I Became the Final Subjugation Target of That Era’s Light Novel

Chapter 65


I stared up at the sky.

It was nighttime, but it was clear enough to tell easily. No matter how dark it is, if the sky is filled with dark clouds, it always feels gloomy.

It wasn’t a full moon, but the moon still maintained a somewhat round shape. To be precise, it looked like it was in between a crescent moon and a full moon.

Even so, the moonlight was sufficient. After all, this is a city famous as a tourist spot. It doesn’t get dark easily just because night has fallen.

There were quite a few people out at the beach even at this time. Almost no one was alone; most were walking along the shore in small groups of two or three.

Even the TV in the hotel room wasn’t mentioning anything about a typhoon. It wouldn’t be unusual for a typhoon to pass by at this time of year, but the weather forecast assured us that it would be clear for the entire three nights and four days we were here.

…Could it be that I mixed up the dates?

We are here from August 5th to the 8th for three nights and four days. Although typhoons are known for their rapid movement, the usual spots where typhoons develop are a little far. If one were approaching, it should have started showing up a few days ago.

I leaned against the hotel terrace railing, pondering the episode that I had read in a novel.

The novel never specified which beach they went to. Naturally, no dates were clearly given either, only describing it as “one day in August.”

It didn’t mention anything about weather forecasts either.

If that’s the case, what was important was figuring out from which day the typhoon started to rage, but I couldn’t recall that at all.

…It was definitely not the first day, but—


I flinched when a voice suddenly shouted next to me.

When I turned to look, it was Koko.

“Koko, you shouldn’t shout in a place like this.”

“Shouldn’t I?”


It seemed my words didn’t deter her at all.

I can’t figure this girl out. I should have asked Kagami about her in more detail last time. Well, I didn’t really expect detailed information, but I could have at least tried.

I opened my phone.

As I scrolled through the email list, I found messages we exchanged before coming here. Asking where to go after arriving at the station, how long it would take, and stuff like that.

Continuing to scroll, I found a friendly message sent by Miura, Yamashita, and Fukuda. There wasn’t much in it. Just asking if I was enjoying my vacation, where I was currently having fun, and suggesting we should meet up.

It seemed Kaneko and Izumi went to play at the beach together. Kaneko’s email also mentioned that Izumi had asked her to send his regards.

And as I continued to scroll up the email list, I saw the email from the day when Yuuki and Kagami caught on to Koko’s existence.

Kagami had sent me an email that day from the apartment.

[What on earth do you think that is?]

…That was the email.

It seemed Kagami had probably caught on to Koko’s identity by this point.

She was tremendously flustered and sent me that email.

I read the email only after finishing my conversation with Kagami. I thought to myself, “I shouldn’t read it now?” and didn’t get to read it until long after that day had passed.

Then I felt a slight question arise.

Well, I get why she was flustered. They sealed away Koko themselves, so it must have felt odd to them that I created her in my form and was keeping her with me. Before she heard from me about Koko wandering around, she probably thought I had lost my mind and pulled Koko’s body out from the fridge to reassemble it or something.

‘What do you think that is?’

Isn’t it natural to think of her as a being just like me? Logically speaking… No, I suppose it was a lot beyond common sense in the current situation.

Was there something about this that I didn’t know?

For a puzzle piece like that, the fact they left it up to me felt somewhat unconcerned as well.

Or perhaps, did it mean they couldn’t be responsible for such a being?


While I was quietly gazing at the sea alongside Koko, the door opened, and Yuuki entered.

“They said it’s almost time for dinner.”

“Got it.”

I’ve been in these clothes long enough anyway.

I took Koko’s hand and led her.


“Yeah, food.”


Looking at Koko’s sparkling eyes, I hesitated again for a moment.

…What would happen if I used up all the meat in the fridge?

Would I turn into a giant while maintaining this form?

“Dinner will be yakiniku.”


