I Became the Final Subjugation Target of That Era’s Light Novel

Chapter 58

As soon as I opened my eyes in the morning, the thought that came to mind was that I couldn’t continue living like this here.

Putting aside the escape and all that jazz, wouldn’t it be a bit too much of a nuisance to just impose myself at a friend’s house?

Especially since I was scared of something.

Let’s think this over again.

It’s just a severed nose after all, right? Sure, it looks somewhat human-like, but I’ve already seen such things up close with my own knife.

Cutting off a nose should be no biggie.

It’s just… what is it again?

It just looks really creepy because a part of that human body is so large…


But thinking it over again, it seems like that’s not the issue either.

Because… it could be crawling around next to me while I’m sleeping, right?

The reason I fear cockroaches isn’t because I’m scared they’ll eat me from the inside out. It’s because that creepy thing might crawl up my body and get into my mouth.

If I truly believed that person would never coexist with me, wouldn’t steal my food, and would run far away without ever appearing in my eyes, it might be bearable. There are all sorts of tiny bugs living in the seawater that aren’t visible and life goes on, right?

“Should I do a purification ritual or something?”

Yuuki asked with a smile.

I woke up early in the morning.

Even though I said I wouldn’t be going to school this morning, the habits I had formed over a semester wouldn’t easily change. Sometimes I would wake up a few minutes before the alarm went off and get a bit irritated and amused, all at once.

Well, even so, life here is a lot more relaxed than before I woke up here.

Yuuki, who was making such a suggestion, looked like he couldn’t even imagine there would be any great danger.

That makes sense. To Yuuki, a ghost would seem a lot safer than a yōkai. Although, if there were a yōkai using the ghost for its benefit, that would definitely be a problem.

“… Nah. I’m fine.”

It’s not even a ghost to begin with.

Maybe what Yuuki felt wasn’t a spirit or a ghost, but rather, the numerous living things existing just beyond that door.

“If you’re really scared, having a pet might help.”

Yuuki’s words made me blink a few times.

“A pet?”

“Yeah. You know, like a cat or a dog. Surprisingly, ghosts tend to fear animals. A person living alone might be haunted by spirits, but hardly ever do those who keep dogs or cats get haunted, right?”


In my previous life, I would’ve rebutted that the “haunted state” is a symptom of mental illness, and having pets could stabilize one’s emotion, saying that having pets would prevent such occurrences.

The most distressing times during visits from social services were when you encountered an old man who believed only his thoughts and didn’t trust hospitals, or parents who believed in pseudoscience. They would inevitably try to send someone to the hospital, while the victim would refuse out of sheer headache.

In fact, people with mental health issues might sometimes benefit from pets, but conversely, there are people who hoard animals due to mental illness. So, it wouldn’t be accurate to say it’s definitive.

“Ah… sorry, it’s just…”

Seeing me without a reply made Yuuki’s face slowly turn pale.

Does he think I can’t afford to take care of an animal?

… Sure, raising an animal would require a visit to the vet for vaccinations, and maybe even surgeries if needed, so I really can’t say it’s easy. Animal hospitals are notoriously expensive.

And dogs and cats tend to cost more than you’d think. Unless you happen to find someone giving them away for free, you’d be spending a pretty penny. Moreover, if it’s a purebred, the price won’t be something you’d easily think to just take.

“Nah, it’s okay. I’ll surely manage.”

I quickly said to Yuuki.

Well, at least I didn’t have to worry about the cost of the cat itself.

I already knew one.


For now, I stayed at Yuuki’s place until Sunday.

Whether to call it fortunate or unfortunate, Yuuki seemed a bit disappointed seeing me just eat breakfast and go to work, so I cleverly rode on his sympathy to swing by again right after finishing work on Sunday evening.

Monday was a full day off, so I ended up having quite a fun time with Yuuki. We chattered late into the night and even watched movies on the TV in his room together.

As always happens with close friends, we didn’t do much, but time passed quickly.

Still, to keep at least a bit of my conscience, I brought a few snacks when heading to Yuuki’s on Sunday. He looked pleased. That’s what matters.

I’d make sure to pay him back later. Not sure how yet, though.

And then on Monday, I left Yuuki’s house and headed straight towards Minato Ward.

I first looked for a nearby pet shop and bought a cage.

Thinking it might be a hassle to carry everything at once, I planned to bring Kuro home first and then buy all the supplies later today.


