least through Half-toad, I’ll find out that there’s nothing to gain from a generous person.’

Although I might not be able to extract the demon’s seed, they’d perform all kinds of human experiments even if the demon’s seed wasn’t the objective.

I would raid the place where these human experiments were conducted.

Right now, because Half-toad had garnered so much public attention, he had not yet been transferred to either Pandemonium or a research institution of the demon worshipers.

‘Is that a good thing?’

I extended my left hand.

I unwrapped the bandage. However, to emphasize that it hurt, I wrapped my left hand in white bandages, which reminded me of those who claimed to have a black dragon on their left hands, and it made me chuckle a bit.

There’s a strong scent of the plaster under the bandage, but I’d soon remove it.

‘After all, I did everything I needed to, even with a broken hand.’

Like riding a bike with Yumir. Or having a meal with Yumir. Or asking about Yumir’s determination.

In hospitals where people who were injured more than me were admitted, history was being made, and a broken left hand couldn’t stop the activities of the Goblin.

The treatment was over. This bandage was actually just to tell Baek Seol-hee, ‘I’m hurt,’ and to be prepared for any upcoming events.

The upcoming events. Baek Seol-hee and Yumir were both coming here.

‘At least I’ve baited one.’

Through online communities, I could roughly track their situations, if not in real time.

-Hey! I heard Maple canceled class?

-Why did she cancel? She has a field trip next week. Maybe she went shopping for clothes?

-I don’t know! Maybe she went shopping for a winning outfit with the guy she’s going to be with on the trip!

Through the anonymous bulletin board of Sejong University, I got information about Yumir. I thought there were people who had nothing better to do than dig into others’ personal lives, but I had already figured out where Yumir was heading.


The text sent by Yumir was just one word. I texted Yumir back, telling her to call once she arrived, and I asked the pension owner to pick up Yumir.

That was right. Yumir was on her way here.

On a ship heading to Ulleungdo.

A blonde woman dressed almost like a salaryman stood on the ship’s deck, enjoying the breeze.

“Excuse me?”

A blonde couple from abroad cautiously approached her.

“Do you speak Korean? I don’t know English.”

“What? Uh, hello?”


The blonde woman, Yumir, responded with a somewhat stiff voice to the couple’s greeting.

“Did you come here alone?”


“Oh, then, may we suggest something?”

“What is it?”

“Would you like to accompany us?”


Yumir sized up the couple. They felt like ordinary, non-magical people. However, boarding a ship heading to Ulleungdo, especially one departing from Sejong Island, meant they could be related to diplomacy.

“Are you related to foreign affairs?”

“Oh, no. We are these people.”

The man tapped his Taeguk Watch and flicked it towards Yumir. Yumir caught the floating blue light in the air and placed it onto the Taeguk Watch.


“Yes. Actually, we’re operating a V-tube channel with 5 million subscribers and are currently shooting a video on a certain topic.”

“If I were to travel around Ulleungdo, being with someone else would-”

“I’m not interested.”

Yumir flicked off the business card that appeared on the Taeguk Watch.

“I might have come alone, but someone is coming to pick me up.”



The ship slowly docked at the harbor.

People began to disembark. Yumir blended in with the crowd, leaving the ship.

“Oh, wait! Lady, we really need you!”

“I really don’t want to. What are you talking about?”

“We need to prove a hypothesis! The Trinity Theory that three people together make something complete!”

“Stop talking nonsense. It’s not some kind of cult. It’s common sense – who comes to Ulleungdo alone? Don’t bother me. I’m going to my man.”


She tried to avoid the persistently clinging couple, but they chased her, even towards a taxi.

“Excuse me, wife of Teacher Do.”

A man in a black suit stepped in, blocking between Yumir and the couple.

“Who… who are you…?”

“Your husband sent me. Are you two with her? I heard you are not.”

“No, we… we’re…”

“Then step aside. Disrupting patriotism, especially on Ulleungdo, goes beyond a simple misdemeanor.”