Good. That’s not something to worry about right now.

In fact, I wasn’t overly worried about Raiju appearing. Yuuki was here, I was here, and Hagiwara was here too. Yōkai… Well, it might not be so easy, but we could definitely catch it.

Anyway, it’s not like anything was going to appear right now.

For now, let’s focus on the meat. Let’s enjoy grilled meat that we haven’t had in a long time.

As I sparkled with excitement, Yuuki smiled at my face. When I looked back at Yuuki, he cleared his throat.

“I heard it’s a really famous place around here. Apparently, we made a reservation a long time ago.”


“Yeah. Shii.”

What a straightforward personality.

While I could sympathize with how that personality was formed, I still think it would be seen positively.

Once we get into stories related to her parents, I guess I’ll have to take care of her well then.


Koko tilted her head.

“It’s something delicious.”


No, in those situations, you should put a question mark at the end.

If you say it like that, it just becomes a decision.

I suppose as long as the meat isn’t weird, it’s bound to be delicious.

The meat was really tasty. It certainly lived up to its reputation.

I had a bit of a struggle keeping Koko from trying to shove raw meat into her mouth, but after a while, she started eating what I grilled for her quite enthusiastically, so that made me feel good.

I didn’t see my younger sister from my previous life… It didn’t come to mind. She didn’t really feel like the perfect younger sister to me like Koko does.

No, actually, in the general sense, she might have been much closer to what a younger sister should be.

Every time we talked, she would sassily tease me, and she hardly spoke in daily conversation. I think we were close in our own way, but it felt oddly awkward too.

Koko, compared to that, was much… what should I say? Kind? Charming? It might just be because she doesn’t know anything yet.

While I was busy grilling meat for Koko, I felt the gazes of the people around me getting poignant.

Yuuki kept putting his meat on my plate. Thanks to that, I got to eat my fill as well, but I had no idea how much Yuuki himself was eating. From what I could see, he was consuming just as much as I was.

After finishing our meal, we wandered around here and there.

Aimlessly walking through the city, we ended up at a karaoke room and sang songs.

Koko seemed to be much more interested in the tambourine than singing. At first, she was shaking it too loudly, so I showed her a suitable rhythm to shake it, and her eyes sparkled as she diligently shook it around.


Yuuki passed me the remote control.

“We should sing at least one song.”

Looking at Yuuki, who smiled while saying that, I thought for a moment that maybe the real male lead in this novel was Yuuki instead of Sasaki.

In the novel, characters portraying violent girls are introduced that occasionally beat up the male lead but are extremely sweet to women.

But now, our relationship wasn’t like that at all.

I took the remote and started flipping through the songbook.

We got a TV back home, but just like in my previous life, I didn’t have a particular interest in celebrities.

Well, just like when I went out with Miura last time, I had no choice but to pick something familiar to Japanese otaku.




It seemed that the compliments Miura and Fukuda had given me were not just empty words.

Even Koko, who was vigorously shaking the tambourine, looked on wide-eyed, suggesting that me singing well was an objective truth.

After all, I had already received compliments in a meeting once.

Once I finished singing, everyone applauded, which made me feel a bit awkward.

Still, it didn’t feel bad.

It was a kind of compliment I had never received in my past life.

On the way back, I bought a lot of snacks and bread.

I planned to have some snacks while chatting late into the night in our room. Isn’t that the charm of traveling?

While preparing for the night, someone knocked softly on our door.

Thinking it was Shii, I opened the door, but was surprised to see someone taller than me looking down at me.


Then, seeing the person in front of me, they looked uncertain about what to say.


Didn’t I greet you earlier today?

As I bowed my head slightly, the atmosphere between us became even more awkward.

“Uh, well…”

“Yuuki is inside.”

As I said that and tried to move aside, Hagiwara quickly shook her head.

“No, no.”

Then she awkwardly lowered her hands and continued speaking.

“I came to see you.”


