I Became the Final Subjugation Target of That Era’s Light Novel

Chapter 49

But hey, I’ve been walking around a bit, so I’m feeling a little better.

Actually, I’ve been wandering around for quite a while before meeting Miura and the gang, but maybe it’s because I’ve built up some stamina lately, so I don’t feel particularly tired. Or maybe I was just ambling around leisurely without a clear purpose.

This way, this way!

Fukuda said, leading the way.

We were headed to Roppongi. Whether the kids were being considerate in their own way or just wanted to hang out together, we ended up walking quite a distance.

Roppongi, huh?

No matter how clueless I am about the geography outside of Seoul, I’ve lived here for a few months, so I know what Roppongi is like.

It’s known for being a ridiculously expensive area within the already pricey Minato Ward of Tokyo.

Plus, it’s close to Tokyo Tower.

As we wandered around, Tokyo Tower would often peek out between buildings. Its unique shape and red color made it all the more noticeable.

Just walking around aimlessly, it seemed like an area filled with tall buildings, but following behind the three kids who seemed to know the area well, we came across shopping malls and small clothing stores… Anyway, it was a little fascinating.

What did I do in 2004? I don’t think I wandered around clothing stores like this. Usually, I went to bookshops with my friends.

Looking at it this way, it seems like I’ll never have a day where I talk about anime or games with these kids.

This was fun in its own right though.

Fukuda started holding up various clothes against my body and pushed me to try some on.

So, I went in, changed, and when I came out, Fukuda, Miura, and Yamashita nodded or shook their heads at me.

Then they began setting aside clothes as if categorizing them while still holding onto some.

“Kotone-chan, let’s go with this one.”

After looking at the last outfit I tried on, Fukuda nodded with satisfaction and said.

“…A dress.”

What I was wearing was a white dress. The skirt was a bit shorter than my usual sailor uniform, and the sleeves were almost sleeveless. At least it wasn’t one of those that opened at the front?

“What’s wrong with that? It’s cute.”

When I mumbled that, Fukuda smiled and pushed my back.

“Yamashita paid for it, so there’s nothing to worry about.”


I flinched at the sudden sound, but it was just Fukuda cutting the price tag off the back of my dress with scissors.

“And here,”

Fukuda unpinned a little ribbon that was dangling from my hair, gathered my hair together neatly, and styled it properly.

She even swept aside the bangs that had fallen over my face.

“How’s this?”

Fukuda, pulling me to stand in front of the full-length mirror, asked.


What should I say?

It felt like my appearance was a gloomy character’s limited-gacha version. While they managed to make me look better than usual, the pale skin and dark circles under my eyes still didn’t disappear.

“It’s cute, Kurosawa.”

Miura said beside me with a satisfied smile.

Yamashita stood by, hands in pockets, silently staring at me.

…Today’s sudden pampering session makes me think I might be onto something. Perhaps Yamashita is paying back the favor from last time.

Come to think of it, the money Yamashita had given me before was hardly used. There just wasn’t an opportunity. Yamashita had only stayed at our house for a few days, and the meals we had were mostly not overly expensive.

So maybe they feel obligated?


“…It’s nothing much.”

When I said that to Yamashita, he slightly averted his gaze as he replied.

Yamashita didn’t just give me one dress; I had a shopping bag in hand, too.

Maybe he thought I might refuse, but all the price tags were removed from the clothes.

So I don’t really know how much they cost.

It wasn’t exactly a luxury brand shop, but from the giant price tags I caught a glimpse of during the shopping process, they didn’t seem like clothes you could find at Uniqlo or anything.

…Well, I decided not to refuse it. There’s no point in declining now, as it would just make the clothes go to waste.

Wandering around leisurely while sightseeing, before I knew it, I had a crepe or cream puffs… some kind of snack in my hand.

It wasn’t just Yamashita who treated me. After seeing me munch snacks whenever something was handed to me, Miura and Fukuda kept offering me food.

