I Became the Academy’s Kibitz Villain

Chapter 200: A Toast To Your Patriotism (1)


“Teacher, I’m here. What would you like for dinner? Gukbap? Platinum Sun? Yumir? Or all three?”


“Eh. It’ll just be cream tteokbokki today, right…? You should add that too, ow!”

“Stop saying weird things and just eat whatever I give you. I’ll make it today.”

“Really? What side dish should I make?”


As I prepared and ate dinner with Yumir, who had barged into my room right after work, I brought up the events of the day and the story about the sports festival.

“Yoon Iseon said she wished the Goblin would appear.”

“Do you really need to? Isn’t it a bit beneath you to show up just to deal with a 17-year-old high school girl?”

“It’s not about the level. Yoon Iseon was talking about the Goblin’s beliefs. She said it doesn’t make sense for the Goblin to appear since it’s not about coming to defeat demons.”

“That’s true. So, what did you say?”

“I said it wouldn’t be too bad to ask the Goblin if there was a way to do so. Ah, right.”

As I mentioned to Yoon Iseon that it might be worth asking the Goblin once, I had a thought.

“Yumir. It seems like Yoon Iseon might have caught on to my identity.”

“Oh, really? Teacher, there’s no reason for Iseon to suspect. Why do you think so?”

“Because of you.”


Perhaps Yoon Iseon already knew that I was the Goblin, and it might be because of Yumir that my identity was exposed.

“Because of me, you think Iseon has figured out you’re the Goblin? I don’t think she’s that observant…”

“It’s not about being observant; it’s because of you.”

It couldn’t be helped.

Otherwise, there’s no reason she would approach me with concerns about the Goblin after the internship.

“Why is it because of me that you were found out?”

“Well, you don’t have friends.”


Yumir’s expression hardened.

“What did you just say?”

“Failed the internship, didn’t make friends, and the only person you meet is someone who couldn’t possibly have a connection? It’s obvious to suspect.”

“So, the problem arose because my social circle is too narrow?”


I’ve been worried about this for a while.

The closer I got to Yumir, the more connections with Yumir would increase, and naturally, those who suspected Yumir would start to suspect me.

Yumir was Platinum Sun.

Yumir had a rather deep relationship with Do Ji-hwan.

Platinum Sun had a rather deep relationship with the Goblin.


“Inferring that Do Ji-hwan is the Goblin is quite easy. Just by inserting a person named Yumir in the middle.”

“Hmph. Even if you try to pressure me like that, it’s useless.”

As soon as I retorted, Yumir snorted and shrugged.

“Even if you say my presence might reveal your identity, you were somewhat prepared for this, right?”


“Thinking of revealing your Goblin identity to some extent to Iseon, and not just her, Seol-hee unnie too, you were planning to spread information about yourself bit by bit, whether through me or Seol-hee unnie.”

“……I didn’t expect you to notice.”

I never anticipated that she would guess this plan, despite being observant.

“Right. From the moment I helped Iseon deal with Duoexini, I was planning to reveal my identity to her to some extent.”

“Do you trust Iseon?”

“I do.”

She’s the original heroine, and even knowing the protagonist’s secret, she kept her mouth shut, a behavior I’ve confirmed firsthand.

Yoon Iseon didn’t say a word about the Duoexini incident.

She didn’t tell anyone that she fought alongside the Goblin, nor that Yumir is Platinum Sun.

If she were a blabbermouth, I would have considered sending her somewhere far from Sejong Island for about a year.

“So why do you sound like you’re blaming me?”

“Just because.”

“Are you teasing me because I have no friends?”

“I’m not that bad of a person.”

It was just a remark.

“Just kidding. Anyway, try hinting at Yoon Iseon tomorrow. If you talk to her first, don’t you think she’ll think she can call on the Goblin?”

“Through me, asking the Goblin for a favor? Then why not ask you directly? Why go through me again?”

“The clear route is through you. I’m just a suspect; she doesn’t actually know if I’m the Goblin.”

