I Became The Academy’s Narrow-Eyes

Chapter 95: Square Shield Hollow

< Chapter 95 – Square Shield Hollow >

Phibian entrusted the selection of adventurers to Ceylon.

Although she entrusted him, she had no intention of leaving everything up to him.

‘It was because it’s a Grade 5 dungeon.’

According to the standards, a Grade 5 dungeon must be controlled by at least a 5-star adventurer.

At least.

In other words, even if a 5-star adventurer controls it, something unpredictable might happen.

‘I’ll be fine.’

Phibian was confident she could protect herself in the dungeon, no matter what unexpected situations arose.

She had the arcane magic of Reolian, the Green Counterwind, which boasted absolute defensive power.

‘But that pathetic man is not.’

What worried her was the safety of that man.

‘I don’t care if that man gets hurt, but it might interfere with conquering the dungeon-‘

It’s not that she was worried about the man getting injured.

She was worried that he might become a hindrance to conquering the dungeon.

With such excuses added,Phibian could fully express her bothersome concern(?).

* * *

“This should be enough, right?”

Phibian nodded in satisfaction as she looked at the protective gear laid out on the bed.

After numerous iterations of questioning, “Will this be enough?” the final lineup of protective gear was more than enough for an entire group, not just an individual, to use in dungeon assaults.

“Damn, as much as my life is precious, this is a bit too much. I might go bankrupt after the dungeon raid?”

Even adventurers who usually didn’t skimp on investing in their safety couldn’t fathom such overprotection.

“…Will this be enough?”

Yet,Phibian tilted her head in dissatisfaction.

Her standard for safety, which fundamentally included the nearly perfect defensive measure known as the Green Counterwind, was compulsively high in others’ eyes.

Numerous scrolls related to protective magic.

Artifacts that were not of high rank but were plentiful in quantity.

Generous health potions and temporary ability-enhancing elixirs.

Even with all that combined, it was no match for her Green Counterwind.

“Is that all there is…”

The embrace of the Green Wind.

That was the conclusion Phibian ultimately reached.

Or rather, it was what she returned to.

“If only I had that one thing…”

Phibian initially had that artifact in mind as the best option.

Yet, she deferred it for an alternative due to one reason.

The embrace of the Green Wind was a symbol of the Leolalian family.

A precious symbol of a cherished bond, given only to those who formed a valuable connection with the Leolalian family.

“Should I really lend out such a precious symbol for personal reasons?”

Normally, one would hesitate to lend the ring because of such worries.

“I hope they don’t get the wrong idea or become obsessed because I lent them this ring…”

Phibian was hesitating to lend the ring not because of expectation but because of worry.


Combined with the worry that the man might hinder the dungeon raid.

And the worry (?) that the man might misunderstand upon receiving the ring.

“I have no choice…”

She decided to lend the ring to the man out of necessity (importantly).

Phibian took out a fist-sized box that was being kept under strict guard.

And she unlocked a barrier that only those born into the Leolalian lineage could open.

What Phibian didn’t know was how overprotective parents could become once they let their children out of their sight.

The moment the barrier on the box was lifted.

A crystal ball in a corner of her room, connected to the Leolalian domain through her magical device, lit up.



The voice of the head of the great Leolalian family was directly conveyed to her mind.

An interrogation under the guise of a mother-daughter conversation began.

Young Leolalian inevitably couldn’t escape the interrogation conducted by the head of the Leolalian family.

* * *

“She noticed?”

From Arienne to the Leolalian domain.

It’s a distance that takes more than a fortnight to cover even on horseback.

How could the head of the Leolalian family, so far away, have possibly noticed the secret dungeon raid plan?

“That’s quite impressive…!”

While Ceylon seemed to admire the Leolalian family head’s astonishing intelligence gathering capabilities.

Phibian knew that the omitted subject of that admiration was meant as a dig at her.


Phibian felt wronged.

Has there ever been another moment in life where the phrase ‘I worried for nothing’ felt so bitterly ironic?

