I Became the Fiancé of a Crazy Heroine

Chapter 29

Glenone immediately understood the meaning behind those words.

Originally, admission to the royal knights required a conference with high-ranking officials, but there was also a way for the king to proceed unilaterally.

However, if the king’s seal was stamped on the admission permit, there was no way to quickly respond because the matter would proceed.

From then on, even high-ranking officials were confused and had to hurriedly go through verification procedures and eventually pass the matter.

“Your Majesty, wouldn’t it be better to discuss this matter with the officials?”

“There is no need for discussion. If he can use sword skills at the age of 19, he is qualified to join the royal knights.”

“Your Majesty is the ruler of this country and oversees the laws and procedures of the palace. Officials will not take this matter lightly unless Your Majesty sets a good example.”

Glenone expressed her intentions clearly and lowered her head.

While the king’s authority and commands were important, a series of procedures had to be followed to maintain dignity.

Of course, officials could not easily defy the king’s orders, but they were indispensable for the operation of the Kingdom of Alain.

Therefore, officials could not be ignored, and the matter had to be passed according to the established procedure.

“Ha… Is the commander of the royal knights trying to teach me?”

“If I have been rude, I apologize. I will accept any punishment, but I hope you have understand from where I’m comming from.”

“Hahaha! Can’t you even take a joke? How can I punish the commander of the royal knights?”

Brandis had expected Glenone to respond that way.

Of course, she was sincere about using the king’s seal, and if the report was true, she would have to proceed with the matter even if officials objected.

“I am deeply sorry.”

“The commander of the royal knights must follow the king’s command.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Glenone bows slowly and takes a solemn posture.

Brandis was a little disappointed with her consistent attitude, but as king, she had to accept it.

If they had met as comrades-in-arms, wouldn’t they have fought side by side on the battlefield?

“You verify the truth of the report. The youngest son of Marquis Laird, what is his name?”

“…His name is Sion Laird.”

“Hmm… Ask Marquis Laird for cooperation and test Sion Laird directly. We just need to know if the report is true.”

“I will follow your great command.”

After straightening her back, Glenone finally left the office.

Though an interesting matter had arisen, it did not mean that her assigned duties had disappeared.

‘There was discussion about enlistment of eldest son and now the youngest one is a candidate as well.’

While the command of other knights and military units was delegated to the Supreme Commander, the Royal Knights were under the direct management of Brandis.

They were the knights who escorted him and protected the royal palace and the direct royal family.

Therefore, the admission of the Royal Knights was practically determined by the will of Brandis and Glenone

‘…was there a case where nobles from the same family joined at the same time?’

Brandis thought she should once again examine past precedents.

Whatever they did, there had to be a history and precedent, legitimacy and justification.

It was the foundation that led the Kingdom of Alain and the countermeasure against the nobles.

‘It’s difficult. It’s too wasteful to give up on one of them.’

The Royal Knights represented the King’s prestige and power.

The kingdom’s military power could only be stable if the Royal Knights were properly equipped.

Even with numerous troops, if the King couldn’t be protected properly, the foundation of the country would be shaken.

‘Would Marquis Laird give both of them up?’

From Marquis Laird’s perspective, he had no regrets if only one of his children joined the Royal Knights.

If you add one more, there will be fewer people who can work for the family.

It was better to have a wider perspective rather than focusing only on one side, which would be more beneficial for the prosperity of the family.

‘If I had to give up one of them…’

Brandis had already met Marquis Laird’s eldest son.

As for the skill. It could be verified through the Royal Knight Commander, but I needed to meet him in person to feel his impression and atmosphere.

Then, why not invite the other one for a conversation?

‘He’s an extraordinary talent. If I raise him well, he could become a Setinos Quasar.’

(TL: In case you forgot, ‘Setinos Quasar’ is another special force under a king with monstrous talents.)

* * *

The Marquis Laird residence, indoor training ground.

If a noble mansion had a considerable scale, it was necessary to have a training ground.

Usually, the training ground was made by utilizing a space in the yard or backyard, and its size differed depending on the family’s wealth.

If someone was even more ambitious, a training ground could be included inside the mansion, which was often used for show-off purposes.

“I can teach you swordsmanship, but you have to fit into my schedule. I can’t always be at the mansion because of you, can I?”

Barchen Laird spoke insensibly, holding a wooden sword.

He had already heard news about his younger brother and his fiancé, and he knew what happened.

Therefore, he couldn’t understand why he was making such a request.

“Yes. I know. Aren’t you also busy, brother?”

Sion tried to adapt to the unfamiliar touch while handling the wooden sword.

He had used a kitchen knife frequently, but he had almost never touched a wooden sword.

Perhaps even as an extra, Sion Laird had not even been interested in training swordsmanship.

“I have a question for you. Why do you want to learn swordsmanship from me?”

“Um… I don’t have anyone around me who I can ask for this kind of thing. And… aren’t you good at using swords.?”

“Is there no other reason?”

“Well… I thought I should become stronger. I’ve been thinking about that.”


Barchen looked at Sion in silence.

The Sion he knew was a sibling who had little presence but never caused any trouble.

He was alone a lot, and treated the maids and servants kindly.

So how did Sion learn to use a sword skills and develop a goal of becoming stronger?