I stared up at Hagiwara. It seemed that being gazed at made her a little uncomfortable, as she began to look around.

“Let’s have a chat.”

Yuuki, who had come up behind me, said.

“I’ll keep an eye on Koko.”

“Is that okay?”

“Of course. Koko is cute.”

In the room, Koko was already tearing into a bag of bread.

…I suppose it should be fine.

I didn’t think Yuuki would leave Koko unattended.


“Thanks for what?”

Yuuki replied and then turned to Hagiwara.

“Just so you know, if you’re going to do something to Kurosawa—”

“…No. That’s not why I’m here.”

Hagiwara replied to Yuuki’s warning.

Her demeanor was the opposite of the confident attitude she showed in front of Sasaki. In fact, all day today, every time Hagiwara was near me, she seemed to carry that kind of vibe. Especially when she saw me taking care of Koko, that tension grew even stronger.

Could it be guilt?

“If anything happens, I’ll get in touch.”

I pulled my phone out of my pocket as I spoke. Yuuki nodded.

Looking back at Hagiwara.

“…I’ll head out.”


In response to my words, Hagiwara quietly replied.

There’s a term called “gap moe.”

The trends among otaku evolve and change over time, so there’s a chance that the phrase “gap moe” may fall out of use in the 2020s. There’ll likely be a more refined term that carries a similar meaning.

But, given that this is 20 years ago, no one will say anything about using such words.

The concept of “tsundere” was also just starting to become popular.

Anyway, judging by that gap moe concept, Hagiwara’s demeanor right now was precisely that vibe.

In everyday life, she would flirt with the main character to an almost frivolous degree, but when it came to serious conversations, she would turn serious or show a somewhat vulnerable side, which is a common trait among characters of that type.

Of course, Hagiwara wouldn’t lean on me like that. If anything, she might try to rely on Sasaki because of this incident.

We both stepped out onto the beach.

We didn’t go all the way down to the sandy shore but only went as far as where the buildings allowed a view of the beach.

Now that it was fully night, there were hardly any people playing at the beach. Even if there were, obviously no one was going into the water.


Hagiwara seemed to hesitate for a moment, keeping her mouth shut, then asked,

“Are you okay from that time you were stabbed?”

“I’m fine.”

I answered simply.

“Well, still…”

“That time was so sudden.”

It seemed like Hagiwara was about to make her words lengthy, so I responded quickly.

“But, you were stabbed with a knife.”

I gazed steadily at Hagiwara.


“Why? Why?”

Seeing me stare at her like that, Hagiwara seemed a little flustered. No, not just a little. If someone is only a little flustered, they wouldn’t be unable to meet my gaze.

“Um, well, can you tell me just one thing?”

“One thing?”

“Yes. I’m curious about one thing.”

“…Sure, if I can answer it, I will.”

“That day, who told you that Kudan was there?”

Hearing my question, Hagiwara blinked in surprise.

“I did that to reach that place…”

Hagiwara looked at my wrist, which had been treated.

It wasn’t just a glance; she was looking at my wrist where I got stabbed with a knife and bled everywhere.

“Your senpai and those people, how did they know to come?”


Hagiwara seemed deep in thought for a moment before letting out a long sigh.

Then she slowly opened her mouth.

“There are people on our side too.”


“I can’t get into details. They’re hiding their identities too. It might actually be better if you don’t talk about it.”


In Japanese  light novels, it’s common to take inspiration from some organization or religion while emphasizing only the “mystical” parts.

I understand. It would be more interesting for the readers that way. Plus, I know that Christianity hasn’t gained much influence in Japan.

There are several churches in every neighborhood, and in major cities, there’s usually at least one cathedral where people walk around wearing crosses in South Korea, so if someone were to say, “The church is concealing its power!” it would just make me snicker.

Hagiwara spoke about the history of those who had “long hidden.”