No way. She was certain of it.

“I’m sorry about that. To have such an important person.”

“Exactly, what was that person doing to get caught—oops, I mean, to have noticed?”

Ceylon’s teasing, seizing the moment, made Phibian bristle.

“Did you get caught while looking for your protective gear? Enough!”

“Oh? Were you worried about me?”

“I wasn’t worried! If you got injured in the dungeon, I just didn’t want to leave you behind, that’s all!”

Isn’t that the same thing?

Ceylon wanted to say just that, but seeing Phibian puffing up in a mix of anger (?) and embarrassment, he couldn’t bring himself to say it.

“What an emotional story… I apologize for sounding accusing. Miss Phibian was worried about me, and here I am being ungrateful—”

“I told you I wasn’t worried!”

“Oops. That’s right. Thank you for looking into the protective gear for me.”


Phibian trembled with frustration at Ceylon’s patronizing tone.

Ceylon, seeing her reaction, forgot for a moment that their dungeon raid plan might have been compromised and smiled contentedly.

“So, what about our conversation? What happens to the story we shared? Don’t tell me, my share of the dungeon—”

“How rude! What do you take my mother for? Do you really think she would do something so petty?”

“Is that so? My apologies. I just thought of Miss Phibian and unintentionally—”

“… What does that mean?”

“Wow~ Isn’t the weather great today? I wonder if the sky is blessing our dungeon raid?”

“Really want to kill you…?”

Phibian barely restrained the urge to summon a whirlwind to give this shamelessly grinning face a good steaming.

“Our conversation is still valid. However, my mother added one condition to it.”

“Worrying about Miss Phibian’s safety, she decided to send a guard.”

“I clearly told my mother I was fine.”

“There’s no winning against parents, but Miss Phibian, you’ve managed to do just that. Truly impressive.”

“Shut up. Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Hallow, the leader of the Wood Shield party, a 6th-grade adventurer party sponsored by the Leolalian family.”

At Phibian’s introduction, an adventurer waiting in the background stepped forward.

His short, sparsely populated hair and rough skin showed the marks of time.

Yet, that time made him appear not precarious but rather dependable.

“6th-grade adventurer affiliated with the Leolalian family, Hallow at your service. Looking forward to working with you!”

The middle-aged man with a sturdy build and a shield on his back greeted Ceylon heartily.

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Hallow. My name is Ceylon.”

“Man, your voice, put some spirit into it! Try greeting me with a bit more vigor!”

“I sometimes wish I could shout spiritedly too, but due to my nature—well, my constitution, it’s impossible. Please understand.”

“Ha ha ha, I heard you were a commoner, but you’re more refined than many nobles I know.”

“Ha ha ha. I’ll take that as a compliment. Then, Mr. Hallow, let me formally introduce you to the adventurers who will be joining us in the dungeon raid. This is Mr. Daltasian, the leader of the 5th-grade adventurer party, the Straight Sword.”

Daltasian stepped forward and extended a hand to Hallow somewhat indifferently.

Hallow did not immediately shake his hand but crossed his arms and sized up Daltasian from head to toe.

After a moment’s pause, he finally shook his hand and said,

“Daltasian. I’ve heard about you. You’ve done a great thing for those in need recently.”

“I did it because I wanted to.”

“Regardless of the intention, what you did was good. Be a bit more proud. Too much humility can sometimes give off a weak impression.”

Hallow’s demeanor seemed magnanimous at first glance, yet it was somewhat arrogant and coercive.

As if he was treating the other person like a child.

‘What a condescending old man—’

Bolton muttered under his breath.

Daltasian’s party looked at Hallow with less than friendly eyes.


Hallow, with his arms crossed, glanced over Daltasian’s party and Ceylon before opening his mouth.

“May I ask you young folks a question?”

“Please, feel free to speak.”

Ceylon, still giggling, unlike the members of Daltasian’s party, responded.

