I Became the Final Subjugation Target of That Era’s Light Novel

Chapter 337

What was the food I liked in my previous life?

The memories that started to become clear after entering this body mostly began around the age of three, so I’ve been living in this world for just a little over three years now.

Of course, I existed in this world as a newborn, but I hardly remember anything from those days.

Three years.

If you say it’s long, then it is indeed a long time. If we define “doing something” in life, then it’s a period that could be considered relatively long.

Whether studying, drawing, or exercising, even if I can’t call myself an expert, I have enough confidence to say I can do those things to some extent.

In the military, that would be enough time to serve twice, and in the job market, there would hardly be anyone still calling me a newcomer. If I started dating in my late twenties, I might even start seriously thinking about marriage.

However, looking at my whole life, it wouldn’t be strange to say it’s short. Once I adapt to working, the real period begins.

Middle school and high school also seemed like a long time while I was attending, but in retrospect, it was relatively short compared to everything I did in that life. Perhaps that’s why it can remain in memory.

So, yeah.

What did I like?

What did I like in my previous life?

That memory is a bit fuzzy. I thought that most of my memories after becoming an adult remained intact in my mind, yet surprisingly, many memories after losing everything are quite blurry.

So, maybe that’s how it is.

I was just living the same mundane life, leaving myself alone in my room day after day. I didn’t really want to die; I just chewed on various things, went to work, and returned to sleep. If I didn’t get too tired, I would dream of the moment I lost my family, and I wanted to avoid that at all costs, working until I collapsed.

“How is it, Koto Ne?”

Being in the first grade of elementary school might still be considered young, but I’m honestly not sure if I can still be held in my parent’s arms.

I don’t even know if it’s proper to eat a lunchbox while being held by Kagami.

But for some reason, I wanted to do just that.

Because I had no family left to embrace me.

Things I couldn’t do because I was embarrassed or shy became things I could no longer do after everything suddenly left my side one day. I can’t feel my family anymore by going to the grave and talking or hugging them—there’s no response.

“It’s delicious.”

I replied while grabbing a piece of tonkatsu.

Yeah. I used to love tonkatsu. Especially as a child. I didn’t eat it super often after becoming an adult, but I still liked it.

Mom would occasionally make tonkatsu at home. I don’t really remember if it tasted better than what I bought outside, but I definitely enjoyed it as a child.

Coated in egg wash and then dredged in breadcrumbs before being fried in a pan. I remember the texture more than the taste. Cold, soft, a bit damp, yet for some reason, it didn’t feel bad, the uncooked tonkatsu.

Of course, it tastes different. But isn’t ‘childhood’ also something I’m experiencing now? I can’t simply forget those memories.

I don’t think I particularly liked cherry tomatoes. But I would eat them if they were in my lunchbox or given by Mom. As a child, I had a big appetite, so I shoved anything next to me into my mouth.

Hmm, thinking back, it wasn’t that I didn’t really like them, but rather I never hated them either. There were times when I craved foods I didn’t particularly like. Cherry tomatoes were one of those for me.

The rolled omelet is completely different from what I remember. Kagami made a Japanese-style rolled omelet piled with sugar.

It was different from the typical salted rolled omelet I had at home, which looked like a thinly rolled layer.


This is my new life’s memory.

I can’t determine if it’s divine play that I was born into this world with clear memories of my previous life or just a coincidence, or if I’m merely imagining it because I’ve gone crazy.

But whatever the memories of my previous life hold, I am spending my childhood in this world, creating new memories one by one.

While popping a bright yellow rolled omelet into my mouth, a pleasant breeze blew, tossing my hair about.

Kagami gently brushed my long hair every morning.

It might not have been the same as being brushed with a comb in the morning, but Kagami was still slowly sweeping my hair aside with her hand.

It all felt so natural that I simply accepted that gentle touch without a word.

After sharing side dishes from Harumi and Yuuki’s lunchboxes, I fed one to Kagami as well. Although Kagami’s eyes were still slightly red from crying, she looked surprisingly happy.

“Mom, Mom.”

I suddenly thought of something and lifted the camera beside Kagami.

I stretched both arms out as far as they could go away from us, but unfortunately, my arms were a bit short. I was still growing, after all.

As if understanding what I was thinking, Kagami took the camera and held it further away.

Pointing the lens at us appropriately so our faces would show, she said, “I’m going to take a picture.”

The weather was clear without a cloud in sight.

Surely, the photo will turn out well.


I cheered throughout the afternoon until my throat was hoarse and danced with all my might.

During the tug of war, I, along with Harumi and Yuuki, ran in and pulled the rope with all our strength.

After passionately pouring my energy into the sports festival just like the other kids—

“Koto Ne, are you tired?”

Indeed, I was.

By the end of the sports festival, I felt worn out.

For the sake of getting a nice shot on Kagami’s camera—



Looking back, I realized it was just that I was having fun.

The mere fact that Kagami was over there watching me made me happy. Knowing my movements were being observed by Kagami, my mom.

I had friends by my side, and Kagami’s friend’s family was also nearby.

I felt like our family could blend in seamlessly without being noticed anymore.

As time goes by, things will likely only become more so. Even the slight awkwardness I feel will disappear, and Kagami will slowly become more natural as a mom.


I felt a little guilty about that.

Yet, Kagami would probably just be sad knowing that I was having such thoughts.

“Koto Ne, Koto Ne.”

Kagami, who walked holding my hand, said with a slight smile, “Do you want me to carry you?”


I blinked, looking up at Kagami.

If it was during my kindergarten years, I might have gotten on her back without a second thought, since I was small back then. Of course, being a child, I still had some weight to me.

But now I’m in elementary school.

No matter how tall Kagami is, wouldn’t it feel a little heavy for me to be on her back?

“Hehe, then, shall I carry my daughter for the first time in a while?”

Kagami said that while squatting down before me.

With her palms facing inward, she looked at me not with a displeased expression, but rather with excitement.


I raised my head to estimate how far we had left to walk to our home.

It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to walk from school to home.

I’ve already walked halfway, expecting a little from Kagami.

So, thinking of Kagami’s stamina, it’s not impossible.

But still, Kagami has to work the day after tomorrow.

“Koto Ne.”

Kagami gently called my name.

I hesitated a bit, but ultimately accepted her suggestion.

I slowly approached her and leaned against her back.

Kagami’s back was warm.

It felt narrower than when I was little.

Even if there’s a big height difference, I wonder if a day will come when I can carry Kagami like this.

Kagami supported me underneath my thighs. I wrapped my arms around Kagami’s front, clinging tightly from behind.

As Kagami stood up, my view rose significantly.

“Koto Ne, you should eat a little more rice.”

Kagami said.

“You keep leaving some behind every day.”

I grumbled for no particular reason, and Kagami chuckled at my voice.

“Then should I increase the portion of rice? It seems Koto Ne may need to gain a little weight.”

“…… If you give me too much, I won’t be able to eat it all.”

“Hmm, is that so? Then I’ll have to think a little more about it. I don’t want Koto Ne to develop bad habits.”

I leaned my cheek against Kagami’s neck.

The slight sway felt soft, like I was on a swing, and I began to doze off.

In just a few minutes of walking a distance, I ended up falling asleep just like that.

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