I Became the Childhood Friend of the Northern Duchess

Chapter 42: A Noisy Morning

Translator : Idris

After the event of that night, Edgar instantly became a celebrity in the castle.

In addition, it was about ten days later that he moved his residence from the out-house in the backyard to the main building of the castle.

Leonel and Enya, who had been together with him for a long time but also a short time, expressed regret at the sudden news.

However, it was not too far away anyway, and Edgar was going to be taught by Sir.Creed in the future, so it didn't matter too much.

After making an appointment to meet in the backyard every morning, Edgar bid goodbye to the two of them.

And a little funny situation occurred in the middle, his two friends reacted completely unexpectedly when they learned that Edgar was from a noble family.

To him, the two added that his behavior was too easy-going and didn't match with the manner of an aristocrat, but Edgar could not hide his bitterness.

Edgar's morning schedule had changed quite a bit since he moved.

Originally, he went straight to the backyard to learn from Creed, but these days, he first went to Ariel's room.

Privately, they are friends, but it is an obligation that has arisen because they have entered the position of nominal attendants (just like Shuri but not entirely a servant).

“Shuri, good morning.”

It was Shuri, her exclusive maid, who greeted Edgar when he arrived at Ariel's room early today.

"Hello. Young Master … Oh no, Mr. Edgar.”

“Are you unfamiliar with the title yet? so do I."

He was originally a man who is a friend of the young lady, but while he is staying here as an attendant, he is definitely in the position of a servant like Shuri.

That's why there was a strict order to change his title——even though it was nothing more than a tirade for an immature princess——maybe it was because Shuri wasn't accustomed to the new title yet, so his old title would pop up from time to time.

Edgar, giggling at her as if he understood her feelings, immediately extended his hand to take the basket from Shuri.

Inside the basket were rows of things Ariel used to groom her body, from combs to perfume.

Originally, it was meant to be in Ariel's room, but when Edgar asked about it, she said it was a nuisance, so she left it to Shuri.

So it became a daily habit to let Shuri bring it every morning when she came to Ariel's room, she says.

“It’s something I have to do, I’m sorry.”

“What is this? Besides, it's better for me to wake her up and do everything she wants.”

He had heard before that every time Shuri went to wake her up in the morning, Ariel rebelled with her doomed fighting spirit.

As a servant, it would be difficult to wake up the sleeping master, but it would be even more difficult for someone like Shuri, who is soft-hearted.

So, this is the trick that Edgar came up with.

Going to wake Ariel himself under the pretext of saying his greetings.

He hasn't tried it yet, but he guesses it would work pretty well.

“Oh, and it looks like Ronan is out in the garden right now. Why don't you go out?”


Suddenly the name of her lover came out of Edgar's mouth, and she hurriedly turned her head out of the window, opening her eyes like a frightened rabbit..

Unfortunately, this place was not a place with a clear view of the garden, so she couldn't check his appearance.

“He is just there, so leave Ariel with me and go out.”

“Ha, but it’s working hours now… … ?”

"There's someone to do the work for you, so what's the worry?"

When Edgar shrugged his shoulders and bobbed his head towards the window indifferently, Shuri, who had noticed, hurriedly bidded him greetings and headed towards the garden with her gun-like strides.

‘It's such good timing .'

Edgar, who was happily watching Shuri's disappearing back, turned around and knocked on the door.

Knock. Knock.

He knocked on the door a couple of times in a slightly louder voice, but there was no answer.

In this case, it's either one or another.

One, she's already awake but deliberately ignoring it, or she's still drifting off to sleep.

Of course, neither of them could stop Edgar.

"Excuse me."

For now, despite the fact that the attendant was not given permission from the master, he spat out his words moderately and strode into the room.

As expected, Ariel was still traveling in her dreamland on her bed.

Her sleep was described as angelic, but in Edgar's eyes the villainous tyrant was seen as resting.

“My lady, the sun is in midheaven. Please wake up.”

“… ammm.”

An attendant who stands crookedly with his hand on one side of his waist and wakes up her master as if to say something.

