I Became The Academy’s Narrow-Eyes

Chapter 59: The Black Mage Who Hides Her True Identity (2)

The greed in Lize’s eyes became even more vivid.

The artifact not only strengthened the wearer but also weakened the opponent’s magic, a 2nd-grade artifact.

“This is a real windfall, isn’t it?”

“Do you not hear me!?”

“Oh, I hear you. Lower your voice, you damn woman. You’re squawking, it’s noisy.”


Adryn was more taken aback by the vulgarity and aggression of the language she was hearing for the first time than when she was first ambushed.

“It’s late, but let me introduce myself. I’m Dalleye’s problem solver, who controls this area, including the Back Alleys nearby. Remember that. Dalleye. Dalleye.”

It was more of a command than an introduction.

Lize repeatedly emphasized that the three should remember the name Dalleye.

“A problem solver of Dalleye?”

A small woman standing next to Adryn, with a spear-like sword, interrupted.

“You’re out of your mind. A problem solver of Dalleye. Do you know that the lady you attacked is a lady of the Teln family?”

“Really? A lady of the Teln family?”

Lize looked surprised, covering her mouth, then stretched her lips into a smirk as if she would tear off her hand.

“So what, you little bitch?”

“Oh dear. How feisty. How on earth are you going to handle the aftermath.”


Lize shrugged lightly, lifting her palms.

“Anyway, I have no idea. I’m just a problem solver hired by Dalleye. So, take it up with Dalleye.”


Mizu looked at the necklace hung in Adryn’s hand and nodded.

“It seems that the emotional reader greatly deceived us. They know the true result of the emotions. Expecting to take a big hit off us and skip town, making Dalleye take the blame?”

“Haha, you’re quite a smart cookie. Right. That’s the answer. So, about that necklace, won’t you just hand it over? Then I’ll save your life.”

“Ha, dream on!”

Adryn screamed out.

“For your petty plan to succeed, there need to be no witnesses! As if we wouldn’t know!”

“What? You know very well, don’t you? If you know so well, go and look it up, huh? Making a fuss. You’re going to die anyway. Pestering me-”

Their conversation was a form of preparation.

During the process, they read a lot from each other.

Based on that, Lize made her next move, preparing for the next spell.


Similarly, Ceylon, using what he read from Lize, moved a beat faster than her.

His detailed movements unfolding in the enemy zone interrupted Lize’s flow, which was intricate enough that even a fencer with advanced vision control would struggle to follow.

Mizu immediately followed him.

– Clang!

The gap made by Ceylon.

– Clang!

Mizu pounces on it.

The swords of Ceylon and Mizu pounded on Lize’s mana barrier in turn.


Then, Adryn exhaled compressed air.

At that moment, the energy of fire and wind surrounding her body boosted her speed.

Although Lize attempted to restrain her movements with her quickly moving and quickly completing the spell, Manasal-

“That won’t work.”

The fingers of Lize, which were supposed to form the base of Manasal, pointed towards the sky.

At that very moment, Ceylon, who had picked up on even the smallest movement and intention, brought down her hand with his sword, interrupting the flow again.

“Is it our turn now?”

A mocking expression filled her view.

Her hands were intact thanks to the mana barrier, but the aim was off.

Manasal was sent flying in the wrong direction.

– Bang!

There was a smooth collision without interference.

As Adryn accelerated explosively, the tip of her forcefully swung sword crashed into Lize’s vitals.



Lize’s body crumpled.


Lize was thrown and hit a wall.

“Did we get her!?”

As Ceylon came closer to launch a follow-up attack, he said those words.

Just as he was about to stab the sword back into the cracked part of Lize’s mana barrier, which had just blocked an attack from Adryn-

“Ack! Not yet!”

He bounced backward with all his might.

A giant ice spear shooting up from the ground a beat later aimed for his face, but he displayed a reaction close to a prediction and wasn’t caught.


Lize belatedly noticed the intent behind the move.

It was a move to induce mana waste.



Lize straightened herself up from her knees.

‘What is this jerk?’

She was bewildered.

The movements of the three-

Among them, it was Ceylon, the one with the lost expression on his face, whose movements stood out the most.

Every time she intended to make a decisive move in the battle, he made his move half a beat ahead.

With his strange movements, he shook Lize’s senses and concentration and snatched her rhythm.



The trick that was contained in his movements coincided with that of assassination, but it wasn’t an assassination.

She did not perceive denial, which is the core of assassination, or direct interference with mana.

That was strange.

That wasn’t the only strange thing.

Based on the mana she sensed from him, Lize deduced his realm.

The mana she felt from him was lower than Adryn’s.

An undoubtedly 2-star.

However, his overall fighting ability surpassed any average 4-star.

And with that fighting ability exceeding a 4-star, he was handling Lize.

So that the other two could easily devour them.

In other words, to weaken Lize so that the other two could gain high-quality combat experience.

With the trick of denial wrapped in that movement, which wasn’t even assassination.

After experiencing the back-and-forth encounters that followed, Lize was convinced.

“You insignificant bastards…”

She was angry, but there was no choice but to acknowledge it.

It was not enough to face the three of them with just magic.

Those guys were not just ordinary 2-star swordsmen, the one with 4-star fighting capability lurking among them was the problem.

The three of them had a great harmony with each other as if they had been refining it together for a long time.

It felt like an adventurer party that had been refining their movements for years.

‘This is ridiculous.’

She planned to quickly dispose of trash and youngsters and leave Arienne.

But she hit a speed bump in an unexpected place.

But, it’s okay.