In that case, it’s not particularly surprising if there are people in this work who specialize in hiding themselves.

“Even so, how could you make it that far…?”

“Was there really something nearby?”

Hagiwara looked at me.

Did she not hear me?

Well, I doubt the Japanese government people would form collusions with foreign religions. The Catholic Church must even have ties with the Vatican.

Strictly speaking, it can’t be called a powerful sovereign nation, but its religious influence is widespread in countries where Catholicism is the majority.

I wouldn’t want to lose dominance by getting involved with that violent and armed version of Catholicism that exists in this world either.

It’s likely that Miura knows Yuuki and others for the same reason.

“There are also people who chase beings that are not of this world on our side.”


“Usually through prayers.”


“How about that? Isn’t it clear? It means there’s someone who responds to prayers, right?”


“…Well, in your case, it might be strange for you to believe in God.”


“Why indeed?”

At my question, Hagiwara looked surprised and stared at me.

Well… I admit, I do entertain a similar kind of thought.

If a being like God has a conscience, surely they wouldn’t lead me to hell.

In my previous life, I lived that way, and even now, if they wouldn’t pity me after spilling blood like that, then that God wouldn’t be considered a good being.


Hagiwara hesitated a bit before speaking.

“The situation is a bit, well, peculiar.”

I gazed at Hagiwara for a moment.

Hagiwara seemed to be looking around uncomfortably again.

“If God exists, then that wouldn’t matter.”

Hagiwara looked at me with wide eyes.

“And even if there is a being called God, there’s a chance they might not be benevolent.”

After saying that, I started walking.

Hagiwara didn’t try to convince me otherwise.

She didn’t mention anything about being a heretic or anything like that.

Calling me a fanatic would feel somewhat soft.


As Hagiwara walked beside me, she slowly opened her mouth.

“If things get too hard, you could come to our church as well.”


“There have been children in similar situations whom we helped. I’m sure the priests will treat you kindly.”

I felt tempted for just a brief moment, but I quickly shook that thought out of my head.

Are you telling me to leave Koko at a church?

Half of me isn’t worried that an alien being would suddenly burst into flames or melt in front of the cross, but considering that the church in this world hunts non-human beings, that’s far too dangerous.

If they observed her for weeks or months, they’d easily realize she wasn’t human.

If Hagiwara became friends with Koko, she might even hesitate to eliminate her, but for now, the risks were too high.

“I’ll handle this myself.”


“…That’s just easier for me.”

After I made that remark, Hagiwara exhaled quietly and stopped making suggestions.

As we walked back to the hotel room, Hagiwara didn’t say anything.

I placed my hand on the doorknob. Hagiwara passed behind me and headed to her own room.

After pausing to think for a moment, I looked back at Hagiwara and spoke.



“…Are you going to gather soon?”


“Shii wanted all of us to gather and talk.”


Hagiwara seemed to tremble slightly, as if glancing my way.

“Will it be okay for you?”


I silently shook my head.

“Not at all.”


In response to my answer, Hagiwara seemed to drift into thought for a moment before breaking into a small smile.

“Okay. I’ll go. I doubt Sota will come looking for me while I’m all alone in my room.”

…If Sasaki does come by, what are they planning to do together?

Aren’t you a nun?

“You know, I’m surprised you’re much stronger than I expected. A bit surprising.”

As I got lost in serious thought about Hagiwara’s real situation, she remarked and went into her own room.

…Is that so?

Perhaps the events from my previous life had helped me a lot.

I shrugged slightly and opened my room door.



And for some reason, I locked eyes with Yuuki, who was pinching Koko’s chubby cheeks with both of his hands.

“…Um, well, that’s…”


“Well, it just looks really soft…”

I slowly closed the door again.

“No, Kurosawa! I’m not trying to touch your cheeks!”

No, we look the same!
I know that well. I originally showed my body to her for her to follow me.
Well, she might be chubbier than me.

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