Even so, Ariel let out a quiet breath and showed no sign of getting out of her slumber.

As Edgar watched this spectacle, veins naturally popped from his forehead.

When she asked to go out together to practice this morning with her own mouth, he can't wait after preparing in advance, yet here, she's not even awake yet.

At this point, he wondered if she even remembered her promise.

“Ariel, wake up. You told me to go with you to morning practice.”

"Yes… Shurii, I still want to sleep… … .”

“Shuri will freeze to death.”

It's only been a few days, but what Edgar has felt while taking over Shuri's morning duties is that his grievances are formidable.

He wonder how many times he has already complained to Shuri every morning, almost about to form a habit out of reflex

He wants to give a good smack at her forehead, but if that really happens, things will get out of control when she wakes up, so such thoughts better remain in his heart.

However, since the meaningless tug-of-war could not continue, Edgar decided to take a special measure.

“It’s okay.”

Edgar, who wrapped Ariel tightly in the blanket as if it were a lump of luggage, lifted her up.

Only then did her eyes, which had been tightly closed, slowly open.

"Yes, Shri… Ee? Huh?"

Ariel, who continued to search for Shuri, quickly looked around, poking her head through the blanket, to see if she was belatedly aware of the situation.

Somehow, her body was in the air and the boy's face came into view, which was not supposed to be seen.

After about three seconds of silence that followed, a sudden scream rang out in the room.


"Oh, it's so noisy. Be quiet."

Edgar frowned at the loud voice that seemed to rip off his eardrums, but whether or not, Ariel's scream continued.

"You, you idiot! What are you doing in this early morning? Are you crazy!? Why are you in a lady's room?…!”

"Now you are saying something that is lady-like. But is it very lady-like to sleep with her mouth open and drooling?"

"What!? You just put me down and you're dead this instant!"

Does that mean he won't die if he doesn't put her down?

Upon hearing a very good hint, Edgar tried to put her in front of the dressing table as it is, but stopped, and stood up again and circled the room holding her just like that.

"You should have woken up when I called you. It's all your karma, karma."

"What karma…! Why are you here in the first place? Where's Shuri? Shuri!!"

Oh, that remark came out.

It was already an expected response, so Edgar smiled slickly and showed a relaxed response.

"I said I would wake you up because she has something else to do. Ain't I so considerate?"

"Don't be ridiculous! You must have told her to go see Roban or Ronan again. Geez, where are you touching?"

Why is she even struggling and telling others to hold her properly?

Why would a pupa surrounded by blankets be pretty in the first place?

"Don't touch any.. woo' Why would I touch your body? Am I a pervert?"

"It's a pervert, then! You came into the room of a grown lady without her permission, Mo, body……!”

"Oh, I can't hold it anymore because it's unfair. Someone would think this is an attack."

Eventually, Edgar, who declared surrender first, put her on the bed and slumped into the chair next to him.

Only then did Ariel, who got out of the blanket roll, surrounded by steam and make a sound.

"What is this, if not, because of you, you idiot! My hair is a mess!"

"It's always been a mess. What a load of crap."

"Well, that may be the case, but… Anyway!"

How normal would a person who just woke up be if his or her head was fine in the first place?

Moreover, Ariel's hair itself was quite long compared to other women, so it was bound to crumble easily.

In the end, Ariel couldn't refute Edgar's words and hit the bed-head angrily.

While watching this, Edgat briefly explained why the recent incident occurred, and rather criticized her.

"Yesterday, you told me to go out with you during morning training. I can't even wait after getting ready, but here you are sleeping so soundly?"

"What, can't you wait a minute? You little creature.'

"I've been waiting for long enough and I'm tired of it so I came in. And what? A little creature?"

In the first place, the time when Shuri comes in to wake Ariel is quite late to say it is morning.

Everyone else in the castle was already about to start their daily routine at this time.

In other words, it is only a situation caused by this idle childish princess. Edgar's answer was that it wasn't his fault.

"Anyway, it's always like this. If you're a little kind, what's the point?"