“Is that so? Then, taking your word for it, I’ll ask comfortably. What’s your experience with dungeon raids?”

“We have enough, so don’t worry.”

Bolton interjected with a dismissive tone.

“Ha ha, sure, sure. It must be sufficient. You are a 5th-grade party, after all. My question was, how extensive is your experience with 5th-grade dungeons?”

“We have enough of that too, so keep your worries to yourself.”

Daltasian looked at Hallow with a sharp gaze.

Hallow looked back at Daltasian as if he was a child.

“Enough, you say? There’s no such thing as enough. Even we feel the lack in our experience with 5th-grade dungeon raids.”

“Then maybe you should sit this one out.”

“Ha ha, that’s not possible. Without us, who knows what would happen to the dungeon raid.”

“What do you want to say?”

Daltasian glared at Hallow aggressively.

Hallow merely laughed off Daltasian’s demeanor as if he found it endearing.

“Now that’s the spirit I like to see. But still, it’s not enough. The world doesn’t run on mere bravado. I trust you can curb that hot blood in the dungeon. I have one request for you. The dungeon raid will be sufficient with us alone, so focus on your safety. Even for us, ensuring a trouble-free 5th-grade dungeon raid while looking out for you all would be too much.”

Hallow bore no malice.

It was his way of expressing concern and goodwill.

That only made Daltasian’s party find his attitude more irritating.

The atmosphere became tense.

“Wow~ To worry so sincerely! It warms my heart. I’ll remember your concern deeply, Mr. Hallow!”

At that moment, Ceylon’s endlessly silly and clueless mood lightened the heavy air.

“This is something. I wonder if it’ll be okay.”

Hallow shook his head as he looked at Ceylon with a gaze akin to watching a child left by the water’s edge.

“Anyway, I ask you young ones to take care well.”

Hallow bowed politely.

After scratching the young ones’ insides with his seemingly harmless actions, he returned to his party members and began discussing the dungeon raid.

“Ha, ridiculous. That’s a 6th-grade adventurer sponsored by a great family?”

“I can’t breathe…”


As they watched his retreating figure, Daltasian’s party could hardly hide their disgust.

“…I’m sorry.”

Phibian apologized to Ceylon with a face that said she was ashamed.

“Mr. Hallow isn’t a bad person, but…”

“It’s exactly because he’s not bad that it’s problematic.”

Phibian, too, might have been somewhat troubled by Hallow’s pure, old-fashioned antics after witnessing his exchange with Daltasian’s party, her face expressing how tired and annoyed she felt.

“Still, please try to understand. Annoying as he may be, his skills are solid. With Mr. Hallow accompanying us on the 5th-grade dungeon raid, we might get annoyed enough to develop hypertension, but we won’t get injured.”

Ceylon nodded at Phibian’s words.


The inclusion of Hallow’s party in the dungeon raid wasn’t a complication or disaster but welcome news.

Being sponsored by the Leolalian family, their credibility was beyond doubt, and their skills were sufficient for a 5th-grade dungeon.

‘It’s just that accompanying them comes with a certain probability of inducing hypertension as a penalty’

In some ways, they could be considered a superior alternative to Daltasian’s party.

“That’s indeed good news to hear. I was already worried about Miss Phibian getting hurt during the dungeon raid.”

“Seriously. Who asked for your opinion.”

Phibian looked at Ceylon with a smile that seemed to find him amusing.

“I was actually worried about you getting hurt inside the dungeon. That’s why I sincerely accepted my mother’s support.”

“Oh, were you worried about me?”

“I wasn’t worried!”

“Indecisive Miss, you’re making me feel dizzy. What stance should I take here?”

“Just shut up and take this!”

Phibian took out a ring, the Embrace of the Green Wind, from her possession and handed it to Ceylon.

“Ah, is this perhaps a proposal—”


A gust filled with Phibian’s mana intensely massaged Ceylon’s face.

His hair was mercilessly tousled.