“Hmm, so there’s a chance they think I’m just an associate of the sect or someone who can connect to the Goblin. Alright, I can bridge that gap easily…”


“Are you really going out?”

Yumir pulled up a video.

-Come out, Goblin! Let’s see who the true Rider is on Sejong Island!

“A challenge thrown by Hayabusa, are you really going to accept it?”

An S-class hero, Hayabusa, had posted this declaration of war on the internet.

“It’s not about fighting as heroes and villains! It’s about seeing who the real Rider is! If I win, I’ll do my best to ensure you’re not caught by others!”

“The provocation is no joke, but I don’t see why you’d respond to this guy’s declaration.”

“There’s a reason to respond.”


“Right now, the world sees this issue as a ‘Korea vs. Japan’ match.”

I thought to myself, but on the internet, netizens from ‘certain countries’ were already arguing about which country’s Rider was the real one.

“Strictly speaking, the Rider concept does originate from Japan. The original is Rider No. 1.”

“Oh, you admit it?”

“Of course. What needs to be acknowledged should be. My Rider transformation motif was inspired by Korean tokusatsu, but if you ask where that Korean tokusatsu got its influence, obviously it’s from Super Sentai or Rider. However.”

I took out a mask and placed it over my face.

“Even if it started in Japan, if it has become a completely new form of Rider, isn’t that a different story?”

There was no Rider after the cataclysm.

The motif of my transformed Rider wasn’t based on the Riders from before the cataclysm, but as if the cataclysm had never happened.

“Show my own originality?”

“It’s not so much about my originality, but the question of who’s ‘real’ isn’t really important. This applies to abilities as well.”

While it’s represented by the name ‘Rider,’ this issue can also be applied to the abilities used in this world.

“If someone’s ability is the source, but they fully make it their own? If it’s a new form that has evolved from the original?”

“Are you talking about plagiarism?”

“Not exactly plagiarism. No, to put it more comfortably, yes, plagiarism.”

I pointed to various videos circulating on the internet, including ones posted by ability users from other countries creating new costumes in the Rider style.

“After the appearance of Dodjirider, the number of people creating costumes in the Rider style has skyrocketed. Look at this. Abroad, someone even made a flaming skull Rider.”

“…Skeleton Rider?”

“It’s about taking gimmicks from old content. Even if it started with American comics, who’s the person now wearing a helmet looking like a burning skull?”


“Right. Culture is meant to spread. And culture doesn’t really have borders. The same goes for abilities. If someone starts using abilities in a Rider concept, others are bound to follow.”

It’s not about who’s the original.

Since this concept came from pre-cataclysm culture, I had no intention of arguing over who’s the original or the real one.


I wanted to show them.

To the people of this world, to those living in an era where culture has been completely overturned by the cataclysm and the emergence of abilities.

I wanted to show them the culture they rightfully should have enjoyed if abilities hadn’t existed.

“It’s a way of repaying for the stories that exist in this world.”

Having been given the chance to read serialized novels, I wanted to show the culture that wouldn’t have existed in this world as a form of repayment.

To let them enjoy and appreciate a different culture through my transformation.

In that sense, I’ll show Hayabusa.

“Even if it started as cultural content in Japan, how abilities are sublimated and used is a separate story. Discussing real vs. fake over that? It’s meaningless. Dodjirider isn’t a direct plagiarism of the existing Riders.”

“In essence, that’s what you’re saying.”

Yumir pointed at me with a sour face.

“To prove that Dodjirider’s appearance isn’t plagiarism?”

“Well, you can think of it that way.”

At least in this world, my transformation into the Goblin Rider wasn’t plagiarism.

Because in this world, the legendary Goblin Rider never existed.

“And it’s necessary to show them ‘the Goblin is on Sejong Island.’”

“Them… Pandemonium?”

“Right. By showing I’m here, someone from Pandemonium will show up on Sejong Island. That’s who I’m aiming for.”

Who it will be, I didn’t know.

“I’ll show Pandemonium. That the Goblin is still thriving.”

That I had become even more vigorous.

“And it’s also a perfect chance to show a new form.”

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