As I called out her name and opened a can of tuna, Kuro showed up at the sound.

Kuro, who had been slowly approaching from afar, meowed, “Nyaa?”

As I crouched down holding the cage in front of her, Kuro looked up at me with a clearly wary expression.

Had there been a person before trying to catch her?

Well, if it’s a stray dog I can understand, but there don’t seem to be that many people rescuing cats on purpose.

Of course, on sites like YouTube, many people share videos of rescuing cats and cleaning them up, but in general animal rescue programs, it’s mostly dogs being rescued.

Stray cats seem to be included in the urban ecological system.

Well, dogs can turn wild and bite humans, while cats generally avoid people.

… Just like that nose.

Objectively speaking, it might be better to rescue a dog.

Last time, when I fought that grotesque thing resembling a dog, I felt primal fear. Being its offspring, I might be even more afraid of dogs than cats.

However, there were two obstacles to owning a dog. First, I’d have to go find one to adopt, and second, I’m also scared of dogs.

I might get used to it over time, but dogs also have many needs to take care of. They need to be walked and are far more affectionate towards people than cats.

Anyway, for various reasons, having a dog wasn’t fitting for me right now.

I took the can of tuna I had prepared earlier out of my bag, dished it onto a plate, and placed it deep inside the cage.

And I stared at Kuro.

Kuro looked back at me as well.



Did she realize I was trying to catch her?

What to do? Should I just grab her and put her in?

Just as I was pondering this, Kuro began to move.

With a look of having decided to give in or something, she leisurely wandered into the cage and started munching the tuna on the plate.

… I felt like I was being disregarded, but what could I do?

For now, I could say she had accepted it, right?

I slowly rose and carefully walked away. Thinking about it, putting a plate with a dip in the bottom inside a cage wasn’t a very good idea. I should have just gotten a bowl too.

Carefully making sure the cage didn’t shake, I turned to leave.

Surprisingly, Kuro stayed quietly inside the cage. Was it because she knew I was taking her home?

I hope she behaves well at home.

… No, better yet, I’d prefer she’d run around. That way, that creeping nose would feel a bit scared.


Arriving home, I cautiously opened the door and suddenly remembered something, deliberately slamming the door open.

That’s right.

Last time, I moved too quietly that the nose noticed me too late.

If I make some noise first and give it a chance to escape, wouldn’t that help me avoid meeting it at all?


Of course, Kuro inside the cage wasn’t too fond of that.

After finishing all the tuna, she might have been napping, but the figure of Kuro through the cage entrance had her fur standing upright.


I apologized and slowly stepped inside, closing the door behind me.


I carefully surveyed the room. Peeking my head around the open door, I didn’t find any signs of anything entering. Naturally, no chance of crossing paths with that massive nose on the wall either.

Not that it had eyes, but in a way, it could be thought of as having its nostrils as eyes.

I cautiously set down the cage.

As I opened the door slowly, Kuro crawled out from inside.

Maybe a little tense about encountering a new place, she lowered her upper body and surveyed her surroundings.

But soon enough, just like when I first met her, she figured out there wasn’t any threat in this room and swiftly dashed over to the blanket spread out on the floor.

There she curled up and lay down.


Isn’t she a little spoiled?

I scratched my head and straightened up again.

“I’ll be right back.”

Kuro looked up at me without responding and tucked her head back down.

Looks like she found her spot.

I hesitated and backed out of the room.

… Now what should I buy first?

Well, guess I’ll just ask the staff about everything. If I’m missing anything, I can always get it again tomorrow.


After purchasing various things and struggling to carry them back to the room, it was around four in the afternoon.

Even though I hadn’t bought everything yet. I later realized that I still hadn’t gotten a cat tower.

I hurried to check for parasites at the vets, was shocked by the receipt, tremblingly paid the medical fees, and after returning home and setting up all the supplies, the time had already shot past six.

I was extremely tired. I had a hearty breakfast at Yuuki’s, so I wasn’t too hungry at this point. But still, I didn’t want to die of starvation on the news, so I filled up Kuro’s food and water bowls before making myself cup noodles.

I had spent quite a bit. Today was likely the most I had spent since coming over to this side, aside from when I bought my school uniform.

Then, I took Kuro and dragged her into the bathroom.

I scrubbed her down with cat shampoo. Even though they said there were no parasites, it’s better to be hygienic while she roamed around my room.