“Get in. Your husband is waiting.”

“Thank you.”

The long-range sedan responded to the old man’s car key, and Yumir headed towards the car, feeling somewhat relieved.

“…But, sir.”

“You are Teacher Do Ji-hwan’s wife, correct?”

Opening the back door for her, the old man waited for her response. Yumir took a moment and nodded.


She just.

Wanted to get rid of those weird people tailing her.

That was all.

“I’m in the car. I’ll be there soon.”

In the end, she took it upon herself to meet me in Ulleungdo.

Now, there was nothing to be done.

All I could do here was patiently wait for Yumir to arrive, and Yumir would definitely come to this place.

Otherwise, there would be no reason for her to come to Ulleungdo.

There might be various reasons for people to come to Ulleungdo, but the reason Yumir confidently came here was because she had someone to meet.


“I hope Yumir doesn’t get angry and spill the beans that I’m the Goblin.”

Surely she wouldn’t do such a thing.

It was not something that could be conveyed in a message. Since we had been teasing each other, we never seriously decided ‘what to do.’

All I could do was act appropriately when Yumir arrived.

“Surely we wouldn’t blab when we both hold each other’s leash.”

Do Ji-hwan was the Goblin.

Yumir was Solar Platina.

With both of them having their fingers on the trigger of the bomb necklaces around their necks, Do Ji-hwan believed Yumir wouldn’t be foolish enough to pull it first.

Especially not in front of Baek Seol-hee.

“…This is really tricky.”

It was okay if Yumir going to Ulleungdo was exposed.

But not Baek Seol-hee.

“Snow White is absent today!”

“She looked fine at the event yesterday. Was she just pretending?”

“Hey. Calculate the date. Has it been a month?”

“If that official event was a month ago, then more than half of it has already passed?”

“Then, today is the day. Lol.”

People in this world were like that.

Maybe it was because I had been involved in the abyss, but there were more people in that abyss than you’d think.

Ordinary people who were jealous of those with special abilities, and overly curious about them. They kept track of every move of those with abilities, even their personal lives.

“We have the duty to inform about the potential days when female special ability users can serve the nation!!”

While saying so, they almost madly investigated days when they looked off or had certain visible lines on their clothes. Living became tiring because of such people.

…What if it became known that Baek Seol-hee was meeting me?

Do Ji-hwan would be dead.


“I do want to meet.”

“Do you?”


I turned my head to the voice that came from behind.

“No, that.”

“I’m here.”


I checked the time.

It was still 10 AM.

Considering I had brunch around 9 AM with a side drink and was planning to relax after having a cup of tea, she appeared already.


“Yes, I’m here.”

Baek Seol-hee appeared in front of me wearing a thick white coat despite it being April.

“Today you’re entering Sejong Island…?”

“I arrived at dawn, dumped my luggage in the room, removed the Taeguk Watch, locked every door, and snuck out. I’ve left an old movie channel playing. No one suspects a thing.”


It seemed Baek Seol-hee had started to master sneaking across the sea to Ulleungdo without being noticed.

“How did you get into the room?”

“Do you think an S-class can’t open a balcony lock?”

“No, did you break it?”

“I didn’t break it. I just inserted an ice hook through the gap and pulled.”

Baek Seol-hee’s voice was noticeably sharp.

Considering what I had said to her before, I straightened up and gestured to the seat in front of me.

“Would you like to sit?”


Straight to the point from the start.

“What happened?”

“Well, Seol-hee. It’s simple.”

I threw out the excuse I had thought of before meeting Baek Seol-hee.

“I’ve been counseling you, and I’ve been counseling that student as well.”

“You don’t just counsel with words, do you?”

“Yes. Initially, I intended to, but my wife suggested otherwise.”


Octopus legs.

“Instead of meeting separately,”

The ultimate move that could beat everything at once.

“Let’s all just meet together and clear things up.”



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