If magic alone is insufficient, she must resort to black magic.

If she utilizes the power of black magic, which has reached a 6-star realm, she can squash such annoying pests using brute force.

‘To think I have to use that on kids like these…’

Though it was a striking blow to her pride, there was nothing she could do about it.

Lize could not afford to make a mistake due to pride.

“It’s about time you gave up!”

The thrill of battle.

And the anticipation of victory.

With ramped-up excitement, Adryn spoke. Lize wore a rotten smile.

“Are you satisfied, idiot?”

She pulled distorted mana, magic power.


As she felt the overflowing power, she let out a fevered sigh.

As the boiling magic power increased, the form of the imaginary world inside her became clearer.

Enough to invite someone into that imaginary world.

-You are part of the Undead, and now you have returned to their embrace.

Soon, a cold voice rang from the netherworld.

The preparations were complete.

Lize had chosen the most annoying among those three as the first sacrifice of her dark magic.

“Fine, you wicked witch!!! You better be ready to take responsibility for what you’ve done!?”

The ignorant girl Teln who was provocatively shouting at her-

“Haha, Miss Adryn, you’re in high spirits, aren’t you?”

Beside her was the very man who had been mocking her all this time.

Suddenly, a ring made of ice filled Lize’s middle finger.

Swiftly, she pointed her middle finger at Ceylon.


At that moment, Lize’s inner mind engulfed her and Ceylon.

It was a world frozen over.

Trapped in the ice were darkness and blood.

The world of crimson ice invited Lize and Ceylon.

“Where is this…?”

Seeing the confused Ceylon, Lize opened her mouth with a satisfied smile.

“I wonder? A place for a bug like you to die?”

Then a shadow cast down on them from above, and darkness swept over the world.

“Oh, that is…!”

A sphere as vast as to fill the sky was looking down on them.

It was a face.

Countless frozen corpses came together to form a massive face.

It was the avatar of the demon ‘Undead’ with whom Lize had made a contract.

The ruler of the netherworld answered Lize’s invitation.

Infused mana with the energy of the netherworld to distort it.

By doing so, she created the netherworld within her inner world.

Then she summoned the demon to that netherworld.

6-star black magic.

Inviting a nightmare.

The black magic that destroys the target’s mind unfolds according to the will of the black mage, Lize.

“You have quite a formidable friend…!”

The man seemed flustered.

Although his distinctive sharp gaze appeared somewhat cunning, it must be just her imagination.

“Shall I tell you what you’ll be going through from now on?”

“Well, umm…!?”

Lize pointed at the Undead looking down on them from the sky.

“From now on, you will be trampled on by that hideous creature there, like a bug. Until your sanity is ragged. Infinitely. And, eternally. Meanwhile, I’ll be here having a quiet time with your ladies.”

“Oh dear…”

“Why the hell did you act so recklessly without knowing anything, huh?”

As Lize brushed her red hair, which both matched and contrasted with the world of crimson ice, she wore a smile filled with scorn.

Her harsh eyes and scorn-filled smile accentuated the brutality.

“Now, do you feel like begging like a dog?”

“If I do, will you let me out of this world?”

“It won’t be enough just to beg like a dog.”

“Is that so? Then I’ll have to devise a measure of my own.”

“Heh heh heh, moron. Go ahead and-”

Give it your best shot.

Lize’s words, soaked in a sense of superiority, were abruptly cut off.

-Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!

The noise of the world, the ice, splitting and shattering filled the frozen world.

The huge frozen face.

The Undead was groaning in agony.

“What, what is it!?”

Lize looked up at the Undead in bewilderment.


The Undead was entangled in something.

It was a colossal and long white line- or something of the sort.

The very tip of this colossal line, big enough to wind around the frozen world multiple times, was entangling the Undead without any gaps.


-Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, pop.


The Undead was crushed.

The countless frozen corpses forming the Undead shattered into small pieces.

A clear cry reverberated in Lize’s head.

-You petty thing! You’ve trapped me in a snare!!!

“What? A trap…?”

Just then.

Two moons rose in the sky.

There was a sharp, arrow-like pupil in the golden sphere.

It was the eye of a gigantic reptile.

His golden eyes brightly illuminate the world of crimson ice.

They clearly show the state of the icy world.

The large, elongated white something entwining the Undead was a white serpent.

It was coiling around the entire world of ice.

-What in the world have you brought before me …!

What did you bring?



Lize looked at the entity she had brought along.

The sharp-eyed guy.

He was staring at her with his eyes wide open.

The pair of moons that had been in the sky were reflected in his eyes.

A pair in the sky.

A pair in his eyes.

A total of four moons were watching her.

“Could it be, is that also your friend?”

He incredulously pointed at the snake whose eyes matched his own.

At that moment.

The sky descended.

The darkness enclosing the frozen world, the giant snake outside of that darkness, peering at the frozen world, opened its mouth.

It swallowed up the Undead.

It swallowed the entire world of ice.

It swallowed her in a darkness deeper and clearer than the night sky-


And then there was light again.

Before she knew it, Lize had returned to her original world and was pointing the middle finger at the man.


The ice ring on her middle finger cracked.

The sound of ice shattering followed.

From the ring.

And, from the world of images inside of her.

At this very moment, Lize clearly felt.

That the world of images she had created as a black mage had met a complete end.

That the existence of the Undead had been wiped out.


That the power of her black magic had been subjugated to a new entity, instead of the Undead.

“Wha, what is-”

“Put that finger down, you wench!!!”


Adryn’s spicy solid punch landed on Lize’s bewildered face.

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