“Can you stop spouting nonsense!? Eh!? How can you spew such nonsense every time you open your mouth!? I’m really getting angry here!?”

Phibian was already nervous about giving away the ring, a symbol of a precious bond.

“Ha ha ha, I’m sorry, Miss Hurricane. It was just a light joke, so please, let your storm-like anger subside. No, let both the storm and your anger subside.”

Ceylon, his hair sticking out like lightning, said with a beaming smile.

Phibian sighed at his shameless demeanor.


Reacting to this man’s nonsense was foolish.

She handed over the Embrace of the Green Wind again with a drained expression.

“It’s a defensive artifact. When you feel in danger, infuse mana into the ring. Then, the defensive magic contained within will activate.”

“Are you really giving me something this valuable…!”

“Don’t read too much into it, okay!? It’s just a loaner piece of armor!? Got it!?”

Ceylon was confused by Phibian’s stern warning.

Her attitude, filled with concern(?), seemed to encourage him to attribute more meaning to it.

“I’ll try my best. But, are you sure you can give this to me? What about you, Miss Phibian—”


Phibian crossed her arms with dignity.

The Green Counterwind unfolded around her.

“It seems you’ve already forgotten about the duel, but I have this.”

“Uh… I mentioned it because I remember the duel. But that magic, it broke, didn’t it?”

“Getting cocky over a stroke of luck that happened by chance!!!”

“A coincidence, you say…”

“If it’s not a coincidence, then break it! Break it!!! Right now!!!”

“Ha ha ha ha~ Then shall we leave it as a coincidence?”

“Eeeeeek-…! Break it! Break it!!!”

Ceylon had to keep running away to preserve Phibian’s pride until she was too exhausted to continue.

* * *

Last check before heading out for the dungeon raid.

“When are we leaving?”

Elysia of the Straight Sword party, who had finished that check a while ago, asked Daltasian.

“When are we leaving? We can’t until those guys are done.”

Bolton, regardless of others waiting or not, spat on the ground with disdain as he looked at the Square Shield party leisurely chatting away, then spoke to Daltasian.

“Hey Daltasian, is this right? We’re here on an official request too, but we’re being treated like baggage.”

While Bolton said this, he also felt a sense of helplessness.

The other party was a 6th-grade group of adventurers, officially supported by the great Leolalian family, no less.

They were adventurers from a different world, several levels above themselves.

If the Square Shield party decided to treat them like baggage, there was nothing they could do but accept it.


Daltasian just glared at the Square Shield party with displeasure.

“Let’s start moving!”

Finally, after finishing their conversation, Hallow spoke.

There was no apology.

After all, they were the core members of this dungeon raid.

It was only right for others to adjust to them.

They had been entrusted with authority by the Leolalian family, and even Phibian, a lady of the Leolalian family, had acknowledged this.

The Hallow party had nothing to worry about.


When Hallow looked over, Phibian handed him a necklace – the Key to the Dark Forest – hanging around her neck.

“Thank you.”

Hallow received it very formally and then handed it directly to his party member, Dorn.

Dorn, a man with long hair and a gaunt appearance, was a 5th-grade adventurer and a mage nearing the realm of 5 stars.


Dorn concentrated his mind to activate the Key to the Dark Forest.

Soon, the key began to release an amount of mana incomparable to what it had accepted before.

When the release of mana was completed,

They were no longer in the reception room of the 1st area Leolalian mansion, where they had been chatting moments ago, but in the midst of a gloomy forest.

* * *

Upon entering the dungeon, they looked around.

To the sides.

And to the rear.

Three sides were densely blocked by thick vines and trees.

In front of them stood a giant stone gate.

A barrier.

It was the first gateway of the dungeon.

“I will begin dispelling the barrier immediately.”

Dorn approached the stone gate without delay and placed his hand on it.

He took out a notebook from his bag and began decoding the structure of the barrier in real-time.