She scratched my arm a few times, but I didn’t mind. After a few hours, such wounds would heal cleanly.

After fully drying her fur with a hairdryer, when I let her out, Kuro dashed to the corner, puffed up, and hissed at me.


I decided to ignore that. I was too tired to engage in a power struggle.

I turned on the fan and crawled under the blanket, lying on my side.

I planned to watch TV before going to bed.

I probably wouldn’t be falling asleep immediately anyway. If that nose made its noise again, I’d be trembling in fear.

Pretending to relax yet still feeling tense, I suddenly felt something at my abdomen.

Looking down, I noticed Kuro was digging into the blanket.

“… Won’t you suffocate in there?”

Though I asked, Kuro had no way to respond.

I pulled back the blanket.

Kuro lay curled up right in front of my stomach.


I stared at that scene for a while.

… It’s comforting.

Somehow, not being alone in the room made it less scary.

Moreover, she’s a creature who’ll be living here from now on.

I reached out and gently stroked Kuro’s fur. The warmth and fluffiness unique to cats eased my mind quite a bit.

“Make sure to tell me if anything happens, okay?”

Even as I said that, Kuro didn’t reply. Maybe she had dozed off.

Well, at least it seemed like I’d be able to sleep well tonight.


… Or so I thought.


Kuro’s hissing sound startled me awake.


As I asked, Kuro’s gaze was fixed aimlessly at the ceiling.

The light streaming in from the window reflected in her eyes, making them glisten.

I didn’t hear any sniffing sounds, but it appeared Kuro must have sensed something moving above her nose.

I looked at the ceiling and then back at Kuro.

Her face slowly shifted, as if tracking something moving above.

Please don’t tell me she’s seeing a ghost.

I bolted upright and turned on the lights in the room.

Then I carefully looked up towards the ceiling.

Last time, that nose had slithered away with a terrifying agility that was unimaginable for its appearance.

What would the ceiling in my room be like?

It wasn’t in that room at the end of the hall, but I couldn’t find any gaps in my ceiling. In fact, it’s not like the hole in the boy’s room was big, but I couldn’t see any openings in my room either. I couldn’t reach it to check thoroughly.

I made my way to the kitchen.

And took out the filleting knife I had bought before. Also holding the flashlight I had acquired from the previous encounter with the Kudan, I was more equipped this time.

To be honest, I hadn’t bought the filleting knife for cooking. I mean, what would I even cook? I didn’t plan on preparing sashimi.

However, I had considered that if I were to cut my wrists with a sharp knife, it might hurt a little less.

Saying it like that, I really do sound like I want to commit suicide. I’ll need to pretend to be cooking sashimi in front of Yuuki; otherwise, he’d be incredibly worried.

I hid the knife behind my back and opened the front door, sticking my head outside cautiously.

I looked left and right, but there was no one in the hallway. Obviously. It was now past two in the morning.

I had already verified the structure of the apartment. It’s a two-story building with four rooms on each floor, and above it, there was a roof. I’m not entirely sure if it’s slate or what, but it’s slanted to ensure rain drains off well.

So it’s possible for some small creature to reside inside that space.

However, there was no way to get to my room from the roof. There wasn’t a door leading to the ceiling or anything like that.

The same went for the other rooms I had checked.

But still, I knew there was a small gap at the end of the hallway.

At the very end of the second-floor hallway, there is a narrow space just wide enough for one person to slide through, leading to a “turn back” space.

And above that, there was a small door allowing a view of the inside of the roof. Although it’s a cheap apartment not soundproofed, it seems they made arrangements so that the interior structure could somehow be checked. It looked kind of like a loft with a ladder leading down.

Although it wasn’t truly intended to be used as an attic.

I made my way there, slowly climbing the narrow stairs, and carefully opened that “attic door.” It opened with a sense of unnecessary simplicity.

There was no immediate foul smell coming from within.

Well, if there was a piece of meat rotting in there, my room would’ve been a total mess by now.

I turned on the flashlight and carefully illuminated the interior.



My body stiffened.

Inside, a large mass was wriggling.

It was probably that nose I had seen.

I cautiously took another step up the stairs. Honestly, I didn’t want to get too close.

But, just like cockroaches, I couldn’t relax until I had either gotten it out of my house or stomped it down the toilet.

As I carefully climbed up, barely balanced—


I heard that sound underfoot and froze.