Thanks to that, my stomach was already full by the time we entered the cafe, and I ordered only a cup of coffee without any dessert.

“So, Kotone-chan, do you have any plans for summer vacation?”

At Fukuda’s words, Miura and Yamashita exchanged tense glances for a moment.

But Fukuda, with no change in expression, turned to me, focusing intently while sipping a drink with a ridiculously complicated name.

Since Fukuda had just seen Kagami, it didn’t seem like she was overly concerned.

…Well, since going out could mean going with friends rather than family.

“Not yet.”

I replied, trying to neutralize the sweet taste in my mouth from the various desserts I had eaten with the bitterness of the coffee.

“Hmm, is that so? So you don’t have any special plans?”

“…I’ll be working part-time from Thursday to Sunday.”


After considering my reply, Fukuda said.

“Now this is a bit awkward to say, but it seems my dad really likes your… mom.”

I almost sprayed coffee everywhere.

Miura and Yamashita wore similar expressions of surprise.

“Not that I’ll ever become sisters with you or anything.”

Fukuda’s remark relieved me a bit.

“…I don’t think that’s a very good idea.”

Miura and Yamashita looked at me with a somewhat complicated expression.

Everyone here knew that my relationship with ‘mother’ Kagami wasn’t the best.

“See, right? Trying to score points with his daughter to go out and have fun is pretty foolish, right?”


I couldn’t directly call it foolish, so I just kept my lips zipped.

Fukuda nodded.

“I’ll be sure to pass that message to my dad.”

“Please do.”

Miura and Yamashita seemed relieved by our little conversation.

“Oh, right.”

As soon as our somewhat serious chat ended, Miura quickly interjected.

“Kurosawa, do you happen to be free on the 29th? But, uh, that’s a Thursday.”

Before I could reply, Miura’s expression suddenly faded.

“Why the 29th?”

“Adachi Fireworks Festival.”

Yamashita answered when I asked about it.

What’s that? Is it similar to the Yeouido Fireworks?

“On that day, the three of us made plans to go together.”

Miura added onto Yamashita’s statement.

I looked closely at Miura’s face again.

She really seemed to want me to join them. If that’s the case, isn’t it only polite to show some effort in reciprocation?

“…I’ll ask the boss about it.”


Miura’s face brightened up with a big smile.

“I hope you get permission.”

That’d be nice.

Fireworks, huh. I haven’t seen them since a family outing when I was really little.

Maybe it’s an opportunity to go this time.

We parted ways before dinner.

It seemed everyone had family commitments. Though Miura acted a bit apologetic while saying it, I wasn’t too concerned.

As long as families are harmonious, that’s what matters, right?

Holding a shopping bag in one hand, I took the train to the station, and after another 30-minute walk home, my body was covered in sweat.

Of course, my new clothes that I had just bought were covered in it too.

As soon as I got home, I washed up, changed into comfortable clothes, and promptly washed the new ones.

Then I hung them out to dry.

I should just let these sit. No point in messing around with them and risking stains.


If possible, it would be nice to wear them when we gather together on the 29th. With my hair neatly tied up too.

I thought that as I spread out my blanket and lay down.

Tonight, I feel like I can fall into a deeper sleep than usual.

“…Even during the break, if anything comes up, please be sure to contact me.”

After the closing ceremony, Suzuki-sensei called me into the teacher’s office and said with a serious expression.

I nodded.

I probably wouldn’t contact her even if something came up, but I’m sure there’s nothing for Suzuki-sensei to worry about.

Even if something happens, I’ll heal quickly, and as for Kagami, it’s not that she genuinely abuses me; she’s just acting.

Seeing my expressions, Suzuki-sensei probably thought I was truly okay, as she smiled gently.

I bowed slightly in response and exited the teacher’s office, heading towards the clubroom.


Then I spotted some bread left lying in the hallway.

No, it wasn’t just left there. The bread was properly wrapped. But it was snagged on a fishing line, making it easy to see.