“Has anything happened recently?”

“Hmm? Nothing special. Oh, I was ambushed on the way back, but it wasn’t that bad.”

“Is that so?”

Barchen immediately figured out why Sion wanted to become stronger.

He must have been determined to protect his fiancée after being ambushed by bandits.

Even though it was a strategic marriage, he still had to protect the daughter of the noble family.

“During the time you were here, you didn’t seem to have much mana. When did you awaken your magic power?”

“Oh, that? I awakened it after moving to Duke Adelaira…”

“In such a short time?”

“Yes. It cost me quite a bit of money.”

“How much did you spend?”

“Um… I think it was about 200 gold coins.”

“200 coins? Did you really spend that much?”

The amount of allowance that noble childrens receive every month varies depending on the financial status of their family.

Barons usually receive a fixed amount of silver coins, while counts and viscounts receive one to three gold coins.

No matter how much you receive from a duke or Marquis family, it won’t exceed 10 gold coins.

Even if Sion spent the maximum amount of 10 gold coins, it would still be equivalent to about two years’ worth of allowance.

‘In fact, I spent even more than that…’

Sion didn’t say that out loud.

He spent 150 gold coins to buy the ‘Limpia Macina’, and over 320 gold coins on ‘Demon Gloves’.

Although he was fortunate to get his money back when she bought the holy water, it was originally worth about 100 gold coins.

In fact, it cost a total of 570 gold coins to awaken his mana.

“Well… okay. I guess father allowed it. Then how did you learn the sword skills?”

“That’s a bit hard to explain. It wasn’t intentional…”

“You can’t just call it an accident. That’s your talent.”

Barchen accepted the gap between reality and his expectations.

He had been working hard for a long time to use the sword skills.

But Sion, who had never even held a sword before, was able to implement it in less than a month.

It meant that there was a difference in talent that could not be made up for even with his efforts.

“Brother, please don’t misunderstand. I can only use the sword skills. I have nothing else.”

“Sion, do you know what the sword skills means to a swordsman?”

“…I have heard that it is a source of pride for a swordsman.”

“Learning the sword skills is not the end of it. If you continue to train, you can improve its level, and even as you age, the power of the sword skills does not weaken. That’s why it’s a source of pride for a swordsman.”

Barchen was caught up in his emotions, but he slowly calmed himself and cleared his mind.

It would be a lie to say he wasn’t jealous.

From innate talent, the gap was already too wide, and even effort had become meaningless.

But he couldn’t reveal all of that in front of his younger brother.

“There’s nothing I can teach you. Haven’t you reached a higher level than me?”

“Brother, I have nothing but the sword skills…”

“Even so, nothing will change. How can I teach you when I can’t even use the sword skills?”

Sion swallowed his silence and lowered his head.

She knew well what kind of feelings Barchen had when he spoke like that.

But he had no way to help him.

‘There’s nothing good to know about the magic sword’

No one could use a magic sword unless they were proven qualified.

Rather, because there have been times when many people have caused turmoil over magic swords, they had to keep it secret.

In the case of Exceed Rain, without two immunities, the user as well as everything around would be destroyed.

“…Okay. Please pretend like I never asked. I think I just bothered you for no reason, brother.”

Sion quietly put the sword back where it was and left.

Even if he spoke more here, Barchen’s thoughts would not change.


Barchen looked at Sion, leaving, and slowly turned his head.

It seemed like the passion he had been holding in his heart was shrinking little by little.

He didn’t plan on giving up on swordsmanship, but he thought he needed to control his emotions for a moment.

‘I have a lot to learn.’

Of course, there weren’t many among young swordsmen who had the exceptional talent he had.

Sion was just ahead of him.

To not fall behind Sion, he had to work even harder.

‘Forget about the royal knights… I’ll give up. It’s not time to follow honors now.’

* * *

The Duke Adelaira residence, Sion’s room.

Sion tries to erase yesterday’s events from his mind as he thinks about it.

He wonders if Barchen’s perspective might have caused him to feel self-doubt.

Barchen has been honing his sword skills since he was young, while Sion could only create sword beams using Exceed Rain’s ability.

In other words, he felt like he had denied Barchen’s talent and effort by using Exceed Rain alone.

‘But I couldn’t have not used it.’

If he hadn’t used Exceed Rain in that situation, someone could have been injured or, or worse, killed.

Maybe it could have been him or Hanette. He had no choice in the matter.

‘Now I have to to pay attention even when when I go home…’

He hears a knock on the door, and as it opens, a man in a red uniform enters.

Beyond him, Yenid and maids were watching the scene.

“Are you Sion Laird, the son of Marquis Laird?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“I have come to deliver a letter from the palace.”


Sion belatedly realizes the man’s identity and gives him a curious look.

He is wearing a neatly tailored red uniform, with white threads embroidered on the collar and cuffs, and a silver chain hanging from his shoulder.

He was a messenger sent directly from the palace.

Sion bows his head politely and accepts the letter, suspecting vaguely what it might contain.

It was likely that they had discovered that he had used his sword skills and were taking measures accordingly.

‘Are they trying to recruit me into the royal knights? But my brother Barchen needs to join in order to marry the third princess…’

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