Looking down, the ceiling sagged precariously.


I looked up again.

The mass that had seemed like flesh was now on my side, revealing two openings.

Illuminated by the white beam of the flashlight, that figure looked truly grotesque. While it had looked somewhat human-colored just previously, under the white light, its skin appeared horrendously white and pale.

And… it was unexpectedly close.

Just like Kuro had followed what was moving overhead.

I was in Room 202. A man resided in Room 201. Of course, to the side are Rooms 203 and 204.

It seemed I was right under Room 204’s ceiling, while that nose was at the boundary between Rooms 203 and 204.


I tensed up. There wasn’t enough space for me to properly straighten my back here. This ceiling was so low I had to stoop over uncomfortably. I probably wouldn’t even be able to access the corners.


Leaped toward the nose with all my strength!

The nose, which had been watching me, seemed unprepared for my move and stumbled, unable to react accordingly.

“… Ah!”

But there was one problem.

Just as my footsteps caused a crack earlier, this place reacted the same way.

Despite not being heavier than the average girl, I found myself breaking through the ceiling of Room 204.

But on the bright side, there was one positive thing.

That the nose had fallen right in front of me.


Do you remember those sticky toys you could get from those old-fashioned toy vending machines? There were styles shaped like mallets or hands, with a material that would probably be terrible for your skin.

If you hurled them vigorously at the ground, they’d lose their shape entirely. They’d stick to the ground, showing their squashed form for a while before gradually regaining their shape.

It would be just like if a slime monster existed in real life.

And the thing that fell before my eyes was similar.

The nose turned instantly into a mass of flesh.

Flat against the ground, it was slowly regaining its shape.

I didn’t miss the chance and rushed in quickly.

The sensation of its skin, resembling human flesh yet unnaturally squishy, was vividly felt in my hands.


I involuntarily let out that sound while raising the knife.

And just as I tried to stab down—


Sniff, snort.

The nose quivered and emitted that sound, making me pause my movements.

I found it incredibly repulsive. I wanted to get rid of it right on the spot.


But there was something strangely undeniable about the faint vibrations I was feeling in my hands.

“Fine, I’ll let you go.”

As I said that, its movements stopped.

Still pinned to the floor by my knee, the nose still resembled a cluster of human skin that had been squashed and flattened across the floor.

It didn’t seem like much of a threat in this state.

“I’ll let you go, so don’t run away, alright?”

Would it understand me?

I earnestly hoped it would.

I shifted my body to the side.

With a splash, I sat down on the floor.

Every part of me ached. I thought I had scratched myself somewhere during the fall.

The room I had entered was, indeed, one of the rooms I had checked previously.

Looking up at the ceiling, I noticed that the fluorescent light had popped as well.

However, it didn’t appear as if any wires were severed. At least, I could still hear the refrigerator hum.

The unpleasant smell wafted in through my nose.

Still, it was a relief that my neighboring room’s ceiling wasn’t wrecked. If that odor had transferred to my unit, I’d likely have given up living here.

“… What are you?”

Sniff, sniff.

In response to my question, the nose made its way toward the corner of the room.

Still seated, I stared intently at it.

In an almost endearing manner, it trembled in the corner as if it had no intentions of attacking me…

Well, it didn’t instill much confidence. Honestly, if it were just a little smaller, I’d have taken it down immediately. It’s human nature to want to squish any creepy crawlers crawling in your room.

I pointed the fillet knife towards the refrigerator.

“Is that you?”

Sniff, sniff.

Was it a nod or a shake? Or merely quivering in fear?


I tugged at my own hair in frustration.

Seeing it like this, I started to understand why they had dealt with it in that manner.

In other words… was it a “failed product”?

It seemed that it hadn’t managed to attract the attention of the Jjapgurasu. Yet, I doubted it was powerful enough to truly pose a threat either.

Despite that, a success is a success. That’s its… divine essence in many ways.

Rather than completely expunging it, they likely intended to hide it for now.

Sniff, sniff.

I had no idea how it could make that sound with just a nose. Isn’t snoring something that comes from the throat?

Even if we say it’s not a natural phenomenon, this idea could fly.

Staring blankly at the gaping hole in the ceiling above me, I finally realized that perhaps the Jjapgurasu’s newfound cooperativeness over the last few days had been for a reason.

If I were to see this while watching, it would be amusing from a third party’s perspective.

Damn it.

What should I do now?

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