"Yes, I don't know anyone else, but not you."

"Sissy, so annoying!"

Ariel lied down again with the blanket over her.

Until a while ago, she said her hair was messed up, and the princess seemed to show her inconsistent words and actions in an instant.

"Stop sulking and get up. Don't you have to eat?"

"Hmm, no, my hair is a mess."

"Oh, my."

She's not a 3-year-old kid.

Which family's young miss is that girl who handled the situation very maturely just a few days ago?

In the end, Edgar felt that he had no choice but to surrender again today and patted her on the back.

"I'll fix your hair, so get up."


"Do u think I am like you, aiyahh, who will lie about this kind of thing. Forget it, we don't have time, so get up quickly."

The morning training was delayed further because of her delay.

By now, Sir.Creed must be checking the time, thinking, "Why isn't he coming?"

When he arrived there, he felt that he should apologize first.

"Come on then, do it quickly."

"Is that the attitude when you're asking for a favor?"

"Hmm, if you're late, you'll be the only one scolded by Creed. If you don't want to, then I will just go back to sleep."

Ariel sits in front of the dressing table humming naturally, as she had caught the key point properly.

Edgar's mouth let out a deep sigh, but what can he do? He's in a position where he has to live tightly for the time being.

"Yes, Miss. Then, is there any hairstyle that you want?"

"Do you even know how to do it?"

As Ariel looked up at him suspiciously, Edgar seriously thought about hitting her.

This damn childhood friend seems to have forgotten all her old memories.

"Hey, I tied your hair a few times when we were young. How can I not do this?"

"Did you? I don't remember, hehe."

"So what do you want me to do?"

Ariel, who was worried, said she wanted to try a hairstyle that she usually doesn't do, and asked him to tie it neatly and long backwards and hang it down.

Edgar then brought the comb he had received from Shuri, brushed her hair carefully, and began to groom her hair.

He didn't forget to organize her hair with his fingers once in a while, just in case her hair gets caught in the comb.

"You're so good at this. I want to ask you to do my hair every day from now on."

" I would be crazy if I were to do this everyday. "

"If you become an attendant, you should obey the orders of the lady. Don't you think so?"


“Oh!? Why are you hitting me!”

“Shut up and look in the mirror, girl. Before I hit you one more time.”

In the end, Edgar couldn't hold back his desire, and with the comb he was arranging her hair, he hit the top of her head, and silently continued his duties.

He ponders seriously, perhaps he may have chosen the wrong career path for himself.

“Oh, right. Did you hear?”

“About what?”

Edgar's eyes narrowed at the rising anxiety.

Because when she brought her words out so suddenly, she would always say something explosive.

And it seems that today, too, his expectation was not wrong.

“There is a debutante ball coming up soon. And I decided to go with you.”

“… What?"

She, who has not yet entered the social world, has only one debutante to attend in nearby.

That is her own debutante ball.

In other words, it is a gathering where young ladies who are entering the social world for the first time gather.

It belongs to an event with a great significance, especially for women, to dismiss it as a mere dancing ball.

Thanks to that, when the news is spread that the daughters of prestigious families are holding a debutante ball, other families scramble to get their children to accompany them.

“I didn't even hear about it. When was it decided?”

"Yesterday. Didn't you say you will be by my side during the first initiation ceremony.”

Of course he said that, but he didn't expect this to be decided so quickly.

The other aristocratic families must already be fighting over their heads to push their son into the seat next to her.

If that's the case, no matter how great the grand duchess is, they will always proceed with the story in the direction that is most beneficial to the family.

He's not going to look at this and decide.

Even if he was given the position, he thought it would be decided right before the debutante ball.

“So, prepare your mind in advance. Because it’s Ariel Robeheim’s

(Debut ) monumental initiation ceremony into society.”

“… Yes, how can I beat you?”

Ariel raises the bridge of her nose and praises herself to the point of making the onlookers feel hot.

In the end, Edgar laughed as if he had lost and combed her tidied up hair one last time.

It seems impossible to escape the clutches of this tyrant.😈

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