“I’ll also—”

Elysia, a mage from the Straight Sword party, approached the stone gate to start dispelling the barrier when


Hallow stopped her.

“Dorn will handle it, so you don’t need to worry.”


Elysia was a veteran adventurer and a 4-star mage.

In the adventuring world, she was a talent that should be respected, not ignored.

In fact, this was the first time Elysia had been treated this way.

Her expression twisted with humiliation.

Her indignation was palpable.

Looking at Elysia’s reaction, Hallow smiled as if he found her quite adorable and then asked,

“Hey, Dorn! How long do you think it’ll take to dispel the barrier?”

“…About an hour should be sufficient.”

“An hour…!”

Elysia’s previously tense demeanor instantly deflated.

“Only an hour to breach a 5th-grade dungeon…?”

Even Bolton, who had been glaring at Hallow with a sour face until moments ago, muttered in astonishment.

Three hours.

That was considered fast for breaching a 5th-grade dungeon barrier.

But an hour?

Elysia scanned the stone gate up and down.

Without even touching it, she could feel how solid the barrier protecting the gate was.

At the very least, two hours.

That was the conclusion Elysia reached as she grimaced and stepped back purely.

Hallow nodded at Elysia’s action as if he was proud.

“Hmm. Wise. Acting on emotion only leads to discord within the party.”

The patronizing tone clearly looked down upon them, twisting the expressions of Daltasian’s party.

But Hallow didn’t stop there; he continued.

Hallow decided to seize this opportunity to firmly establish his leadership.

To ensure there were no unnecessary actions inside the dungeon that could cause problems.

“Don’t forget that attitude. If you follow us well without forgetting that mindset, you’ll be able to complete the dungeon raid without any trouble and easily earn the reward. Where else can you find such a profitable deal? So, lighten up your faces. Oh, and—”

As Hallow was focused on dampening Daltasian’s spirits, he looked at Ceylon.

“Ceylon, this applies to you too. You don’t need to do anything, absolutely nothing! Any attempt from you to contribute will only complicate the dungeon raid. Will you promise to follow my orders to the letter?”


“Is there a problem?”

“It’s not so much a complaint as a thought that joining forces could make the dungeon raid smoother.”

“No! What you need to do is respect the flow of our party. That’s all that’s needed for a 5th-grade dungeon raid!”

“Then, at the very least, may I offer the information I have about this dungeon?”

“Ceylon. Information is like wild mushrooms. What’s important isn’t the ability to find mushrooms, but the ability to distinguish them. Are you sure the information you have isn’t a poisonous mushroom?”


Ceylon internally screamed in agony.

It felt like he was inserting coins into a vending machine of unsolicited advice rather than having a conversation with a person.



“Could I have a moment?”

Ceylon approached Dorn, who was busy dispelling the barrier at the door, and asked for his place.

What to do.

Dorn looked at Hallow with a troubled expression.

Hallow sighed and shook his head.

“Step aside.”

Young people these days.

‘Can’t be helped.’

Just entered the academy, topped his class, so he must feel like he’s the protagonist of the world.


Better let him have his way.

Let him exhaust his energy now, so he’ll stay put inside the dungeon-

That’s when Hallow was thinking,

[Dispel of Denial]



The stone gate began to move with noise.

Ceylon smiled at Hallow.

“Seems like it wasn’t a poisonous mushroom after all. Care to have a taste?”

Although he had merely used a dispel to break the barrier on the stone gate-

Ceylon acted as if he had used the information he had about the dungeon to unlock it.

If he didn’t take the initiative from Hallow-

It seemed inevitable that one of Daltasian’s party members would either stab him in the back or he would have to do it himself.

‘This dungeon. I’ll take the lead.’

Ceylon decided to insert himself in the middle and lead the dungeon raid.

After all, that had been his plan from the beginning, and it was the best course of action.

He had ‘information’ he had seen and gathered from a ‘strategy post’ before.

Soon, the stone gate fully opened, revealing the interior of the dungeon before them.

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