The contents were, as I had initially encountered, croquettes.

Speaking of which, I’ve gotten quite a lot from this person.

I felt like I was about to smile as I climbed the stairs and reached for the bread.


The bread was tugged away to the side.

Seriously, does this person aim to avoid capture on the last day?

When I charged at the bread again, it swiftly dodged to the side again.


This time I tried to quickly stomp on the fishing line to catch it, but once again, the croquette avoided my foot, and I felt like my temper was boiling over.

After a few rounds of this cat-and-mouse,


I finally ended up snagging the croquette in front of the photography club, and Kaneko wrapped me up in a hug.

“…It’s hot.”

“Uh-huh. But if we part today, we won’t see each other for a while, right?”

Because of that reasoning, I was dragged into the literature club room, still stuck in Kaneko’s embrace.

“…Why are you tormenting that kid?”

Ikeda glared at Kaneko, who had brought me in.

“Just trying to memorize my underclassman with a hands-on approach.”

Kaneko released me and plopped down next to Ikeda.

“What kind of pervert talk is that…?”

Ikeda said in disbelief, placing a book on her lap. It was quite thick, though I had no idea what it was. It didn’t seem like a mystery novel she usually read.

“Besides, as of the second semester, we’ll see each other again anyway, right?”

“Izumi, club activities are meant to be student-led. If you want, you can switch to another club. I hardly did anything while sitting around in my first semester, so it would be no problem if I decided to quit or move to another club in the second semester, right?”

Upon hearing Kaneko’s comment, Ikeda’s eyes flickered.

And with an anxious expression, Ikeda turned to me and asked.

“Really? Is that how it works?”


I said firmly.

Of course, I had no intention of quitting. Honestly, it’s the only place where I can sit and do nothing, and there’s a lot of food too.

If someone were to be a bully or make a scene, I’d naturally quit, but everyone who comes into this club is a nice person. There’s no better place to spend time before heading home after school.


Ikeda’s expression brightened up immediately.

I honestly couldn’t believe she was the older one, only a year ahead of me. Were they even a few months apart, at most?

Watching her like that, I reached out and grabbed a dorayaki.

“Hey, so how about this? Since Izumi gets lonely easily, we’ll hang out with her.”

“Who gets lonely?!”

The one who’s seen someone die from loneliness and despair shouldn’t say that.

Well, they won’t understand, I suppose.

“How about a summer training camp in August? Club retreat, how’s that sound?”

Ikeda, about to retort, closed her mouth upon hearing Kaneko’s suggestion.

Are you looking forward to it? It was just a thought that slipped out.

“Where would that be?”

“No need to worry about the location. If I ask my grandmother, she’ll probably let us stay over. Izumi’s already met her several times.”

Is that so?

Hmm, usually, if someone invites you to stay over at their grandmother’s house, you’d want to politely decline, right?

But Kaneko’s eyes sparkled as she looked at me, so I hesitated for a moment when the literature club door suddenly creaked open.

The person who entered was Yuuki.

“Oh, Yu-chan!”

“Hello there.”

Kaneko waved her hand to greet him, which Yuuki responded to lightly. Initially surprised by her calling him that, he seemed to have fully adjusted by now.

“What were you guys talking about?”

“About the literature club’s summer camp.”

“Is there a summer camp for the literature club?”

“No, we just made it up. Do you have time?”


Yuuki frowned slightly and seemed to think about it.

In the original light novel [Tokyo Slayers], volume one details the murder case, the encounters between Yuuki and Sasaki, and descriptions of Sasaki’s abilities. Volume two covers the summer vacation episodes.

It contains an episode where Sasaki and the heroines go to the summer sea, but conveniently enough, a typhoon suddenly appears, trapping the three, and it ultimately turns out to be the work of Yōkai, with Sasaki and Yuuki having to solve it.

The Yōkai is Raijuu, the thunder beast. Just like its name, it controls lightning.

The exact date isn’t clear, but it seems to be set in early to mid-August.


Wait a minute.

What do I do now? Yuuki’s no longer part of Sasaki’s group.

Are they going to invite me? To Shii?

Should I just ask Shii later?

“…If I have time, I might go, but I’d appreciate it if you let me know a few days before departure.”

“Eh!? You don’t have any travel plans?”

“…No travel plans.”

That’s right. Yuuki probably suggested it because there’s a chance he might be called to hunt Yōkai after receiving some task.

There are people out there who play roles similar to Yuuki according to regions, so it seems he hardly travels outside of Tokyo, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t busy either.

By looking at Yuuki as he glanced my way, it seemed quite certain.

“All right, then I’ll think about it and adjust accordingly.”

At Kaneko’s words, Ikeda looked somewhat excited as if she couldn’t quite express it in words.

…I just hope nothing happens to ruin that excitement.

“So, we probably won’t see each other at school for a while. Is it okay if I stop by for a visit?”

Just before we parted ways at the station, Yuuki asked.

I nodded.

“Can I drop by too?”

“You’re always welcome.”

Yuuki, momentarily startled by my question, quickly smiled and replied.

I nodded again.

Isn’t it strange?

Going back and forth to school was unbearably tedious, but now, as I think about not going for a while, it feels oddly disappointing.

After sharing a brief gaze, we waved our hands at each other simultaneously.

Then I turned around and headed home.

…After that, things went surprisingly smoothly.

The next day, when I asked my boss if I could take a day off on the 29th, since I had plans,

The 29th? Oh, that day is also a holiday for us. All the other kids said they want to take the day off to go see the fireworks with their boyfriends.”*

The boss said this with an incredibly dull expression. Even Shii reportedly said she’d go with her older brother.

When I looked at Shii, our severely bro-con younger sister’s face turned bright red.

“Just go have fun with your boyfriend. It’s youth after all.”

I wasn’t really her boyfriend, but I didn’t want to go through the trouble of explaining. The boss didn’t really seem interested in hearing it anyway. It was the kind of look that said ‘Ah, youth!’

…Speaking of which, I have a feeling Sasaki will be accompanied by women once again.

I never understood why people disliked harem protagonists, but seeing it like this, I did find it somewhat annoying. So that’s it. It felt like an outsider watching an insider.

How is it that the harem protagonist lives in a sleek mansion with a little sister who adores him while walking with two infatuated cute girls on either side?

Seriously, that’s absurd.

“Is he really your boyfriend?”

Shii asked me without waiting for a denial, and I shook my head.

“Just friends. They’re all girls.”


Shii nodded with a somewhat relieved expression.

But she had a look that felt somewhat ‘of course it is,’ which struck a chord in me.

But what can I do?

I definitely won’t date a guy.

“You might run into them there, you know?”

Won’t there be a lot of people?

I briefly pondered that point, but there’s certainly a possibility that it could happen. I nodded.

If I meet them… If Sasaki is flanked by heroines and Shii is there too…

Then Miura and her group will likely have a very negative impression of Sasaki.

For the sake of Sasaki’s reputation, I hope we don’t run into them at all.

The first week of the vacation rolled by without much incident.

I spent Monday and Tuesday cooped up at home, resting a lot, which felt pretty nice. Playing through RPG series on the console was enjoyable. It seems if you work for a long time, you start wanting to hole up at home.

After lazing around like this, around Tuesday evening, I received a call from Yuuki.

Could it be he’s calling to see if I would come over tomorrow?

I picked up the phone without much thought, but—


Yuuki’s voice over the line was serious.

“I received a request, and I was wondering if you could help out a bit?”


Upon hearing that voice, I immediately sat up and replied.

“How can I help out?”

Maybe I answered too quickly, as Yuuki seemed to hesitate even more.

“I was hoping you could help track down something.”

I think I understand why Yuuki called me.

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